Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kurome ❯ Empty Mind ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.N.: Yeah. This is my weird Riku/Kagome/Sephiroth pairing. n.n Hope you like it!

Kagome - 16, Riku - 16, Sephiroth - ? (n_n; . . . #long silence# Sorry…)

Disclaimer: I no own Kingdom Hearts or Inuyasha. I own the games, but I am not the creator of the game or anime.


Empty Mind

She was floating.

That’s what she felt then. Naraku was dead and the last thing she remembered was being thrown into the tree line when he was being slowly purified.

No longer did he have the jewel. Sango and Miroku were killed fighting. The memory of it brought tears to her eyes, if she could cry where she was or if she was even alive.

If she could even remember the pair. Or who Naraku was.

Kagome felt like she was in water. But, at the same time, she could feel a firmness underneath her. Like she was on a floor.

‘Why do my limbs feel like lead? Why is my head pounding? I feel like I was fit by an eighteen wheeler.’

So many questions, so little information did she have.

Warmth spread through her body like a wild fire. Chasing out the chill in her limbs that Kagome didn’t know was there. Her limbs had felt numb to her.

“Is she awake yet Kaede?”

‘Kaede? Who is that? Who just spoke?’

“Nay. She still rests, Inuyasha. Have patience. She will awaken sooner or later.”

‘That sounds like an old woman. Is she helping me?’

“Damn it! How much longer does she need to sleep?! The wench has been asleep for nearly two weeks, you ol’ hag!”

‘Now that is plain rude! Calling someone who is helping me an “old hag”! When I wake up, they are getting an earful.’ the young miko thought angrily to herself.

“Ye best be quiet Inuyasha. Yon girl still rests and she will need it to recover from her being thrown away like a rag doll.”

‘Is that what happened to me? No wonder my head hurts so much. At least one person is considerate of my health…’

“Yeah Inuyasha. Kagome needs her sleep. You yelling will only wake her up!”

‘Make that two people. That person sounded like a kid. Wonder what his name is…’

“Keh! Shut your trap brat!”

‘This Inuyasha sounds like a grouchy person. Remind me never to talk to him later, or like ever if he is always like this…’


Kaede went back to stirring her soup that she had over a small fire to cook her one eye looked to Kagome’s prone form. She prayed the young miko would wake soon.

Hopefully nothing life threatening happened to her if what Inuyasha said was true. Especially the part with her going through all those trees.

‘If something bad does happen, I’ll be here to help her through it. She is too much like a granddaughter to me for me to not help her.’

The aroma of the soup filled the small hut. It was soothing, but had an underlying bitterness to it. Meant to calm one’s nerves.

The old miko’s left eye looked up as Inuyasha entered the hut. He looked worn and troubled by something.

His amber eyes looked to Kagome. They were guarded. it was almost like he didn’t want something to be found out.

“Something ails ye, Inuyasha.”

A gruff sigh escaped his lips. His eyebrows were furrowed on his forehead. His eyes actually shown that he was in deep thought.

“Naraku’s dead… but I have this bad feeling that something is going to happen.”

So that was it. He had expressed his anger to the forest and caused his worn appearance. Kaede blinked and looked down sympathetically.

Now that she thought about it, she felt it as well.

“What could it mean?”

The old priestess’ only good eye met deep gold.

“I do not know. We can only wait for it to pass and leave like it was never there.”

‘And pray that nothing happens to Kagome. She is still not well. If anything, her health is failing a bit…’

The half dog demon looked to the younger priestess before heading out of the hut once again.

The elder woman watched as he left. She prayed he would be all right and that no harm came to him.

She forgot to ask where Shippo was.


The inu hanyou walked wearily through his forest. It was a bit quiet. It had been like that since Naraku had been killed.

‘Yeah, but there is something else here. Adding to the quietness in their own way. Who could it be though?’

With that, Inuyasha walked a bit further into the woods. It got even more quiet as he walked.

