Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Lonely Heirs ❯ Aimless Need ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the movie/Book called storm of the century I just borrowed one line but I don't own it
Mic Mic: By the way, Hinata is living a very guarded lifestyle even more so than she does in Naruto considering that Gaara's her only friend and she isn't very close to her parents keep in mind that Gaara's the main one who communicates things to her well and her cousin Neji but you'll find out more about him later on with the story^_^.
Gaara woke the next day is hairless eyebrows furrowed. Today was going to be different. No more caring about others or wanting them close. Being at the Academy on time didn't matter…going to class did not matter. The only reason he didn't stay at home was because Hinata was there. Yes, the one who would show his heart love.
He stood without much effort and walked on his way to the academy. There were only ten minutes left and it was a 20 minute walk but lateness was irregardless. They were going to see that he wouldn't be controlled by their puppeteer strings anymore.
Gaara arrived glaring sharply ahead of him. When he walked into the door he looked up with a glare at Foil-sensei saying nothing to him. God help the man if he crossed him now. Gaara could hear a voice whispering in his ear, a voice he usually only heard in his nightmares.
`He's stirring you testing you. He thinks he has some kind of power over you Gaara-chan.' the voice silkily whispered in his ear.
`Be quiet leave me alone.' He yelled at it as loud as he mentally could slowly feeling it retreat into the recesses of his mind. That voice sounded like his uncle and he didn't want anything to remind him of that experience ever again.
“Gaara-san you are late.” Foil-sensei coldly uttered. It was rumored that the sensei's in sand village were the coldest and most calculating of them all at least that's what everyone believed to be true since all their pupils were as cold as ice.
Gaara ignored the man and continued walking. He had only one objective and that was to take his seat of course his proper seat that is. He silently walked up to stand beside the seat next to Hinata. In front of him sat a long braided haired youth with huge eyebrows and eyes that were odder still. `Who are you to talk raccoon eyes?' the voice coldly whispered causing Gaara to hold his forehead in agitation. He righted his eyes to glare sharply at the boy sitting in “his” seat.
Lee was working hard on writing up a new taijutsu technique and couldn't even feel the vibes of tension filling the room as he had been so caught in planning how to master such a skill. `If I cannot figure out how to master this is five minutes I shall do 50 laps around Sunakagure backwards holding a baby bottle and a pacifier.' He thought sure that this would motivate him enough to finally decipher what was needed to perfect the technique.
“Move.” Gaara said coldly. He left no room for discussion however Lee wanted to open up the floor. Shaken from his thoughts Lee's eyes ran waterfalls for a second before he wiped them away looking Gaara firmly in the eye.
“I am sorry Gaara-san but the teacher assigned me this seat. Please go to the seat you were assigned.” He uttered before turning back to the technique 2 minutes left he'd never finish.
Hinata's eyes shifted from where she sat as she looked up at Gaara. He was upset and she knew, but what had happened. Gaara never acted hostile like this to anyone and surely not Lee who never provoked him or her once. Lee had done nothing but focused on training and becoming stronger not bothering anyone once.
`He's lucky he hasn't gotten in my way before or else his blood would be raining over this room.' Gaara smirked evilly as sand began to build from his hand at once unnoticed sand creeping up Lee's foot.
“I said move.” Gaara calmly uttered a look that would have terrified any normal man to run for their life in his eyes. However Lee said nothing and was currently engraining himself in his technique. He didn't want to run 50 laps because of a lack of concentration.
Before the sand could crawl up Lee's leg Hinata stood. “Gaara no!” she cried out and ran taking his hand and pulling it down to stop the sand from coming. It diminished with her touch and Gaara's face softened but now displayed a rather miffed look. Hinata looked into his eyes and felt her heart burn what had happened to change him so. The sands were swirling around him and he had fire in his eyes.
“Gaara what's wrong. Are you okay?” she asked in a genuine voice. Gaara said nothing in response and simply wrapped an arm around her waist. He held her there for a moment before his sand fell.
“Keh.” he spat and grabbed Hinata's hand leading her towards his seat.
“W-Wait Gaara my stuff.” Hinata said with a slight blush hesitantly looking behind her. Her eyes caught everyone's surprised looks and she quickly looked back towards Gaara who said nothing. Curls of sand swirled in his hand and before she knew it all her things were floating up onto Gaara's desk courtesy of his sand.
“Move.” Gaara repeated coldly to the rather girly looking boy named Haku. He complied rather quickly and hurried over to where Hinata used to sit by Lee. Lee simply shook his head in disappointment at Haku but said nothing.
Gaara smirked abruptly and sat comfortably in Haku's seat. “From now on, you'll sit by me Hinata.” He uttered possession lacing his tone.
