Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams of the Soul ❯ Chapter 5 Yen Sid ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dreams of the Soul chapter 5
Yen Sid
“See, see mistress? I did it! I stole the chains, and some power too! See? Did you see!?” Irubenix hopped about happily, excitedly, as a women in a the same coat walked up.
Smack! Thump! She rained down two blows on the little thief being. Then she removed her hood. “you little idiot! I told you not to call heartless or nobodies! You were just supposed to steal the stuff, then leave.”
“I'm sorry, mistress, I'm sorry, please forgive Irubenix. Please mistress!”
“don't mess up again. I am dealing with such idiots here! Ajax!” She waved her hand in a dismissive manner at Irubenix as a black man with extreme short hair, one gold earring, and the same coat as herself appeared, kneeling, before her. “Follow them. Keep out of site, don't get caught. If you do…” She left the statement unfinished.
“Yes, Maam. I'm on it.” He smiled in a happy, but comic, manner, then vanished.
* * *
“so that's the story. Please say no one has questions.” Sora was a little out of breath. At the moment, no one was smiling. Then Hayner lit up, holding forth his Keyblade.
“So this is a Keyblade? I wondered what one looked like. I like it.” He grinned as he held it up so that the sun shined off it.
“Whatever losers. I'm not saying I believe you, but I do know I'm staying here to watch the town. You guys go do whatever you like. And take that “Keyblade” with you, if these heartless creatures are really after it.” Seifer crossed his arms, turned, and walked off with his “Disciplinary committee” following after him. Xonic and Draco didn't move. Draco looked at Xonic, who, after a moment, gave a grudging nod.
“Xonic and I are coming with you. We want to find out more about our Keyblades, and what's going on. This could threaten lots of people, not just Twilight Town.
Corim didn't even give Sora or Mu chance to ask before giving his opinion. “Good. We have losst what element of sssurprissse we had by thisss battle. Now, ze more there are, ze better it is. Not to mention, I wish to know now why so many keyblades have appeared.”
Mu looked right at Hayner, still holding his Keyblade. “Hayner, come with us. We could use your help, and maybe you could learn a few things. Plus it's a chance to see all the different worlds out there. Take a shot and go for it.”
Hayner looked surprised by the offer. He nervously looked back at Pence and Ollete. “Go for it Hayner. We don't mind.”
“yeah, go see the world. We can help Seifer's gang watch the town while you're gone, and we'll have a welcome back party for you when everyone comes back from saving the universe.”
“Thanks guys.” Tears started to streak down Hayner's face as he smiled. No one mentioned it, knowing what he'd say.
“So,” said Mu, looking round at everyone: Draco and Xonic, Corim, Sora, Hayner, Pence, and Ollete. “Shall we go?”
“Firsst, how do we get to this yen Sid's tower again?” Corim asked, looking straight at Sora.
“Uh, I guess we have to go take the train.”
Xonic and Draco, looked at each other, grinned, and started running. “Last one there has to run in circles screaming `mommy!' for five minutes!”
Sora looked at Musouka. “I don't want to run in circles screaming mommy for five minutes.” Mu nodded in agreement.
“hey, you two are in last place, better get running!” both turned to see Hayner racing off followed by pence and Ollete.
Musouka took off running, and passed Hayner, pence and Ollete, out of the Sandlot, then tailed Xonic and Draco till the Station was in site. He beat both by about a second. Sora arrived next, with Ollete then Hayner following. Pence arrived last. He looked at all of them, sighed, and started running. Corim appeared, and stopped him.
“Firsst, I am lasst. Seecond, We have should go while the station remains open. Third, I do not feel like running in circles ssscreaming “mommy” for five minutes.” Everyone laughed, even Corim a little.
They entered the Station, and walked onto the platform. The train came in just as they reached the spot. Everyone was a little solemn as they began stepping aboard. Hayner stayed back, Sora and Mu stayed back too because of him.
“Um, uh, well, Bye?” Hayner smiled nervously. Ollete jumped forward and gave him a hug.
“Just go already. We'll be fine. Just make sure to have lots of fun, and take out some of those nobodies for us.”
Pence just gave Hayner the Peace sign, then gave it to Musouka and Sora too. They grinned, and got on. Hayner stepped on, and waved. Pence and Ollete Waved back. “Go for it everyone! Get em!”
Many minutes later, but not a great many, 6 people stepped off the train and onto a tiny island of grass and trees floating in the midst of space. They looked about for a moment, then they all stared up at the Giant tower that dominated everything. The tower in which resided the Greatest Wizard ever known, the man that taught King Mickey himself, Yen Sid.