Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha College ❯ Worried ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Tenten attends a college for the rich and famous. The school is ruled by a group of four rich and handsome boys called the F4. The leader of the group is none other then Neji with his three friends Gaara, Sasuke and Naruto. They give a red slip to all those people that annoys or disobeys them. Everyone is afraid of getting a red slip. Tenten gets one by trying to help a friend. She is angered so she declares war with the F4 and slowly many things around her and the F4 begin to change into romance, angst, and comedy.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Naruto characters, any brand names or any of the companies mentioned in this story. All I own is the satisfaction of writing this story.
Chapter Three: Worried
Neji just stood there glaring holes into Desiree's head. “His jounin vest, too.” said Sasuke while shaking his head and clucking his tongue. Desiree saw the ink on Neji and immediately ran over to him. “I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!” whimpered Desiree.
Desiree reached put and used her sleeves and tried to get as much ink of as she could but her attempts only angered Neji. He just pushed Desiree roughly into the wall without a word and walked pass her with Sasuke right behind him.
As Neji passed Tenten she shouted loudly, “Stay right there!!!”
Tenten approached the long haired boy and yelled at him, “What is your problem? She apologized. I think she has deserved your forgiveness.”
Neji just ignored her and began walking away. This only got Tenten even angrier.
“Hold it right there you bastard!” screamed Tenten.
This made Neji stop. He turned around slowly and faced Tenten. “Bastard?” he asked in a cold monotone voice.
“Yes, got a problem with that? You think you're all that when you strut around like you own the school. For your information, just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean that you can boss everyone around. Money isn't everything you know!” screamed a fuming Tenten.
“You should know your place. Or else you could get into serious trouble.” Neji informed. Then he walked away. During the conversation, Gaara and Naruto had walked to the bottom of the stairs. When Tenten had finished, Sasuke patted her shoulder and looked sorry for her as he walked pass her. Gaara and Naruto made their way up the stairs and followed after their friends.
Tenten stood there thinking `Oh shit! I'm going to get the red slip for sure tomorrow! If only I kept my big mouth shut, but it was for a good cause, I guess.'
Desiree brushed herself off and walked over to Tenten, after making sure that she was alright she grabbed hold of the fallen box and picked up all the ink bottles that didn't break. She then picked up the shards of the broken bottles and threw them away. Then she and Tenten made their way to the supply closet and put the boxes of ink on the bottom shelf.
After that was done, the two girls made their way back to class. Upon entering, the teacher smiled at them and thanked them for helping. Then they made their way to their seats and paid attention to what the teacher was teaching.
Tenten had spent the rest of the school day looking as if she'd seen a ghost. When concerned friends saw her expression they immediately asked “What's wrong, Tenten?”
Tenten would just reply, “Nothing, I'm fine.”
At Tenten's Home--
Soon school was over. Tenten made her way to her motorcycle and slowly drove home. Upon reaching home, she went to the kitchen to find her parents had already finished dinner and was watching television in the living room. She scooped some rice for herself and began eating what was left of the food. (most Chinese people have meals where each person has their own bowl of rice and plates of other stuff in the middle of the table so everyone can get what they want.)
When she finished her dinner she quietly went inside of her room. She opened her backpack ad took out her text books. She reviewed everything that she had learned the semester. She took out a few scrolls and began practicing in her room.
Tenten mother suddenly opened the door and stuck her head in just barely missing a kunai to the head. “Mom, you know you should knock first. I thought you were an assassin or something.” Tenten said slightly relieved that she didn't hurt her mother,
“I'm sorry Tenten! I keep forgetting that you're a jounin now! I keep on thinking that you're still my little girl!” Tenten's mother replied.
“Mom what if I resigned from school?” Tenten suggested again.
Her mother didn't answer, she just stared at Tenten and began hyperventilating. Tenten just said quickly “I was just kidding mom!”
“Good! We have to depend on you for money after retirement, dear.” informed her mother with a gleeful grin on her face.
“Whatever Mom.” muttered Tenten as her mother closed the door.
Later At Night--
Tenten had decided to go to sleep. She changed into her pajamas Tenten was tossing and turning in her bed. She was having a terrible nightmare.
Tenten's Nightmare--
Tenten had a red slip attached to her forehead. She was standing in the middle of a crowd of kids. All the kids around her were pointing at her and laughing. Aya and Yuki were in the middle of the crowd laughing loudly. They would whisper to eat other from time to time and giggle about it. Tenten looked around and spotted Desiree. Desiree was standing in front of the F4 and laughing the loudest.
Soon all the faces blurred into a swirling mass around her, surrounding her. All she could hear was laughter all around her. She heard insults being yelled at her. All she could hear was Desiree's laughter ringing in her ear along with images of Desiree along with the F4, Yuki and Aya laughing.
Back in Reality--
Suddenly, Tenten woke up. Tenten sat on her bed gasping, remembering her horrible nightmare. She was drenched in sweat so she quickly peeled the sheets from her body and walked to the bathroom. She splashed water on her face and dried it off with a towel. Then she proceeded to wiping sweat off her neck. Tenten slowly made her way back to her room and settled back in her bed.
`That was a weird nightmare. Desiree is my very close friend, she won't turn on me.' Tenten thought to herself. She pulled the sheets back over her body and fell asleep again. This time she slept until morning without another nightmare or dream.
The Next Morning--
Tenten was woken up by the sound of her mother banging on the door. Tenten groaned slightly and got up. She told her mother to stop banging and went to the bathroom. When she finished taking a quick shower, she changed into a black t-shirt and put on a pair of faded jeans.
Tenten walked to the kitchen and got herself some breakfast. She quickly gulped it down and walked to the garage. As she walked to the door, she grabbed her backpack and opened the garage door manually. Tenten put her stuff away on hoisted herself on to the motorcycle. She put the key in the keyhole and drove to school but not before closing the garage door behind her.
At School--
As Tenten reached school she walked slowly to her locker. She was dreading the long walk to her locker. What was ten feet seemed like ten miles to her. As she slowly made her way to her locker, people kept staring at her as they passed.
Finally, Tenten reached her locker. She slowly swung it open. When she opened her eyes and looked inside she saw nothing but her own stuff. Tenten let out the breath she didn't even know that she was holding. When her locker didn't have the red slip, she burst out into a wide grin. She took all her needed stuff and went to class.
When she got to class all the students became quiet. They all stared at Tenten as she made her way to her desk. When she reached her desk all the students continued to look at her. She looked at her desk to find a red slip but finding none she sat down.
Tenten turned to look at Desiree who was pointing behind her. Tenten just looked at her with a confused expression. Desiree began to point frantically behind her when it suddenly clicked in Tenten's mind. She reached a shaking hand behind her and grabbed hold of paper.
Tenten slowly pulled the paper off of her backpack and brought it to her face. The paper as it turned out was a red slip from the F4.
Don't you just love it when I leave you at cliffhangers?