Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Complications at Konoha High ❯ Cat and Mouse ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm not satisfied with where I am at life,
Am I suppose to be happy?
When all I ever wanted comes with a price.
-Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (DO NOTown)
Disclaimer: We do NOT OWN Naruto or any of the characters. Just the plot. All the wonderful credit for Naruto goes to Masashi Kishimoto! We also don't Own Nintendo Product's.
Cat and Mouse
by: BloxandBunnox
Curious gazes wondered towards the new student while Jiraiya the history teacher, who had long spiky hair and was famous for writing “Come Come Paradise”, was talking about famous paintings, preferably the paintings of women. Thankfully, they got to sit anywhere they want, Naruto and Kiba sat in the middle on the left side while Ino and Sakura were on the other side of the class room. Hinata sat a few seats in front of Naruto and Kiba since she had to wait to introduce herself (which almost made her faint.) The two outcasts keep glancing at the pale eyed beauty. Kiba turned to say something to his ramen murderer friend till he noticed Naruto day dreamily gazed at his childhood friend. That strange anger filled him again and he frowned facing forward.
“Today, you rug rats will have the joy of getting a partner to study a piece of art in history then write a paper about it and make it a poster then present it in class...And about the partners...” Explained Jiraiya. Suddenly a majority of the girls and even a few boy hopeful eyes glanced at the sulking Uchiha in the back. “I will choose who will get together of course.” A depressed air went through out the room, as he started to list them off.
“Uchiha and....” Naruto hoped it wasn't him, ever since school started he was always partnered with Sasuke, Gym for bad mintton and Writing for a definition game, which they didn't get anything done in since all they did was argue. Almost all the girls' held there breath. “Ino Yamanaka.”
Ino shivered, a sudden cold air few around her. She glanced around to see a pairs of eyes jealously glare at her. She almost felt sick, yesterday she decided to give up on Sasuke so she can cheer her best friend on. Sasuke sighed hoping it wasn't another fan girl.
The list went on and on till finally it came to Shino, Kiba, Naruto and Hinata.
“Hyuuga will be paired up with....” Hinata's face turned red as an image of Naruto came to mind.
“Uzumaki!” Her face turned redder as she turned around to see a huge grin on Naruto's face and he did the thumbs up sign. She quickly looked forward and a small smile formed on her face, Kiba ,on the other hand, had tears forming in his eyes as he was face down on his desk cursing Naruto, who ignored his crazy mumbling.
Sakura couldn't take it anymore, “Jiraiya-Sensei?!” She said raising her hand.
“Yes?” Jiraiya answered a little lazily.
“I was wondering if we two people agree can we switch partners?” Sakura asked with a sweet tone.
“Sorry Haruno but you're going to have to deal with it.” Jiraiya said forcefully as he started to access the Internet to 'research'.
Her eye twitched she was paired up with and she glared at Ino for a second who continued to write in her notebook ignoring everyone's jealousy filled eyes. She poked her with her pencil (quite hard) to get her attention. The pencil dropped to the notebook and Ino turned towards Sakura with her normal expression.
“I hear you're going after Sasuke-Kun too.” Sakura said bluntly.
Ino looked surprised for a second and gave her a weird look, “I don't know what you're talking about Sakura, sure Sasuke is good looking but I'm not interested.” She said dully.
Sakura smiled and nodded turning back to her work with Ino's convincing answer. Ino sighed in her head, she has been practicing that to her mirror all day yesterday, trying to keep an expression that showed she meant business and the same voice and her skills proved great. Her face softened as she slipped into her thoughts and without notice the bell rang and everyone collected those things. When everyone was almost out the door, Ino realized what was happening and nervously got her things together and stood up and was about to walk towards the door till a note book stopped in front of her face. She glanced at the culprit to see it was Sasuke Uchiha in the flesh.
“Ino right?” He said coolly.
Ino quickly collected her feelings and her eyes squinted slightly and she answered, “Yes, Is there something you want Sasuke?”