Hinata wasn't sure what to do but sat down anyway blushing and looking away from Gaara as everyone was staring at them. Whispers started but quickly stopped when Foil hit a desk hard and a loud `bump' was echoing against the walls. It was the desk Hinata was sitting in, Gaara's former desk. Hinata jumped frightened by the sudden surprise from her sensei, one of her hands unconsciously clutched Gaara's hanging robe.
Gaara's eyes slowly trailed over to where Foil-sensei stood as he felt his emotions rile inside him. He felt as if he was on fire and boiling every second. He was steaming the moment he felt Hinata clutch his robe. He had frightened her inadvertently in an attempt to show him he was the sensei here. `He made a foolish decision to frighten my Hinata.'
“I don't know what makes you think that you can disturb my class like this and get away with it.” Foil sneered leaning over Gaara's former desk to glare directly at him. Gaara however said nothing and didn't explain himself as he began standing up slowly with no care for the sensei's words whatsoever.
His sand coiled around him and suddenly shot out from the surrounding floorboards to grab Foil's feet as it had grabbed Lee's beforehand. Foil leaned back to stand straight all while he smirked uncaringly as he pulled at his binds. However, he began to panic internally when he realized he couldn't get free. Not allowing his panic to be visible he simply looked up his glare sharpening. Realizing that this wasn't negotiable and was a situation of life or death he decided he'd have to play a rather cowardly card. Reaching out to the side he grabbed for Hinata but she was quickly pulled into Gaara's waiting arms. His last resort had crumbled in front of him and he knew he wasn't going to live much longer.
“G-Gaara stop this right now.” He ordered though it was more like a plea from the shakiness in his voice and the fear laced in his eyes.
Hinata clutched Gaara's robe from her position behind him as she looked up at Foil-sensei. Why was he so terrified? Was it that monster inside him that terrified him so, the monster inside Gaara?
Gaara's eyes widened as he smiled evilly. “Are you scared sensei? Now that you're going to die.” He said coolly his outstretched hand with sand swirling extended and sand began to run up the length of Foil's body. “Sabaku KyÅ«.” He whispered pronouncing death upon his teacher.
Hinata was too terrified to do anything. She couldn't stop Gaara whose eyes were filled with such anger and hate. She was paralyzed as she had never seen him act this way before.
Soon enough the sand had encaged the sensei entirely and muffled sounds were heard from within the cocoon. Gaara's hand began to close and with a final death note he sang out his first of many kills. “Sabaku SÅsÅ.” The sensei struggled in vain before Gaara's hand closed and a sick crushing sound emanated throughout the halls.
Nothing was heard but silence as scream of pain and the slow breaking of bones was heard as blood spurted across the room. Hinata clutched the back of Gaara's robe but wasn't shielded from the raining blood. She jumped as it fell onto her cheek and she whimpered. Gaara's face was covered in the blood his cheeks dripping with it as was his still outstretched hand. The swirling sand ceased as he pulled it back to rest it beside him.
Every child in the room had blood splattered on them, some had it in their hair, in their clothes, on their desks, and the walls dripped with it running down like rivers. The children all had tears running down their cheeks and Lee was watching as everyone else was his own face having blood littered upon it. Haku beside him was crying intensely as he looked at where the sand that had entrapped their former sensei was falling away.
“S-Sensei!” Haku cried out but once all the sand had slid away it revealed that there was no sensei there. Slowly the sand that had killed Foil crawled towards Gaara. Hinata backed away quickly as it began to slide itself up Gaara's back. The sand began to take the shape of a gourd that was slightly cracked. The gourd began to fill with the sand leftover from the fresh kill and once it was filled to the brim a cork formed and sealed it shut. The gourd began to shake violently as Gaara's inner demon stirred. Gaara closed his eyes as he felt his last shred of wishing to fit in break. Nothing mattered and certainly not the witnesses to his bloody crime. If they told there would certainly not be good consequences for him.
`There is no need to leave witnesses, they'll all ruin you and send you to your execution…why don't you give them coffins of their own since they wish so much for you to have one.' Gaara felt no need to fight it anymore the voice was him; he was a monster no matter what Hinata said.
`Kill the girl, she fears you she hates you and will desert you! Kill her and you can always have her close. Her blood will sink into your sands and she will never leave you.' Gaara shook his head not Hinata, she wouldn't she had promised never to leave him.
`And I believe her.' He thought to himself. That innocent part of him was vaguely still there Hinata had locked it somewhere deep within him where the demon could not reach. However the others were a different story there was no harm in killing them; they cared not for him, mistreated him and always left him alone. `They want a monster their going to see one.' And with that thought the cork sealing in the shaking gourd popped out and sand started leaking in waterfalls out of it. That sand began to crawl up the walls as if materializing from nowhere. The children screamed cringing in their seats and Lee looked on helplessly as Haku grabbed him by the sleeve of his white Chinese style shirt.
