Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kaka/Saku Drabbles ❯ Two Souls, One Feeling ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Two Souls, One Feeling

Sakura stood outside Kakashi's apartment with sheets of rain plastering her hair down and soaking her clothes. The rain seemed to pour down in buckets, not relenting up since it had began three hours ago.

'Damn it! Where is he?' Sakura ranted inside her head. She had been standing outside, in the rain for almost two and a half hours now.

'When he gets here I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.' Sakura titled her head up and let the cold rain wash over her face. The rain landed on her eyes and slid down her cheeks making it look like she was crying.

'That's all I can give,' Sakura said sadly as she relished the feel of the rain. It seemed as if it would wash all her fears and worries away but that was not reality. Ever since Sasuke and Naruto had taken their own paths, she had not shed a tear. The last time she had cried was when Naruto had left to find Sasuke after he had left the village. She now saw how foolish she was to of have been chasing after someone who would never love. But she would still love him as she would an older brother or a very close friend.

Instead she kept all of her emotions bottled inside, that would one day break and release in a torrent of anger and anguish. That is the reason she now stood out in the pouring rain waiting for Kakashi.

He had said that they would be a team forever, he said he would protect them with his life. But look what had happened? Sakura was broken mentally and emotionally with no way out. Her emotions would get the better of her one day and she would do things that she would have no control over.

Hearing the soft splash of feet hitting water Sakura's head shot up. Kakashi was standing directly in front of her with his one exposed eye looking at her in slight surprise. His mask and clothes were completely soaked with water; They were molded to his muscular body.

"What can I do for you, Sakura?" Kakashi's voice rang out, being slightly drowned by the cascading raindrops.

"Do I have to have a reason?" Sakura yelled with a glare and arms crossed over her chest.

"No, I guess not" Kakashi shrugged before stepping around Sakura to open the door. After he took a step inside he turrned around to Sakura who was still standing outside with the rain pouring down.

"Come in?" Kakashi offered as he held the door open. Once she walked in he shut the door and bent to remove his sandels. The silence was unusually eerie to him because Sakura was usually the one to speak her mind.

"So, did you need me for something?" Kakashi asked as he looked up at Sakura. She was leaning against the door leading into his kitchen with her arms crossed over her torso, running over her shivering form. Sighing to silently he walked over to Sakura and gently took her hands away from her body. Smiling behind his mask at Sakura's shocked expression he took the opportunity to unzip her chuunin vest and slide it from her shoulders to fall on the floor.

He then took her still shaking hand by his own and led her away from the living room and into his own bedroom. He shut the door behind him so the heat would accumlate in the room better and not mix with the cold from the other rooms.

He turned to find that Sakura was still shivering uncontrollably and her eyes were drooping which was a bad sign. He did not think that being out in the rain would cause her to become so cold that she might go into hypothermia. How long had she been out in the cold rain?

"Sakura, I'm going to remove your wet clothes, okay?" Kakashi asked as he approached the bed where Sakura was sitting.

Her head shot up in retribution with hateful eyes directed at Kakashi.

Kakashi was taken aback by the hateful aura being directed at him from the girl who had always seemed to adore him. Sitting down beside her on the bed he looked into her eyes that were still watching him wairly.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asked softly with his usual monotone voice but with a slight tenderness.

"Y-you. I thought you said that you wouldn't le-let a teammate down" Sakura said angrily between clenched teeth from her still shuddering form.

"I have not let Team 7 down" Kakashi said confused at her use of words. Then it hit him. He had let Sakura down, he was the one who always protected her and never let her do anything on her own. And he was the one who did not keep Sasuke and Naruto together. As he took a closer look at Sakura he could tell that she had had a rough life for the past few years. He had not even thought that she would be going through such turmoil because Sasuke and Naruto left.

"I'm sorry" Kakashi said but held no pity towards the girl who was hunched over shivering. Now that he looked at her he knew that she was not a girl no more but a woman. Training under Tsunade had made her one of the strongest kunoichi in the village that was Chuunin ranked. Hearing Sakura's breath getting faster and faster he knew that if he did not get her out of her wet clothes then she would freeze to death.

"I need to get you out of those clothes, will you let me?" Kakashi asked softly.

'Should I let him? He did say that he was sorry but that still won't change anything. But if I don't get out of these clothes then I might go into hypothermia. I'm a medic ninja, I should of done it sooner.' Sakura thought this to herself before turning to Kakashi and giving him a small nod, saying that he could go ahead.

