Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Missing...But Am I Missed ? ❯ Escape from Akuma ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm so sorry for not updating since *started counting on fingers* um....more than one year ago!!! AH! I feel so bad. :'( Well at least there is one more chapter after this. Later I hope to write a sequel to this story. (I'm not saying anything else or I'll give it away) ('s going to end sad)

To Nico: Belmont will show up. But just a little bit in the last chapter.

The first 5 chapters have been edited. Though not much has there is no need to go back and reread them. Just know that the 'incident' happened 4 years ago instead of 5 years.

I would also recommend reading, Never Say Goodbye, before reading this chapter so you know a little bit behind Akuma's plan.

Missing...But Am I Missed?
By: Ryoko Lover 4-ever
Sure I own Medabots....If that's what you think. But I really don't.

'Escape from Akuma'

"You remember the plan, right?" said Henry

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure....I remember it." replied Ikki. They were all still at Koji's house wrapping up. But it didn't seem that Ikki was really paying attention....Good thing Brass was...or else they would be really screwed...

As Ikki and Brass headed to the door to leave, Karin called to them.

"Please be careful...We don't want to lose any one...again." she said the last part quietly.

"Don't worry about it. We'll make sure to bring Miss Erika and Metabee back safely." stated Brass. Then quickly looking over at Ikki she added, "And us too."

"Good luck guys!" shouted Rintaro as Ikki and Brass headed to Akuma's compound.

Speaking of the Devil
"Well, well...Looks our visitors are headed our way. Time for final preparations." snarled a sinister voice looking at a monitor. He quickly swivels in his chair to some more monitors on the other side of the room. He grabs a microphone and says "Begin faze two of total annihilation." and pushes a button after so. "Now it's time for my plan to finally come together. I've been waiting fours years for this." he looks at the monitor which shows Ikki and Brass headed for him. "How long have you been waiting, Ikki?"

Ikki and Brass
Upon coming closer to Akuma's place Ikki and Brass slowly started making conversation.

"What do you think Akuma is up to Mr. Ikki?" asked Brass

"Knowing him...I'd say he's going to try and do what he did fours years ago at the World Robattle Championship." was his reply.

Looking down at the ground Brass replied, "But I don't want that to happen again...All the medabots, all the people, all the suffering..."

"I hate thinking about it too. It was an awful time. But that's why we have to stop him before he can do anything. That time should never be repeated." said Ikki shuttering at the thought. "You'd think he would've learned his lesson by now." he said jokingly trying to relieve some of the sadness and the hopelessness of the situation.

Walking a little longer in silence Ikki looked up and stopped. Brass looked over at him as she walk a few steps more. Looking at what Ikki was looking at she understood why he stopped. It was a huge mass of land surrounded by trees as far as the eye could see with a gigantic looking house up on a hill further away.

"I'm ready Akuma...Are you?" whispered Ikki as both him and Brass entered the compound.

Control Room
"They're here." said Akuma. Shouting over a walkie-talkie he said to someone on the other side, "Get the prisoners and take them to the battle room." "Yes sir!"

Walking out the room he was in, Akuma walked to a room called "Medabot Storage". Slowly walking inside he carefully inspected his medabot weapon.

Erika and Metabee
Erika and Metabee were quietly talking to each other through the thin wall when they heard someone coming down the hall and unlocking their cells.

"Move it! Dr. Akuma wants to see you both. NOW!!!" shouted two guards. They walked in and grabbed them and dragged them out the door.

"Hey! I can walk on my own you know!" shouted Erika trying to break away from the guy's grasp.

"Yeah! And what does Akuma want with us anyway. I thought he just might let us rot to death in those cells!" said Metabee.

"QUIET!!! Both of you! Akuma's plans are coming together...and those plans include you two and your little friends who came to try and save you!" yelled a guard.

"Someone..." started Metabee "Came to save us?" ended Erika. It couldn't be...Not after what I did. Thought Erika.

The rest of the way to the battle room Erika and Metabee were silent. Content with just thinking. When all of a suddenly they were pushed into a room.