“Run quick! He'll kill us all!” he yelled scrambling to his feet. Lee didn't argue he was just as frightened as everyone else in the room but he couldn't leave without helping everyone else escape. He stood quickly and yelled Haku's message for all to hear. “Everyone run!” he yelled and all the students quickly got to their feet knocking into each other and scrambling for the door, their lives depended on it.
Only Hinata stayed.
Silence echoed in the empty room as Hinata's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at him differently almost as if in awe but completely unsure of what to say. All Hinata could think of was one word.
“Why?” she uttered quietly almost so quietly no one could hear it. Gaara looked up at her and said nothing turning his back to her as his sand trailed back into his gourd.
“Gaara! Answer me! Why-why did you kill sensei?!” she asked moving forward to clutch his robe. Gaara flinched and walked forward but was slightly pulled back by Hinata's hand on his robe. He sighed and uttered slowly.
“To prove my existence.” He said turning and slipping off the heavy gourd that had recently wrapped itself around his back.
Hinata noticed the darkness in his eyes at those words and the pain that seemed to reflect in them. He had that look since he had walked into the classroom that morning before anything had occurred. “Gaara did something happen?” Hinata asked timidly moving closer as she clutched his robe tightly.
“It's none of your business.” He snapped his hairless brows furrowed down in anger as he pushed Hinata's hand off. She let go and her eyes filled with tears she turned and was prepared to head out the door but at a glance back she saw the sadness in Gaara's eyes. `I always give up…always. This time I'm not giving up.' Hinata quickly rushed back and wrapped her arms around Gaara's middle from behind tightly as she pressed her face into his back. “Please tell me.” She begged earnestly tightening her grip. She wouldn't let him go and she wouldn't leave him here alone.
“No!” Gaara said firmly trying to pull her off.
“Please Gaara!” she begged again her tears falling unceasingly and staining the back of his shirt. Gaara felt his heart clench. She really did still care about him. He turned with a sigh an angry look still on his face but it softened as he saw her look of sadness.
“Where is the Gaara I laughed with, the Gaara that protected me?” She said loosening her arms from around his waist as she blushed while looking up at him. She forgot how close she was.
“I am not the same Gaara anymore. You wouldn't understand my pain Hinata, if you found out what kind of a monster I was you wouldn't hesitate to run from me.”
“Gaara…you just liquefied our teacher. I think if I was going to be afraid of you now would be a pretty good time.” She said a half smile on her lips.
Gaara turned looking to the side. He didn't want to quirk a smile he wanted to be angry frustrated he wanted to hate; Hinata just wouldn't seem to let him. He turned back her way when he felt her touch upon his hand.
“I made you a promise. Please don't call me a liar.” She said with a smile. Gaara looked at her in surprise and awe.
Why! Why no matter how much he tried could he not turn her away?! Why did she always have to be so…supportive and caring for him? Why wasn't she cold and reclusive like everyone else? `If she was like that then she wouldn't be my reason for existence.' He thought to himself. Gaara was reluctant to go back to his old self to not be the new him that was cold and calculating and that no one would cross. With a sigh he spoke.
“My uncle told me, that I have a demon inside me called the Shukaku of the Sand. That is why I don't sleep the demon will overtake me, my mother died because of the demon.” He said coldly.
“Is that all?” Hinata asked worriedly. Gaara had already known before about the demon so why was this news.
“My uncle killed himself in front of me in an attempt to kill me, and now my father wants to kill me because I am too strong. He believes I can't control the demon. He was the one who ordered my uncle to assassinate me.” Gaara said the new knowledge.
Hinata covered her mouth. She felt sick at the new knowledge and Gaara held her shoulder holding her up from falling, her tears which had temporarily ceased were falling once again. “But…why, why would they do that to you?”
Gaara glared down at Hinata. “Why do you think? Suna wants to be stronger; they want power more and more power so what better way than to have a demon who will fight on their side. I guess things didn't turn out how they planned.” He said coldly.
Hinata looked down ashamed of her own village. “I'm sorry Gaara…I wasn't there when you needed me. I wasn't able to stop you and now…” she said looking up at him tears running down her cheeks.
“I don't want you to become cold hearted; I don't want you to kill others. Why can't we be happy like before?” she asked.
“I already told you I-” Gaara was interrupted as Hinata leaned forward and kissed the corner of his lip. She pulled back a shy look on her cheeks her face completely red.
“Then maybe just around me, could you still be just a little like you were before?” she pleaded her eyes seemed to long for his answer to be yes and Gaara found he couldn't resist them.
“Yeah I could.” He said looking up into her eyes. “But don't expect it anywhere else.” He said with a sharp look.
Hinata looked up and touched the corner of his forehead still covered in blood it was hard to notice the kanji engrained there. “It says love doesn't it.”
Gaara nodded feeling rather awkward about his sudden tattoo it seemed rather pitiful now that he felt at the time he needed love so badly he had to engrain it into his very being.
Hinata nodded and hugged him tight around his middle. “I'll give you that Gaara. Let's always be friends.” She stated happily her tears beginning to cease.
