JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Fiction ❯ Dynamite and a laser beam ❯ Stand Apprehension Test ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Yoshihara walked down to the change rooms. With a hefty sigh, she got undressed and put on the Yuei exercise uniform. It was an ugly shade of blue with a white U and A, horribly mashed together to make a logo of sorts. It was gross in her opinion; however, she was glad to be out of the skirt. She did have another gripe with the outfit, it was tight… too tight. She looked at the size and groaned in annoyance. It was two sizes too small. She looked around for a spare outfit and changed into it. This one was way better and gave her more movement. It was still one size smaller, but it wasn't as tight to her body.

Smirking to herself, she exited the change room and got outside. The whole class was now looking at her with a hint of annoyance. A couple of students murmured about her sleeping in class, and actively ignoring Aizawa. Yoshihara paid no mind to those who said that, instead, she focused on a person she didn't think she'd see again. Josefumi Kujo. The boy stood nearly at the same height as Josuke and the same height as the ravenette from before. She knew he was tall, but she never expected him to be that tall.

"Alright class, now that everyone is here, we will be doing a quirk apprehension test." A man with long black hair, a giant grey scarf, two metal shoulder pads, a weapons belt, and a black jumpsuit said. This person was most likely Aizawa. Yoshihara stood just behind the crowd of people, eyeing up her classmates. All of them were ranging in heights, but none of them went below five feet. As she scanned the area, she was able to make out a few interesting characters.

One girl who had brown hair in the style of a bob-cut. A boy with spikey red hair, that same blue-haired boy from the entrance exam, a boy with overly round elbows, and a girl with long green hair with a slouched back. Then, of course, there was Katsuki, Izuku, Josuke, and Josefumi. The others she either saw as not worth her time at the moment or, she just didn't care about their existence. She had completely reverted into her serious mode, where she acted more like a sociopath then how she usually was.

"What about the orientation!?" The brown-haired girl said as Jotaro sighed. "Yuei is known for its unique freedom of its students, the same applies to the teachers. If the teacher wants to, they can skip the orientation and move straight to the course. This is the hero course, not general studies, not the support course. This is where you will be worked like dogs and whipped into shape mercilessly until you can protect the world. Now, stop your bitching and get with the program." Jotaro stated, causing everyone to gasp in shock and the brown-haired girl to look away with a pout on her face.

"Thank you Kujo. Just like he said, there is no time to delay. We don't have time for pointless things such as the orientation. If you want, you can ask the other hero course students what you missed." Aizawa stated as he glanced over the crowd of students. Each of them were in different states of confusion and also varying degrees of annoyance. The year had barely started and no one liked the assistant teacher. They weren't supposed to like any of the teachers, and as much as Jotaro wanted to whip them into shape his way, he had to follow the rules a tiny bit.

"Before we begin. I'd like Josefumi Kujo, and Yoshihara Kira to step forward please." Jotaro said as Yoshihara swallowed back the fear growing in her throat. Was she going to be made an example of in front of everyone? Was he going to expose her past to everyone? Was he going to tell everyone about who her father was? She knew Jotaro knew about both, and if he were to reveal that… she would be screwed! She walked up to the front of the class as Jotaro glared at them both.

"These two, along with Josuke Higashikata are what you would call, Stand users. They are quirkless individuals with powers. These powers are different per person, and they cannot be passed down by any means. Some may look similar to their parents, but they will have completely different abilities than their counterparts. Now, Stands have been around since the early 1900s, and predate quirks by nearly 100 years. Only a small amount of people can gain stands, and for the past 50 years, those with Stands were rare." Jotaro stated as everyone stared at him in shock.

"Now, it has been a long-standing theory that Quirks and Stands are linked. To which, they are. I've been in multiple fields of study, and I've even helped a multitude of researchers due to my own Stand. The reason why Quirks even exist is because of the same virus that created Stands in the first place. Theoretically speaking, you are all diseased. However, due to the fact that the virus that created Stands is harmless, and only mutates people by giving them supernatural powers, and the fact that it is not contagious, you, as well as 80% of the population, are allowed to walk amongst the 'Quirkless' people." Jotaro continued leaving everyone in silence.

