Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Fun With A Pyro ❯ Fire Revenge ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

S.N.: AxelKagome. n.n Yes, he in some way, shape, or form helped set the last three people up. Now he's going to be set up. I'm making fun of Axel in a good way. n.n;
Axel - 17, Kagome - 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kingdom Hearts. If I did… Hmm… Don't know.
Fire Revenge
“As much as it seems fun… NO!” a red-haired person made an `X' shape in front of themselves.
The other person didn't really look fazed.
“Why not? It's only a little water, Axel.” Kagome stated.
Axel pointed at her, finger touching the tip of her nose.
“I control fire. Water douses fire. What do you think will happen to me if I get wet?!” Axel explained, green eyes flashing in fury.
Kagome's blue-gray eyes looked amused.
“You're not the Wicked Witch of the West, Axel. You aren't going to melt.”
Red eyebrows furrowed and green eyes narrowed.
“I don't care! Water is water!”
“Then you don't like any liquid?”
The pyromaniac paused.
“I like different liquids, just not water!”
Kagome sighed. This was going to be difficult.
Her orbs locked with Axels.
“Can you at least come with me? You don't have to participate.”
The fire user felt his resolve crumbling. He was determined not to give in, but the look in her eyes was breaking it.
“Fine!” he yelled, turning away from her puppy dog pout.
Next thing he knew, Axel was glomped by a happy miko.
A small blush appeared on his face.
“Come on! It's this way!”
Kagome pulled Axel through the corridors in the castle. They were going to leave the castle and into the World That Never Was.
“What are you playing again?”
“Hide `n Seek! You'll love it!”
Axel felt apprehension enter his gut at the mention of the game. Where did the water come in then?
“I was beginning to wonder when you two would show!”
Demyx was waving the duo over. Axel looked like he didn't want to be there.
Kagome winked to the Melodious Nocturne.
Phase One complete. Onto Phase Two.
“Okay! Axel, why don't you count? And no using the portals!”
Roxas grinned at the pyromaniac's unfortunate fate.
“Fine!” said red head went to a building and put his head on it, counting to himself but lout enough to be heard.
The trio (Demyx, Kagome, and Roxas) ran in one direction before splitting up.
Kagome by the truck that was a bit upturned, on the ground behind one of its tires.
Demyx was behind a corner of a building, in the shadow.
Roxas was on a rooftop, flat on his stomach, a little ways from the edge so he wouldn't be seen.
“13…14…15... Ready or not! Here I come!”
Axel stepped away from the building he was resting his head on.
There were no immediate signs of where the trio hid.
`Oh joy…I still have no clue where the water comes from…' the pyro thought nervously.
Demyx, Kagome, and Roxas; although they couldn't see each other; smirked simultaneously.
Phase Two complete. Onto Phase Three.
Axel walked through the empty streets. Every step he took, butterflies grew in his stomach.
Something bad was going to happen.
Axel's eyes widened as a water balloon fell from the sky and missed him by a few inches.
The pyromaniac whipped his head around to look around him.
Where had that come from?!
Axel started walking again, all the while glancing behind him.
Axel landed flat of his ass from a water balloon to the face.
The fire user jumped to his feet, looking in front of him; trying to find where the evil, evil thing came from.
His cool green eyes spotted dirty blonde hair.
“Found you Demyx!”
Said person slumped his shoulders and walked out of his hiding place. The Melodious Nocturne crossed his arms over his chest and looked to be pouting.
“Oh… Damn it!”
“Enough with your belly aching! Found you fair and square.”
Axel was sure he had a smug smirk on his face.
“You get to help me find Tweedledee and Tweedledum.”
“Which is which?”
Axel sighed and brought a hand to his face, “Kagome is Tweedledee and Roxas is Tweedledum.”
Demyx grinned, “Do they know their new names, or no?”
The pyromaniac glared at the water user through a gap between his fingers.
“Shut up and don't you dare tell them. I get a new set of ears from Kagome and a hole in the gut from Roxas.”
Demyx laughed at the red head.
“Shut up and come on.”
With that Axel turned on his heel and set to find the other two.
“It's been an hour already! Where is she?!”
Demyx and Roxas were standing on the sidelines watching their pyromaniac friend pace back and forth.
“Why don't you go search some more for her, Axel? Roxas and I'll head back to the castle, all right?”
Axel was too busy thinking. He merely waved to two off; his other hand was on his chin.
`Where could she be? She drags me out here, I get pelted with water balloons, while missing a few of them, and now I can't find her!' the pyromaniac was positive his eyebrow was twitching.
Axel blinked a few times before registering the fact that a water balloon just skimmed his right ear.
Giggling caught his attention behind him.
The fire user turned around. Green met blue-gray.
“There you are! Man you have terrible aim…”
“What was that?!” by now Kagome was out of her hiding spot and face to face with Axel.
The pyro merely put a finger in his ear and wiggled it a bit.
“Are you trying to make me deaf? I said `you have terrible aim'.”
“That's because I don't have my bow and arrows!”
Blue-gray pools glared heatedly at the red head before her.
Said red head merely grinned at her and shrugged.
“I have pay back for you dragging me out here…”
Kagome swallowed thickly, she had a feeling he'd want revenge.
Axel's green eyes held an evil glint in them.
And before Kagome knew it, she was tackled on the ground by the fire lover.
Lips covered hers in a passion. Kagome's hands found their way into spiky fire hair, her eyes closed.
Axel peaked an eye open, and smirked. He was pleased with the reaction he got from the miko under him.
He smirked against her lips, breaking the short kiss.
Confused, dazed eyes looked back at his triumphant ones.
“You get to be my personal servant for one week.”
Phase Three complete.
Revenge is sweet.
S.N.: n.n Hehe. I had fun writing this one shot. I feel all happy inside now. :) R&R.