“Yeah…” he said looking down at her. She made his cold heart warm. Yes, she was his reason for existence and no one else would take her from him.
“Gaara!” a loud voice boomed and Gaara quickly pushed Hinata behind him as his gourd appeared on his back. Four anbu members stood surrounding them.
“Come with us to the Kazekage. We aren't going to hurt you.” They said rather cautiously.
“That seems likely. I already know that the Kazekage wishes to assassinate me. Do you think I'll willingly go visit him?”
“You will if you want your precious little friend to live.” A voice from behind threatened and Gaara turned and saw a hooded figure holding Hinata around the neck tightly. She struggled to get free but he grabbed her around the waist pulling her tightly against him.
“Make one wrong move and I'll inject this sebon needle into her bloodstream. If she gets even a drop in her she will die slowly and painfully. Now you wouldn't wish that on such a pretty little girl now would you Gaara-sama.”
“Let her go. Or I'll kill you all.” He said simply his threat was obviously not empty.
“And what makes you think you can. Both Yashamaru and your sensei were weaklings; against true ninja you are nothing more than a kitten.”
“Gaara don't go! Please don't go with them.” Hinata yelled but quieted as she felt a kunai cutting into her hand.
“I wouldn't talk if I were you girly unless you have a death wish.” The hooded man said coldly.
Hinata eyes communicated a message to Gaara and even though he wasn't sure whether to listen or not it was the best plan.
“Do what you wish with her but I won't go anywhere. As for you the moment she dies your own deaths won't be far away.” They all saw the seriousness in his eyes and before anyone could make a move a loud booming voice surrounded the walls and before anyone knew what was going on the Kazekage himself stood in the middle of the room.
He gave a cold look to his son Gaara and didn't even look with remorse upon the worried and frightened Hinata. While the hooded man was distracted Hinata focused with all her might and used every bit of strength she had to knock the big man behind her in the chest with a chakra infused palm. She scrambled away to Gaara's side and held out the glowing palm as a defense. “Don't come any closer!”
“Enough!” the Kage yelled causing everyone to slacken from their fighting postures everyone that is except for Gaara and Hinata.
“I see that everything has gone according to plan.” The Kage said surveying the bloody desks and sand covered walls.
“W-What are you talking about?” she said still concentrating on the chakra infused palm.
“Put that thing out you'll hurt yourself.” he snapped at her coldly and Hinata blushed slowly letting the glow dissipate.
“What plan?” Gaara asked his question more of a demand to know.
“To unleash the powers of the demon although I didn't think a Hyuuga would get involved that made things a little harder to figure out but I managed.” He said sounding proud of himself.
“You see I knew that Yashamaru wouldn't get the job done but would anger you to the point of no return, now that you have lost that pathetic kindness your mother gave you are ready to unleash the power of Shukaku.”
“What makes you think that I'll unleash anything for you?” Gaara said coldly.
“Come now, don't you want to know what powers the demon inside you really has?”
“I know that it can kill, that's all I need to know.”
“How would you like to be unstoppable?” Kage said with a smirk of confidence.
“Sir-should we really tell him such a thing if he were to turn against us-” the hooded man instructed before he was cut off by the Kage.
“Yes, you'd always have that option but until then you'd learn unbelievable techniques. You would be so powerful that no one could stand in your way not even me.”
“I don't like to repeat myself. What makes you think I'll do anything for you?”
“In return for the scrolls with the direct techniques and powers that you can easily acquire you'll continue on now in the Academy as you did before, however you don't have to attend classes. No one will approach you and disturb and you'll still have your regular home like before. Refuse and you will have nowhere to stay and be an outcast. I'm offering you unimaginable power Gaara with nothing more in return than you stay like you are now. If you agree to that you might even be tough enough to be Kazekage one day.”
“I don't lust for power like you Father. I learn my own techniques…I'll stay here but I don't want the scrolls I'll learn on my own. I don't want to be disturbed expect anyone who comes near me to spy or try to threaten me not to return.”
“That seems reasonable. Alright we have a deal then.” He said holding his hand out.
Gaara said nothing and continued walking on. He turned his head back to Hinata glancing at her. “Come.” He said before facing forward and walking again. Hinata hurried to stand beside him and walked out of the Academy clutching her slightly cut hand.
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After that day, things changed between me and Gaara. We were closer than ever inseparable. He trained hard for hours never stopping since he didn't need to rest. I always stayed up with him all those long nights he endured. I trained along side him. He taught me things I didn't know before, techniques I could have never learned on my own. Father didn't complain since my skills in physical fighting had gotten better and now many people didn't challenge me. But I knew the true reason, they were all afraid of Gaara's wrath. They truly believed that some day he'd kill again and they would be the ones inside his coffin.
