Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ In His Arms ❯ Courtship ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Here's chapter two. I should also tell you all of a brilliant fanfic I read called Itachi's Letter, written by Melissa Norvell. She's a wonderful ItaKaka writer who's had it bad about a fanfic which discouraged her from writing on the pairing, but she's back now.
I loved her newest ItaKaka work, I hope all of you will check it out as well.
In His Arms
Chapter 2: Courtship
By: Ohtori Akio
Itachi had little to say as they headed for a demolished building in the middle of nowhere.
He was surprised when Kakashi followed him without his supervision. He wasn't sure what he expected Kakashi to do more, take out a kunai knife and stab him in the back or grow wings from his back and fly away from passing out from blood loss.
Kakashi still followed in silent discontent.
Itachi stopped suddenly, pulling Kakashi into him, and cursing himself silently for it, but he couldn't help it really. They remained like that for a few fleeting seconds. He found himself somewhat unsure of himself as he gently pulled Kakashi towards the house.
Kakashi sighed and allowed himself to be dragged to a small room.
However, when they reached the room, he remained outside the room and fought against Itachi, who faced him from the doorway. His desire to remain out in the hall was though he feared entering would curse or scar him for life.
Itachi smirked resuming his role as devil's advocate. He wrapped his arms around Kakashi in an almost mock of the hug only moments before.
“Nervous, Kakashi-san?” He asked as Kakashi tried to pull away.
Kakashi only let out a small growl in response.
Itachi smirked and bent down slightly in order to maneuver Kakashi and pull him over his shoulder. Not too difficult mostly due to Kakashi's confusion at being swept off his feet and over someone's shoulder.
“Behave yourself, feral beast.” Itachi said simply as he sat Kakashi down on the bed.
The jounin glared at him but remained where he had been placed.
`Despite protests,' Itachi mused, `Kakashi-san has been rather obedient as of late. This troubles me, truth be told.'
Kakashi stared at the musty sheets covering the futon, wishing he was somewhere other then this place, with a different Itachi then the one he knows now. He hadn't felt safe in so long. He wondered if he would be able to remember what the feeling was like.
He nearly yelped with Itachi laid a warm hand on his.
“And now, to tell you what I want.” Itachi said, smirking.
Kakashi ignored his doomsday feeling and said nothing.
`You always get what you want,' Kakashi thought with a hopeless sigh. `Power, respect, adoration…Sasuke…'
Itachi turned the jounin's chin with his free hand so that they were facing each other.
“I want you to be mine. ”
Kakashi looked as if he had been stabbed. He turned his face away to regard the night outside. No stars were shown, all it there was was a blanket of thick rain clouds.
`No doubt he'll let me do this freely. Most likely he'll use an imprisonment jutsu of some type to force me into submission. A lifeless doll. A pawn, like Sasuke was to Orochimaru. That's what Itachi wants.' He thought.
A feeling of pain in his chest made him forget to breathe momentarily. He let out the air and gasped, trying not think too hard about the decision at hand. He wished he could find all the will to protest this. To protest being used, being a pawn, being nothing. All he could do was think about what he wanted and still didn't have: love and friendship.
Itachi wanted to say something, anything to fight this. The only words rising like stomach fluids to his lips were, “I care about you.”
How could he say that? How could he even think that?
“Why?” Kakashi's blood ran cold as he felt lost in a world of pain and self-loathing.
“Because I want to win this battle.” He said softly, stroking Kakashi's cheek.
The jounin felt a sting far worse then any physical punishment that Itachi could have given him.
“We could rule Konoha, Hatake-san.” The Uchiha added to soften the blow.
“You seem to be doing just fine on your own.” Kakashi said neutrally managing to force emotion out of his words.
He tried to get out of bed, but Itachi stopped him.
“Sasuke hasn't had to face the worst yet. He can't do this alone. I could-“
“You could what?” Kakashi spat out. “You could control him and show him the darker side of the Uchiha Clan? Well, isn't that just wonderful and perfect for him? He doesn't seem to want that. Not that you'd notice. It's all about you. Don't say we will do anything. You don't care what I want. You won't save me, but you'll save someone whom in which you wanted to come after and kill you, who doesn't ask for help nor need it.”
“You say I am a monster, but what kind of monster are you?”
A/N: Bleh, chapter 2 out of 4. I could have done WAY better on this fanfic. I should have re-vamped it, but I have too much stuff to write. I've got tons of requests for drabbles, so I'm working on them. I even put Beyond Your Control in HIATUS until I get things down a little.
Well, please review.