Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha College ❯ Uh Oh ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Tenten attends a college for the rich and famous. The school is ruled by a group of four rich and handsome boys called the F4. The leader of the group is none other then Neji with his three friends Gaara, Sasuke and Naruto. They give a red slip to all those people that annoys or disobeys them. Everyone is afraid of getting a red slip. Tenten gets one by trying to help a friend. She is angered so she declares war with the F4 and slowly many things around her and the F4 begin to change into romance, angst, and comedy.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Naruto characters, any brand names or any of the companies mentioned in this story. All I own is the satisfaction of writing this story.
Chapter Two: Uh-oh
At The Bakery—
“Oh-no! Poor Dai!” Sakura sighed after Tenten told her about the series of events that happened that day.
“I wanted to help him but the F4…” Tenten trailed off.
“This isn't the Tenten I knew back in high school. The Tenten I knew was brave, helpful and kind.” Sakura said as she thought about the days of high school.
Tenten remained silent as she folded boxes to hold the pastries.
“I wonder if the boys in F4 are cute.” pondered Sakura.
“They're as cute as pigs.” replied Tenten coldly.
“They're rich though!” Sakura said dreamily.
“They don't even use their money for good. They are all selfish brats who are spoiled and care nothing about anyone but themselves.”
“From what I hear, you say that they are all the same?”
“Well, maybe one of them is different and actually has a heart.” Tenten stated as she started to think about Gaara. She once again felt blood rush to her face.
“Tenten! You're blushing! You must like this different member!” mused Sakura.
“Yeah and the cow jumped over the moon.” Tenten joked.
As Tenten and Sakura talked more about the F4, school and boys, they soon realized that their shift was over. They cleaned up the place and locked the doors. Then they went their separate ways home.
Tenten's home—
Tenten slowly pushed her motorcycle back into the garage. Then she entered the house through a door connecting the two. As she entered, her mother immediately asked “What is different about me?”
“You got another haircut mom?” inquired Tenten. `I'm 21 and I'm still living with my parents.' She thought as she pitied herself.
“Yep, at half price, too! I had a coupon.” Her mother informed.
Tenten dropped off her backpack in her room and started to walk to the dining room. As she passed the bathroom, she knocked on the door and yelled, ”Why do you always use the bathroom in the middle of dinner?”
Then Tenten opened the lid of the rice cooker and scooped up a full bowl of rice for herself. As she sat down across from her mother, her mother asked “How was school today?”
“Why am I even in Konoha College?” Tenten inquired miserably.
“All of your father's coworkers' children are in that school. What's so bad about it?” she asked with concern in her voice.
“All the students care about are Prada, Channel, and Gucci. What would you say if I resigned from Konoha College?” she inquired.
Tenten's mother started hyperventilating as soon as she heard this. “I had to borrow money from friends left and right to get you into that school. I'm still paying off debts to this day.” She said in between gasps.
“Fine, I'll stay in Konoha College.” Tenten muttered as she handed her mother an inhaler.
When Tenten's mother stopped having an asthma attack, Tenten's father finally stepped out of the bathroom with the newspaper tucked under his armpit. He put the newspaper down on the table as he got up to get himself a bowl of warm rice. As he did this Tenten's mother scolded him “You already ate four bowls before our daughter came home! You're going to eat us out of money! If you got a promotion then we could get more spending money, but you get stuck with the same job for five years! All your friends got promoted already1”
Tenten's father retorted by saying, “You nag at me all day! Every part of you is small except for your mouth!”
“SHUT UP!” yelled Tenten. She put down her empty bowl and left.
Tenten's mother and father just acted like the argument never happened. The truth is they forgot that it happened. “Your butt is big, too.” Tenten's father told Tenten's mother as she giggled.
As Tenten heard this from the hallway, she shuddered and slammed the door of her bedroom closed behind her. Then she got seated at her desk and tackled her homework for the day.
Tenten is lying down on her bed. She looks at the stuffed bunny rabbit on her bedside table. “Do you think I'll ever get out of Konoha College?” Tenten asked it. Tenten just stared at the rabbit. Then she realized that she had been waiting for a response, so she just turned off the light and went to sleep.
At a Bar—
Neji had just arrived at the bar where his friends were to meet him. He quickly found his Gaara and Sasuke then begins to talk to them. Sasuke is playing pool a little farther off. Watching him play was his current girlfriend, Yoko. Suddenly a gang of 20 people approached Sasuke. The leader of the gang grabbed Yoko's arm and said “Why are you with this bastard? Remember that you are MY girl and no one else's.” Yoko freed from his grasp and ran behind Sasuke.
As the gang leader began to approach Sasuke, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He quickly turned around to find a fist connecting with his face. He flew back five feet and saw his assailant, Neji. Soon a fight broke out. As a thug approached Naruto he was soon pinned to the wall by a shuriken. Then he was elbowed in the stomach and knocked out.