Sasuke was a little surprise then suddenly remembered something, Sasuke-Kun! Hey Sasuke-Kun what's your favorite color? Sasuke-Kun! Will you go out with me! This girl seemed different from all of the other recent girl's he met and her actions slightly amused him, “We should meet up after school for the project.”
Ino's eyes widen she totally forgot about having to meet up! She hung her head in embarrassment with a spark of blush on her face. “Suuuure....”
“Good, meet you in front of the school,” he practically ordered which caused Ino to frown while the blush was still on her face.
Naruto put an arm around Hinata with his usual grin on. “Our project is going to be AWESOME! You better believe it!” Hinata was speechless from their closeness, that is till Kiba interrupted.
“Idiot! Get your grimy hands off of Hinata-chan!”
“What? We're just talking about our project dog boy!”
“Well you don't need to be that close!”
“A-ah..” Hinata started off till she got interrupted.
“Kiba why don't you go talk to Shino about your project!”
“Well why don't you go-”
“Please stop!” Yelled Hinata. The two grew quiet and stared at her. She turned read and continued, “Er, I.. I-I'm s...s-sorry, I'm f-fine, Please don't w-worry.” She ended with a weak smile.
Kiba couldn't help but calm down and smile back, “Fine...” then his expression turned serious as he looked over at Naruto and whispered to him, “But hands off buddy.”
“Sure thing Kiba,” Naruto said with a grin, not noticing Kiba emphasizing on 'buddy'. He let go of Hinata. Her body felt slightly colder and she felt a little disappointed. Meanwhile Kiba put his arm around his childhood friend, “Well what's up Hinata?”
“WHA!?” Naruto and Kiba got into an argument again and Hinata sighed till Neji appeared. His glare wondered to Kiba who instantly let go Hinata. She nervously looked at both Naruto and Kiba, “S-sorry, I..I think I should g-go to cl-class...”
She quickly walked pass them and walked pass Neji also. He keep glaring at them both before following his cousin.
Naruto leaned towards Kiba, “That was weird...”
“I know he's freaky...” responded Kiba.
Finally the end off the school day had finally came. At the lockers Ino opened her locker only to find a note gently glide to the floor. She curiously picked it up and opened it.
Dear Ino,
I'm glad you're not interested in Sasuke-Kun! I don't want to have to fight with my best friend for something like that. So like I heard they are announcing who's going to be on the squad in a few days I'm so excited! I hope we both get on...Good luck! Also I found Mr. Fluffyscuffs under my bed, I'll give it to you later.
Your BFF,
Ino sighed and put a small smile on her face.
Inner Ino: HELLZ YEAH SHE FELL FOR IT! Break Dance time!
Ino tore it in to a few pieces and put it into her binder, she gathered her things and started walking outside swiftly, practically gliding. That is till she saw Sasuke waiting at the front gate staring... STRAIGHT AT HER?!? AH I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE PROJECT! She almost turned around to walk back but since she was caught she decided to play along.

“Hey Sasuke, thanks for waiting for me, I kind of had something to do first,” She explained.
“It's alright I guess you can't help being slow,” responded Sasuke.
“Yeah I... WAIT what did you say?!”
“Nothing let's just go.”
“Ah.. Are we going to the library or something?” wondered Ino looking around hoping no was was watching.
“Don't be ridiculous. We're going to my house.” he said motioning a car to come their way.
“WHAT?!” but before she could say anymore she was pushed into the car.
Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, and Shino were all at the library studying their project together. Well Kiba and Shino just happen to 'walk by'. They finally agreed on what they were going to do a project on. Hinata was starting the poster and Naruto keep looking at his book then over Hinata's shoulder. Kiba keep scribbling on a piece of paper while glaring at Naruto and no one knew what Shino was doing since you couldn't see his eyes through the sunglasses but he keep changing the pages of a book.
“I FOUND IT!” yelled Naruto pointing at the page. Suddenly everyone in the library SHUSHED him. His eye twitched, “I found it...” he said more quietly.
