Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha College ❯ Troubled ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Tenten attends a college for the rich and famous. The school is ruled by a group of four rich and handsome boys called the F4. The leader of the group is none other then Neji with his three friends Gaara, Sasuke and Naruto. They give a red slip to all those people that annoys or disobeys them. Everyone is afraid of getting a red slip. Tenten gets one by trying to help a friend. She is angered so she declares war with the F4 and slowly many things around her and the F4 begin to change into romance, angst, and comedy.
Information: This story is based on a Taiwanese soap opera I saw called "Meteor Garden". I saw it in mandarin and I speak Cantonese so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong to those who watched it. My goal for this story is to get 100 chapters and have at least 1000 reviews... I hope you all enjoy my story! The people in the story are all shinobis just that they have to go to college before they can become an Anbu so they are all jounin.
This is my first story so please don't be angry with my grammar and spelling mistakes… I know that all of my characters may be a little to very out of character but I changed their personality to match that of the soap opera. I'm sorry if I accidentally hurt anyone's feelings with the content of my story. I'm just trying to put in as much as I can remember into this story. The names in the story were randomly picked so if your name is accidentally chosen I'm terribly sorry about that. Thanks for understanding!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own any Naruto characters, any brand names or any of the companies mentioned in this story. All I own is the satisfaction of writing this story.
Chapter One: Troubled
Early in the morning, when the sun was slowly climbing up into the sky, a young girl of 21 woke up. She had woken up to the banging of her mother on the door. She got up from her bed and headed to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and changed into a mid-sleeved shirt that was white with black sleeves. Then she pulled a comb through her hair and put it in two braids. Then she grabs her backpack and runs out the door to her garage. She opens her garage door and pushed her motorcycle out. Then she put the key into her bike and turns around to close the garage door. Soon she gets on her motorcycle and takes off for school.
Halfway to school, her motorcycle rumbled and slowly came to a stop. The rider stepped off the motorcycle and whacked it a few times but to no prevail. The motorcycle just wouldn't start again. Just as she was going to whack it again one more time, a car stopped next to her and the broken motorcycle.
A girl of 22 stepped out of the car and said to the girl “Tenten is your bike broken again?”
“Yes, Yuki.” replied Tenten as she rolled her eyes.
“Inside is a card of a repair shop. Oh I need the purse back because it is a Prada.” She said as she handed Tenten a Prada purse and stepped back in the car. Then the driver drove off leaving Tenten there to push her heavy motorcycle to school.
About a minute away from school, Tenten pushed her motorcycle into a rack where she parked her motorcycle and pocketed the key. Then she grabbed all books and her backpack from under the seat and replaced it with her helmet. Then Tenten walked the rest of the way to school.
At school--
Aya had just arrived at school. She walked up the stairs slowly in her high heels. At the top of the stairs, she saw Yuki. Yuki saw Aya as well and flashed her new purse at Aya. `She got a new Prada purse!' fumed Aya silently. Aya immediately retorted by showing off her new jacket. `Huh, just a new Burberry jacket!' thought Yuki. Then she began fingering her new necklace. `Ah! A real diamond necklace from Tiffany?' Aya thought as she searched her body for something better.
“Don't have anything? Then you lose!” informed Yuki. Aya thought for a minute then she retorted by saying “You're wrong! Come closer and I'll show you.”
As Yuki came closer, Aya began turning her head back and forth. Yuki gasped after a while and screeched “Julia Robert's nose! You went and got a new nose without me?”
Aya slowly nodded and replied “This nose cost me 50 thousand dollars.” Then Aya began walking to class with Yuki beside her.
“Hey Desiree, are you going to bring your books to class?” Tenten asked her friend.
“Yes, why wouldn't I?” asked Desiree slightly confused.
“Well, everyone else here is more concerned about name brands than about the names of historical people.” Scoffed Tenten.
Just then everyone crowded around a classroom. A boy named Dai was packing up his stuff and leaving school. As he exited the classroom, all the students cleared a path for him because they didn't want to be associated with him. Yuki whispered to Aya as he passed “He shouldn't have badmouthed the F4. He deserved it!”
The F4 think that they're so great just because their family is rich. I bet they couldn't do anything if they were just normal class people.
“Do you know what you are saying?” asked the leader of the F4.
The next day, Dai opened his locker and found a red slip of paper hanging. On the paper read: You'll Be Dead, each word in its own row with the words F4 in white on top of the word “Be”. As soon as he saw the paper, everyone around him immediately backed away.
End Flashback—
As he walked down the row, he tripped and dropped all of his stuff. Tenten rushed to help Dai but Desiree held her back. When Dai picked up all his stuff, he began to walk again. Then the teacher, Gai, showed up. “Where is Dai going with his stuff?” he asked Aya. “He got the red slip from the F4.”
Upon hearing this, Gai immediately rushed over to Dai. Then he said to him “Dai, as your teacher I want to say to you, after you leave this school, be a good person! Don't let the springtime of your youth pass you by!!! You will succeed in high places!” Tenten looked at Gai in disbelief. Even the teachers are afraid of the F4!?!?!?
Then the bell rang and everyone rushed to class. “GOOD MORNING CLASS!” Gai shouted at everyone from the front of the class. “Today's lesson will be about the power of your youth!” Tenten just glared at Gai for not helping Dai. Suddenly, she stood up. “What seems to be the problem?” Gai asked Tenten. Tenten replied “I'm going to use the restroom.” Then she stomped out of the classroom ignoring Gai's cries of “Tenten, you need a pass!”
Instead of going to the bathroom like she said she was, she went up to the roof. “You pig-headed four!!!” She shouted to no one in particular, “Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can boss people around! I wish you would all just drop dead!”
Just then, two expensive cars were being driven to Konoha college. One car was a white BMW while the other was a silver Porsche. The drivers parked their cars at their reserved spots a slowly stepped out. From the white car came out Sasuke and Naruto. From the Porsche, stepped out Gaara and last but not least, Neji.
As the four boys, known to everyone at school as the F4, everyone stepped out of their way. When they made it to class, they sat in the back and began conversing with each other. They ignored the teacher and continued to talk and chat. No one dared tell them to be quiet because they all feared the red slip, even the teacher.
Tenten and Desiree were helping their teacher take out the recycling to the trash room. As they dragged the heavy basket a coke can rolled to Tenten's feet. She looked for the owner of the coke can and noticed that Neji's face was dripping with coke and that Gai was busy wiping clean Neji's face with the sleeve of his green spandex.
“You're stepping on my foot.” Neji informed Gai in a cold tone. Gai gasped and bent down while saying “I help you clean that.” repeatedly.
“Stop!” Neji ordered and Gai snapped back up. Neji raised his hand a little and Gai went running backwards begging Neji not to hit him. He backed up so suddenly that Tenten didn't have time to move away and the result was Gai sprawled on the floor which was littered with paper and Tenten and Desiree backed up into a wall. Neji scoffed and continued forward and his three friends followed but Gaara stayed behind to help pick up the fallen basket.
His friends hollered at him to hurry up. Gaara walked back to his friends but not without glancing at Tenten first. Then he turned to catch up with his friends. Tenten watched as Gaara left. She could feel the blood rushing to her face. Then she thought `Why does my heart feel so flustered? Am I getting feelings for someone in the F4? I can't be!'
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