I didn't need other friends though. I had Gaara with me and he was enough. We were usually silent those long nights staring at the stars together. I would hold his hand to feel warmer it got so that I always held it every time I was around him. It made me feel close to him even though he was so different and far away.
Two years had passed and he had finally unleashed Shukaku one night when I wasn't able to be there, no doubt he probably was able to do it long before but didn't on account of me being there with him. I came the next day as soon as I heard and found Gaara lying there panting in exhaustion, but he was sleeping oddly enough. The monster was there around him. It was huge gigantic and it ran to attack but I was now more skilled than before. I closed all the chakra points on the demon monster with all the effort in my soul. I was panting hard and bruised and bleeding but the demon monster was dormant now.
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“Gaara.” Hinata panted holding him close to her chest as she looked over him. He was sleeping soundly in her arms. `That's good, all that training and I was finally able to be useful to him. I'm so glad.' She thought passing out and falling onto his chest. They slumped to the ground Hinata lying close to him. Gaara slowly stirred from the sleep that he had forced on himself and jumped in surprise when he noticed Hinata lying on his chest.
`What is she doing here…is she…I couldn't have…'his thoughts ran wild and as he looked her over he noticed that she was pretty beat up but alive nonetheless. He remembered being in such pain he had never felt before when that monster was out and could vaguely remember someone trying to seal up the monster.
`So she did it, all by herself, she's gotten so much stronger.' He brushed her hair behind her ear as he looked her over. Hinata had grown and as had the feelings he felt, they weren't just all emotional now some were physical. He noticed different things about her like how her chest had grown, and her legs were longer…just long enough to do things he couldn't think of but the feeling was overwhelming.
`I want to taste her to see if she tastes as sweet as I think.' He stared at her lips his need getting stronger he shook her slightly a bit more anxiously than he was going for. “Hinata, wake up.” He looked and noticed her lavender eyes creaking open and her ever present smile displayed.
“Hey Gaara are you okay, how was your rest?” she asked curiously.
“It was…different.” he said looking to the side he was much more focused on Hinata than on the technique he had recently acquired.
“Mm, I'm so happy that your alright. I was worried when you didn't come pick me up for our daily training.”
“Yes, I was busy.”
“Thank you for trying to protect me Gaara you really are a great friend.” She said taking his hand and squeezing it.
“Come here.” he said a bit hurriedly and Hinata moved close to him and looked into his eyes. The moment she got caught in them Gaara's hand was on the back of her head and his lips were on her own locking her in a blissful kiss. Hinata was unsure how to kiss exactly but she felt warmth come up inside her. It spread from her head to her toes as he held her his lips to hers kissing her. She clutched his shirt with one hand the other coming up to wrap around his neck unsurely as she pressed her own lips against his in a shy effort to respond. Gaara trailed his hand to her cheek to almost bring her closer to his lips.
“Mm Gaara…”she moaned as he pulled back gently from her. Her lips were swollen red and her cheeks tinted crimson. She shyly looked down as he caressed her cheek his hands pulling her closer to rest in his lap.
“Sleep Hinata.” He said soothingly as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder the other around her waist. “I'll protect you.” He said staring forward intently. Hinata nodded and cuddled into his chest her blush still as bright as before. “Gaara, I've always wanted to be this close to you.” She confessed shyly before burying her face completely so that he couldn't see her face. For once since that fateful night his uncle had dropped hell into his world Gaara smiled.
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It's now been three years since that day in the class. I could now use my chakra better finer, still Neji-niisan was stronger. I was not close with him and didn't see him as often. When I told him hello he wouldn't look at me, just glare off the other direction.
Since that time many things have happened in the family. Mother's supposed pregnancy was a false alarm and I was rather relieved, I don't think I'm ready to be replaced yet. Before her pregnancy she would be gone from home a lot either “on business” or a social gathering that Father didn't care for. She always went alone though never taking any Hyuuga with her. It seemed every chance she got she wasn't home, now it's occurring again more than ever. We've changed so much all of us have changed.
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“Hinata-chan, blow out the candles.” Hiashi said firmly slightly smiling while holding out the cake. He wasn't exactly sure how to laugh and smile but he was learning from Hinata…but why he allowed that boy to come here he didn't know.
“Make a wish.” Gaara reminded her simply as he looked up at her. Hinata looked at Gaara for a second and blushed nodding as she closed her eyes folding her hands as if she was praying.
`I wish that Gaara and I could be together forever. Please God don't let anything or anyone separate us.' She asked blowing out the candles with her eyes closed.
She opened them as she noticed the once lit 13 candles now out and her father cutting the cake. “Let me do it Father.” She said with a smile Hiashi reluctantly handed her the cutter and Hinata began cutting pieces for other people.
“Where is…Neji-niisan?” she asked looking around for him at the table full of Main and Branch family members.
“He…had a special mission today Hinata-chan.” Hiashi said rather coldly looking to the side.