“T-thats Good N-naruto, I t-think I'm ha-alf way done with the p..poster.”
“SWEET!” He was once again shushed. “...”
“Ha-ha, nice going Naruto.” Kiba said playfully.
“At least I'm doing something dog-breath.”
“Oh yeah that reminds me.” Kiba unzipped his back pack a little more reveling his buddy Akamaru then shoved him and his back pack under the desk so he wouldn't be found out, “Also that reminds me how much of a baka you are.”
“You're starting to sound like Sasuke-Teme...”
“SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH” said the librarian standing tall behind Kiba who coward back to his notebook which was just a black hole of scribbles.
Shino suddenly placed a note book with a few pages filled out on they're topic. “Oh yeah good work Shino.” Kiba said giving him the thumbs up.
Naruto on the other hand only had a half a page full since he had a hard time paying attention to the subject. “Ah, Naruto...?”
He glanced over at Hinata who's eyes wondered off the the side. “Um, I-I was wondering... M-maybe I c-can look over t-the paper?” She said as a blush formed on her face.
“Hu? Oh Sure thing Hinata!” he handed the notebook over.
Hinata looked over all what was written. She stared amazed at how crafty it was, she couldn't find a single mistake! The words formed together perfectly, “Wow N-naruto, this is a-amazing...” She quietly praised him, loud enough so he could hear.
Naruto blinked a few times, someone was praising him? He had to make sure, “You're not just staying that are you?”
“N-no, It's really well wr-written!”
Naruto's cheeks tinted pink, “Thank you!” he said putting on a goofy grin, He put his hand on Hinata's shoulder, “I think we make a great tea-” WACK
Naruto was interrupted by Neji who was sitting not far from the group, after hearing his Cousin had to work on a project with this blond idiot he of course followed them since it was his job to look over the poor girl. A huge book was slapped across Naruto's head leaving a bump, “I would advise you not to get to close Uzumaki...”
Naruto only frowned, He didn't like this guy at all!
Neji had just returned to his seat and Rock Lee joyfully greeted him, “My youthful friend, did you defeat the evil you were talking about?!”
“Awesome! Yoshi!”
“Lee! Can you be a little more quieter?! Why are you even here anyways?!” Yelled Tenten who also got shushed. “...”
Tenten was a member of the Cheer Squad and was a Sophomore along with Neji and Rock Lee. She was friends with Rock Lee, a child but doesn't like to show it in front of everyone, though she does still worry about the poor guy. Rock Lee was proud fully one of the greatest athletes in the school which strangely doesn't get him much action since he is just a mini version of the gym teach. Rock Lee cant help but Idolize the guy with they're matching Eye brows and bowl hair cuts (much to Tenten's embarrassments!) Ever since She laid eyes on the Hyuuga boy she couldn't help but be drawn to him and his freaky eyes. She 'casually' stalked him here.
_______________---------Flash Back------------______________
Rock Lee and his eye soring green clothing jumped in front of the mysterious Neji, “You're skills were great in gym... I ROCK LEE challenge you!”
...As much as I would like to beat you, my destiny is to watch over my cousin...”
Ah I see! Your strong commitment is amazing! Let's be friends, my friend!”
Off to protect your cousin from unyouthful strangers!” said Rock Lee dragging Neji off to the Library.
Tenten on the on the other hand was just around the corner shy fully watching the handsome Neji, till The Green Beast Rock Lee dragged him off, “GAH?! ROCK LEE GET BACK HERE!” she yelled running after them.
