Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ In Any Other World ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay well this kind of just popped into my brain one day! I just had this idea and immediately had to write. =D I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Team 7 has tried and tried to retrieve Sasuke back and force him into the village and every time they failed. Then Naruto disappeared for 8 months and finally brought him back. Sasuke is forced to live with Naruto, and a couple months later Sakura and Sasuke find feelings for each other. But an unlikely team member discovers hidden feelings for Sasuke as well…
The main pair will be SasuSaku, and a one sided NaruSasu later on…Sorry if you don't like boyxboy.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

In Any Other World

It was a hot sunny summer morning in Konoha, the day where Team 7 gave reports of their new failure to bring Sasuke back. Sakura, Sai, Naruto, and Yamato stood in front of the Hokage's desk. The team must have tried a billion times to retrieve Uchiha Sasuke and Tsunade's patience has gone dry.
Tsunade's eyes were closed calmly with her hands cuffed under her chin in thought. “Tch, Team 7 you have tried to bring Uchiha Sasuke back numerous amounts of times and all of them you failed at. I can no longer send out valuable teams on hopeless chases. You are expected to NEVER look for the Uchiha until we have more evidence and a more hopeful situation.” Silence of disappointment struck Team Seven; Sakura simply stared at her black boots. Naruto decided to take much louder drastic actions.
He launched himself at the Hokage's desk but just as he was about to leap on the table dramatically, Sai grabbed a handful of his collar with the same impassive look on his face as ever. Naruto however ripped the cloth right out of his hands and screeched, “You can't do this! We've gotten so close! Orochimaru is dead!” He exclaimed slamming his hand on the desk. Naruto was shaking with emotion, the rest of team 7 just stood back and silently agreed in their minds.
“Shut up you brat. You've went through the same mission over and over again. It failed every time. Progress has been made but we can't just focus on Sasuke anymore. We have bigger problems at our hands, Akatsuki are on the move.” Tsunade's eyes flashed open and glared at the emotionally unstable blond causing him to flinch noticeably. “There's nothing more we can do at this moment, does he even seem at all interested to come back to this village? The village people probably won't even accept him back. Team Seven you are dismissed until further missions arrive for you.”
Team Seven in fact did know that Uchiha Sasuke had no intention of returning to Konoha ever, and that they'd have to use force to get him back to the village. They knew that if they were to go after him now would mean another failure, but the team just couldn't let him go. Well, more like Sakura and Naruto couldn't.
“Well, get some rest…There's no training today and I'll give you the day off tomorrow to train on your own. Ja,” Yamato dismissed them and in a puff of smoke disappeared leaving his distraught team members standing at the bridge.
Without a single word of farewell Sai just silently left towards his home leaving the quiet Naruto and Sakura a lone on the bridge. “Ne…Naruto, let's go buy some ramen tonight at Ichiraku's.” Sakura timidly suggested in hopes that this would cheer up Naruto and it proved to be a success.
Immediately afterwards, Naruto's usual cheerful smile popped up into his face, “Really?! Like a date?!” Sakura weakly smiled, of course Naruto would mistake the friendly suggestion as a date.
“Uh…Sort of,” Sakura's eye visibly twitched, almost regretting this decision but she was glad that it cheered him up. “Okay, I'll meet you there tonight at 6.” And with that said the two walked off their separate ways to their homes.
Sakura was about to open her door when someone grabbed her shoulder. She let out a horrified scream and fell through the door afraid someone was attacking her. A laugh burst out and a very familiar voice reached her ears, “Ha-ha! Sakura, you're so jumpy and clumsy it's hilarious.”
Sakura gave Ino a big glare and muttered an embarrassed, “Shut up, Ino-pig,” using her old nickname against her. Ino just simply smiled and helped her up with a big heave.
“So…How did the mission go?” Ino asked curiously as they made their way into Sakura's house onto the living room couch. Sakura's mother came out with cups of tea for them and Sakura took a sip before even thinking about responding.
