Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Misunderstanding Betrayal ❯ heartbreaks and friends ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

        Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto, Inuyasha, the song Losing Grip, the song Inner Strength, or the song Crash
        Gosh, sorry guys for not updating.
        I expected a few reviews, but Kami-sama, this is a lot!
        Wow, thanks to everyone two reviewed.
        Oh yes, votings for pairings. Please vote for ONE! Choices at the bottom.
        So, I went to South Korea, and when I came back, Microsoft Word was STILL not downloaded, so I can't do anything, even now.
        But, I am writing this on a different program, sending it to myself, and copy pasting it on my dad's computer, and then updating(and erasing).
        So, here you go, chapter 2 of The Misunderstanding Betrayal!
Kagome has been disappearing for periods of up to weeks. Sasuke, the fiance of Kagome, thinks she is cheating on him, and in a fit of jealousy, he goes to Sakura.
Last Time
After the show
"Kagome, listen to me," started Sasuke, trying to catch up with Kagome.
"Get away from me you son of a bitch," replied Kagome coldly. She threw something at him. It hit Sasuke at rolled at his feet.
"This is my engagement ring. Take it. you bastard, and put it on your whore. She's waiting for you over there," Kagome said, tears running down her face, and she fled to her limo.
"Kagome, I swear, I made a mistake, and I will get you back," vowed Sasuke, walking over to his limo.
Chapter 2
        Kagome sighed and rubbed her temples. Kami, she had a massive hangover! She tried to remember what had happened last night.
        Sango comforted Kagome as she sobbed into her shoulder.
        "Sango, I thought he was the one! I thought I loved him!" cried Kagome.
        "Now now Kagome, there are plenty more fish in the sea," comforted Sango.
        "But I don't want another, I want Sasuke," sobbed Kagome.
        "Kagome!" Sango said forcefully. "Stop it, he's behind you now. He didn't deserve you. Just stop." Sango's voice softened. "He's insane. He had you, and now you're the Most Eligible Bachelorette. Now let's go and have some fun!"
        "But-..."< /i>
        Before Kagome could protest, Sango dragged Kagome out the door, shouting "Back tomorrow!" to her secretary as she went out.
        "Sango, where are we going?" asked Kagome.
        "You'll see," Sango said happily, making Kagome gulp.
10 minutes later...
        "Sango, why are we here? In a clothes shop?" groaned Kagome.
        "Honey, you need something to wear," spoke Sango.
        She shoved a bunch of clothes into Kagome's arms. "I'll be waiting," was all she said.
        Kagome went into a changing room and came out of the first outfit.
        "Aw, my little Kagsie looks so hot!" squealed Sango.
        "No way!" yelled Kagome. She was wearing a pink, glittery tank top that came up two inches below her chest, and a red mini-mini skirt.
        Kagome went back in, trying various outfits.
        "How's this one?" asked Kagome, modeling for Sango.
        "Oh... my... kami... Kagome, you should totally get that!" jumped up Sango.
        It was a black lace-up corset, with the top just showing enough cleavage to not look like a slut, a black mini skirt, and knee high boots.
        "We are getting all of these!" exclaimed Sango, shoving all the clothes Kagome had tried into her arms.
        "These are too ho-ey!" whined Kagome.
        "So what, it's not like you have to stay modest for someone!" said Sango. "Now, we're going home. So hurry up."
        At Kagome's house(mansion, more like)
        Sango looked through Kagome's fridge. "Jackpot!" exclaimed Sango happily.
        She pulled out a tub of chocolate ice cream, and pulled out two spoons.
        "Kags!" she yelled.
        Kagome was in the living room, turning on a DVD. Sango came into the room and plopped down onto the couch. For a couple of hours, the girls watched soppy romance movies while crying and downing ice cream.
        Kagome was pulled out of her thoughts by a phone call.
        "Moshi moshi, Higurashi Kagome here," said Kagome.
        "Hey babe, remember me?" asked a suave voice on the phone.
        "Of course," giggled Kagome. "How could I not?"
        "How 'bout 2 o'clock, my office?" asked the voice on the phone.
        "Sure, Inuyasha," said Kagome, looking at the clock. It was about 1 o'clock, just enough time to get ready. But then, she got pulled into the rest of her flashback.
        "Kagome, we're here!" exclaimed Sango.
        "Hmm?" Kagome asked, looking out the window. They were at a club named Dry Ice. "Why are we here?" exclaimed Kagome, shocked.
        "Well, whatever. we're going in. NOW." said Sango in a scary voice, glaring at Kagome.
        "Yes ma'am," gulped Kagome, and followed Sango into the club.