Neji's eyes wondered as what's her face...was it Tictactoe? Who the hell knows, arguing with the eyebrow's or the guy... anyone anyways, His eyes wondered around the library memorizing every inch till it focused on something... No someone and what they held. A sugar cookie, unknown to everyone else, Neji was obsessed with cookies. Almond Cookies, Butter Cookies, Carmel Shortbread (Yes it is a cookie), Coconut Macaroon, Custard Cream, Faworki's, Fortune Cookies, Gingerbread, Gingersnap's, Kifli's, Lady Finger (cookie), Mexican Weddin Cookie's, Moravian Spice Cookies, Oat Crisp's, Peanut Butter, Rainbow Cookie's, Russian tea cake, Snickerdoodle's, Sugar cookies, wibele's and many more. This little morsels was a sugar cookie, practically dipped in sweet frosting decorated with sprinkles evenly to one's delight. The person who snuck them in was a pretty large dude. Choji i recall... This perfect cookie was also heading his way?! Choji and Shikamaru decided to check up on they're friends (much to Shikamaru's dismay.) Too 'Troublesome.” They stopped by greeting the group and while Shikamaru decided to carry on a conversation Choji noticed someone eyeing his lunch. It was the beautiful Neji Hyuuga. His eyes were practically glued to the bag and were filled with hunger. It was though he hadn't eaten for days. The thought scared Choji but his sympathy kicked in, he did something he didn't usually do.. Share food. Something deep inside his stomach made him give up the cookies, well he did shove at least one in his pocket... He bluntly walked over to Neji who snapped back into reality. He was confused as Choji shoved the bag into his face.

“What's this for?” he said without emotion.
“Keep it, you look like you want it soo....”
“... Are you sure...?”
“Yes now take it before I change my mind.”
Suddenly he started to ask questions... like “Who made this?” “How do you keep it in this shape?” “Why cant it melt easily?” and they started to start a conversation and Neji smiled?! Tenten looked in horror as Neji was actually speaking and smiling... a lot... and not to her?! What kind of world was this. Shikamaru was a little happy his best friend found someone who he can relate with food. Hinata was surprised that her anti-social cousin actually made GOOD Human contact but the most scariest thing was his smile.... The rest kind of thought it was a little creepy, except Lee who thought the Neji's youthfulness should spread! Shino just sat there and stared for a while before he continued to write.
“Awwwkward.” commented Naruto.
Ino stared mouth open at the front of the Uchiha House, it was quite a large house but wasn't larger then a mansion but you can tell they were loaded. Sure her house was pretty big and they owned a popular flower shop but this was nothing comparison. Sasuke was already at the door and Ino scrambled at first but, made it to the door. He gave her a weird look before walking in the large doors. She whipped her shoes first before stepping in. The floor was shiny and made her nervous to step on. The shoe area was pretty large and she noticed there was already some out. Someone was home?!
She looked around curiously and Sasuke watched, he smirked. It reminded him of when you first bring a pet home. He suddenly imagined Ino in cat ears with a tail and a collar saying “If found bring to Uchiha residence.”
Ino was suddenly freaked out by the sound of something hitting the wall she turned to see Sasuke hitting his head against the wall. He wasn't doing it hard but it was still creepy.

“Are you alright Sasuke?” Ino asked raising her eyebrow.
“Hn.” Why the hell was I imagining that?! “We should get started.”
“Oh, right..”
He lead them up stared and down a long hall way. They stopped at a room that had two doors. Sasuke opened it to reveal a pretty large room that was practically empty, the bed was king sized and there were many covered with dark blue pillows and the sheets were also dark blue while the blanket was silky and black. There was a desk with a few note books and papers scattered and a simple but comfy looking chair. A few boxes remained unopened reminding Ino that Sasuke just moved here. She noticed a large TV that faced the bed on the other side of the wall and there was a game station under it.
“Is... is that... The new Nintendo Wii?! I always wanted to-” Ino suddenly covered her mouth, she just realized her dorky side that she locked up long ago just opened up.
You play?” Sasuke asked lifting an eyebrow.
“Ah No of course not I cant even believe I know The name hahaha.” She said defensively narrowing her eyes.
“Oh really,” Sasuke said turning away he spotted the box that held all of his games and a smirk formed on his face, “I guess you don't want to play the the... Zelda game then?”
He then pulled it out revealing it's shiny new cover, it shined perfectly unopened and the wrapper looked tempting. Ino's eye twitched at the words. She turned around and bit her bottom lip.