Yoshihara for one had no idea why Jotaro was saying all of this. It was confusing, but she got the basic understanding of what it was he was saying, in laments terms, he was saying everyone is equal on a more literal term. "Now with all that being said. Due to the extreme differences between the powers. I'm going to have Yoshihara and Josefumi be ranked differently than the rest of you." Jotaro said as he looked at Josuke. "You've already proved yourself to me back in Morioh when you defeated Yoshikage, and I've already talked to Aizawa, so you can sit this one out," Jotaro said as he looked back at Yoshihara and Josefumi.

"Now you two, I have a special test for the two of you, come with me," Jotaro said as everyone eyed the two Stand users with jealousy. That was when Aizawa got all of their attention and made them go do their own tests. Yoshihara felt off about all of this, she knew this was a test to see how strong they were, but it weirded her out that they were being separated from the rest of the group. As Jotaro led them to the other side of the field he huffed.

"Ok, you two. This test is to see just how powerful your Stands are based on their strengths, weaknesses, and overall abilities. Yoshihara, I was made aware that your Stand is [Killer Queen]. Normally I wouldn't test you, but I heard from Josuke that it is different from your fathers. I want to see that for myself." Jotaro stated as Yoshihara nodded. "Josefumi. I know very little about your Stand due to your mother not being very trusting of me. However, despite that, I wish to see just what it is that you are capable of. Do I make myself clear?" Jotaro said as Josefumi nodded.

"Good, now, bring out your stands. Let's first see your destructive power. Yoshihara, you're up first." Jotaro said as he summoned his Stand beside him. It was purple from head to toe, it had long black wavy hair, and it had a white loincloth wrapped around its waist. It wore black gloves with golden orbs on its knuckles and it had golden and white shoulder pads. "This is [Star Platinum: The World]. It is one of the most powerful Stands in existence. However, do not let that discourage you from trying to train yourselves to become just as powerful." Jotaro stated as he looked at Yoshihara.

"Kira. Bring out your [Killer Queen]." Jotaro demanded as Yoshihara let out a deep sigh. Her body began to glow in a purple hue as [Killer Queen] appeared behind her. Jotaro noticed that it looked different since it was female, but it still looked like the [Killer Queen] he beat the shit out of back in Morioh. "Ok, now, punch [Star Platinum]. Depending on how much damage you do, will depend on what grade you will get in destructive power. However, it might change depending on what I see later down the line." Jotaro stated as Yoshihara nodded.

[Killer Queen] walked up to [Star Platinum] and reared its fist back. [Star Platinum] made an X like formation across its chest as [Killer Queen] punched the block. This knocked [Star Platinum] back a few meters, around 5 to 6 meters. Jotaro flinched at the hit, but it was nothing he hadn't felt before. "Ok, good hit, that's a B in Destructive power. Josefumi, you're up next." Jotaro stated as Josefumi sighed, summoning his Stand beside him.

"[Soft and Wet]!" Josefumi shouted as it punched [Star Platinum]'s arm block. It made Jotaro's stand move back 3 meters as Jotaro huffed.

"That's a C in destructive power. Now on to the next test, speed." Jotaro stated as he led them to a steel punching bag. "Next, you will have your Stands punch rush this bag. Meaning, I want you to have your Stand punch it as fast as you can make it and make each hit count. This could go to boosting or lowering your destructive power Stat. Now, Yoshihara, you'll go first." Jotaro stated as Yoshihara walked up to the punching bag. [Killer Queen] came up in front of the punching bag and unleashed a devastating punch rush.


The punch rush finished as steam came off of the metal punching bag. The counter above it clocked in at around 100 hits per second. The rush lasted for 8 seconds, meaning that [Killer Queen] punched the metal punching bag 800 times. Jotaro was impressed. "Very good, that is an A in speed. Josefumi, you're up next." Jotaro stated as Josefumi walked up to the punching bag. He had [Soft and Wet] stand beside him as it began its own punch rush.


