MARS Fan Fiction ❯ Marriage, Millionaires, and Motorcycles ❯ The First Month ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
InvincibleInuYasha: Hey, what's up? Time to write, I guess. I'll just get right to it then. R&R!!! Oh yeah, and guess who's birthday it is on September 3rd! Mine! yay! You readers can just give me lots of reviews! Huzzah!

Disclaimer: MARS isn't mine. ToT

Chapter Six: The First Month

As Rei turned the corner on his bike, he grinned. Just last week had been a thrill to him. So much had happened. He and Kira had tried for a baby a few times that week.

Kira flew into the bedroom that she and Rei shared. He was lying on the bed, quite exposed except for the thin sheet that covered a small part of his midsection. Kira was too excited to take her time waking him up. She jumped on the bed and screamed, "Wake up, Rei!!!" He jerked in surprise and fell off the bed, clutching to the sheet to try and break his fall. He could barely see so early in the morning but he kept his eyes wide open, trying to focus on Kira, "Wh-what!? What's wrong!?" Kira hopped off the bed and sat beside him, "Nothing's wrong. It's just tha--" "What the hell!? You scared the shit outta me, I thought you were being attacked or something!" Kira smiled and said, "Calm down for a minute, would you? I've got some news for you." Rei rubbed his eyes, "What's up, love?"

Kira snuggled up to him and said, "You remember what we've been doing for the past few nights?" Rei smirked, "How could I not, with such a lovely woman who I love?" Kira said, "Well, it looks like it all paid off." Rei's eyes widened as he stared at Kira in wonder, "W-wait... you mean--" Kira laughed, "Yes!"

Rei grabbed Kira and pulled her into a passionate kiss, "I love you. And I can't wait to raise this kid with you."

Later on, they had gone to a clinic to make sure that Kira really was pregnant, and then to her doctor. "You'll be put on a lighter medication to keep the baby healthy, but I'm sure it will be healthy. If there are any complications, let me know immediately." The doctor had ensured the baby's safety, and the doctors at the clinic also said Kira was in good shape to be with child. And now, Rei was on his way to break the news to Harumi and Tatsuya. Kira had kept quiet the whole time. Their dreams were finally coming true!


Kira picked up the phone and dialed a number. A female voice answered, "Aso residence." Kira said, "Hi mom, it's me." Mrs. Aso replied, "Oh Kira, how are you doing?" Kira smiled, "I'm good. But I have some great news." Mrs. Aso asked, "Oh, well what is it? Did you and Rei finally decide to have a formal wedding?" Kira said, "No, it's not that. I mean, it's not out of the question, but there's better news. Let's just say that you'll have one more thing to love soon." Mrs. Aso said, "Oh, Kira, don't tell me you're pregnant."

Kira frowned, "What? Why not?" Mrs. Aso sighed, "Well, I'm just worried about you. I haven't talked about it much but, before you were born, I had two other miscarriages. I'm afraid the same could happen to you. And now that you're sick, it could probably be worse. I just don't want you to be hurt." Kira said, "Don't worry mom. Rei and I decided that we'll visit the doctor often, especially when it's close to birth. I won't let anything happen to this baby. Rei and I have waited too long for this to come." Mrs Aso said, "Okay Kira. It's wonderful news. I've been wanting a grandchild since you married Rei. Just, be careful. And remember that I'm always here for you." Kira smiled, "Thanks mom."

Kira hung up the phone and rested her hands on her belly. She was facsinated that a tiny life was developing inside of it. What her mother said did scare her, but Kira was willing to protect this baby with her life. She smiled and talked to her flat belly, "It's funny. I haven't even known you for a whole day, but I'm still ready to die for you."


"Rei, I'm hungry." Kira rubbed her stomach and made a face. Rei rubbed his eyes and lugged himself out of bed, "Is that baby already eating all your food? Ha, what do want, honey?" Kira shrugged, "I dunno. Let's go somewhere on your bike, while we still can. In a few months, I won't be able to anymore." Rei swiped his keys from their nighttable and twirled them around his fingers, "Let's go, wherever you want to go, baby."

They had gone outside to the small storage space under the building that belonged to Rei and put on their helmets. Rei lifted his visor and said, "We've got to start moving into the new apartment, y'kno? I don't want to have to pay rent for both places for more than two months." Kira nodded, "I'll call Hama tomorrow and ask if he could help us out. We don't have a lot to move anyway." Rei grinned and put his arm around Kira, a hand on her stomach, "It's been about seven weeks, right? I still can't believe it." Kira leaned into Rei and rested her head on his chest, "Yeah. There's a little piece of the both of us inside me right now. And soon it'll be right here with us." Rei lifted Kira's chin up with his finger and leaned in to kiss her when their helmets bumped, "Whoops." They both laughed and then got on the bike. Rei revved the bike's engine and zoomed into the streets.

A few minutes later, the couple could be found at a small café, away from the busy center of the city. Rei had not driven so quickly as he wanted to protect the life that was just beginning to develop, as well as his own and Kira's. While waiting for their orders, Kira took out her cell phone and noticed that there was one missed call, "It's from officer Okuda. Should we call back now?" Rei shook his head, "In a minute. Let's just enjoy this. Forget about everyone else." Kira smiled and stared at Rei. To her, he looked gorgeous in his work shirt and baggy pants, his blond hair still down to his shoulders, tousled a bit. She was happy that he was treating her so well. He always had, whatever they'd been through. It wasn't like he was just caring for her because she would soon be the mother of his child, but because he really did love her with all of his heart.