________ That Night ____________
Ino stood up in victory after winning Sasuke in Mario Kart Racing! “Haha Take that Uchiha!”
Ino turned around confused.
“Call me Sasuke, being called Uchiha is really annoying.” he said simply.
“Alright Sasuke,” she said with a small smile, “Now about that project...” she turned around and looked at the clock, “9:30!?!? I'm late! Sorry Sasuke!” she said grabbing her bag's after playing some Zelda games and bowling (which was fun after watching Sasuke do those weird movements) and a little Mario Kart, they totally forgot about the project. “I have to get home before my parents kill me!”
“I'll give your girlfriend a ride,” said a mysterious deep voice at the door way.
They both turned to see the tall sexy older Uchiha, Itachi! The heir of the Uchiha company and the lead singer of the Akatsuki Band. He was almost an older version of Sasuke except for his long hair.
Both Ino and Sasuke yelled at the same time “He/She is not my Boy/Girlfriend!”
They looked at each other then looked away and frowned.
Itachi just blankly stared, “Whatever, let's go.” He then pulled out a key that wrapped around his finger.
Sasuke and Ino stood up but as soon as Ino got through he stopped Sasuke, “Father wants you to finish unpacking.”
Sasuke glared at his older brother for a moment before turning around. He herd his door shut and sighed. As he gathered up his stuff from a box he noticed a unfamiliar notebook next to it. He picked it up and opened it up. It said Ino with a few hearts and stars around it. He wasn't surprised. He threw it on his bed and a few loose papers fell out, curiously he picked them up to notice that it was missing a few pieces.
Dear Ino
I'm glad/ to fight with/ Mr. Fluffyscuffs under my bed/I hope we both get on/ Sasuke-Kun!/
Your BFF,
Sasuke read the paper that was left out loud. Apparently they were talking about him and something about Mr. Fluffyscuffs? What the hell was that? Who the hell was that? Who was Saku? That sounds kind of manly... BF? Best Friend? Or Boy Friend... Nah that sounds stupid. Then again Best Friend sounds girly... But why would they want to get on me? Unless they mean jumping me...
“Why the hell do I care?!” Sasuke said shoving the notes back into the notebook. “I don't care...” he said lastly before looking back at the notebook. “Yep not at all...”
Ino looked straight while the air was strangely awkward. Itachi finally decided to say something while still staring at the road.
Ino's eyes went wide from the sudden noise. “eh?”
“Sasuke seemed happy.”
“... What?” She said even more confused.
“Sasuke hasn't enjoyed anything since he moved here. Today seemed different.”
Happy? Suddenly they hit a squirrel that flew in the air and off to the side. “WHAT THE HELL!?” Ino said filled with horror.
“Oh yeah I'm legally blind (Where they're almost blind but not exactally)... but I have contacts on so don't worry.” He said while spraying the wind shield with water then wiping some of the blood away.
The rest of the ride Ino held onto her chair and the road never left her sight.
-Next day-
New rumors spread that day. There were going to be three more students coming in. The whole freshmen classes bustling and gossiping about who they were or who they could be. The newcomers were said to be two brothers and a sister, a sibling pack. One of them... possibly crazy...or maybe... all of them.
“SHUT UP!!!!” Naruto finally yelled at the top of his lungs. He was SICK of the gossiping among the girls. Kakashi, their awesome but disgusting teacher glared at him with his ONE eye.
Being embarrassed and angry at the same time, he looked down at his health text book until he couldn't feel the “evilness” of the EYE. He felt a kick from underneath his seat, looking behind him was a warning glance from his best friend, Kiba.
What the heck is wrong with you?! You could have gotten another stupid detention for that little show you just put on. Just ignore those damn girls!” Kiba whispered harshly, trying not to be too loud.
He glanced around him to see if anyone heard him. Apparently... a few of them did. He gave a goofy smile and looked back to his blond friend.
I try and try! They still get to me. You should know me by now dog boy.” Naruto growled. He tried to study the text given by their perverted teacher.