Erika who was pushed so hard that she fell over shouted to the guards who were no longer there "Hey! Watch it!" She look around at her surroundings...the room looked just like a robattle area. "Why are we here?"

"Your here because your little friends don't know when to give up." stated a voice from across the room. It was Akuma.

Ikki and Brass
Ikki and Brass had made to the house though it seemed more like a laboratory. No one was there to greet them.

"Hm? I thought for sure someone would be here to greet us." said Ikki. Shouting next, "AKUMA!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" No reply. "Grr..."

Meanwhile Brass had been looking around and found a hallway leading to a lit corridor. "Mr. Ikki! Over here!" she shouted to Ikki. He came over to look at what she saw. So he's going to make this hard is he? he thought. "Come on Brass...I bet you anything he's down there." They slowly made their way down the hall. When they got to the doors leading to the next room Ikki and Brass pushed the doors open to reveal a smirking Akuma, a surprised Erika, and a smirking Metabee. "ALRIGHT! IKKI'S HERE TO SAVE US!" shouted the happy Metabee.

"Akuma! I don't know what you're planning but I'm here to stop you!"

"My dear, dear Ikki...What makes you think I'm planning anything?" said Akuma in calm tone.

"Cut the crap Akuma! Ever since I saw you four years ago at the start of the WRC I knew you'd be trouble! Now to make this easy on the both of us...Let Metabee and Erika."

"Ha...I have no intention of letting BOTH go. Why would I go to the hassle of kidnapping them both if I was just going give them back? One or the other...remember the terms?"

"Then you've given me no choice. BRASS!!!"

"Right!" Brass then jumped up on the area...ready for battle.

"BRASS!" shouted Erika not noticing before that she was there. Brass, not taking her stare off of Akuma, replied, "Don't worry Ms. Erika. Everything will be okay." Erika started sobbing at the sound of her name.

"Whether you like it or not Akuma, Brass and I are ready to fight for both Erika's and Metabee's freedom!" said Ikki.

"Hm...I expected it no other other way Ikki. No other way."

With others
"Do you think Ikki made it to the compound in one piece?" asked Koji skeptically. Everyone was still at Koji's house awaiting the news that Ikki, Erika, Metabee, and Brass were okay.

"Who knows. It was our mistake to let him go alone. Maybe we should have told him the plan again to make sure he knew it." replied Henry

"We couldn't go with him, you know that." piped in Spyke

"We have to faith in, not only in Ikki, but in all of them." answered Karin.

"I guess so...but still I can't help but think he'll do something to screw it up. Like tripping over his own feet." came the voice of Samantha. After the comment everyone started cracking up.

Back again
"ACHOO!" came the sneeze of Ikki. (It's a legend...If you sneeze it means someone's thinking about you.)

"Can we get back to the battle now?" asked Akuma, annoyed. "Hm? Oh...right." Everyone sweatdropped at his reply.

"Mega Aerofire!" shouted Akuma. (oh...real original.) Suddenly the ground started to shake beneath them. A large medabot slowly came down the corridor off to the side destroying all the things around it including the ceiling and walls. Akuma just smirked at the horrified faces of his opponents and hostages.

"Remember this medabot? Of course you do...How silly of me to think you've already forgotten." laughed Akuma

"You son of a...." shouted Metabee but was cut short by Erika. "What do you think you're doing!!! Hundreds of people were killed last time because of this...this...WEAPON!" she shouted. The return of this monster brought back many unpleasant memories of last tournament. So much much destruction.

"Exactly..." calmly replied Akuma, "That's my plan this time too...only it's going to work! I won't have you people to interfere!"

"Like hell we won't! I'm not going to let you prevail Akuma! BRASS!" shouted Ikki "Right..." came the reply of Brass. She fired her lasers but they missed by a long shot.

"HAHA! You missed...Badly I might add. What makes you think you can destroy my creation with little lasers?" laughed Akuma. Ikki just laughed back. "What? What do you think is so funny?!" came the mad voice of Akuma. "What makes you think Brass was aiming for Mega Aerofire?" came a voice from behind Akuma. He turned around to see Erika and Metabee standing upright with their chains laying at their feet. "No..."

"Oh yes..." said Ikki. "METABEE!"

