Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kioshi and Gaara ❯ A Mad Man ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kioshi sank her feet into a near by brook, feeling the hardship of the day.
She had chopped wood, caught her dinner, plowed a field, and trained.
It felt nice to sit there, having her feet in the cool, beautiful, clear water.
This moment was something she would have never experianced in Sunagaru, due to little water.
For her to be near such a wonderous thing seemed delightful to her.
She felt secure here, false maybe, but nevertheless, secure.
The water siliently going down the stream finally came into her mind and drifted her into sleep.
Later she awoke not at the peaceful stream, but in a dungon.
"What is going on?" She said siliently to herself now seeing her binds on her arms and legs.
She looked around, it seemed as if she were the only one around, and there was a horrible smell in the air.
"What is that smell?" She asked herself while continuing to look around.
It then hit her on what it was, death.
Someone, or some people must be dead somewhere nearby.
Kioshi held her breath, it seemed as if the smell alone would overwelm her.
She decided that she'd bypass the smell long enough to free herself.
It was hopeless, her chains could not be broke, nor even scratched!
Her only hope now was Gaara... and good luck with that.
"Great, I'm going to die cause there's no way that Gaara's going to save me!" Kioshi sort of laughed.
It seemed next to impossible that he would ever do that, and that was why she felt like she was definately going to perish alongside those in the other rooms of the prison.
What could she possiblely do to insure her survival?
That was her main question in her mind while she felt the realization of what was happening come upon her.
"Amai Kioshi, are you awake?" Said a voice outside of the bars.
Kioshi looked at them, not anwsering.
"Ah, so you are, well Kioshi, let's say we aquire you a new camber instead of this prison." They said smiling.
"Go away," Kioshi said blankly to him.
He seemed taken aback by her words, steadily he phased by them.
"Now Kioshi, what kind of host would I be if I were to do that? Now, those chains won't be coming off. Oh no my dear, they will become invisible, almost weightless, more like chakera chains, stopping you from leaving. Of course my dear Kioshi, we will have to do away with those flithy rags." Every word he was saying, with the tone he was using, was making her angry, what was even more infuriating was that she couldn't stop him.
"What kind of clothes are you going to have me wear?" Kioshi asked trying to maintain her cool.
"Oh, doll clothes my dear! Dresses that are absolutely darling! Oh, Kioshi, you're going to be my new toy!" He said freaking Kioshi out and infuriating her more.
She was nobodies 'toy', and she definately wasn't his 'darling'!
"When will I not be 'your toy'?" She asked shivering the last words out.
"Oh, that's simple, when Gaara comes for you, if he doesn't, you're going to die :D. If he does, guess what, you're still dead :D!" He said too happily for Kioshi's liking.
"So... so why keep me alive now?" She asked, feeling the need to see the limits of her existance.
"Oh, that's simpler, cause what fun is it to kill you with Gaara not around!? He'll love the blood bath! I just know it!" It was then offecial, this guy was crazy and had a bloodlust, but that was child's play compared with Gaara's.
"Then what will happen? Won't Gaara just kill you?" She said, stating an ovious fact she knew he overlooked.
He stopped, she knew it, he did overlook it!
"Well... then I would be happy... Being killed by Gaara is my dream!" He told her, which proved her wrong, but proved just how unstable he was.
"So why do you think Gaara will come for me?" Kioshi really wanted to know this answer.
"Cause he loves you!" He said with a stary look in his eyes.
"No way, Gaara doesn't love me! It's more likely that I have a twin than him loving me!" That is when he unlocked the bars, walked over to her, and looked her in the eyes.
"Gaara loves you, even if you don't think it so. Now come, we have doll dresses to put on you!" He said to her taking her off the wall and dragging her off.