MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ Between Friends ❯ Episode One ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Between Friends
By Simon Woodington
Previously: X and Zero face off against Nightmare, previously believed to be particles and
null-bits. X is seriously damaged, and Zero reaches into that well of inner strength he seems
comfortable with. Alia learns that another of X's armors is defunct, and writes of current history,
where humanity is fortunate enough to have an undrownable hope that has brought about a new

Episode One
Signas regarded the report with some measure of pride. Was he not told that survival was
impossible for every enemy the valiant Hunters, X and Zero, encountered? Doubt had not colored
his equations, nor had it interfered with his plans and their execution. Assembling a list of the
greatest minds available among the Humans and Reploids, and much to his interest, beyond the
Reploids built to manage the new territories, the list was dominated by Humans. Only sixteen
Reploids represented them in this manner.
Yale did not seem surprised at all, however.
"What did you expect, my friend Signas?" grinned the cream-skinned male, amused.
"Superiority is not a question of capability, you know. Your new Reploids may be smarter, faster,
and more knowledgeable, but they lack creativity, that's what."
"My arrogance? Of course," Signas agreed lightheartedly. "We are not that dynamic."
"Not even close," Yale nodded. "Borrus is due to be here soon."
"In six minutes," Signas replied, rounding it up to spare his friend unnecessary detail. "The
excavation of North Terminus proceeds slowly. Perhaps there will be better news this time."
"Why was that? What is the fuss about?" Yale asked, plunging a hand into a drawer, from
which he pulled a PDA and stylus. "Alia's deadline, isn't it? Metropolis is in ruins. It is hard to
believe they will resuscitate the old wonder."
"We cannot tell. Satellite transmissions will not penetrate the dust shield," Signas concluded.
"As you say ­ you humans have the diversity of character to aid you."
Yale grinned at the point, and began to review his own reports, several of which concerned
him. Signas, like a poorly motorized statue, mulled over the events of last year, and wondered
how much longer they could maintain their levels of activity. It was a short musing, abbreviated
by Yale's acute memory and method of speaking. Signas liked that he did not speak around that
which was directly in their path ­ his Reploid-like traits were clearly the reason for their
effectiveness, as much as Signas had adopted some human generalities for Yale's sake.
"We have six months, if Alia is accurate, though we do have a habit of pulling a fast one at
the last minute," Yale remarked caustically. "Hedgewick tells me we may not be able to help an

uprising ­ they have a collection of well known scientific geniuses with great ethics and no
morals. A year is an optimistic estimation in my opinion."
Signas considered this statement, but then found his train of thought dispersed by the
appearance of a mole-styled Reploid, waddling ungainly through the double-wide entrance,
before pausing to make a courteous salute with red hands.
"Sir-" he began hurriedly. Signas raised a negating hand with a slightly dissatisfied gesture.
Signas bowed his head and half-smiled. Yale kept his silence and mirth, activating his
personal damping field. He knew well what to expect, and a trip to the infirmary wasn't in his
plans that day.
"Borrus Mole reporting, sir, on the status of the excavation of the northern mountain face," he
rumbled in a voice that made Signas joints groan. Yale grimaced, but nodded at Signas, signaling
that he was unharmed.
"Make it quick, Borrus," Signas stated, preparing his internal auto-repair systems for any of
the sonic force his armor might not absorb.
"Yes sir. We've encountered a unique stasis capsule. It bears markings I do not recognize, and
is of very inefficient design. I've no memory of any such likeness."
"And you have no doubt drawn a conclusion about its conclusions," Signas less-than-
"There is insufficient data to speculate with any measure of accuracy, sir..." Borrus muttered.
"But we are certain that it predates X."
Signas sat forward in alarm, eyes widening. "When was this discovered, Borrus? Have you
requested the presence of a Hunter?" he blurted in an uncharacteristic show of concern. Borrus
was a moment studying his reaction.
"An hour ago. Zero has been awoken, and he will arrive within minutes," he replied, his oval
face giving the impression that he cared a great deal less than his service record indicated.
An entire year of peace! Three more, and we will be prepared to contain any threat. What has
the Maker unleashed upon us? he thought resisting the woe and memory of so many destroyed
Reploids. Will Sigma's legacy never die?
"What is Doctor Silvane's report?"
Borrus shook his head.