“Oh…it's just he had a mission my last birthday and the one before that. I thought for sure he'd be here.”
“He didn't want to come you know that he hates the Main house now Hinata.” Gaara spoke closing his eyes. “He probably hates you too.”
“Boy if you weren't the Kazekage's son-!” Hiashi yelled standing drawing the attention of the other attendees.
“You'd do what? Gaara asked coolly looking up at Hiashi. The main house leader was fuming and before he could yell a few choice words Hinata interrupted.
“Please everyone, it's my birthday, l-let's all try and get along. Gaara you know how angry my Father gets about Neji. And Father you know that…Gaara is just speaking the harsh truth. Neji…doesn't like me anymore…I'm nothing more than Main branch scum to him and I understand why he feels like he does I mean…if my Father died I'd be…I'd be…” Hinata couldn't continue on and ran out of the room. A little group of kids all the sudden started singing.
“It's my party and I'll cry if I want to cry if I want to cry if I want to.” All the adults turned and glared at them and one little boy shrugged. “Hey you'd cry too if that happened to you.” And the little kids behind him chimed as if they were in a chorus.
“Happened to you.” Hiashi slapped his forehead this was very embarrassing probably exactly what Neji wanted to happen though it didn't seem like he wanted to hurt Hinata just three years ago he had been fiercely protective of her and now he wanted nothing to do with her. `I suppose all this is my fault…Hizashi why couldn't you stay it was my death that they wanted.'
Hinata ran outside and quickly activated her Byakugan as she ran towards the Branch house. `I know he's here.' She thought and spotted him inside his room. She quickly opened the sliding door and was greeted by a sleepy Neji only sporting boxer shorts, a bandaged head and his curse seal. Hinata felt pain spring in her heart at the obvious separation between them and Neji looked up slowly at Hinata before looking back down. Suddenly his eyes widened and he was struck with the situation. He quickly pulled the sheet around his waist as he glared at her a look of slight embarrassment and surprise on his face.
“Hinata-sama what are you doing here…in my room, didn't they tell you that I'm on a mission.” He said angrily his cheeks reddening.
“Sama…is that what you call me now?” she said sadly looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “Neji why have you been avoiding me, it's been three years…we were such good friend-”
“You have a new friend now Hinata, Gaara no Sabaku. I heard how he murdered Foil-sensei yet you still stay close to him.” He said standing not giving to much care that Hinata was seeing him in his boxers the whole thought of Gaara annoyed him for some reason and he pulled on his black shorts moving to get his bandages.
“All you have done is heard Neji because you weren't there.”
“What changed you huh? You were once such a stuttering little girl and now look at you talking to me like you aren't scared.”
“I-I didn't change that much.” Hinata said. Neji moved to stand before her an odd look on his face a look she hadn't seen before.
Neji stood smirking as he looked over her. “Just a little Hinata, we were just kids then but you've grown up haven't you.” He said slightly stroking her cheek. Hinata closed her eyes and backed away but Neji came closer until Hinata felt her back hit the wall. She whimpered as she felt Neji press against her his hand continuing to stroke her cheek.
“Aren't you scared Hinata. Just as weak as you used to be, go on call for Gaara to come and save you. Or are you daring enough to stay.”
“Neji-niisan please why can't we go back?” she pleaded noticing his wince at the niisan she opted not to use it anymore.
“We can never go back Hinata things have changed too much. You have changed too much.” Neji felt something inside him stirring, something he hadn't felt before.
“Neji if you wanted me to do something for you I could. I'd do anything just to go back. You're still my friend Neji.”
“Anything?” Neji asked curiously pressing closer to her and Hinata's eyes darted around nervously as she nodded. She was feeling really hot and uncomfortable as Neji moved closer his face right by her neck. Unbeknownst to her he activated his Byakugan smirking before he pulled back. “Then close your eyes.” He ordered. Hinata quickly compiled and before she knew it she felt a soft bed underneath her. She flinched a bit unsure of exactly what Neji was doing.
“Neji?” she asked curiously a bit of fear in her voice.
“I thought you said you'd do anything. I didn't know you were one to go back on your word Hinata.” Neji said testing her. She shook her head fervently as Neji smirked down at her stroking her cheek once again. She was so innocent and unaware however he wouldn't take advantage her, no that would be going too far, however a little kiss wouldn't hurt matters no that'd make things exactly how he wanted them.
Reaching back Neji undid his loosely tied hair and it fell over Hinata's body as if it were a shield. “Tell me Hinata why did you turn to Gaara and leave me alone.” He said rather bitterly.
“Neji…Gaara is my best friend but it's a different love, from the way that I love you.” She uttered her words familiar. Neji remembered that love the same one she was talking about…as a brother.
Neji frowned angrily that wasn't how he wanted it. He knew now he wanted more attention from Hinata than Gaara received and he leaned down his lips nearing hers.