        The bouncer let them in straightaway, ignoring the huge line. When Kagome and Sango got into the club, it was full of people dancing and drinking. They went to the bar.
        "One single malt whiskey, and one scotch whiskey, please," said Sango. "On the rocks," she added as an afterthought.
        When their drinks came, Kagome took a huge mouthful.
        "Woah woah woah, lady, you better slow down," chuckled someone from her right.
        Kagome slowly turned to see a gorgeous man with silver hair and kawaii little doggy ears. She looked him up and down, taking in the well muscled body under his red wifebeater and baggy jeans. He had the most amazing amber eyes...
        "Name's Inuyasha, head of Taisho Corps. And you, my beautiful lady, are Higurashi Kagome, head of Shikon Corps," the man grinned. "Care to dance?"
        Kagome blushed, and looked at Sango.
        "Go for it, girl," whispered Sango.
        Kagome went with the stranger. For the rest of the night, they danced and talked, and Kagome enjoyed his company. Before she knew it, they were sharing phone numbers and kisses. When Kagome had to go, it was with the utmost regret, except with sweet promises whispered by Inuyasha.
        Kagome changed outfits into a pair of comfy jeans and a black tank top with the Superman symbol on it in rhinestones(I have that! It's so cute!!!). She chose simple black pumps, put her hair in a ponytail, added a touch of lipgloss, and she was ready to go. Kagome looked at the clock. It was 1:45, and she only needed about 5 minutes to get to Taisho Corps. Deciding to surprise him, she told her secretary to call her limo.
5 minutes later...
        Kagome pulled up in front of Taisho Corps., and entered through the glass doors.
        "Hello," she greeted the women behind the counter. "I'm Higurashi Kagome, here for Taisho Inuyasha, but can you not tell him I'm here? I want it to be a surprise."
        "Sure," said the women. "My name is Kagura, by the way."
        Kagome took a look at Kagura. She was quite pretty. Kagura wore a red business suit and her hair was in a bun. She had blood red eyes, a pert nose, and a small, fair mouth, which had a touch of red lipstick.
        "Thanks Kagura! Hey, I'm meeting up with my friend Sango later at 8 o'clock, want to come?" asked Kagome.
        "That sounds great!" exclaimed Kagura(no, she isn't a bitch in my story). "Where?"
        "Can you come by to the club White Gold? Actually, we can meet up at my house, and then we can go there. You know where my house is, right?" said Kagome, already taking to Kagura.
        "Sure, I don't think anybody doesn't," replied Kagura.
        "Come over at about 7, kay?" asked Kagome. "I've got to go now, so remember!"
        Kagome got into the elevator, and hummed a little tune. When she came to level 34, she got out, and opened the door into Inuyasha's office. The sight that greeted her eyes was not a pleasant one.
        A woman was on Inuyasha's desk, only wearing a pink thong, clothes in a pile along with Inuyasha's, who was only wearing a pair of red silk boxers. They were kissing and moaning, as if their life depended on it. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, while he was pulling down her thong.
        "Inuyasha," the woman said breathlessly. "NOW, I need it NOW!"
        "K-Ki-Kikyou, " groaned Inuyasha, shedding his boxers and thrusting his member inside of the now named Kikyou.
        "Inuyasha, HARDER," moaned Kikyou. "Faster, harder, ahh, more Inu-baby, more!"
        Inuyasha, in answer, just pumped in and out harder and faster, giving in to her demands.
        "Inuyasha!" screeched Kikyou.
        They were so wrapped with each other that they didn't even notice their little audience.
        Kagome stood there, frozen, staring in shock. She just could not move, so for the next 5 minutes, just stood their while they fucked like a pair of rabbits in heat.
        The groans, moans, and other sounds from Inuyasha and Kikyou made Kagome want to throw up. Finally, the two broke apart, panting and sweating. Just then, Inuyasha saw Kagome.
        "K-Kagome," whispered Inuyasha. "I-I can explain..."
        Kagome just stared into his amber eyes, sadness, betrayal, anger, and frustration being only some of the emotions in her eyes.
        "There is no need to explain," said Kagome in a low, quiet voice, bangs covering her eyes. "You don't need to explain this. You were fucking like rabid dogs in heat, and you told me to come at 2 because you didn't want me to see this. You can keep your kinky-ho. I don't give a damn. Just stay away from me, you bastard. I never want to see you again." With that, she slammed the door shut, and collapsed.
        'Dammit, I will not cry, I WILL NOT CRY!' thought Kagome to herself, biting her lip as her tears began to fall.
        She got back in the elevator numbly, and in the limo, she called Sango.
        "Sango?" she said in a choked voice.
        "Oh, Kaggie baby, what's wrong?" asked Sango in a worried voice.