"She has not seen the capsule, but is en route," he stated simply. "I have come to confirm the
next action, Signas. We have identified an intact Reploid inside the chamber, but we require
authorization to activate it."
"Activate it? Are you sure that is reasonable?" Yale commented. Signas nodded significantly
at him.
"Yes sir. It is the only logical next step."
Yale gazed uncertainly at Signas, who smiled softly, respite in his manner.
"There is no threat that can overwhelm the Hunters now, Yale-"
"That is not my reasoning, Signas, sir," Borrus interjected, bowing to avoid appearance of
rudeness. "Douglas has analyzed my first query upload, and tells me that it has undergone a
battery of tests similar to those X underwent prior to his activation. There is no guarantee it
wasn't another roboticist, but we are confident that it is not dangerous."
"Very well then, Borrus," Signas agreed. "Make every effort to awaken this Reploid. You
have my authority to request whomever you need below A-Class assignments."
Borrus grinned, a somewhat grisly and menacing expression, and mulled over who he would
'require' ­ he had a few favors to return, and now would be the time to call them in.
"What about virus barriers, Borrus?" Yale asked hastily, as if unaware that all viruses had
been inactive for eight months. Borrus chuckled at the idea of such indiscretion, especially after
the lengthy lectures of LiveSaver and his drones.
"Of course sir."
Signas clasped his hands together has he leaned back and said: "Then return to the site at
once. Inform Alia immediate of the Reploid's condition. I want to know who created this one."
"Yes sir," he responded promptly, raising a hand in salute. He then turned and loped through
the doorway.
May the Maker be merciful, thought Signas in the closest approximation of prayer he had ever
"Where? Cordi, what madness is it? In the side of a mountain, you say?" grunted a towering
Reploid in red, white and black. Several feet of thick blond strands of hair swayed dramatically
behind his slender figure as he strode towards the open transport pod.

"Oh! Uh, yes Zero, sir! Borrus as requested your presence," stammered the four and a quarter
foot tall teal and turquoise Reploid, parroting the official chatter he was not akin to. "They're
very excited about this find."
And imagine this! Zero! Needed ­ his ­ yes his! Help!
"I know. There's no time to waste, eh? Why don't you tell me what you want, where I should
stand? Get to the core of it already," Zero replied almost bitterly. Cordi nigh deleted his base
speech protocols in his excitement. Leaping up to a dark control panel put him in command and
booted the nervousness from his memory. With a sober face he gingerly touched the panel which
gently issued an amber light under his hands.
"Stand there."
Zero said nothing. Want not, waste not, speak not, tarry not. He almost sighed.
"Restless already, Zero?" boomed a familiar voice. With one red armored boot on the green,
light radiating pad he turned and nodded.
"I dreamed, Signas. I don't like to dream. They remind me of the Maker I don't know."
Signas proceeded steadily into the personal space of the Hunter who had brutally smashed and
deleted numberless Mavericks. He feared Zero, certainly, but no longer doubted his loyalties,
having seen the infected manifestation of the Reploid dashed to scrap by his own blade.
"Have you mastered the Nightmare Blade yet? Can you trust such dark power?"
Zero looked Signas over as if analyzing his weaknesses. Remarkably few for a robot not slated
for battle. He looked tough, but...
"I could cut you down with a stroke," he grinned, listening to Cordi choke. "But what would it
do? How would I find my capsule when I return to base? You are my sense of direction, is that
not true?"
Signas laughed heartily, genuinely comforted by those words. Rarely was he a Reploid of pure
bravado. A challenge was not oft' casually dropped, except by those who shared such respect.
"Don't get lost in the mountain, Zero," Signas said, by way of finishing the conversation. Zero
started into the energy column, but hesitated.
"But there was something..."
"Yes, what was that?"
"A power like I have not felt before. Is X asleep now?" It would not be the first item his
power had altered since previous recollection of the dynamic warrior.

"I will not awake him, unless you command it," Signas told him. "The damage was extensive,
as you know."
"He damaged himself for my honour... I debt I cannot repay," he said, head momentarily
bowed. "No matter! Who can defeat the great X and Zero?" he brightened, though somewhat
falsely, Cordi noticed. "Well Cordi ­ will you not press your button and send me on your way?"
"Yes! Thank you Zero, and be careful," he piped happily, left hand hovering over an unseen
key. Zero bowed his head sternly and saluted at Signas, who replied in kind.
Then the hand fell.