Suddenly the door burst open and Gaara stood an immense glare and look of hate in his eyes as Neji advanced down and kissed his Hinata. Hinata jumped at the feeling her eyes open and widening. She abruptly pushed Neji away feeling a mixture of emotions rise up when she caught site of Gaara.
“G-g-g-Gaara what are y-you d-doing here. H-How did you find N-N-Neji's house?” she asked shyly but didn't look him in the eye. She had no idea that Neji would care to kiss her. She was sure he was going to either hurt her or scare her certainly not kiss her.
“Too bad we were just getting to the good part.” He said with a smirk. Hinata immediately realized what was going on as Neji's Byakugan was just deactivating. He was trying to make Gaara angry that was what he had wanted. She pushed his chest and got off the bed moving to Gaara.
“Gaara, I'm sorry. Neji did it on purpose I didn't know what he was going to do.”
Gaara said nothing and his cork popped out sand leaking onto the ground. Hinata didn't know how to react, whether the sand was for her or Neji. But the moment it skidded past her she realized he was going to kill him.
“No Gaara!” Hinata said running forward and wrapping her arms around him only to be roughly pushed off to the ground.
“Don't touch me!” he yelled angrily at her. Hinata looked up from her place on the ground but didn't stay there. She quickly got up and ran for him again only for the same situation to occur.
“You can't!” she said struggling to get back to her feet and she ran in front of Neji to protect him.
“So do you care for him that much…more than you care for me? I suppose you'll kiss anyone now.” He said coldly.
Hinata shook her head sharply a blush on her cheeks. “Neji is different. He's the closest thing I've ever had to a brother, Neji used to be my only other person. You know how that loneliness feels Gaara if you could call Yashamaru back wouldn't you.”
At those words Gaara's sand began rising around him.
“Well wouldn't you! My feelings for Neji go no farther than those you had for Yashamaru. Please don't think that I've abandoned you Gaara but I can't abandon Neji, he has no father or siblings at all. If he'll still be my friend then I'll be his friend too.” Hinata looked up her strong defensive eyes breaking into Gaara's hate and anger. His sand fell abruptly and slinked back into his gourd.
“Fine then, but I don't want to see him around and if he lays another unwanted hand on you again, I will not hesitate to kill him.”
“As if you could.” Neji mumbled stubbornly his arms crossed across his still bare chest.
Gaara looked back with a promising glare that was enough to make Neji quiet he had done his damage.
“Neji-kun, I know that you hate me and feel abandoned but come to the party with me today. Just this once I promise after this I won't bother you anymore.” She said closing her eyes as if she was waiting anxiously for the answer. Neji's eyes softened and he gently patted her on the head.
“That's just like you Hinata-chan.” He said quirking a soft smile. Maybe he just wanted Gaara to be as jealous as him but for whatever reason it wasn't Hinata's fault.
Neji followed Hinata into the main room where her party was being held. She smiled at everyone and bowed to them. “Sorry for before. I just wanted to go and get Neji.”
“Please forgive me for the intrusion.” Neji said formally and waited for the okay nod that Hiashi gave him before pulling out a chair attempting to sit down next to her. Before Neji knew it Gaara appeared in the very chair that Neji wanted. He didn't even acknowledge Neji who huffed and sat in the empty chair on the other side of the table across from Hinata.
“Everyone thank you for coming, Gaara, Neji, Father, and everyone in the Hyuuga household. Someday I hope to be a successful heir.” She said with a smile. Everyone nodded and began eating the cake passed to them.
“Which piece do you want Gaara?” Hinata asked with a smile. Gaara turned to her with a pointed look that said, `Do you seriously think I'm going to tell you what piece of cake I want in front of your entire clan.' She blushed quickly cutting out the swirled fire symbol surrounded by a yellow circle; it had a lot of red frosting which she knew Gaara enjoyed. She asked him simple things like what he liked on cake on nights when they would watch the stars.
She gave a similar frosting covered piece to Neji who ate the cake simply and slowly enjoying it. Gaara glanced at Hinata for a minute then the cake then Hinata again. Slowly he stood with the paper plate and walked out the sliding door. He glanced at the cake unsurely for all he knew the Hyuuga's could have poisoned it. He never ate food without someone to taste it first and at that he sat down on a nearby bench waiting for Hinata as this usually happened in public places to eat. Hinata went into the bathroom and wiped off her mouth from before. Neji had left a tingle there that she did not want she didn't want to forget her first kiss with Gaara and didn't wish for it to be replaced with a kiss of jealousy. With a sigh, Hinata came out the door and went outside. The moment Gaara looked up she smiled down at him hopping down the steps before moving to sit beside him.
“Gaara the cake's fine trust me.” She said with a small smile.
“You don't know that Hinata.” He said sharply glaring at the cake as if it stole something.
Hinata leaned over and with her pinky scooped up a piece of yellow frosting quickly licking it off and smiling without a cinch.
