Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Human Touch ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Human Touch - preview

Human Touch
Source: After War: Gundam X
Disclaimer: Gundam X is a copyright of Sotsu Agency, Sunrise and TV Asahi.
Brief description: This is a preview of a much longer story I'm writing,
actually, it's more like a novel then a fic lol. It's focus is on life in the
After War world.
It was a quiet morning
for once, the Freeden had managed to stay out of sight of the New Earth Federation's
forces. This allowed the gundams to get much needed repairs and the crew to
get some much needed rest. Tifa was in her room starting out into space as she
had often done when she was bored. She felt drawn to space, though she didn't
quite know why. It was almost as though something...or someone, was calling
out to her. Her trance was broken by Garrod's voice coming from outside her
room. But when she opened the door he was gone. She walked down the halls until
she got to the mobile suit bay where Garrod, Witz and Roabie were. They all
seemed preoccupied with getting their torn up gundams back up and running before
they were under attack again. She wanted to go up to them, to talk or just stand
their as long as she wasn't alone but she just couldn't do it. She felt it was
her fault that the Freeden was being pursued in the first place. It was HER
the Federation was after, if she wasn't a newtype then none of this would be
happening and none of them would be in danger.
Her entire life was cursed
with the ability to foresee the future, or rather possible futures. Her only
source of comfort was in that ever since meeting Garrod, her darker visions
hadn't come true. Somehow he always managed to get out of danger in one piece.
She started walking toward the bridge where the only other person who could
understand her would be. Captain Jammil Neate, also a newtype was having a meeting
with the rest of the crew. As soon as Tifa approached she could feel the worry
in the room. Everyone felt that their days were numbered, all but Jammil. As
always she couldn't sense his thoughts, he was always able to shield his mind,
not just from telepathy but also body language and any other way a person could
tell how one might be feeling. Keeping secrets, that had become a very important
skill for survival in this world.
It had been 15 years since
the 7th Earth/Space war..... the final war. The war in which one colony's struggle
for independence turned into an all out battle between the Earth Federation
and the Space Revolutionary Army. The Colonies ultimate ace in the hole was
the threat of a colony drop if the Earth did not surrender. In response to this
the Earth counter attacked with it's mass produced gundams. At the front line
was the most powerful of the 3 models the GX-9900 Gundam X. The battled raged
on and after a while they lost all meaning. No one could remember why they were
fighting, they only possessed the bitter feelings passed on from one generation
to the next. Finally the colonies, feeling they had no further choice, used
their trump card. As masses of colonies fell toward Earth the line of GXs powered
up their ultimate weapon, the satellite cannon. Powered by a microwave beam
sent from the Moon's Lunar base, a single cannon could wipe out an entire colony
in one shot. A glow filled the area as they reached full power. Everything came
down to this. Life or death, survival or extinction. With all of Earth counting
on them, the pilots fired their cannons at the incoming colonies. Several exploded
in brilliant, yet horrible flashes of light, fire and debris. As some exploded,
more kept coming until it was too late. The few people that had lived through
the battles watched in horror as mass colonies fell to the Earth and the homeworld
of all humanity was plunged into be continued.

OK this should pretty much
set the stage and background info for the next chapters, hope you liked it.