Kill Me Kiss Me Fan Fiction ❯ Somebody Told Me ❯ Tell Me Lies... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Somebody Told Me
Chapter 5:
Tell Me Lies...
Well somebody told me
That you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February
-The Killers
Truly the most interesting thoughts flicker through one's mind during early morning. Ga-woon's overprotective mother seemed to be having a serious case of insomnia, as thoughts of her beloved son's sexuality ran rampart. Mrs. Kim rolled onto her side for the fifth time that night. Then so her stomach was facing downward. Then returning to the position she was in, on her back, she checked the digital clock on the millionaires' fancy side table.
"Honey," the blonde woman stage-whispered to her husband, giving him a not-so-gentle nudge between the shoulder blades.
He snorted suddenly, his brown eyes flying open. "Huh? Wha?" He turned so he faced his wife. "Whattisit?"
"Honey, you know our son, Ga-woon?"
Mr. Kim had a pretty decent sense of humor, despite being woken up at three o'clock in the morning. His usually cultured voice was slurred with sleep as he replied, "Well, he's the only son we got."
"Today he acted very strange..." She put one polished nail on her chin thoughtfully before sitting up and turning on the lamp.
Her husband groaned, trying to retreat under the covers. "More than he usually is?"
She huffed. "He informed me a female would be tutoring him, and I replied that he would become sidetracked if so." Mr. Kim sat up abruptly, eyes narrowed, an unbelieving eyebrow raised.
"Yer tossin' and turnin' because he actually cares about his grades?" It was remarkable how much he sounded like Ga-woon at 3 in the morning.
"Of course not." She shot back primly. The blonde woman sniffed before explaining. "I merely mentioned that perhaps a male tutor would be less distracting and-"
Her husband yawned, a high tone carrying into his voice. "Annnnnnn'?"
"And- this is the peculiar part- his face turned an unusual red color." Mr. Kim's eyebrows shot up, and before he could retort, she went on, "I think he blushed."
He seemed to consider this for a moment, before finally repeating, "An'?"
Ga-woon's mother licked her lips nervously and spoke again. "Don't you think it's odd that he never goes on dates with girls?" Her eyes were wide and searching.
An exaggeratedly large droplet of sweat rolled down Mr. Kim's spiky head as his eyes retracted into small dots. "Hun, that'syer fault..."
"He went out with a 'friend' today, he told me it was Kun, but it wasn't..."
"Ya tailed 'im?"
"Ye-es! And he was with... well, this little fairy-like thing-er, person, and... I couldn't tell the gender, but I distinctly heard him call the thi-er, um, 'friend', Tae."
His jaw dropped. "Ain't that a guy's name?"
"I'm not sure." There was a hefty silence. "Do you think... Is... our son... ahem, queer?"
"Yer overreactin'." He flopped down, wrapping himself up in their comforter.
"Am I?" she said shrilly. "Am I?"
He gave her no answer, his mind already back in dreamland. The drool soaking his pillow overlapped that which had already accumulated, and a happy expression rested on his face.
"AM I?"