Just like the last time, steam came off the punching bag as Josefumi sighed. The counter above the punching bag clocked in at 120 punches per second. The punch rush lasted 12 seconds, so doing the math, Jotaro clocked it up to 1200 punches. "A bit slow, however, very strong. your speed stat is resting at a B." Jotaro stated as Josefumi hung his head down low. "Hey, look at me Josefumi. Don't be disappointed. You were able to punch more than Yoshihara, meaning you would've easily beaten her in a punch rush duel. So take some pride in knowing that." Jotaro stated as Josefumi nodded.

"Now, onto endurance," Jotaro stated as [Star Platinum] appeared again. "[Star Platinum] will send a punch rush your way. I will time just how long you can withstand it. It will be at full strength, so prepare yourself. Yoshihara, you're up." Jotaro stated as Yoshihara walked up to [Star Platinum] as it readied its fists. [Killer Queen] stood in front of its user and prepared an X like formation to block the punches. Then, [Star Platinum] began its punch rush.


The punch rush only lasted two seconds before [Star Platinum] began to pummel [Killer Queen]. Jotaro stopped it as Yoshihara crumbled on the floor as she spat out blood. She had never been in so much pain before. She had been beaten before, sure, but that was one punch or two slaps, or even being whipped by a belt. But she had never been outright assaulted by another Stand before.

"That was good, you were able to last two seconds. Not many people can, good on you. C in Endurance, however, because of how fast you crumbled." Jotaro said as he pointed to Josuke, who came over from the sidelines to heal Yoshihara. "Now, Josefumi, you're up," Jotaro said as the younger Kujo mentally prepared himself for the beating. [Soft and Wet] created the X formation in front of itself as [Star Platinum] began the punch rush.


Compared to Yoshihara, Josefumi was able to last two more seconds longer than her, and he didn't crumble instantly. "I see your mother has been training you well Josefumi. That is a B in Endurance. Next up will be range after Josuke finishes healing Yoshihara." Jotaro said as Josuke grumbled. Aizawa and the rest of Class 1-A were watching the testing that Jotaro was making them do. They had been allowed a five-minute break and decided to watch the testing Jotaro was doing. Everyone was suddenly now glad they didn't have to go through the same thing they were doing.

Izuku and Katsuki were both flabbergasted at the beating they just watch unfold before them. While they watched, Josuke was annoyed at how much damage Jotaro had done. Yoshihara had eight broken ribs, several torn muscles and internal bleeding. It would take easily two minutes for her to be fully healed.

"Josuke, what is taking so long?" Jotaro asked as Josuke glared daggers at his 'nephew.' It annoyed him; however, it made more sense than it normally would've. Josuke was the product of a one-night stand between his mom and Joseph Joestar. His mom, Tomoko Higashikata had gotten to see Joseph one last time before he went back to America, and he apologized to her for not being able to help financially. To make up for it. He paid off all their bills for their lifetime, paid all their mortgagees, and even gave Tomoko 5 million yen as an apology.

To say that Tomoko was happy was an understatement. However, she was bitter for him not being there and finding out that he was already married. Something she didn't know at the time. Her and Susie Q met and while at first, they hated each other, they ended up getting along.

Due to Josuke's father being Joseph Joestar, that made him Jotaro's uncle, and that meant Jotaro was his nephew. "Gonna need five minutes. [Crazy Diamond] can only heal so much at a time and be accurate." Josuke stated as Jotaro sighed. Five minutes went by and Josuke finally healed Yoshihara and Josefumi back to full health.

"Ok, now we can move on to range," Jotaro said as Josuke went back to watch at the sidelines, and the rest of Class 1-A went back to their tests. Yoshihara and Josefumi followed Jotaro over to a measuring pit. The farthest was 100 meters, and the shortest was 2 meters. "Using your ranged attacks, if you have one, you will be judged by how far they can go. 2-5 meters is E, 6-10 meters is D, 11-30 meters is C, 31-70 meters is B, and 71-100 meters is A. Do I make myself clear?" Jotaro asked as Yoshihara and Josefumi both nodded.

