Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forget Me Not ❯ Forget Me Not IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forget Me Not IV
Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto
By xoxBraxox
Attention: I'm looking for a beta reader to help me with my next fic, (Naruto) seeing as it's difficult for me to get it believable. Anyone interested, please contact me through my profile page.
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“Dobe, get here,” I hiss to the dumbfounded Hokage, “Get here now.”
Naruto runs over to me, obviously excited.
“Hello Sasuke-teme! Hello little Naoki-kun!” He `coochy-coochy-coo's my son and I suppress a growl.
“He looks just like you teme! Poor, poor bugger,” Naruto shakes his head then gives me his Kyuubi grin.
“Naruto shut up,” I hiss, “I want to show you something.”
Naruto shuts up. For once.
I see his ears prick up, wanting to know the secret and he leans in closer.
“No! It's not like that!” I say pushing the blonde away none too gently, “Follow me.”
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“Why are we at your place Sasuke-teme, I don't like your place `cos it reminds me of what my place isn't,” Naruto says none too quietly.
My son looks at me with his big emerald eyes, almost pleading to me to shut the man up. I would but Sakura objects to any violence in front of our son before he's old enough to comprehend such things and is enrolled into the academy.
I place Naoki in his crib and give him this little elephant thing, hell I don't even know what Ino gave me; it's this little animal of some sort with all these dangly bits. Eh.
“So Sasuke-teme what did you want to show me?” I hear Naruto call; he's looking at some photos on the wall of my house.
I see you're figure behind a wall; you're dull emerald eyes bore holes into me. I can see you're scared, scared Naruto will run away. You've wanted someone to talk to and now you're scared that he'll run away. I smile at you and you return it weakly.
“Naruto, what I'm going to show you, you can't run away from,” I say.
“Huh, teme, have you known me to run away. I'm Hokage and Hokage's don't run away believe it!” Naruto yells and I see your face light up out of the corner of my eye.
“Good,” I say, I turn to you and usher you to come out.
“What are you…?” Naruto trails off as you come out and move towards out son happily playing with that thing…
“Sakura! You're alive!” Naruto yells excited.
“Naru-“ I start but Sakura beats me to it, raising her head and sadly shaking it.
“Sakura-Chan…” Naruto whispers, “You're a ghost.”
“You can't tell anyone Naruto,” You whisper, “Not even Hinata or Kakashi.”
Naruto nods, his eyes swelling with tears, “Oh, Sakura-Chan! I've missed you!”
He runs up to hug her… But he goes straight through her ghostly form.
“Sakura-Chan...” He whispers.
“It's okay Naruto, I'm coming back,” Sakura smiles.
“Oh yeah, I forgot that part…” Naruto turns back to his normal bubbly self, “Now whaddya want to talk about? I'm sure it's torture being stuck in here with Mr Uchiha Emo here!” Naruto says taking a seat on the lounge and I hear you giggle, sitting next to him.
It's so good to hear you giggle, laugh even. It's like music to my ears.
“Sasuke-kun,” I hear you sing and I snap out of my trance.
“Yeah,” I say, hands in pockets.
You smile, “You can go get Kakashi, Ino, Ten-Ten, Neji, Lee, Shikamaru, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Chouji and anyone else who I've missed! Please!”
I smile, “Whatever.”
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Soon my house if full of people, all happy to see Sakura, and Sakura happy to see them. Ino, Hinata, Ten-Ten sit with Sakura gossiping about something, Kiba Akamaru and Kakashi play with Naoki on the floor and right at this moment I'm talking to Lee, Neji, Shikamaru and Naruto. Chouji naturally is stuffing his face.
“So what are you going to do, Sasuke-teme, Team 7 can't be team 7 without Sakura-Chan, “Naruto enquires.
“I'm going to kill him brother,” I say back.
“How do you think that will help?!” Naruto yells, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Obviously you didn't read the elite jutsu chapter in your text when we graduated from the academy, we were given a jutsu text along with our headbands,” Neji explained coolly, heh, I got one… Now were was it…
“Yes…” Naruto pouted.
“Then you should know that there is such a jutsu in the elite chapter that can bring people back with the life of another, so Sasuke obviously is going to exchange Itachi's life for Sakura's,” Neji was tolerating Naruto's laziness and ignorance for once.
“Ohhhh,” Naruto hums
“So how did you get Sakura-Chan back?” Lee asks, his eyes filling up with hearts.
“I have no idea, she just didn't cross over.” I admit.
Shikamaru looks away, over to the girls, “Sakura must be happy, you know seeing all these people. She must get lonely, does she travel, you know from the after life and back?”
“Yes,” I say, “She done it yesterday. Travelled back and brought my mother with her.”
“Mikoto Uchiha?” Naruto asked.
“That is my mother,” I state, who else would it be?
“Did you talk?” Lee asks, his eyes are back to normal now.
”What did you talk about?”
“Bushy brow, I think that's a little bit personal, remember,” I see Naruto lean in for a whisper, I catch it easily, “We are talking about Sasuke here.”
Lee makes his face an `o' and leans back, understanding. I shake my head.
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“Did you like that?” I ask, washing the dishes, you lean on the counter next to me.
“I did, thank you Sasuke-kun,” She says, I feel her ghostly hand on my forearm. I look up to her smiling face.
“I start training tomorrow, I won't be back til dark, and Ino's coming around to look after Naoki,”I say, “What are you going to do?”
“I have to go back for a little while, but I'll be back,” You say.
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”Sasuke-san,” Tusnade says to me.
We are out in a field; the grass is down so it barely reaches onto my shoe. No tree's dot the area. The sky is pure and blue and the village is only a line on the horizon.
“This will not be easy,” Tsunade continues. I nod my head; I know that, “It will require gruelling training and agony will rack your entire body.”
Tusnade smiles, “But it'll be all worth it in the end won't it Sasuke-san?”
I nod my head.
“Very well, let's begin.”
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Sorry about the wait! This chapter was a filler for the people that didn't know what the hell Itachi had to do with anything.
Please review and the next chapter should be coming soon!