"BRASS!" shouted Erika

Brass and Metabee jumped in front of the gigantic medabot, ready to attack. Akuma just stood there seething for a moment before he snapped back. "Alright...If that's how you want to play it then so be it...MEGA AEROFIRE! FIRE BALLS!" Large fire balls came out the Aerofires mouth headed straight for Metabee and Brass.

"DODGE!" shouted Ikki and Erika at the same time. Both medabots barely missed the attack. "Alright...Tag team time!"

Brass and Metabee both charged the giant medabot and attacked him with full force but the only thing it did was make him step back one started laughing along with Akuma. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Run around him...He's pretty big so him can't maneuver that well." Brass and Metabee ran around the medabot shooting his legs. It tried to turn and get them but found it had very little space to move. Metabee saw his chance and attacked it's right leg while it was trying to turn. It tripped and fell with a loud crash...the place started shaking again. Some dirt landed on Erika's head. She looked up and saw that the place was starting to collapse. "Uh...Ikki?" Ikki broke his gaze off the fight and looked up like Erika. "Oh...crap...METABEE! Hurry and finish this before we get buried alive in here!" Metabee took this cue and started charging up.

"Sorry Akuma. We can't stay long. I guess your plan just won't work." smiled Ikki. Brass climbed on the back of the big medabot and opened a hatch. She hopped off the medabot before Metabee attacked. Akuma looked on with horror. "Metabee..." came Ikki smirking "MEDAFORCE!" A bright light shot forth from Metabee blinding everyone. It went straight for the open hatch on the back of the Aerofire.

"NOOOO!!!!!" yelled Akuma seeing his plan crumble.

After the smoke cleared, you could see Aerofire lying there, motionless. Little sparks coming from him every now and then.

"We won Akuma. Live with it this time." said Ikki

"! I won't live with it. I will prevail! I will!" said Akuma collapsing to the floor.

"Dude...relax. You can't beat us...get over it!" voiced the tired Metabee

"I know you guys want to celebrate your victory but...WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!! The place is falling apart!" shouted Erika. Everyone looked around and saw that the place was falling down. The was a low rumbling from the distance.

"She's right. Let's get out of here!" Brass and Metabee ran over to their medafighters. They were about to leave when a weird sound came from the fallen Aerofire.

"Oh no...This is like what happened last time. Those people didn't die because of the fight with the Aerofire...they were killed because it self destructed! Everyone run!" shouted Ikki they all started to run down the corridor but Erika stopped suddenly. She ran back quickly.

"Akuma! What are you doing? You built the should know what's going to happen." she ran over to Akuma trying to pull him up and drag him out but he just sat there motionless, stareing at nothing. Wondering what she was doing Ikki came back and pulled her away instead.

"What do you think your doing? The place is falling all around us and the medabot is about to blow up!" he yelled at her half pulling her down the corridor.

"We just can't leave Akuma there! Sure he's evil but we just can't let him die!" she yelled over the now louder rumble

"If he doesn't want to come then he doesn't have to!" Ikki shouted back. They kept running trying to get out of there as fast as they could. They finally caught up with Brass and Metabee. When they were getting closer to the exit they noticed others trying to escape as well.

They just ran out of the place when they heard a loud kaboom. The medabot had exploded with Akuma right next to it.

"Keep running!!!" shouted Ikki still pulling Erika when a sudden shock wave knocked all four of them down. "Woah!" yelled Metabee.

After the wave subsided the group stood up, brushing the debris that had landed on them off. They looked back at what was left of Akuma's compound...all they saw was a rising smoke from the explosion.


YAY! Done with chapter. Hope that was good enough for you guys. And long enough also. ^_^' I know on my profile it said the final chapter was going to be with this but I don't feel like rushing the ending. I'm not sure how long it will take to finish but hopefully not too long. I have started it though! Heck I started it when I was half way through this chapter...which took me months to finish. I think I started it back in May 2003 and wrote the first sentence and didn't come back to it till early 2004 when I wrote half of it and now just finished it June 2004. So if you see different writing styles through the chapter that's why. ^_^

Thanks for the great reviews also! See ya later!