Kakashi gulped nervously before discarding his gloves and reaching out towards Sakura. She wore a red shirt with her clan symbol on the back and was closed with a zipper. She wore a pair of tight spandex black shorts that clung to her like a second skin. Overtop of that was a somewhat of a wrap, with both sides split and a belt holding it in place on her hips.

He first zipped down her shirt, hoping that she had something up under it. After he removed it he saw that she wore white bindings around her chest like most kunoichi did for better manuvering purposes. He soon discarded the rest of her clothes until she was only left in her bindings and underwear.

From the looks of it both peices of clothing were soaked too and it would become a problem if he did not do something. As he looked down at the still shivering woman he felt a stirring deep within him that drove him to satisy the hunger. Snapping his thoughts back for a moment he hurridely went to his closet and pulled out one of his black long-sleeved jounin shirts. Coming back beside the bed he closed his eyes and took off Sakura's bindings and her last garment.

He slipped the shirt over her shivering body. A small gasp emitted from his throat when his hands brushed against the side of her breasts as he pulled the shirt down. He could not help but notice how silky smooth her body actually was. After he had pulled the shirt down to her knees he dared to open his eyes.

It almost made his chuckle at the sight of Sakura in his shirt that was three times as big on her.

"Are you feeling better now?" Kakashi asked but knew that she was not.
"A little, thank you" Sakura whispered embarassedly. She was supposed to come here to give Kakashi a piece of her mind but it seemed as if he was taking her clothes off. At that thought a blush came unbidden to her pale cheeks as she tried turning her head to hide it.

But Kakashi was no fool. He could see the blush and feel the small amount of heat that was being emitted from her face. He quickly shed his own clothes while Sakura had her face turned from him and put on a dry pair of black sweatpants and a black jounin shirt. He also put on another mask that he pulled from a brown dresser drawer.

Before he knew what he was doing, Kakashi lifted up the covers on his bed and put Sakura in before following after her.

Sakura looked up in surprise as she felt the bed dip. She turned over on her other side to find Kakash lying next to her with his hands behind his head and looking up at the ceiling.

Another blush alighted her cheeks because she never thought of the day that she would be in the bed with her ex-sensei. Not like they were doing anything but still...

Suddenly an thought hit her. She had always adored Kakashi and she only got mad at him when he did something to Sasuke. But now that she was over Sasuke she had been having thoughts of her and Kakashi together like she had imagined with Sasuke. Ino had even said that when his name was mentioned that she would start blushing like a love-stuck fool.

"Kakashi?" Sakura whispered as she listened to the steady rise and fall of his breath.


"I'm sorry. If I would of just thought about what I was doing then I would not be bothering you right now" Sakura said ashamed at her childish behavior.

"No, I'm sorry. I should of seen that you were mentally hurt and that I was the one to blame because I was your sensei. And those things I told you, I really mean them but I guess I just did not want to end up getting hurt like I did when Obito died." Kakashi turned over on his side and wrapped his arm around Sakura's flat stomach and laid his head on her shoulder.

"This is going to sound crazy but I think I like you a lot, Kakashi."

"Same here Sakura. Until just now I noticed that you were now a woman and something inside me and saying that I should expand on that. But I do not want to push you somewhere where you do not want to go."

"Kiss me?" Sakura asked softly as she looked into Kakashi's onyx eye.

"But, Sakura...?" Kakashi said uncertainly as he lifted his head up to look down at Sakura.

"Kiss me" Sakura repeated with a huskiness to her voice this time.

Kakashi against his better judgement lowered his head until his cloth covered lips were resting just above Sakura's light pink ones. Closing the distance between them Kakashi slowly moved his mouth over Sakura's but that soon was not enough. He wanted to feel his lips against hers without an obtrusion between them.

Ripping the mask from his face he bent down to capture Sakura's lips with his own. His mouth moved rymithically against hers as the heat began to rise in the both of them. Slowly running his tongue across her bottom lip she opened her mouth for him. He thrust his tongue inside and ran it along her own tongue elicting a moan from both of them. Kakashi's other hand that was not tangled in her wet hair was running along her side and pushing up the shirt revealing her naked from to his eyes.

They both knew that this was wrong but everyone needed something constant in their life. And they both knew that they have had feelings for each other but they were just too afraid of getting hurt. This one step would soon turn into something big that neither of them was willing to back out of. Maybe now they would not feel alone and they could share each other's grief. They were both alone but now that they are together, they are not alone anymore.


Okay. What do you guys think of this drabble? I don't think it turned out so well but this idea has been festering in my mind for so long that I had to get it out before I was drove insane. Review and tell me what you think, I will have the next one up in a day or two. It will most likely be a song drabble. Until next time, Sayonara! XD