But it wasn’t an eerie quiet that sent chills and goosebumps to your skin. It was a bit sorrowful and withdrawn.


Deep, slitted, golden eyes widened as he took in the sight of the silent priestess resting on a low branch of a tree.


Chocolate brown eyes opened and lock gazes with the half inu youkai. Inuyasha could see pain in her eyes.

“How is my reincarnation..?”
Inuyasha blinked. His dog ears twitched a bit in surprise. He hadn’t really expected this sort of question.

“She’s fine. Kaede says she will awaken sooner or later.”

The revived priestess looked away from the hanyou. He could see even more sorrow enter her eyes, as well as pain.

“I hope it is sooner than later.”

‘Huh? Why sooner than later? Is something that wrong with Kagome that Kikyo can feel it through their soul?’

“There is something wrong with Kagome. It…it doesn’t sit well with me. I can feel it like it were my own pain.”

“Was the ol’ hag keeping this from me?!” Inuyasha couldn’t help but be enraged.

A negative head shake from the undead miko was part of his answer.

“No. My sister can’t feel it from old age, but it comes as a bad feeling. …. If Kagome stays unconscious for too long…”

Kikyo purposely left her sentence unfinished. It pained her even more to think of it. Sure she had tried to kill Kagome once, but that was in the past.

Sorrowful chocolate eyes looked to her side, seeing Inuyasha gone.

‘I hope you make the right choice between us. I will feel no bitterness or hatred if you choose her Inuyasha…’

With that, Kikyo’s soul collectors wound themselves around her clay body and lifted her gently into the sky.


Shippo looked up from the small stream he was next to as a red figure bounded into view. Inuyasha looked a bit panicked if he were to judge by his appearance.

‘What’s the hurry? Is Kagome awake? …. Or is it that…. No! Kagome couldn’t die on us! I still need her!’

The young fox ran as fast as his little fox legs could carry him after the inu hanyou. He wasn’t far from Kaede’s village, only a few minutes walk.

As it came into view, Shippo took in the appearance of the flap of Kaede’s hut on the ground from the force of Inuyasha pushing it out of his way.

The kitsune rounded into the elder miko’s hut, only to come into contact with the back of Inuyasha’s red-clad legs.

‘Talk about being a hanyou wall. He makes a good one, instead of a window or door.’

Shippo jumped to his feet, lightly rubbing his nose, and ran around Inuyasha. Panic had gripped his heart for Kagome’s sake.

“Is Kagome–!”

Words failed him then.

“–all right…”

His emerald eyes lock with blank slate orbs. They were so blank, so empty. Kagome’s face was turned to face him. Almost like…

…she had forgotten them.


Blue eyes blinked at him, curious. Had she really forgotten them? What about Sango and Miroku?! Had she forgotten them as well?

Shippo’s eyes went to the jewel shards and nearly completed Shikon no Tama in her hands. Did she at least remember the jewel they had searched for?

Inuyasha continued watching the younger priestess. Was this what was wrong with Kagome? Amnesia?!

His amber eyes watched as her lips parted to speak. His breath caught in his throat as he waited for her to speak. Did she recognize them..?

“Who are you?”

Shippo and Inuyasha’s hope were dashed when that one curious question spilled from the miko’s lips.

So she did forget them after all. What were they going to do with her now that she had her memories swiped away?

“You’re going back.”

Three pairs of eyes looked to th inu hanyou. What was he thinking? Making Kagome go back to her time?

“Kagome doesn’t have her memory and with the jewel with her on the other side, the well will seal and keep any demons from trying o pass through it to get to her.”

Kaede and Shippo stared at Inuyasha incredulously. Why was he thinking that?

“Inuyasha, Kagome is not well enough to travel to the well even if it is not far from here. She needs her rest.”

The memory swiped miko looked back and forth between the occupants in the room. What were the talking about? Her going back?

“Yeah Inuyasha! Let Kagome rest and let her decide!”