“See its fine.” Hinata said assuring him but Gaara still wasn't convinced.
“Taste it again.” He ordered looking at the cake rather apprehensively. Hinata quickly changed fingers not wanting to double dip and scooped up a portion of the yellow circle with her index finger. She licked that off too and nodded at Gaara.
“See perfectly fi-” she was cut off by the intense look in his aquamarine eyes that seemed to burn her straight to her soul. His fingers curled in caresses under her chin as he neared her face. She looked up at him shyly remembering that last time he had been the one to initiate it. `I have to show Gaara…how I really feel.' She thought and leaned up bravely pressing her lips to his as she closed her eyes. He came forward earnestly returning the kiss as he caressed her cheek his other hand lingering down her back as he reached the small of it pulling her closer. Hyuuga Neji thought that he could kiss her and leave that mark upon her lips. He pulled back for a second looking deeply into her pupiless eyes. “I don't know what you want or how you're feeling. You're so hard to read sometimes.” Hinata said nervously looking to the side.
“Maybe you don't know my ways…but you will.” Before she could respond he captured her in another kiss and when she gasped in surprise his tongue entered her mouth sampling the frosting she had proofed for him.
“Well, well, I see my son has learned a thing or too from his training over the years.” A cold voice uttered as the confident Kazekage leaned against a tree in the Hyuuga compound grounds.
Gaara pulled away glaring death upon his father as his fist clenched sand swirling around it. His gourd rumbled and he longed for blood but knew that it wouldn't be wise to go against his father.
“Oh no don't mind me. I was rather enjoying the little show, go on son.” He said with a confident smirk leaning comfortably against the tree.
“Father you should know better than to interrupt me when I'm busy.” Gaara said letting go of Hinata and moving over scooting his cake off to the side. Hinata activated her Byakugan and surveyed the area but could see no lingering spies or anyone threatening. She let it deactivate and sighed. Gaara stood and walked to head inside not reaching for the cake or even looking back.
Hinata got the message and ran forward to walk by his side but froze as she heard the Kazekage's voice.
“Hinata-chan. I saw that technique of yours. Native to your clan isn't it. Amazing what a conflict that occurred three years ago can develop. Your mother seemed to think it would be rather effective.” he said coldly his voice laced in undertones.
“Wh-What do you know about my mother?” she asked in surprise.
“Oh just that horses aren't all she enjoys riding when the weather's hot.” He said with a smirk. “Company is rather easy to find nowadays especially for a lonely man with power.”
Hinata's eyes widened as she turned what did he mean by that. “Wh-what do you mean, riding? What's that got to do with anything?” she asked desperately. Gaara reached for her arm but she pulled away walking towards the Kage. “Tell me!” she said earnestly.
“Don't tell me, you don't know about sex?” he asked his voice laced with mischief.
“That's going far enough.” Gaara said warning laced in his cold voice. However Hinata had never flinched away from him like that before…did her mother really mean so much to her?
“Sex is something that people do to enjoy themselves, in about a couple of years you'll be on your back on Gaara's bed. I'm sure he could show you exactly what sex is, your mother sure showed me.”
“Is that why mother's always gone from the compound so much is she having sex with you?” Hinata asked curiously.
“Why she's cute and brilliant! You've certainly hit it with this one Gaara why wait a few years heck it's about time you broke in that bed anyway.”
“I'm warning you for the last time Kazekage either shut up or I'll permanently shut you up.”
“I didn't come for a fight I came to give Hinata-chan here a little present for her birthday. Your mother and I figured this would be the perfect time to give it to you after you've gotten so strong and all.”
“Don't talk about my mother like you know her!” she yelled in frustration. She had no clue what sex was but it couldn't be good if it frustrated Gaara so.
“I know your mother Hinata, I know her more than you ever will.” He said with a knowing smirk.
“Show me whatever it is you brought and please leave Kazekage-sama.” She said wringing her hands. Her anger had made her forget her place. When she heard the sound of shuffling feet she looked up curiously.
“Our dirty little secret, the true future leader of the Hyuuga clan Hanabi Hyuuga.” He stepped back and from behind him came a seven year old girl with strong lavender eyes, and a long piece of brownish black hair falling between them. She was dressed in ninja garb and smirked looking up at Hinata.
“Happy birthday sister.”
Mic Mic: By the way this quote, “Maybe you don't know my ways…but you will.” Was said my wonderful and lovable boyfriend Sephums and no I don't mean from the videogame: P Many things were influenced by outside sources like listening to “Roll to me” gave me the Neji idea. I'm so tired, it took 2 days to write and do the editing that there is on this forgive me if there are many mistakes>.<
No GaaHina theater as I'm pooped ._.
Please review and enjoy the GaaHina fluffiness oh! And the story is updating to M by the next chapter maybe we'll meet Naruto and Temari and Kankuro will finally play a bigger role.