Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Creatures Of The Flame ❯ The Story Of A Girl ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey. I added two chapters together. They were to short for me so I hope you don't mind. Making major revisions in all my stories. Especially the earlier ones. This will be updated as soon as I can do it. Enjoy!

Tittle- Creatures In The Flames

- Violence, Mild Language, Slight Sexual Implications

Type- Crossover

Pairing- Kagome/Naruto, other pairings

Summary- Kagome can take the otherworly. But that never meant that she wanted to travel to another world and be called forth to lead in a fight that had been going on for centuries. Demons? She could deal with that. But this... how was she to fight fire back with fire when to them it was as natural as breathing it?

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or Inuyasha. They each belong to there respective owners.


Creatured In The Flame

Chapter Three- The Story Of A Girl


The past can't see you, but the future is listening. ~Destin Figuier

She woke up in a hospital. She was sure of that because she could easily feel the shadows of death around her. How she got in there she wasn’t so sure of, though, and she didn’t recognize any of her surroundings.

“ You are awake.” The statement was said softy and warmly and Kagome turned to see a pink-haired stranger. She looked familiar, Kagome realized, but where had she seen her before?

“Kagome?” The girl was talking to her again and as she said her name everything came flooding back. The jewel, Inuyasha’s scared yells-though she knew that he would never be the one to admit to that-, the swirl of magic, and then finally the painful roaring of something unknown. She could still feel the tingling sensations it gave her worm across her body and Kagome had to restrain herself from shuddering.

Had it really spoken to her?

“Kagome,” Sakura said her name again- she finally found a name for the pink-haired girl- and Kagome looked up at her with wide blue eyes.

“Where am I?” Sakura looked visibly taken aback by the question and looked at Kagome in surprise. Kagome didn’t even wait for a reply, dreading and knowing the answer. She wasn’t in Edo anymore.

She instead got out of the bed she had been laying in and immediately hissed when she landed wrong on her injured leg. Sakura immediately rushed to her side, ushering her into the chair she had been sitting in previously.

“Thank you,” Kagome said in gratitude. She had finally noticed the bandages wrapped around her knee. She also noticed the state of her clothes. They were torn and dirty and Kagome hoped that not many people had seen her like this.

Sakura seemed to know where her thought were going because she smiled and said, “ I can lend you some clothing of mine.” She looked at Kagome thoughtfully. “We look to be the same size so I guess it should fit aright.”

Kagome grinned at her. “ Thank you. Really. For everything.” She stood up again, this time carefully, before turning to Sakura. “ Do you know how I got here? Better yet, do you know what that roaring in the field was?”

Sakura looked nervous, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. “ Actually, we were hoping you would know what that was.”

Kagome cocked her head to the side. “ We?”

Sakura grinned. “ Those boys you saw before; the blonde and the mean-looking one? Their names are Naruto and Sasuke and I’ll take you to them as soon as I get you some clothes…” Sakura’s voice trailed off as Kagome’s eyes turned unfocused and dazed.

“ Did you hear that?,” she said in a whisper. Her eyes darted back and forth from the window to Sakura and the medic-nin feared that the girl would go into hysterics again. “ You can’t hear it?” Her eyes looked at Sakura pleadingly before taking in one last shuddering breath and giving Sakura a bright smile.” Well, I guess we should go get those clothes now. Can I take a wild guess and say that it’s pink?”


Kagom e looked at her reflection in the mirror and finally concluded that the clothing Sakura gave her looked good on her. She wrong on her assumptions of the clothing being pink but it wasn’t like she had any prejudices against it seeing as her room was full of the color.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror again, taking in the open-toed black boots, the oversized black turtleneck sleeveless shirt, and the short blue-gray skirt with twin slits up each side that thankfully had black shorts underneath. She ran her and over the blue-gray arm warmers that didn’t seem to be suitable for the warm weather. Sakura had insisted she wear it though and Kagome was sure it was for more of a fashion statement the it was for her health.