Slate eyes took in the hanyou’s angered appearance and twitch of his eyes brow. He looked ready to hit someone.


Said half demon merely looked away stubbornly and shoved his hands into the sleeves of his haori.

“Well, aren’t you going to sit down then?”


Kagome’s eyes widened as Inuyasha did a face plant into the wood flooring of Kaede’s hut.

Deep golden eyes looked up at her angrily from under silver bangs. A slight twitch was back in his eyebrow.

“Why don’t you have some stew Kagome?”

Said girl broke the staring contest that developed and looked to the eye patch wearing miko. She nodded her head slowly.

It still pounded with a slight headache.

The futuristic girl watched Kaede scoop the soup into three bowls. Kagome handed the one given to her to the young fox demon next to her.

The second given to her she kept. Although, a though bugged the modern miko. She looked to the hanyou still on the floor.

“What about him?”

She heard the old woman sigh, but shaking her head. Apparently, Inuyasha wasn’t going to be joining them for dinner.

Dinner went by a bit slowly, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Silence hung between all four people in the hut.

Inuyasha sat Indian style on the floor. His hands were still shoved him the sleeves of his red haori.

All in all, it ended and Kaede took the three bowls and walked out of the hut. That left Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo in the hut.

But of course, Shippo volunteered to help the elder woman with the bowl. That left the inu hanyou and futuristic miko alone.

The way Inuyasha was staring at her made her fidgety. Well, not the fact he was staring at her, but how he was.

‘So much sorrow, all in one gaze. Wheat happened to him to make him feel this way? It’s like something unrequited…’

Inuyasha continued to stare. When he blinked did the so-called spell come to a complete halt.

Slate pools watched as silvery-white dog ears twitched. Not long after, did Shippo and Kaede reenter the hut. Clean bowls in hand.

“Ye best rest. Ye will need it when you awake tomorrow.”

Kaede advised Kagome and showed her where she could sleep on the hut. The elder miko gave her a blanket to use.

Shippo wanted to join her, but advised himself against it. She didn’t remember him, so it was best to not do that.


Kagome opened her eyes and looked around. Inuyasha wasn’t there, but Shippo and Kaede were asleep.

‘I feel like I don’t belong. Like I’m not from here. Is that what they meant when they said I have to go back?’

Looking to her right, the futuristic miko took in the sight if the nearly complete Shikon no Tama and the remaining shards that were in a bottle.

They called to her, but not like they would a demon. Or greedy human or half demon that wanted power or wealth.

It was calling to her to protect it. And complete it.

Kagome took the shards out of the bottle and put them in her left hand. Her right hand held the nearly complete marble.

Blinking a few times, the young miko brought her hands together and closed her eyes. She could feel the Shikon’s power in her hands.

Becoming whole once more.

Reopening her eyes to reveal blue-gray, Kagome opened her hands. Inside them, laid a complete Shikon no Tama.

Taking one last glance around the small but comfortable hut; the young priestess stood. Making the blanket pool around her feet on the floor.

Walking to the exit, she put her brown shoes on. Kagome clenched the jewel in her right hand. It called to be protected.

She would ensure it.

Gently raising the bamboo flap out of the way, the miko looked around her before taking off in a direction that took her into the surrounding forest.

Taking that direction seemed right to Kagome. Like she knew what lay at her destination even if she couldn’t remember.

Stormy blue eyes took in the forest’s natural beauty as if it would be the last time she would.

The night was quiet. Here and there were fireflies blinking. Kagome giggled, she liked watching fireflies dance around her.

The modern miko continued on her trek to her unknown destination. She was unaware of Inuyasha walking behind her.

Upon entering a clearing, slate eyes blinked rapidly a few times. All that was there was an old, dry well.

‘This is my destination? An old well with no water? But yet, it seems familiar to me. I can remember where, but it does.’

Kagome walked to the rim of the well. Peering in, darkness and the dim outlines of bones met her eyes.

