Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ballarine ❯ Pas De Deux ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title:  Pas de Deux
Author:  desolate butterfly
Genre:  AU, yaoi, smut
Pairing:  NaruSasu, hints of SasuSaku
Rating:  R for clothed frottage
Summary:  It's the cast party after the final production of Swan Lake and Sasuke's not having any fun.  Well, Naruto will just have to change that won't he?
It wasn't supposed to happen, except that he'd had a bit too much to drink.  He'd been a bit too high—from the satisfaction of another show done and over, and the way his body felt warm and ready to dance another four acts already if he asked it to, and he forgot himself.
It was also Sasuke's fault.
Sasuke's fault, for sulking in the corner with his bottle of beer, looking sour and miserable despite the fact that he'd performed perfectly (like always) and had scouts from goddamn Paris crawling up his ass to get a contract.  Sasuke, whose long, lean body slouched against the wall with more grace than Naruto could manage after a whole months worth of form training with Kakashi.  Sasuke, whose dark hair was falling messily into his eyes and across his neck, making him look more vulnerable then he ought to.  Sasuke, who had refused every single offer to dance, though half the chorus girls had tried.
Naruto hadn't seen Sakura try yet, but he supposed it was still early.  The last he saw, she was clinking champagne glasses with Ino at the bar.
Still, somebody had to do something about Sasuke.
`Guess that makes me a somebody.'
Naruto made his way through the flexing, gyrating crowd of cast members, smiling faintly at the few hoots and hollers he got from some of the familiar faces on the floor.  He waved off some hands that brushed themselves hopefully against his hips and shoulders and slipped out into the corner where Sasuke was nursing his drink.
Beside them, a stereo thumped out a rapid dance beat and Naruto felt his pulse jump to match the same rhythm, blood pounding in his head so hard he almost felt dizzy.  He hooked an arm around Sasuke's and swung to the side.
The dark-haired boy glared at him and shrugged him off irritably.  Naruto only grinned.
“Heeeey, Frosty the Ice Bitch, why aren't you dancing?  It's a cast party, don't you think you should, you know, party a bit?”
Sasuke's scowl grew and Naruto found himself focused on the curl of those thin lips, the hint of teeth between them.  He leaned forward a bit—it was so loud here, what was Sasuke saying?
“—just fine by myself here, moron.  Why don't you go find someone else to annoy?”
Naruto pressed a hand to his chest and staggered back, giving an exaggerated pout.
“Why Sasuke, you know you're my favourite person to bug!  Well, except for Sakura-chan, maybe.  She looks really hot when she's pissed off.  But I guess you knew that already, eh lover-boy?”
Sasuke's face reddened and his back stiffened, right on cue.
“S-shut up, idiot!”
“Or maybe you're too perfect to piss the princess off,” Naruto mused.  “Must be nice.”
Sasuke mumbled something that was lost in the thrumming pulse of the bass line, and Naruto was pretty sure it wouldn't have been all that interesting anyway, so he didn't bother telling Sasuke to repeat himself.  Instead, he grabbed the boy by the wrist and started to drag him onto the dance floor.
Sasuke struggled at first, but didn't really accomplish much.  He might have been able to lift Sakura with ease, but Naruto would prove to be a much harder mountain to move.  Plus the crush of people on the dance floor quickly blocked his exit, and Naruto smiled at the death threats Sasuke's eyes were throwing at him as he led him out into the center of the floor.
“Dance,” he ordered, moving his own hips in sinuous rhythm, lifting his arms up above his head in a weak parody of port de bras.  The unstructured quality of the dance, the heaviness of it, and the smell of sweat and skin in the air, was so intoxicating…so unlike the refined, delicate turns Naruto had taken on stage earlier that day.  He loved it.
Sasuke, however, looked like a fish out of water in the midst of the grinding bodies.  His arms folded around his chest and he was a stiff as a board, not even a smidgen of the lithe grace he'd shown earlier peeking through.  Naruto sighed and slid a hand around Sasuke's waist.  The other slapped it away, but he only put it back there again and pulled him closer.
“Geez, you're making me uncomfortable,” he said, leaning forward so he could say the words into Sasuke's ear. “Loosen up, will you?  Just…move.”
“How?” Sasuke spat back, hackles raised.  “There's no pattern to…anything here.”
Naruto laughed, surprised at this partial admission from Sasuke that he, for once, had no idea what he was doing in a dance. 
“Sure there is,” he said, placing his other hand on Sasuke's hip, spreading his fingers out a bit so they spanned the width of Sasuke's back.  “Feel the beat?  Just sway like this.”
Slowly, he guided Sasuke's hips until they swung from side to side, awkwardly at first, and then with the beat in a steady roll.  Sasuke scowled, looking suspiciously at Naruto's feet which were barely leaving the ground to shuffle from side to side.  His arms came up to press against Naruto's shoulders, and then dropped again at his sides.
“What do I do with my hands?” Sasuke muttered.
“Well,” Naruto drawled, “if you're dancing by yourself, you can raise them up like this—"
 His fingers dropped from Sasuke's hips and lifted to run through his hair, and then down to caress his own body, twitching against chest and abs.  He checked to see if Sasuke's was watching.
The Uchiha certainly looked like he was paying attention.  His eyes were glued to Naruto's fingers.
Naruto grinned to himself and continued.  “—or if you're dancing with a girl, you can put your arms around her waist, or her shoulders, or her neck.”
