Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Fairy Tales... MY WAY!!! ❯ Little Red Riding Hood ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, it seems another tale has gone by and we are in need for a new one.
Ah I so missed the screams of terror from some certain males as they were forced into their costumes! ^ ^
Kimajime: And who are you're next victims?
The Naruto cast! :D
Kimajime: u_u why am I not surprised... you've been giving Sasuke hints for a while now...
n_n Hai! And he agreed, and Kakashi wanted to take part too!
Tale Three: Little Red Ridding Hood
Once upon a time, in a very small village there lived a small family of ninja's. The family of three lived a happy life, though the relationship was peculiar.
Fifteen years ago, the relationship between two certain ninjas (namely: Iruka and Kakashi) had reached the point of marriage, now the other people in the village did not take offence to this, but asked them kindly if they would raise a child from one of the orphanages. Iruka, who loved kids, agreed whole-heartedly, and Kakashi, who loved Iruka agreed as well.
And so the two adopted a very hyper blond child, who was named Naruto.
Now as a little family joke, Kakashi bought Naruto a small flowered dress and a red hood for Naruto's twelfth birthday. Needless to say the boy wasn't amused with the dress, but fell in love with the hood. He wore it everyday to the point where when it ripped Iruka had sewn it together.
But that's not really the story... The story actually takes place where one day Iruka pulled Naruto aside and handed him a basket full of sake, cookies, paper and ink and naughty books we should not name.
“Naruto, I need you to do a favor for me.”
“What is it Iruka?” Naruto asked suspiciously.
“I need you to go Jiraiya-san's house and deliver these to him. He's been going through a slump and could use some cheering up to help him with his next book.”
“What?” Naruto cried, “You want *me* to go that pervert's house and give goodies? Why can't you do it yourself?!”
“Because Naruto-kun...” Iruka started with a dangerous voice and a creepy smile, “I need to work today, and Kakashi is off hunting.”
Naruto `eeped' and silently nodded his head grabbing for the basket; he pulled on his hood and immediately set out for Jiraiya's house, grumbling all the way.
“Thank you Naruto-kun~! There will be ramen for you when you get back!” Iruka sang, his mood doing a whole 180.
Now as many of you know, the wood is a very dangerous place for young folk to tread, and so Naruto paid very good attention to Kakashi's advice and stayed close to the worn path. But half way through he heard a rather strange noise, and curious was he that his hand slowly and rather casually reached into his hood and inside a small-unknown compartment where he kept his kunai.
But just as he was about to throw the small weapon something leapt from the bushes and landed not three feet away from, with a surprised scream he fell on his ass and stared up at the newcomer with shocked eyes.
There stood a boy a tad taller than him, with spiked ebony hair and pale skin. His eyes were such a deep brown that they appeared to be black, and because they were so dark you couldn't see his pupil.
“Hello.” The other whispered huskily, and Naruto was drawn to another rather noticeable feature. This boy who had stopped him had a pair of wolf ears poking through his hair, and a wolf's tail wrapped around his short clad waist.
Clearly not taking in the obvious danger of the situation he smiled cutely and said, “Hello, what brings you here?” The wolf boy gazed in wonder at the boy's cheerful attitude, but it only made him desire the genki blond more.
“I was just walking around and saw you heading somewhere, in quite a rush I might add.” He finished with what seemed to be a purr; he walked over to Naruto and helped the boy to his feet.
“Thanks!” Naruto chirped, and he attempted to remove himself from the strange boy's grasp, seeing he couldn't he stared down at the clawed hands clutching his in a grip that clearly screamed `mine!' “Ano sa... you can let go of my hands now...”
The wolf boy let go of Naruto's hands with a hurt expression, but whether it was his pride or heart that was hurt we cannot know.
Seeing the boy's discomfort, Naruto started to feel guilty, “Hey! What is your name anyway?” He asked the boy.
The other blinked in surprise, no one has ever asked for his name before, and here this creature was asking as if it were the most casual thing... but then maybe where he came from it was; “My name is Sasuke.” He murmured quietly.
“Sasuke?” Naruto repeated, unsure if he heard right, but the other's nod confirmed he made no mistake, “Well Sasuke, my name's Naruto! I'm going over to Jiraiya-san's house to give him this!” And this is where he promptly shoved the basket under poor Sasuke's nose.
Sasuke's left eye began to twitch, “Why are you visiting him?” Clearly irked the cute blond would rather spend time with some old perverted hermit than himself.
Naruto giggled nervously, “I already told you why.” And he waggled the basket again for emphasis.