Shuffling grass averted her attention to the inu hanyou behind her. His eyes were shadowed by his bangs.

‘When did he get behind me?! Why was he following me?’

Inuyasha approached the confused miko. He drew her into a hug. They stood there for a few minutes.

Pulling away, Inuyasha looked Kagome in the eye one last time. He looked to her right hand, the Shikon no Tama was clenched there.

He made his choice.

Kagome opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out as she was roughly pushed backwards.

The back of the modern miko’s knees hit the rim of the well and she fell backwards into the black darkness.

She closed her eyes, waiting for impact, but none came. Opening her eyes, blue-like walls that resembled water surrounded her.

It was like magic.

All too soon it ended and she landed softly on her back. Looking above her, Kagome realized there was a roof above the well.

‘What? What just happened? Where am I? A different place, time, dimension?! Where?!’

Whipping her head around, a rope ladder caught her eyes. Blinking, the futuristic miko stood up.

Why was a ladder here?

Tightening her hand for a second on the jewel, Kagome gripped the ladder and made her way up.

Reaching the top, she realized she was in a shed-like place. Had time change in that short amount of time?

Stepping out, Kagome looked around before climbing the stairs and open the door to the outside world.

A shrine laid in front of her. A modern two-story house, a large tree next to that.

Blinking, the young miko continued to glance around. Kagome walked to the flight of stairs going down to the street. Turning back, she looked at the house.

Who lived there?

Would they be able to tell her where she was?

Would they even spare her a glance?

Would the people or person even think about helping her at all?!

So many questions, so little answers. They flooded the miko’s mind as her headache came back full force. Enough to be head-clutching and sent her to her knees.

“Please… make this pain go away….”

Kagome blacked out not long after the pain came back. Her hand stayed wrapped around the Sacred Jewel.


“Inuyasha! I need to go home! I haven’t been home for three weeks! And I have a couple tests coming up that I need to study for!”

“Feh! Why are you always going home?! Are you trying to shriek your duties as the guardian of the Shikon no Tama?! Kikyo would never be like this.”

There was a pause, stunned silence.


The other person was pulled into the ground forcefully. Against his will. Grumbling could be heard after his face was buried in the dirt.

“I’m going home!”

With that, a girl with raven hair and stormy blue eyes jumped into an old well.


Kagome groaned a bit, her eyes were still closed. All she could see was darkness. That and she could hear shuffling.

“Mom! Kagome’s awake!”

The futuristic miko heard a door open and close. Footsteps faded away and sounded like they were going down a flight of stairs.

‘Where am I? Am I still outside or no? …. I take that as a no seeing how I’m not cold or anything. But who’s Kagome?’

The door opened not long after her thought. Kagome forced her eyes open, a woman in her late thirties, mid forties stood in the doorway; hand on the doorknob.

“How are you feeling Kagome? Souta found you outside…. Did something happen in Feudal Era?”

Slate eyes blinked, confused. Souta? Kagome? Feudal Era? Questions fluttered into her mind again, and Kagome brought her left hand to her temple.

Seeing she was giving no answers, Kun-Loon sighed softly and walked to her daughter’s bed.

“Why don’t you rest some more. The jewel in your hand is on the desk. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready.”

With that, Kagome’s mother left and shut the door softly after her. No sense in slamming the door and causing Kagome pain.

Kagome sighed and looked to the jewel on the desk. It sparkled brightly. Groaning a bit as she sat up, the modern miko walked over to it and held it.

Blinking, the futuristic miko walked back over to the bed. There, she laid back on it, she refused to let the jewel out of her grasp.

It was her’s to protect.

In a matter of minutes, the priestess fell back into the land of dreams.


S.N.: n.n a bit long. I couldn’t stop writing when I started. Hope people like it. This is merely the prologue. I’ll get started on the next chapter sometime tomorrow, I’m tired right now. R&R. … u.u Zzz