Rei smirked, "You're getting quiet. Like what you see?" Kira laughed, "I always like what I see when I'm with you." Rei said, "The same could be said for me. Kira, you're so beautiful. But in a few months, you'll be all big and fat." Kira pouted as Rei laughed at her mercilessly, "Hey, that's no fair." Rei shook his head, "It'll be beautiful bigness. Any pregnant woman has it. But yours will be the prettiest." Kira rolled her eyes, "You're just saying that so I'll forgive you for laughing at me. I'm not going to, you know? You'll have to earn your forgivness." Rei's eyebrows went up, "Oh? And what is your asking price?" Kira thought for a moment and said, "Your life. You have to be with me forever, no matter what." Rei said, "Hm, that's funny." Kira frowned, "What's funny?" Rei took her hand and said, "How can I give you something that's already yours?"

Kira's phone began to ring. The bright light on the front flashed, 'Okuda'. Rei picked up the phone and answered, snickering, "Hello officer. What seems to be the problem?" Rei listened for a moment, his grin slowly fading from his face. He rubbed his chin and he gulped, "Uh huh. O-okay. Thanks for letting me know. Um, can I call you back?" A moment later he put down the phone and Kira asked, "What's wrong? What did he say?" Rei shook his head, "It's nothing really. Besides, I wouldn't want to worry you. That's bad for the baby." Kira said, "You looked scared. I've only seen that face a few times. Something's really wrong." Rei sighed, "I-I'll tell you later, okay, babe? Let's not ruin the night." As the waiter returned and began serving their food, Rei ran a hand through his hair. He should have known. Whenever something good happens to him, something else happens to try and take it away.


Kira let herself fall on the bed on her back. She was full and tired. Rei had gone to take a shower. He seemed a little stressed throughout their dinner. She wondered what Officer Okuda could have told him on the phone. This sparked her curiosity and she glanced around the dingy apartment. Rei just got in the shower. He wouldn't be out for another ten or fifteen minutes. Kira snatched up her cell phone ad search through her contacts to Officer Okuda. She pressed the call button and waited for the ring tone.

"Okuda. Who's this?" Kira said quietly, "Hello, Officer. It's me, Kira." "Oh, Kira. Uh, did you happen to talk to Rei about why I called." Kira sighed, "He didn't want to tell me. But he seemed really worried and I want to know what did that to him." She could almost see Okuda rub his eyes stressfully as he said, "Rei's worried because Masao Kirishima was release from the mental hospital today."

Kira's breath hitched in her throat, "N-no. They said he would be in there for long treatment." Okuda said, "All of the psycologists and physicians said he was better. Well, except forone who noticed slightly unusual behavior, but the others thougt it was irrelevant to his mental health." Kira asked, "Why wasn't that enough to keep him there? If someone still thinks something is wrong, shouldn't he be kept there longer?" Okuda said, "I'm sorry, Kira, it's out of my hands. I'm not a psycologist. I don't know if he'll still try to get at Rei, but before anything like that is possible, I want to help you, Kira."

Kira asked, "How?" Okuda said, "I can hide your records. Like, phone numbers and addresses, workplaces. Things like that. But I hope you understand that there are people who'll spy on you for money. I understand that Masao once told you he used this tactic before." Kira said, "Yeah. I appreciate your trying to help us officer. I appreciate it. I just don't want anything to happen to either of us, especially now." Okuda asked, "Especially now?" Kira said, "I don't know if Rei told you, but I'm pregnant." Okuda's voice cheered up, "Kira, that's great! Wow, congratulations. Yeah, I'm sorry to ruin the fun for you guys, breaking this kinda news to you. But I just thought it would be good to warn you, since last time didn't turn out too well." Kira said, "Thanks a lot, Officer. Your help really means a lot to us." Okuda said, "It's no problem, Kira. Just don't get too fussed over this. If anything comes up, give me a call anytime."

Rei came out of the bathroom, one towel wrapped around his waist, and another in his hands rubbing his hair, "Kira, were you on the phone?" Kira looked at him sadly, "Yeah. With Officer Okuda. You didn't have to hide that from me." Rei sighed and let his hand fall away from his head, "Kira, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to worry." Kira said, "Yeah, but he did try to kill us both at one point. It's not only you that's in danger, it's not only you that has to worry. Even it it was, I would still worry for you. Please Rei, don't hide something like this away from me." Rei wrapped his arms around her and nuged her hair with his nose, "Kira. When Okuda told me that, I didn't know what to do. We're finally getting things the way we want, and now Masao's back in the picture. And... I just got so scared. If he did anything to you, especially now that you're pregnant... I don't know what I'd do. And if anything happened to me, there's nothing for you to fall back on. I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to protect you. I'd die if anything happened to you, and I'm so scared that something will..."

Kira held him close and rested her head on his chest, "Rei, I understand how you feel. But don't shut me out. We're together in this. So whatever happens, I want you to tell me about it, let me see things you see them. I'll worry more if you don't." Rei chuckled and gave her a peck on the lips, "Babe, how do you always know how to get me?" Kira smiled, "Because you can be such a softie sometimes. But I love that." Rei grinned, "Good." His towel slipped and he blushed a little, "Whoops." Kira laughed and said, "But sometimes you can show me way too much!"

InvincibleInuYasha: Okay you guys, sorry for not writing a lot, but summer's been hectic and now at school they're dumping so much homework on me. The chapter was almost over too, but then all this stuff came along.... so, yea, the chapter's up now, some R&R would be very much appreciated, and I rock. I think that just about sums it all up. TTYL!