He let his hands trail down to brush over his own thighs and laughed at the flush that spread across the other's cheeks.  Sasuke started at the sound, and then jerked back, eyes snapping to connect with his.  Naruto felt the laughter in his throat die at the strange intensity in that gaze.  He swallowed, hard.
“And what if I'm dancing with you?” the Uchiha asked, voice soft enough that Naruto had to strain to hear him over the pounding of the music.  “What do I do with my arms then?”
A wave of dizziness struck Naruto and he found himself tilting forward.  The buzz of the drink, and the music, and the heat of the people narrowed and focused into white noise as he reached for Sasuke's hands and drew them up to clasp loosely around his own neck.  This movement brought the other boy so close Naruto could feel warm breath on his cheek, and Sasuke's eyes swam in front of Naruto's face.
“You uh…you put them here, like that,” he gulped, feeling blood rise in his face and up his neck.
“Oh,” Sasuke said, and started to move his hips again, in time to the music.  Naruto had to bite back a groan at the  movement suddenly a whole lot closer than it was before.  From under half-lidded eyes he saw Sasuke's smug smirk at the reaction and grit his teeth.
`So you want to make it a competition, you bastard?  Fine.  We'll see how well you do.'
Naruto pulled Sasuke a bit to the side, so that he could slide a leg in between his, slipping a hand to loosely cup the small of Sasuke's back underneath the stretchy material of his shirt, feeling the soft, sweat-slicked skin there.  He rolled his hips forward and watched triumphantly as the smug smile dropped from Sasuke's face and was replaced with an O of surprise.  He rubbed up a bit with his thigh and dipped Sasuke back, curving the boy's spine in an arch that reminded him of all the times he'd done the same thing to Sakura in class…only without so much leg jammed into her groin.  Unfortunately.
“Keeping up, bastard?” he teased, as Sasuke's eyes fluttered shut and his head dropped back to display the corded tendons of his neck.
“Stop that,” Sasuke hissed, pushing away again.  “You're putting on a show.”
Naruto shrugged and grasped Sasuke's hand in his, already missing the warmth of a body against him.  “If you want, we could always take this someplace more private.”
Sasuke stared hard at him for a few moments, before turning swiftly on his heel and stalking off the dance floor in the direction of the dressing rooms.  Naruto watched his ass with an appreciative eye, and then followed.
As far as invitations went, that was pretty poor, but he figured that coming from Sasuke, it was the best equivalent to a come on as he was going to get.
He caught up with Sasuke at the dressing rooms just in time to slam him against the door and catch his lips in a searing kiss.  Sasuke squirmed deliciously against him for a while, hands fisting in Naruto's hair so hard it would probably be painful if Naruto wasn't so blissfully unable to feel anything but the heat and softness of Sasuke's lips under his, the utter wetness of his tongue.
He scrabbled for the handle on the door beside Sasuke's hip, and pushed it open, backing Sasuke into the room and only having enough presence of mind to swing the door shut with his foot before lunging at the other dancer.  They struggled against each other for a few minutes, neither willing to give up a position of dominance.  Sasuke's teeth grazed his ear, and Naruto retaliated by capturing his wrists and stretching them up above Sasuke's head while he set about attacking the Uchiha's neck and collarbone.
Finally, Naruto managed to shift Sasuke over to the opposite wall and lean him against it, mouth sliding frantically over his with small wet sounds.  His hands lifted Sasuke by the hips and Sasuke took the encouragement to wrap his legs around him and just ride.  He started to thrust his hips, feeling Sasuke's hardness straining through the cloth of his pants against his own burning erection, and a low, guttural moan falling from his lips.
Sasuke had clamped his teeth onto the skin between Naruto's neck and shoulder and looked to be working on drawing blood, not that he minded.  The small jolt of pain went right to Naruto's cock and he twitched against Sasuke, increasing the speed of his rubbing and twining his fingers in Sasuke's dark hair.
They moved together, and Sasuke's mouth detached from Naruto's skin to utter a wordless cry as he stiffened in Naruto's arms.  From the almost pained expression on his face, and the way his nails were digging viciously into his biceps, Naruto guessed that he had just made the other boy come.  The rush of power at that feeling was enough to trigger his own orgasm, and Naruto clutched Sasuke to him and groaned his release into the other's neck, feeling a warm wetness spread across the front of his pants.  He shuddered against Sasuke, and let him slide them both down the wall until they sat, breathless, legs tangled together in a sweaty mess.
“Wow,” Naruto gasped, trying to catch his breath.  He shot Sasuke a wicked leer, lifting his eyebrows teasingly.  “For someone who keeps on claiming he's not gay, you sure know how to kiss a guy.”
The Uchiha, who had, up until that point, been looking rather relaxed and boneless, stiffened once more, and Naruto almost regretted saying anything.  Almost.
“We're drunk,” Sasuke intoned flatly, rising from the floor and moving smoothly to the door.  “This won't happen again.”
And then he was gone.  `Probably off to sulk in his little corner again until it gets late enough that he can claim to be tired and go home.'
Naruto frowned and then rubbed his fingers absently against his lips, remembering the press of Sasuke's lips there, and the sharpness of teeth on his shoulder.  His fingers travelled down and found the mark, the small indentations that would probably bruise up really nicely.
“Hm…maybe I'll wear that scoop-necked sweater to class on Monday and we can see how many times I can make the Ice Prince blush in the space of an hour.”
Naruto chuckled to himself and adjusted his pants around his waist.
He really needed a shower.