"Ok, Yoshihara, you're up," Jotaro said as he watched her vigilantly. He expected to see [Sheer Heart Attack] come out of [Killer Queen]'s hand, however, instead, what he saw shocked him. Instead of [Sheer Heart Attack], a bubble came out of [Killer Queen]'s index finger and shot out at 50 miles per hour. It made it up to 35 meters before it exploded. Jotaro was shocked, that was something [Killer Queen] couldn't do for Yoshikage, so perhaps Jotaro was right about Yoshihara in assuming that while she does have [Killer Queen], it is completely different to how Yoshikage's was.

"Very impressive. That is a B in range. Josefumi, you're up next. We only have 30 minutes before we have to send you home for the day. We only have until orientation ends so make it quick." Jotaro stated as Josefumi nodded. Josefumi also had his Stand, [Soft and Wet] shoot a bubble out of its finger, but instead of it exploding, it popped on a nearby tree branch, causing it to lose all its leaves. It was only 10 meters, which made Jotaro unimpressed.

"Well, I have to say, as far as ranged attacks go, that was kind of pathetic. However, I will say, that the ability is pretty interesting. You'll have to tell me more about it on the car ride back to your parents. Anyways, D in range. Now we move on to precision, which will rely on your ranged attacks." Jotaro confirmed as the two walked over to a steel dummy.

"Yoshihara, you know the drill," Jotaro stated as Yoshihara had [Killer Queen] use its explosive bubble to hit the dummy. There was a bullseye on it, the goal was to hit a bullseye. If you got the bullseye, you would have an A in precision, a line away, B, two lines away, C, three, D, four lines, E. It was simple, yet effective. Yoshihara managed to miss by two lines, landing her a C in precision. Josefumi got a C as well. Both of them were matched in the precision department.

The tests finished as Jotaro tipped his hat. "Yare yare daze. You both did well. Yoshihara, your final stats for [Killer Queen] are Destructive power: A, this is because of your explosive bubbles. Speed: A, Range: C, Endurance: C, precision: C, and finally, developmental potential: A. You have a lot of potential to be a strong hero, don't forget that." Jotaro said as Yoshihara nodded, a smile on her face as [Killer Queen] patted its user on the head.

"Josefumi, your final Stats are Destructive power: C, Speed: B, Range: D, Endurance: B, Precision: C, Developmental potential: A. Same thing as I said to Yoshihara, you have a lot of potential in being a Strong hero. Now, we are all out of time. Meet up with the rest of your class and get changed. Josefumi, wait for me at the front of the school. Now, you guys are dismissed." Jotaro stated as Yoshihara let out a heavy sigh of relief. She ran to catch up to the class as she entered the school along with everyone else.

She had caught up to Katsuki, who looked at her with a smirk. "I saw what happened between you and Kujo-sensei. You got your ass beat." Katsuki stated as Yoshihara rolled her eyes. "So, did he think you were good enough or no?" Katsuki asked as Yoshihara sighed.

"Would I still be in school if he didn't think so?" Yoshihara asked as Katsuki nodded. As they walked down the hallway, they both got into their respective change rooms. Yoshihara ended up getting changed in one of the other stales to avoid getting seen wearing the slutty underwear that Mitsuki gave her. What was so slutty about the underwear? Simple, it didn't cover her actual privates. It left a gaping hole where they were. It pissed her off, and she was going to beat the crap out of Mitsuki for it.

When she got out of the change room, she stormed to meet up with Katsuki and left the school. All the while Yoshikage's ghost smirked. He chuckled to himself, he remembered just how much of a prankster his sister was. It was the reason why he was smiling when he followed her to Midoriya's in the first place. As the explosive pair walked home from their first day at Yuei, Yoshikage watched from just above them and sighed.

"I won't leave your side until you become a proper hero, or die being one Yoshihara. I never got to help raise you, so this is my way of doing so." Yoshikage said to himself as he faded out of sight.

- To be continued –