Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune Play ❯ Fox in a hole! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1: Fox in the hole!

Disclaimer: Naruto and co. do not belong to me. They are © to Kishimoto


‘A fox….A FOX! This has to be some kind of sick dream, or a genjutsu. Because this is just isn’t real. It can’t be real!’ Naruto’s thoughts raced through his head in a storm of chaos.

There he was in the middle of a forest, god knows where, pacing back and forth in the body of… a fox…

It was official. This was his weirdest day…ever.

‘I’m a fox. A fox! This is too ironic. I mean, sure, I have a fox-demon sealed inside of me. But that doesn’t mean I should turn into one. And I’m still not convinced all this is real. It could be just some really really realistic dream. Or a genjutsu. But of course if it is a genjutsu I’m screwed. Because I have no chakra to free myself, BECAUSE I’M A FOX!’

If anyone else was around at this very moment, they would’ve found the sight to be very comical. Because here was a fox pacing back and forth, yipping and barking angrily to itself.

A distant sound snapped Naruto out of his inner monologue. His inner-fox instincts (which later he would deny that he ever had) told him to be on alert. He paused from his pacing, fox-ears twitching slightly, listening. After a moment, he heard the sound again. It was far off, but definitely moving closer to him. After the third time, he finally recognized it. It was a dog barking. Naruto stood as still as he could, listening. He could hear everything so clearly. The sound of the dog’s feet running along the forest floor. The baying of the dog’s voice, echoing around the trees. And then something finally clicked inside of him. He was a fox, this was a dog. Dogs chase foxes.

‘OH SNAP!’ Naruto took off running like his tail was on fire.

The forest around him soon became a blur as he ran as fast as his little fox legs could carry him. The howling of the dog behind him was becoming more and more frequent, and each time it bayed it sounded as if it was gaining on Naruto. It must be a big dog.

Naruto didn’t know where he was going, or where he was even at that moment, but all he knew was that he had to keep running. It sounded as if the dog was right at his heels, yet he was too scared to turn around to look.

A particularly loud howl and the snapping of jaws caused Naruto jump and break out into an even faster sprint, as the dog closed in behind him.

Suddenly, the ground below his feet gave way, and the sensation of falling surrounded Naruto. His small body soon connected with the ground once more, in a rather painful way.

Opening his eyes slowly, all Naruto saw was black. Waiting a moment, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he found himself at the bottom of a large hole! Standing shakily, he yelped in pain when he tried to move his front left leg. He could barely move it, it hurt so badly. Looking up, Naruto noticed that from the depth of the hole, even if he wasn’t hurt, he would never be able to get out. Being a fox sure was troublesome.

Lying back down to ease the pain in his leg, Naruto’s sensitive fox-ears picked up the sounds of voices above. Looking up, Naruto patiently listened.

“AKAMARU! HEY! AKAMARU!” Kiba called to his canine companion, who was now standing over a large hole, which was easily 5 feet wide. The dog turned to greet Kiba, barking happily and wagging his tail.

“Geez, Akamaru, what was that all about? Taking off all of a sudden and running wildly through the woods. Did you find something?” Kiba ran up to his friend and kneeled down, petting the dogs head. Noticing the large hole that Akamaru was standing next to, Kiba peered inside. It was pretty deep, and Kiba couldn’t see the bottom.

“Good thing you didn’t fall into that hole, Akamaru. I trained you too well to fall into a lame trap like that.” Kiba laughed.

“Well your dumb dog just ruined all that work I did setting up that trap.” A voice called from above. Kiba looked up, and just scowled. Crouching in a branch above the two stood Sasuke, with a rather annoyed look on his face.

“Tch, you call this a trap? Only an idiot would fall for something as lame as this. It’s just as easy to jump over it.” Kiba internally patted himself on the back for a successful criticism of the Uchiha’s trap-setting skills.

“Kiba, that’s the whole point. You’re suppose to jump over it. Because on the other side, are 5 more traps that I guarantee you’d never notice until it‘s too late.” Sasuke just smirked.

“Hah, I bet I’d figure it out. No way I’d ever fall into such a lame setup.” Kiba just huffed, and Akamaru barked in enthusiasm.

“Care to test that?” Sasuke challenged the two mockingly.

Kiba just watched Sasuke for a moment. He was probably weighing his odds of actually beating one of Sasuke’s trap setups. After a few moments, Kiba just clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“Whatever. Come on Akamaru, let’s go finish our walk.” Kiba called to the dog, and they both took off jumping into the trees.

Sasuke jumped down from the tree and stood at the edge of the hole, watching to two run off. Once they were out of sight, he turned to face the hole, crossing his arms in annoyance.

“Damn that Kakashi. This is all just a waist of time. Calling me out here so early in the morning, asking me to do some trap setups. Evaluation of my skills…like hell. I’ll bet a week’s worth of pay that he doesn’t even show up.” Sasuke kicked a stone in frustration, sending it flying down into the seemingly bottomless hole. When a yelp sounded from the bottom, instead of a dull thud, Sasuke froze. Was something down there?

Waiting for a moment, Sasuke listened for any further noises. When he heard nothing, he decided to investigate. Using chakra in the soles of his feet and palms of his hands, Sasuke climbed down the side of the hole. Upon reaching the bottom, Sasuke noticed something lying there on the ground. Jumping to the floor, Sasuke kneeled down next to it see it better. It was a fox.

‘This must be what set off the trap. Akamaru was probably chasing it, and it fell into the trap.’ Sasuke thought, as he stared at the little creature. It was lying on its side, unmoving. Its forehead was bleeding slightly, and next to its head sat a single stone.

‘Shit. I was the one who kicked that stone. I hope it’s not dead.’ Sasuke slowly reached out, and stroked the little fox. A soft mewl was heard, but it did not wake up. Sasuke sighed in relief. Despite what people may think of him, he didn’t like killing things unnecessarily.

‘Now what do I do with it? It looks pretty banged up.’ Sasuke slowly picked the little fox up, and cradled it in his arms. Using chakra in his feet once more, Sasuke swiftly jumped out of the hole. Holding the fox, Sasuke stood and thought of what to do. He couldn’t just leave it. It was injured, and it was his fault. He thought of trying to bandage its wounds himself, but Sasuke had to admit, he knew nothing of animal anatomy.

But he did know someone who did know about animals, and healing them.

Finally having a plan, Sasuke held the little fox carefully in his arms, and swiftly made his way to the village.

Little did Sasuke know, that a certain sensei of his had watched the whole scene from a distance.


Thanks for reading Kitsune Play! As a special “thank you” gift for reading this far, here’s a little illustration I made just for this fanfic. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m more of an artist then a writer, so as I’m writing, all these little illustrations and pictures keep popping in my head. Naturally I have to draw them out. I’ll be doing more as I write more chapters. Also if there is any particular scene you’d like to see drawn out, feel free to ask away :D

This one here is what Naruto looks like as a fox. Cute no? :3

Just one thing, don’t steal this or post it anywhere else. Thanks :3

The next chapter will have lots of cute and humorous things going on. As well as some chaos in the mix.

Read and Review!