“Well, not very well. We failed.” Sakura smiled apologetically towards Ino, and she just had a look of understanding across her face as if she wasn't surprised by the fact that they failed. “We're forbidden to go after Sasuke-kun for a while. She thinks it's a hopeless case.” Sakura winced as Ino's face contorted into worry.
“You're joking right?” Ino asked cautiously, Sakura simply shook her head. “Oh…Well, we're bound to run into him on one of our missions.” She glanced at her watch and immediately her face blanched. “Hey, I have to go; I was supposed to be at the flower shop 15 minutes ago!”
As soon as Ino was gone Sakura slipped off her boots and gloves and lay down on the couch simply staring at the ceiling. Exhaustion seeped through her and she shortly fell asleep.
Hours later Sakura woke up and began to get ready for Ichiraku. Instead of wearing the normal clothes she would wear on missions she chose a simple red skirt and black top for a change. She figured she might as well since she won't be doing missions in a while. Pulling her hair from her face with her headband she walked out the door towards the ramen stand.
Naruto was patiently waiting for Sakura; he obviously didn't change from his clothes since he was sitting on a stool in his usual jacket and pants. How he managed to stay cool in that, people would never know.
“Hey, Naruto!” Sakura smiled cheerfully taking the stool next to him, “How `bout I pay tonight. My treat?”
Naruto's mouth gaped open at the offer of free ramen, and he nodded hastily. “Thanks, Sakura-chan!”
Naruto ended up eating 8 bowls of ramen much to Sakura's dismay, she watched him in half disgust and half amazement as he wolfed down the ramen in a mere 15 minutes. They left the stand and began to take a walk around Konoha.
Though halfway through their walk Naruto's smile slipped and he looked distractedly down at the ground. Sakura seemed to notice and hastily began to ask, “Do you want to train tomorrow with me, Naruto?” He didn't seem to have heard until he snapped out of his daze and shook his head rapidly.
“Ahhh, Gomen Sakura. I can't, I'm training with Kiba tomorrow…” His voice trailed off, it was very obvious that something was wrong and it filled the pink haired kunoichi with concern. She just nodded her head and kept walking in comfortable silence.
When it got dark Naruto walked Sakura home and they said their normal goodbyes as if there wasn't anything wrong. “I'll see you tomorrow, Naruto.” Sakura waved goodbye and smiled. Naruto just weakly smiled and waved and left with a mere utter of a “Goodbye”
Sakura sat in her room very concerned about Naruto; he always took it the hardest whenever they failed at bringing Sasuke back. She knew she was partly to blame for that since she practically made him make the promise that he would definitely bring him back. After awhile she fell asleep only to wake up in the morning by a very loud knock on her house's door.
Sakura groggily woke up and slowly made her way to the door in her pajamas, “Who is it?” She grumpily yelled as she neared the door.
“It's Shizune, open up Sakura. This is urgent!” Sakura hastily opened the door a knot forming in her stomach, dread filling inside her. “It's Naruto…He's missing. We think he went looking for Sasuke!” Sakura's fears came true and she hurriedly ran into her room and got her usual clothes on and sprinted out the door towards the Hokage's tower.
Sakura burst through the doors to be greeted by Jiraiya, Kakashi, Yamato, and Sai standing around the desk. The kunoichi was out of breath by the time she stood by Sai. “Morning Sakura,” Tsunade spoke from behind the desk. Sakura merely nodded in greeting. “Naruto has indeed left to find Sasuke. Ordinarily, I would send out a search party but the Village Council will simply not allow it. They said it would be a waste of time, resources, and skilled peoples to find just one person.” The whole team's faces paled and they all thought the same thing.
Naruto having the Kyuubi sealed inside of him should have been a big enough to send out Anbu or a simple Chuunin/Jounin squad out to bring him back. But, the whole village knew that the council simply detested Naruto and could care less if Naruto ran far away from the village, they'd probably even be overjoyed.