Her hair drifted in front of her eyes and Kagome angrily swiped it away. Maybe she should take her mothers advice and cut her hail a little short…

“ Do you want me to braid your hair,” Sakura’s voice piped up.

…or maybe that could work.

Twenty minutes and five frustrating hair do’s later Kagome found her hair in two braided ponytails. Sakura laughed at the girls frowning face before helping her off he floor. “ Come on. We have to meet Sasuke and Naruto.” Sakura’s face and tone both turned solemn. “ Then I guess you’ll have to go to the hokage.”

“ The hokage?,” Kagome questioned. By now they were on the busy streets of Konoha and Kagome marveled at the peddlers selling items and the customers who were buying from them. This was what Edo was starting to look like and what Tokyo used to be.

“ You’ve never heard of a hokage?” Kagome shook her head no and Sakura turned suspicious eyes on her. “ Where did you say you come from again?”

Kagome bit her lip. “ I never told you where I’m from and right now I’m not sure you would know.” She paused as another thought drifted across her mind. “ We are in Tokyo, right?”

Sakura looked surprised. "Tokyo? What is Tokyo?"

Kagome bit her lip again as she looked a her new friend. “ Then think I’m in some type of parallel universe.” Her eyes suddenly brightened. “ Hey, what do you think I look like here. And what do you like where I come from? And Inuyasha? Oh, I wonder where he is…”

Sakura laughed nervously. Parallel universe? Was some thing else wrong with Kagome?

“ Hey, Sakura!” That same voice that Kagome had heard only a day earlier filled the clearing and Kagome looked up to see blue eyes only a shade lighter than her own. There was another boy in the clearing and Kagome averted her gaze when she turned to see his cold stare.

Boys aren’t good for the soul, Kagome. Remember that.

The blonde boy suddenly popped up in front of her and caused her to utter a startled screech. He grinned at her startled gaze. “ Oi, I’m Naruto Uzumaki and I’m the number one ninja in all of Konoha.” His grin grew huger. “ Believe it!”

Kagome nodded in confusion. “ So is that where I am? Konoha? And you’re a ninja?” She poked his arm as if it would provide proof of his statement. “ You don’t look like one.”

Sakura laughed behind her hand at Naruto’s sour face.

“ But I am,” he protested lamely.

She nodded slowly before an enthusiastic grin broke out on her features. “ Alright, then I’m the number one miko.”

Naruto’s grin rivaled Kagome’s own before a look of confusion crossed his face. “ Wait, what’s a miko?”

Sakura rolled her eyes to hide her confusion on what Kagome had said. Grabbing one of her hands she said, “ Come on, Naruto. We have to take Kagome to the hokage. I don’t know how long she’ll wait.” She turned around. “ Sasuke, are you coming?” The Uchiha nodded his head slowly as if not sure about his decision before slowly walking behind them.

Kagome sighed inwardly. She needed to get back to her world and fast. She didn’t like what was happening here.


Tsun ade’s impatience was growing thin and Shizune was unfortunately aware of this. So when Team 7 came into the hokage’s office followed by and unfamiliar girl, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“ Tsunade-sama?” Sakura’s soft, cheery voice drifted across the room and the hokage’s head lifted up from its position on her desk. She looked mad and Kagome bit the inside of her cheek, afraid that she was going to be thrown out of the village for some unknown crime. It would not due for her to be sent out of the only place that would offer her safety, Who knew what was out there. She didn’t even have her bow and arrows.

“ So you’re the girl?” The hokage’s sharp voice brought her out of her musings and Kagome immediately stood straight, sensing the great power of the woman before her. Her mouth twisted into a frown and she looked at the scruff mark on her shoe.

“ I guess so…”

Tsunade was never one to beat around the bushes and so she said bluntly, “ What are you doing here in Konoha?” She leaned against her chair as she waited for the explanation. What she wouldn’t do for a drink right now.

“ I actually don’t know,” the girl said. Sasuke snorted.