Neji was fighting five men at once. All five approached him at the same time armed with kunais and shurikens. He quickly activated his Kaiten and knocked all five ninjas into tables and walls, knocking them all out. Sasuke pushed Yoko behind him, as the leader approached him. Sasuke didn't even bother to activate his Sharigan. He just waited for the man to come closer then he punched him squarely in the jaw and before the poor man could think he was sent into two tables by a kick to the gut from Sasuke.
As his friends were fighting, he approached the bar and asked the bartender “Are you the boss?” The bartender nodded nervously. Gaara reached behind him causing the bartender to cower. He took his wallet from out of his back pocket. He pulled out 15 thousand dollars and handed it to the bartender. “This is for the damages.” He informed the cowering man. Then he grabbed an empty bottle and slammed it on the head of an approaching man.
Soon there were only a handful of people left. Naruto activated his Kage Bunshin No Jutsu and beat the remaining men senseless. Sasuke kissed Yoko on the cheek and said “I'll call you tomorrow.” Then the four friends left the bar.
After they left the bar they all decided to go to Neji's house. In fifteen minutes, they were parking their cars in Neji's huge garage. They walked to his dining room and Neji ordered the servants to bring them some red wine and beer. As the four friends drank they talked about Dai.
“He was just like all the rest of them. Giving up after a week.” slurred Naruto.
“Yeah, he didn't put up much of a challenge.” Sasuke commented. Neji just grunted to show that he agreed. Gaara just sipped the red wine silently, listening to his friends converse. They soon became so intoxicated that Neji's chauffer had to drive them all home. While Neji slowly made his way up the grand stairways to reach his room.
When Neji entered his room he stumbled to his bed and he fell asleep before his head hit the pillow. He slept through a dreamless sleep for the rest of the night.
The Next Morning—
Tenten had gotten up early in the morning. She pried herself slowly from her bed. Then she sluggishly dragged herself to the bathroom where she got a shower and changed into a short sleeved shirt. She then picked up all of her homework from her desk and put it into her backpack neatly.
She hoisted her backpack to the kitchen where Tenten began making breakfast. Since her family was of Chinese descent, they ate rice three times a day. She scooped a bowl of rice and finished it all in three gulps. She washed down the rice with milk and ran to the garage.
Tenten sighed and decided to fix her motorcycle. She grabbed a toolbox and started fixing her broken motorcycle. By the time she was finished she had to rush to school. She quickly shoved her backpack under the seat and mounted the motorcycle. She used the automatic garage door opener and well opened the garage door. She revved her engine and took off. Tenten closed the garage door behind her and started to head for school. As she neared the school, she parked her motorcycle and ran the rest of the way to school but not before taking her backpack from out of under the seat. When she entered the main entrance she walked to her locker. She emptied her backpacks unimportant contents and ran to class. She sat down in her seat just as the teacher, Gai, entered the room. He began the class like any other day, by shouting at the top of his lungs, “GOOD MORNING CLASS!!!” He took out his planner and handed everyone a worksheet. “Today we'll be learning about genjutsu. Here is a worksheet. Complete it and hand it back to me at the end of the class. Tonight's homework is to review for tomorrow's test. BEGIN!”
Tenten sighed as she looked at her paper. She began filling it out without much enthusiasm. Soon class was over. Tenten made it up to Gai's desk and put her worksheet on top of the rest of the pile. Tenten quickly hurried to her locker and put in the unimportant stuff and took out important stuff and went to her next class.
Soon it was over. Tenten was walking to her next class when she bumped into Desiree. Desiree waved to her then informed her, “The teacher told us to take these bottles of ink to the supply closet. I have the pass.” Tenten just nodded and took hold of a box next to Desiree. They made their way to the stairs when Desiree suddenly fell down the stairs. To protect herself she raised her hands to shield her face causing the box to fly out of her hands.
“Oh, are you alright Desiree?” asked Tenten with worry in her voice. Desiree nodded as she rubbed her bottom where she fell down on.
Suddenly Tenten froze up. She just stared behind Desiree. Since Desiree was facing Tenten, she immediately noticed her friend's awkward behavior. She slowly turned around fearing what was behind her only to find Neji standing at the bottom of the stairs with Sasuke beside him. The only thing was different was that Neji was all covered in ink.
Cliffhanger! Review!
dragonmage27: I know… the soap opera is based on the manga, is it exactly the same? That I didn't try to do on purpose. I had a longer one but it wouldn't fit. LOL
FireDragonBL: thanks for reminding me I just started the account and I forgot to change it because everything is so new to me
erica: I know because I read a couple books of boys over flowers, then I saw meteor garden and I was all like, the F4? Wasn't that from some book I read? LOL
#1animelover: here's your update! LOL