'I guess I know why this is his favored subject.' He thought to himself. He heard more little whispers from all around the room, looking up to see if Kakashi-”sensei” knew what was going on.
'Idiot doesn't hear all this crap?! How does he do it? Why did they hire him as a teach anyway? Who knows what's in those orange books he reads all the time.' He snickered a little.
The door burst open, a sudden intruding force for the students. All the students looked up from their text books eyeing the new person striding into their class. Kakashi chuckled at the little “grand” entrance.
It was a red haired boy... or from the tallness, a “man”. Around his eyes was black eyeliner and the rest of his features were pale which was covered with black clothing. They made his eyes look incredibly light blue. Maybe more stunning than Naruto's on a nice sunny day.
In a sort of surprising raspy voice, he spoke loud enough for the students in the front to hear including the perverted teacher.
“Hey... is this Health I? Or... am I back in hell?” Kakashi gave another chuckle.
“Everyone, this is Gaara. Please welcome him to our class. Have a seat where ever one is available.”
Unfortunately, there was one next to Naruto and Sasuke. Gaara's eyes traveled to the unoccupied seat then to the two boys.
“I'll issue you a health text book and you do what I tell you and finish the assignments I hand out. Sound easy? Okay now... go away.” Kakashi went back to another book, this time it was red. Gaara glared at the silver haired scarecrow like person.
Naruto was gawking at the new student. His eyes glued to him despite the kicking from Kiba and whispers from Ino and Sakura. Sasuke rolled his eyes and went on staring at the wall. Naruto studied Gaara's eyes. There was endless pain and suffering, which reminded Naruto of himself.
The class room was silent as they worked on their class work but Naruto had the urge to poke at the panda like creature, but feared his finger would be bitten off, instead he used his pencil.
“Phhhsssssss,” Gaara's eye twitched. “SSSSSsssSsss”
“Hey! Gaara...”
“Err... where'd ya move here from?”
“...It's none of your business.”
“Why do you wear eyeliner?”
“Is black your favorite color?”
“...What does it look like to you.”
“YES! A response!”
“Naruto! Don't bother him!” yelled Sakura who next threw a ball of paper at him.
“Hey! What did you do that for pink fuzz?!”
“I told you not to bother him, Naruto!”
They were interrupted by an “ahem”. They looked up to see that Kakashi put down his book and was glowering at Naruto and Sakura. They both sink into their chairs while the class (except Sasuke and Gaara) let out a giggle. Ino felt sympathy for her friend and her eyes suddenly landed on the back of the Uchiha's head.
Sasuke seemed happy.”
I think Sasuke's brother is delusional... Thought Ino. Sakura was about to exchange conversation with Ino till she noticed where Ino stared off to.
Inner Ino: WHAT THE HELL!?
Sakura shoved Ino to get her attention, Ino suddenly came back to earth looking at her friend confused.
“I thought you said you weren't interested.” Sakura said venomously.
Ino gave Sakura a strange look, thinking maybe the pink in her hair finally got to her brain, “What?”
“I caught you staring at Sasuke.”
“I was what?” Ino looked at her crazy friend for a second, “You must be mistaken. I wasn't even looking in his direction.” She suddenly whipped her head in the opposite direction. “What's gotten into you lately? Jeez.”
Both girls were staring each other down. Ino's face was bright pink while Sakura's was a hue of rouge. They suddenly notice a tall shadow over both of them. It was Kakashi glaring at them both. He passed them both a detention slip and they're angry faced turn to dread.
“WHAT?!” They both yelled in surprise.
“Would you two rather have two detentions?”
They both became silent and glared at each other before turning back to their work.
A whole bunch of girls crowded around the the activity board in the hall way to see which one made the cut to be on the squad, Tenten was the leader of the cheerleaders and one of the best. Ino anxiously waited for the girls to clear as she watched in the back confident she made it. She took gymnastics's in Junior High and in the middle of middle school, and after her amazing performance she couldn't help but be slightly cocky. She remembered another blond haired girl that she had never seen before enter last minute. Temari was her name and she looked like an upper classman. Her skills nearly matched the leader and Ino. Ino grinned her teeth together before looking at the list.
