Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Boarding school....from HELL!!! ❯ WHY!? ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer - I do not own any characters of Naruto. Damn.A/N - I’ve changed Yuki’s name to Haru and he and his mother, Yoko, now have red hair and blue eyes.~Chapter Twelve Why?!~Sakura run her fingers throw her bubble-gum wet hair. She really did need that shower. She laid her hand back down in her lap and looked up at the blond haired male infront of her. His bright blue eyes shinning, and the big grin on his face brought a small to her face. The man let his grin fall to a small, clam smile as he took in how much Sakura had grown. She remembered him so much of her mother, Michiko. She had became a beautiful young lady. “What’s going on, Minato-san?”Namikaze Minato, father of Uzumaki Naruto and Kitsure no Kyuubi, sighs and got on one knee infront of the girl. “Have you ever heard of the Akatsuki?” Sakura’s green eyes widen a bit. Minato continued. “Their leader, Pein, is after me. He thinks that I killed his wife, Konan. He thought he killed me 16 years ago, but didn’t.” he paused, thinking of how to put the next words. “He still wanted revenge and thought that the best way would be to kill Naru. He thought this up when he found out I was alive.”Sakura bite her lip. “Is Kyuubi is the Akatsuki?” Minato shook his head, and stood up.“Kyuubi is part of on own little group. He thinks that it’s Naru’s fault for everything and just wants to kill her. But he has made a deal with Pein. And before you ask, I don’t know what the deal is. But I bet that will we know very soon.” he smiled. “Now, I bet your dieing to know who else is here! Why don’t you come in, Gaara!” the blond haired male turned slightly to his right, grinning as the door opened, Gaara slowly making his way in. Gaara let a small smile grace his face as he saw Sakura. The pink haired girl stood up and ran over to Gaara, putting aside her dislike for him. She let her arms wrap around his neck tightly and pulled him into her, putting her face in neck. The red hair male wrapped his arms around her waist, slightly taking her off of the floor. Minato walked over and put each of his hands on their heads. “Come on, love birds! I’m sure your parents would be glad to see you!”~Itachi looked over his shoulder at Deidara and Sasori, growling a bit. “I said I can handle this, I don’t need you two breathing over my shoulder.” Deidara rolled his eyes and grinned a bit. “And I told you: If you could, the girl would already be in our possession, un!” the blond haired male looks at the red haired male next to him and grinned a bit. His master looked so cute when thinking. “Deidara, stop looking at me.”Deidara opened his mouth, but before he speck any words, Itachi stopped and looked at them. “Itachi, un?”“Shh, something’s going on.”“Damn, Yoko, would you just listen to me!”“Now is not the time to listen, Hiashi! We have to fine Minato and fast!”Itachi heard sigh. It sounded like Sakura’s mother. “But we need a plan.” Deidara got behind him and also listen, and Sasori also got a little closer. “She’s right! If we just ran into this, it could be too late! Who knows? Kyuubi could be here!”“No! Don’t say that, Tsume!” “Just face the fact, he could be here and we most likely wouldn’t even know it!”Itachi thought for a moment. They were right. . . . He looked back Deidara and Sasori. It they were going to get Naru, the would have to hurry. Itachi turned and walked up the stairs. Deidara and Sasori not far behind