A really strong drink.

“ I have no idea how I got here. One minute I was jumping in the well-” this earned her some looks “- and then the next minute I was falling from the sky. After that everything went blank until Sakura-chan found me.” Sakura smiled at the honorific.

“ What do you mean? About the well that is?,” Tsunade said suddenly perked up. This was actually getting interesting.

“ Well,” began Kagome, albeit reluctantly, “ I suppose you deserve to know since I caused to much trouble for you guys.” She took a deep breath before saying, “ I don’t think I’m from here, not only this village but this world. “ A few startled gasps sounded in the room. “ I don’t even belong where I came from.”

Tsunade immediately narrowed her eyes but it was Sasuke who asked, “ What does that mean?”

“ I guess I should start from the beginning.” And she id. She plunged straight into the story and as she continued, Kagome began to relax. It wasn’t that hard, she decided, telling her story. No one interrupted her, not even Naruto, and for that she was gratified.

She’s such a good storyteller,’ Sakura thought.

And she was right. Kagome said everything right, using the right tones for different plots in her story and when she had reached the climax everyone was as engrossed as Sakura was.

“ And then when I was in the clearing with you three I heard this voice that said to me,” here she dropped her voice down to a whisper, “ ‘ We have found the tamer, we have found the tamer.’’ Her story had finished, was at it’s end, and everyone in the room was staring at her with wide eyes.

Naruto finally broke the silence.

“ All that,” he said in wonder, “ Really happened to you?”

She nodded an affirmative before giving him a small smile. “ Well, all is true except for the part where Hojou decided he wasn’t in love with me anymore. I still have to deal with him on a weekly basis.”

The hokage looked at Kagome with eager eyes. “ Do you know what happened at the clearing with Team 7? Nothing of the sort has ever happened before.”

Kagome shook her head. “ I do not know what it was. But it happened again when I was in the hospital with Sakura-chan. Only this time, only I heard it.” She fiddled with the hem of her skirt in contemplation. “ It’s not evil, if that’s what you are wondering. It’s just…old. Ancient, even. I’ve never felt an aura quite like it before.” Her hands suddenly went still and she looked out the window. “ I don’t think anyone has…”

She hated waiting. Had always hated it. But this was to important a mission to be waste on her habits. Hadn’t she learned that old habits were to die hard? That there were to be no weaknesses in her heart, mind, and body?

“ Mistress, the day is starting. Shall we leave now?”

Her nod was the only answer he got and the only one he needed. With one flap of his wings he was flying above her and she looked up to give him the smallest of smiles. He basked in it, for his mistress rarely smiled and when she did her true beauty was shown along the hard emotions on her face.

“ Come now, Jiro,” she said, pulling her vest open. “ They are not to know you are here.”

Jiro nodded in understanding before enveloping his wings around his wings around him. He surges forth and flew into her chest and instantly melded into it. She stepped back with a grunt and decided to leave her vest open. There was still a dull ache when any of them did that but it was better than the pain she felt in the beginning.

She picked up her bag off the floor before stepping out of the in and into the bright summer day. Her birthday, she suddenly remembered, her birthday was coming soon.

The sound of laughing brought her out of her thoughts and she looked at a group of children running through the village streets. Three of them were ninja children and she had to smile at their innocence.

“ Akina-chan! Were going to get you, Akina-chan!”

She turned wide eyes at them, remembering again.

Akina, you are going to die Akina!

The little girl they were chasing’s laughter was ringing out in the crowded streets. She abruptly fell and she ran up to her and picked her up from the ground. “ Are you okay, Akina-chan?,” she said in worry. She had always had a soft spot for children.

The young female ninja turned her huge brown eyes on her savior in child-like adoration. “ Thank you…”

She finished for her. “ Well, I have the same name as you.” Her grin was huge, unusual for her. “ My name is Akina too.”

It had been such a long time since she had heard her own name…


Hoped you enjoyed then revising!