“I would give anything to send out the rest of Team Seven to retrieve the brat, even go myself…But the council would expel you from your ninja careers. I can, however, keep Naruto from being named a Missing-nin, and simply say that it was a mission. He won't be in any sort of trouble by the Council whatsoever when he comes back,” the Hokage said, everyone could tell by her eyes and expression that she blamed herself for the disappearance of the cheerful blond.
The team was reduced to: Yamato, Kakashi, Sai, and Sakura. Tsunade explained to them that they would be accompanied by Team Gai when they were on missions. Sakura spent large amounts of time locked in her room for weeks when she didn't have anything to do, feeling as if she failed the team. First Sasuke, now Naruto. She was left in a pitiful state though she eventually picked herself up and started to be normal again a month later.
So for 8 long months the team went on numerous missions with Team Gai, trained as hard as they could, and waited for the day Naruto would come back because surely there was no hope that he would successfully bring Sasuke back…At least, until the both of them arrived at Konoha's gates.
When Shikamaru came to Sakura's door in the morning telling her that both Naruto and Sasuke showed up at the gates in terrible conditions with fatal wounds Sakura almost fainted. She quickly gathered her things and with Shikamaru close behind, the cold January air nipping at her bare arms and legs.
She slammed the doors of Tsunade's office open with excitement and managed to startle Shizune. “Where are they?” Sakura looked around as if Naruto and Sasuke would be lying inside the Hokage's office.
Shizune stepped forward and placed a comforting arm around Sakura, “Don't worry, their in the hospital wing. Tsunade would like you to go over there and assist her as soon as possible.” Sakura nodded, took off her gloves, tied up her hair, and made her way to the hospital wing in search of her newly found teammates.
Sakura was directed into a hospital room right near the lobby; Naruto was lying in a bed looking very similar to a mummy in all the bandages wrapped around his body. He weakly smiled from his position on the bed, “Sakura-chan…I'm so sorry I left without a goodbye.” He said, his smile never fading even in his wounded state. Tears swelled in Sakura's eyes as she simply nodded in forgiveness, she sat at the edge of Naruto's bed.
Tsunade silently entered the room looking exhausted, “Sakura, I'll ask you to take Naruto in as your patient.” Sakura looked up at her in surprise, she was happy that she would be the one to heal Naruto. “Sasuke will be in the extensive care unit for around a week, after that we'll sort everything out. Naruto will only have to stay here for 5 more days, lucky for him.” Tsunade smiled gently at Naruto then shook her head and walked out the door.
Sakura was lost for words, tears falling from her eyes as she stared at her lap at a loss for words. “I told you I'd bring him back!” Naruto said excitedly, though there was still concern in his eyes she could tell. “That bastard put up a huge fight though…” His voice faltered and at first Sakura thought there was something bugging the boy until she looked up at his face and noticed he was asleep.
A Week Later
Sakura was summoned into Tsunade's office, the first thing she saw was Naruto standing by her desk with a huge grin on his face. Sakura hurried to his side looking expectantly at Tsunade her heart jumping with hope. “Okay, I have good news for you both. Naruto is officially out of the hospital today after having to spend 2 extra days in the hospital. As for Sasuke he will be out of the extensive care unit this afternoon, I am resentful about placing him in the hospital room a lone without supervision so the village council has ordered me to place him with another teammate.” Sakura almost squealed with delight at the thought of Sasuke recovering so soon as to being able to go to a home.
“The problem is…I'm not sure who should get stuck with the Uchiha brat. So, Naruto you will be in charge of the Uchiha and he will live with you until I think he is ready to live on his own. You are not to let him outside without you being with him,” Tsunade ordered in a stern voice and she stared expectantly at him. “You brought him back and now he's your burden!”
Naruto stood there for a minute trying to take it all in, his mouth dropped open. Whatever he was expecting wasn't this, “Are you sure? I guess he could stay with me, I don't know if the apartment is big enough…” Tsunade shrugged her shoulders as if she couldn't care less.