Ino was the first on the list then Temari. She jumped in the air with victory and silently squealed. She froze for a second then continued to look on the list. At the way end was Sakura's name. Adrenalin rushed through her body till she remembered they're fight during health class. Her nose crinkled back and she walked towards the lunch room frowning.
Sakura already got a sneak peak at the list. Ino over topped everyone including her which fueled her anger. Suuure Ino was more physically fit then Sakura but her mind was more then enough! She thought of the perfect performance strategy which, thankfully, got her on the squad. She held a lunch tray and her eyes wondered the cafeteria and Naruto was waving at her like an idiot to join them, her face turned red with embarrassment and she instead went the opposite direction. Tenten was talking with Temari at a near by table and a sweet smile formed on Sakura's face she placed her tray on the other side of the table in front of Tenten. They did a little greeting before talking about the team, they started to talk about formations.
“Sakura, I can tell you're a pretty smart girl, I think your skills will be greatly needed.” commented Tenten.

“Oh! Why thank you...” her response started to drift as her eyes landed on her 'friend'. INO!
The food looked disgusting to Ino, the hamburger looked slightly green while the jello rarely jiggled. She looked around to see where to sit and spotted Sakura sitting with the rest of the squad. She frowned and searched for another place to sit. Sakura on the other hand decided to pick up her already bruised orange and throw it at the unknowing pale blonde while no one was looking.
Sasuke entered the room without food since he'd rather starve then eat the 'food' from the school. He noticed the pink girl eyeing Ino who glared at her 'food'. Suddenly an orange headed straight for Ino and without knowing it he blocked it with his own body by hovering over Ino which made her jump hitting him in the face with her head (not to hard) while the orange splatted onto his sweater and then slid off to the floor.
“AH! I'm sorry I didn't mean too..”, started off Ino who was surprised when she found out it was Sasuke, she looked strangely then the orange stain on his seater and the orange on on the floor, “What the heck?”
Ino saw that the orange was angled perfectly to where Sakura was and suddenly it all came together.... Plus the look on Sakura's face made a lot of sense. The whole lunch room was silent till...

“FOOD FIGHT!” someone yelled then food went flying through out the room.
Sasuke on the other hand was glaring at the floor embarrassed and confused as his cheeks were practically tomato red. Suddenly a muffin hit his head and his glare directed at a certain blond who was laughing his ass off. He suddenly grabbed the unjiggly jello from Ino's plate and threw it at Naruto's face making contact and he grinned victoriously. Naruto now laid on the floor with jello all over his face and Kiba started to laugh while holding his stomach, till a huge whopping of greasy hamburger patty got slopped all over his face.
Ino dragged Sasuke under a table away from the chaos, “Are you trying to kill me?!” She yelled frustrated.
“What? After I saved your face from being hit with an orange?! You should be thanking me.” Sasuke said even more frustrated.
“You should know me and Sakura are best friends and that she likes you!”
Sasuke stared at her for a moment, “Sakura? Oh the pink girl? Wait Saku...ra... that explains it.”
“Nothing anyways, ungrateful blonde I'll be leaving now...” Sasuke said with a glare.
Ino glared back but before he left he heard a small, “Thank you... Uchiha.”
Eh, Good enough.
In the end before anyone could blame it on anyone, everyone ditched the lunch room and stalked to class. Orochimaru, the janitor, on the other hand was fumed when he walked in to the lunch room.

Blox: YO! Sorry for the long wait... I wanted to wait for Bunnox! She's back! She even helped me with half of the story and edited most of it... and I don't want to keep anyone waiting so I'll post it right away >.< I don't want to bother her (it's kind of late) So I might change it later well the ending. I'm horrible at grammer.. TT.TT
Blox: If Bunnox was here she would say...