Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Girl in the Akatsuki ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"So, what do you...ya know...Do?" Tayuya's voice asked from behind Amaya. Amaya, who had been drawing in the evening light, jumped, nearly destroying her picture.
Amaya caught her breath for a moment. "What do you mean?" She asked incredulously, spinning to face her new friend.
"What's your fighting style?" Tayuya elaborated.
"What brought that on?" Amaya countered, taking in Tayuya's sweaty and slightly hunched form. But what she really did that for was to see what that wonderful smell was. She stood up and gratefully snatched a cup of hot chocolate from Tayuya's hand. Tayuya sipped at her own cup, plopping down on Amaya's bed, before answering.
"Well, I was training out there, and I saw you drawing. I thought, 'Why don't I ever see you training? What do you even do?', so I thought I'd ask."
"Well, I'm a Kaera-you know about us, right? Actually, I should say knew, but..." She trailed off, realizing that she'd said too much.
"I know what happened. I'm sorry." Tayuya muttered.
Amaya nodded in gratitude before continuing. "Well, my parents could control the elements, but they always put my brother first, so I only had a chance to learn a few things. I know Air, Water, and Lightning. Apparently, my father could control all of them. Plus, it was rumored that he could control...time."
"Cool. But still, don't you have your own thing? Like, I have my flute and Orochimaru-Sama has his...erm...Snakiness." Tayuya said.
"Not really, no." Amaya answered after a brief pause.
"Hmmm, we'll have to speak with Orochimaru-Sama about that. Ooh, what-cha drawing?" Tayuya said, noticing Amaya's sketch. She got up and snatched it before Amaya could even reply.
"Oooh, who's this hunk of beef? And tell me, does he have a brother?" Tayuya asked-
-before she froze on spot. "Amaya..." She said, slowly turning to her friend. "Do you know who this is?" She asked, pointing to the picture in her hands.
"Well, duh. But how do you-?" Amaya replied.
"Um...Is this guy a friend of yours?" Tayuya asked hesitantly.
"Tayuya, why do you sound like he's on your death list...?" Amaya gasped. "Oh, hell no."
Tayuya backed away a bit. "Hey, hey! He's not, he's not!" She said, holding up her hands.
She paused, taking a deep breath. "Well, not on mine."
Amaya froze. "WHAT?" She asked incredulously.
"Amaya, this guy is next on the list of who Orochimaru-Sama wants as a container." Tayuya said, praying that Amaya would stay calm.
Amaya realized something. "Tayuya, has anyone tried to come here to get me back?"
Tayuya shook her head, grateful for the change in subject. "Um, no. Last time I checked, no one's tried to spring you. You don't want to go, do you?"
Amaya sighed, grabbing back her drawing and ripping it in half before letting it fall to the floor. "No, Tayuya, I'm not going anywhere. Look, how about we go and find Kabuto so we can all train together. I feel the extreme need to hurt something."
Tayuya, glad that Amaya was staying, but slightly frightened at Amaya's sadistic intent, led the way out of the room.
Amaya lingered for a moment, glancing at the two halves of her picture. A split second later, she was gone.
As she stepped out of her home, she couldn't seem to get the two halves of Sasuke Uchiha's face out of her mind.
"Leader?" Sasuke asked, knocking on the door to Leaders private study. "May I come in?"
"Yes, come on in." Sasuke heard Leader reply. Sasuke opened the door, slipping silently into the darkness that engulfed the room.
"Leader, I was wondering when I would be allowed to go and try to get Amaya back." Sasuke said, spitting it out before he had time to dread it.
"Never, Sasuke. You may go."