        "Can you come over?" quivered Kagome, crystalline tears finding way down her cheeks. "I need to talk to you."
        "Be there in five," said Sango anxiously.
        When Kagome got home, Sango was waiting for her.
        "What's wrong, baby?" asked Sango.
        Kagome gave a heart-wrenching sob, and collapsed into Sango's arms.
        "Sango, there was somebody else in his room. I came ten minutes early, and this girl was in his room, Sango."
        "Kagome, slow down, from the beginning," said Sango.
        Slowly, with much crying and hiccups, Kagome told Sango what had happened a few minutes ago.
        Sango's eyes hardened, and roared, "I'll fucking KILL this mother fucking piece of shit!"
        She placed Kagome onto her couch, and went to the kitchen, and brought out chocolate, ice cream, candy, and other sweet binge foods. Sango put them down, and turned on a sappy romance/tragedy movie. Together, they cried for each other and for the movie. When the movie ended, Sango turned on another one.
        At 7 o'clock, someone rang the doorbell. Hiccuping, Kagome said that she would answer it. When she opened it, Kagura was there waiting in a beautiful, sparkly red dress which came to her knees, and with flaring sleeves. With her red heels, and red makeup, she was quite a piece of eyecandy.
        Kagura, immediately seeing her puffy face and red eyes, and tear streaks on her cheeks, knew that something was wrong. Kagome, reminded of what happened at Inuyasha's office, started to cry again.
        Kagura leaded Kagome back into her home, placed her on the couch, and asked, "What's wrong?"
        Sango answered for Kagome. "That son of a bitch Inuyasha was fucking some slut, kinky-ho, when Kagome went to visit him," she growled.
        Kagura immediately went into her sympathetic, ranting mode. "I'll fucking kill him, cheating on you with some random whore and breaking your heart, I'll fucking kill that piece of shit!"
        The girls had a sleepover, borrowing Kagome's pajamas, and binging on food and romance videos. Then, after the movies, they were just talking.
        "My love life sucks, or maybe I do," Kagome said morosely. "I mean, remember all of the people I've dated? Almost all of them have cheated on me. Kouga and Ayame, Naraku and Kanna, or was it Yura? I think it was both of them. Sasuke and Sakura, and now Inuyasha and Kikyou. I mean, am I really that undesirable?"
        "No it's not, Kagome-chan," said Sango. "It's not your problem, it's theirs. There is obviously something wrong with them, as no one in their right mind would cheat on you."
        "If that was true, they wouldn't have all cheated on me," Kagome said bitterly.
        "No it's not!" Kagura piped up. "Enough of this, let's play 'I never.'
        Kagome got out the sour candies, and the game began.
        "Hm, I'll start," said Sango. "I have never... kissed someone of the same gender.
        Kagome and Kagura both put a sour candy in their mouths, wincing at the taste.
        "What?" asked Sango incredulously.
        "Well, what?" asked Kagura defensively. "I've kissed a girl named Tatsuya when I thought I was gay."
        "Does someone gay count?" asked Kagome, giggling. "I've kissed Suikotsu."
        "Naw, they don't count. Next question," said Sango.
        This way, they passed the night, where the game evolved into each others' love lives.
        "So, what's with you're love life, Kagome?" questioned Kagura.
        "Well," started Kagome, her eyes darkening for a moment, "I found Kouga in bed with Ayame, Naraku having a threesome with Yura and Kanna, Sakura pregnant with Sasuke, and Inuyasha fucking Kikyou. There are others, but those are my biggest breaks, you know?"
        "Wow," said Kagura breathlessly. "Mine went more like date, sex, breakup, date, sex, breakup, and I got so used to it that neither of us really cared that we broke up. My biggest break was over this guy named Akago and another guy named Hakudoushi. Psh. Akago cheated on me with Juromaru, and Hakudoushi cheated on me with Kageromaru. Kinda sad, I know. Whatever. They're now both gay."
        Sango blushed bright red. "Miroku's the first guy I've had a relationship with, and now we're really close."
        "What? No breaks?" asked Kagura incredulously.
        "Nope, nothing. I used to think that all men were bastards and would leave you after taking your virginity," Sango said, laughin nervously and scratching the back of her head.
        "Well, turns out that it's true," Kagome said glumly.
        "True, I have to agree," said Kagura.
        "Hey, by the way, have you heard about..." Sango started to gossip about who was with who, what happened to that couple, and more random things.
        Kagome started fiddling with the stereo system, looking for a song.
        "Got it!" she cried triumphantly.
Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided

Why should I care?
Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, You need to listen
I'm starting to trip
I'm losing my grip
And I'm in this thing alone

Am I just some chick
you placed beside you
to take somebody's place?
When you turn around
can you recognize my face?
You used to love me
you used to hug me
but that wasn't the case
everything wasn't okay

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided

Why should I care?
Cause you weren't there
when I was scared
I was so alone
You! You need to listen
I'm starting to trip
I'm losing my grip
and I'm in this thing alone

Crying out loud
I'm crying out loud
crying out loud
I'm crying out loud

Open your eyes
open up wide

Why should I care?
Cause you weren't there
when I was scared
I was so alone

Why should I care?
Cause you weren't there
when I was scared
I was so alone

Why should I care?
If you don't care
then I don't care
we're not going anywhere

Why should I care?
Cause you weren't there
when I was scared
I was so alone

Why should I care?
if you don't care
then I don'tcare
we're not going anywhere
        'Shit, that's exactly how I feel,' thought Kagome.
Gotta find your inner strength
If you can't then just throw life away
Gotta learn to rely on you

Beauty, strength, and wisdom, too
You're beautiful inside and out
Lead a great life without a doubt
Don't need a man to make things fair
'Cuz more than likely he won't be there
Listen girl, gotta know it's true
In the end all you've got is you
        'That's right, I've got to stop my self-pity,' thought Kagome, hardening her resolve.
That was you and me
It started out so innocently
Shattered on the ground
I hear the sound

Ringing in my ears
I still feel the sting of my tears

Someone wake me
I can't seem to break free

Go on, get out of my head
I'm on the wrong side of a parallel universe
Am I alive or just dead
I've been stumblin' in the dark
Livin' in a crash world

Don't say one more word
At this point the truth seems absurd
Cut who we were
It's gone forever

Underneath the fears
Everything's so twisted and weird

Someone save me
I can't seem to break free

Go on, get out of my head
I'm on the wrong side of a parallel universe
Am I alive or just dead
I've been stumblin' in the dark
Livin' in a crash world

(Crash world, yeah, yeah)

Slow motion, devastation
Shoulda seen it comin' but I couldn't do nothin'
Emotion, desperation

Someone save me
I can't seem to break free

(universe, universe, parallel universe)

Go on, get out of my head
I'm on the wrong side of a parallel universe
Am I alive or just dead
I've been stumblin' in the dark
Livin' in a crash world

Go on, get out of my head
I'm on the wrong side of a parallel universe
Am I alive or just dead
I've been stumblin' in the dark
Livin' in a crash world

(Crash world, yeah, yeah)
(Crash world)
        Kagome sighed. These songs just captured these things perfectly. But the song 'Inner Strength' got to her. She decided that tomorrow, she would be stronger. By tomorrow, she would erase this part of life behind her. And maybe she would take up on one of the offers given by numerous people.
    "Thanks, you guys," she whispered, before falling into a blissful sleep in which she wouldn't be awakened until the morning.
        Hello, peoples.
        Yes, I know, crappy chapter and all. Sorry, but I didn't have too much time, but I'll have much more time during winter break, unless my parents are going to stalk me and try to catch me doing something bad and yell at me to get off the computer...
        You guys can vote on your pairings, choose ONE!!! This story is going nowhere without a pairing, so you're going to decide how the story goes, kay?
        It's hard for me to update, and I have a one-shot in mind, so be patient, kay?
        Kami, that was a lot of reviews. Thank you guys so much! Please keep on reviewing, I'm hoping for at least 5 reviews this time(or is that too ambitious?). One more thing, for my mediaminer chums. I get 282 hits, 2 reviews. Now will you look at that? Odd, isn't it? I really wish you guys would be as considerate enough as to leave a review, for all my hard work, eh?
        Cookies for all who reviewed! ^^
        Yes, I think that I'm still really unexperienced in writing, so please please PLEASE no flamers and all, R&R, cuz I need feedback.
        Constructi ve criticising, great, flamers, hell no, if another person says that my characters are OOC, I will seriously go and shove it up your ass. Smiles sweetly...Are we clear? Great! ^^*
Kagome/Sasuke(you know, get back together)
Kagome/no one(you know, independence, prove that girls don't need a man to make things better, ladeeda)
Kagome/whoever(you choose)
        I'd be grateful if you guys gave me ideas, too, cuz I have no idea where this story will go... As in I don't know what to write next.