Sasuke nodded and then stood, still blocking Naruto's path as he began to think of a plan to make Naruto his. An answer popped into his head and with a barely noticeable nod he lifted his head to stare at the other with, mischief, lust, desire, and challenge in his eyes.
Naruto felt his stomach knot several times.
“How about we play a game?” Sasuke suggested. Naruto brightened at this, for he could rarely ever play games with the other children, because they all made fun of him being an orphan. “What kind of game?” He questioned.
“Oh it's rather simple, more like a race to this Jiraiya's house. Whoever gets there first wins.”
Naruto's eyes danced with a playful fire, he was well known for being fast... but one had to be when they dealt in mischievous pranks. “Alright you have yourself a racing partner.”
And so the two stood shoulder to shoulder, and together they called out, “THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!” and each went a different way, Naruto choose to stick to the path, and Sasuke, who knew the forest well, decided to cut through.
Needless to say Sasuke won, and this was all part of his plan. He walked to the door of the pervert's house and knocked. It wasn't long before Jiraiya answered and peered down at the familiar wolf boy, “Yes?”
Sasuke glared at the elder, “I got a date with a blonde who's too cute for his own good, you're temporarily moving out!” He ordered.
Jiraiya raised an eyebrow; the only boy other than Sasuke who should be in this forest is Naruto. His eyes widened as realization hit, “My heart bleeds for you, but there is no way-”
“I'll give you all the details later.”
“I'm coming back tomorrow morning, I expect the place cleaned up by then.”
And with the promise of naughty stories Jiraiya hurried off in search of that lovely new hot spring he had heard about.
Now, while Sasuke bounded off rather quickly in hopes of reaching the finish line, he forgot one thing. Naruto doesn't have a very wide attention span... so while he was running to win he happened upon this little patch of wild flowers, and they looked so pretty he took the time and started making flower chains, something Iruka had taught him during a boredom period. After he had successfully made a flower crown, ring, necklace and bracelet he continued on his way, but making sure to be careful of the basket and the flowers hidden in his hood pockets.
It was roughly after three in the afternoon when Sasuke heard a knock at the door, now throughout the whole time Naruto was running and making flower jewelry he had already tidied the place up, stripped down to his boxers and covered his hair with the pervert's nightcap.
He cleared his throat and called out in a forced raspy voice, “Who is it?”
“It's me pervert!” Naruto replied, mad that the `asshole' forgot about his visiting him. “Are you going to let me in or not?”
Slightly miffed at the answer he got, Sasuke was very tempted to tell him to `shove it where the sun don't shine.' But refrained, for this was Naruto, the hot blonde he found walking down the road in a very enticing drag. (the flower dress) So he called, “Yeah.” For he wasn't sure how the Jiraiya would reply in this situation.
When Naruto walked in he took off his shoes and commented while walking through the hall, “You must be sicker than I thought... didn't even yell about the pervert thing.”
And thus Sasuke began to smack his forehead commenting on how he was so stupid to have missed such an obvious reaction.
“Hey, Jiraiya, I brought you some stuff from Iruka and Kakashi, it looks like sake food and writing stuff... Ooh and Kakashi slipped you in some porn, how nice of him...”
Sasuke snorted, but quickly calmed down when Naruto opened the bedroom door, “Put the basket on the night table, dobe, and take off your clothes to come to bed with me.”
Naruto's face went sour and he went and whapped the disguised Sasuke on the head; “OW!” Sasuke cried, slipping with his voice for only a moment; “It was to help me with body heat baka!” He cried pulling the blankets around his beautiful pale face.
“Oh... hehehehe...” Naruto replied nervously, and the silly twit began to strip down to his boxers as well.
`What no frilly underwear?' Sasuke thought amused.
Naruto proceeded to climb into the bed, remembering doing this for Iruka, and to Jiraiya once upon an illness. But as he sat down he began to notice some obvious differences...
“Jiraiya... you shrunk...”
“...” Sasuke decided to ignore that comment.
“Wow, nice arms...” Naruto commented.
“All the better to hold you with.” Sasuke replied grinning.
“What young eyes you have...”
“All the better to see you with...” Sasuke said huskily slowly drawing the blanket down.
“What a sexy mouth...”
“All the better to eat you with!” Sasuke growled and pounced on Naruto tucking him firmly beneath him.
“Y-you...” Naruto began.
“Yes, me.” Sasuke murmured nuzzling Naruto's face, “You've been so mean to me Naruto-koi...” He breathed on his neck causing the blond to shiver, “I'm going to have to eat you all up...”
And this is the part where Sasuke continues to eat Naruto... though Naruto didn't seem to-
“Oooooh! Sasuke! More!”
mind... -.-