“Take this as part of your punishment for leaving Konoha without permission,” Tsunade smirked. “Well, we should be going to pick up the Uchiha right about now.” With that Naruto, Sakura, and Tsunade were walking down the hospital halls towards the room that held the Uchiha. Sakura felt as if she would pass out any minute, this would be the first time in 5 year that they would see Sasuke in Konoha without a threat of attack since they were almost 17.
They reached the room and Tsunade slid the door open carefully. Sakura and Naruto entered, Sasuke was perched on a chair next to the hospital bed. Immediately the pink haired girl's eyes filled with tears and she approached the long lost teammate. “Sasuke-kun…” She muttered threw her tears. Sasuke-kun just stared at her with his emotionless eyes but they could all tell he had no intentions of leaving, surprisingly. Both Sakura and Tsunade expected Sasuke to run at the first chance he could find but he didn't.
“It's been decided that you will live with Naruto until you fully recover. You are not to leave Naruto's house without him being with you, if you are you will be severely punished and jailed.” Sasuke simply nodded in consent. Tsunade handed him a heavy suitcase and Sasuke stared at her quizzically. “These are your new clothes since you don't have any fitting clothes to wear around here. Sakura will be over to Naruto's house every day to give you medicine and such.”
An hour later after Sasuke received a check up, Naruto and Sasuke made their way to their new apartment. “Ahh, I need ramen!” The blond moaned; he was currently holding his stomach while it growled as if to ask for food.
“Hn, you're still a dobe even after all these years,” The raven haired teenager replied, smirking at Naruto.
“Teme!” Naruto screeched as he unlocked the door and stepped in. He looked around at the surprisingly clean apartment. “Wow! Someone cleaned it, must've been Sakura-chan!”
The two unpacked their clothes into the small guest room and made the room suitable for a teenage boy to sleep in. Naruto yawned after they finished unpacking Naruto's apartment, “I'm exhausted!” He exclaimed after relaxing down on the couch. They finished their packing and it was already late in the afternoon when they heard the doorbell ring. “I'll get it!” Naruto yelled out as he opened the door to reveal Sakura.
“Hey, I was just wondering how everything was going.” Sakura was obviously excited about spending time with Sasuke-kun again and to try to figure out what happened that he came back. Sasuke came out of the bathroom in his new clothes which obviously weren't for training, slightly baggy black pants and a simple t-shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back.
“Sasuke-kun!” She screamed excitedly as if it was the first time she's seen him when he came up to stand beside Naruto. As if she's been holding back the urge all day she threw herself at them both and forced them into a hug, the two other team members were surprised and fell over in a heap. Naruto and Sakura burst into laughter while Sasuke just sat up rubbing his head with a slight smile on his face.
Noticing the smile Sakura stopped laughing and stared at him, “Sasuke-kun you're actually smiling!” She pointed out in excitement.
It has almost been 3 weeks for the original Team Seven members since Naruto and Sasuke arrived. Naruto was welcomed back and all his friends, Chouji, Neji, Shikamaru, Ino, Lee, Kiba, Hinata, and everyone else were extremely happy Naruto was back. But not a lot of people welcomed Sasuke back with opened arms; there were a lot of arguments happening about even letting him back in the village. Sakura and Naruto were positive Sasuke wouldn't betray them again as they spent more time with him. Sakura went over to their house every day to train a long with Kakashi.
It was obvious that Sakura's old feelings were coming back towards Sasuke, except she felt that this time it was different. She had managed to get the once emotionless Uchiha to open up and actually even smile a bit, and with every smile her heart would flutter a bit. She willed her feelings down though, she wasn't sure if it was love or just a silly crush and she didn't want to lose her best friend again.

A/N: Ahh, sorry they didn't hook up in this chapter. Probably next chapter though. Next chapter will probably be a couple months later.
Well at any rate, I hope you really enjoyed this chapter. The one-sided NaruSasu won't happen or be err revealed until later. If you hate boy x boy then I'm sorry but I can reassure you that the main pairing will be SasuSaku I think.
Please review and give me feedback, I need to know if I should continue posting this! Thank