Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto a new arc ❯ An Old Friend ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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The wires pins him so he can't move his body as he tries secretly to get out. An image flashes in front of his eyes as the girl have a Kunai knife aimed directly at his throat. His eyes stare in shock for a second but he smirks at her and her to him.
She pulls off her straw hat slowly as it reveals her entire face.
“Still playing this game with me Sasuke.” She said.
“I told you one day I will defeat you in it, Tori.”
Chapter 8
“You beat me, Humph” Tori smiles at him. “Besides Sasuke aren't you a little too old to be playing tag?”
“Old?” He easily gets out of the wires restraining him and walks up to her un afraid of the Kunai aimed at his throat. “Isn't that my line? Besides why do you have to prove to always win if it's just a game?”
“If I went soft on you, you wouldn't have a goal in life to be better then me.” She slowly puts away her Kunai in her holder attached on her right leg. She looks up into the trees of hearing the birds again. “And here I was having a nice nape.”
Tori examine Sasuke of how much he changed in this three year period. She sits down on the branch they were on, putting her left leg up towards her chest, she leans her head on it and looks into the distance in the forest.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
Sasuke goes into the same position she's in but keeps his head up as his eyes enjoy the beauty of the forest and...more.
“So now you don't enjoy me being around.” He looks out the corner of his left eye at her.
“I told you not to worry about me and besides I'm starting to think your here so Orochimaru won't let me end up in the wrong hands,” She smiles. “Does Orochimaru still have the same ambition he had before to fight me? If he doesn't I will be very disappointed of calling him one of the Legendary Sannin.”
Sasuke start to smile amused by her being the only person in the world not afraid to fight Orochimaru and that is why Orochimaru doesn't want her to end up in the wrong hands. It's as if Orochimaru waiting for her to come to him like he did but Sasuke knows he won't allow it and Orochimaru knows this.
“You shouldn't play too many games with him, trust me.” Sasuke warns her.
“I've seen many monsters in my life. Orochimaru is just an imitation of a monster as many people that seeks power for their own selfishness. I have seen true monsters...,” She stares at Sasuke out the corner of her eye. “...and those monsters will kill if something is threatened of theirs. That is why Orochimaru will forever be limited no matter how many bodies he steals.”
Tori signals to him the situation he is in now. Sasuke analyze her words of somewhat understanding her but not completely. Tori to him, sounded as if she had an answer for everything, rarely that's she didn't know about something. This is because of her vast intellect of being a pure genius in skill and in intelligence making her a brilliant strategist. She can remember anything taught to her once in ninja techniques and analyze a situation of a fight in the beginning of a hundred possibilities of their defeat. By this, it made her never lose in a fight of a battle. Sasuke never been on a mission with Tori but he heard some interesting and disturbing things from Orochimaru of her using Jutsu in battle, but that is to be expected from a ninja from the Hidden Forest Village.
But Orochimaru told him of a Jutsu that she uses that can't be copied or used by anybody else that's her most lethal weapon in a fight that nobody yet been able to defeat her. Nor Chunnin, Jounin, Hokages from different villages or even Orochimaru can figure how to by pass this Jutsu or completely understand it fully. It's in a league of its own which scared many people of calling her a monster. The different clans in her village love her for it because she hasn't been beaten of this Jutsu.
Sasuke knew how powerful she was even more powerful then him even at the level he is now training under Orochimaru. His Uchiha blood inside him wanted to fully test Tori in combat, just to see if he is strong enough to fight his brother. She was trained by him when she was little and basically followed in his footsteps of accomplishments of high expectations. Sasuke clenches his fist just thinking about his brother, but that's all he can mostly think about, of hundred ways he can kill him. But he didn't want his murdering brother to come after Tori because she is the only good thing he have in his life right now and understands what he is trying to doing by going to Orochimaru.
Tori eyes divert back to the beauty of the forest. She lets herself drift away of happy to see Sasuke but also sad at the same time. Over the past two years he been watching over her as she knew when he was close, but it was because of his brother that he did this, as this use to be her job over him. But their one thing she liked about Sasuke was his quietness they always had when he showed up. Tori liked him because of that trait he pick up over the years as it became her trait as well, the same time that devastating incident happened when they were both young. Sasuke's eyes tried not to be noticed but she knew he was looking at her. Their one thing she couldn't actually understand was boys in general, as she got this same look from all boys that looked at her. She notices he's been doing this for sometime now but...
“Sasuke-oniisan!” A voice shouted breaking the silence.
Sasuke looked shock, as he sees a little girl between them both, over his shoulder hugging him around his neck.
“U-Uh N-Nezumi.” He sees her smiling face but she always have those on her face whenever he sees her.
She starts to giggle like a child happy to see him. “Nezumi knew it was you coming. Nezumi sensed you a mile away.” She hugs him even more.
Sasuke sign of discomfort of being hug but he looked at Tori face as she was giggling at the situation. He let out a little cackle and smiled at her. He liked when Tori was smiling then her most blank expressions on her face that she picked up over the years.
“Sasuke-oniisan are you gonna stay with us this time? You always have to leave and you said next time you see me, you were going to show me a cool Jutsu! Nezumi smiled.
Tori sensed somebody was near as the last wind blow over them. This is why she chose this place to rest because she can pick up somebody smell 2 miles away of the continues wind formulating around the area. She looked at Sasuke as he didn't pick it up but she knew Nezumi did. Tori got up and grabbed her straw hat. Sasuke looked at her not wanting her to leave so soon.
“Maybe next time Nezumi.” Tori responded.
“Ok.” She smiles and lightly jumps off his shoulder like a feather.
Nezumi is a little corky so she does things that no other child her age would do, but when he met her five years ago he knew their was something different about her all together when she was a baby. But he couldn't put a finger on it. Sasuke thought.
Nezumi runs to Tori side and grabs her hand while giving a big grin to Sasuke. Tori slowly put her hat back on making her last comment to Sasuke.
“Sasuke, if Orochimaru takes over your body...,” She gives him an uneasy glare. “...I will be the one that kills you and no one else. It will be cowardly not to kill you and leave you for somebody else to take the responsibility,” She places her hat on her head, barley seeing her eyes but they were serious. “If anybody else kills you before me, I will kill them.”
Sasuke stares at her to say that so openly to him. Tori is a force to be reckoned with and one ninja in the world he didn't want after him but he understood her words.
“Humph” Sasuke signs.
He smirks at her as she did to him. Nezumi still smiling oblivious of the words Tori just said, gives him a peace sign and then waves at Sasuke.
“Bye-bye.” She happily says.
They both vanished in front of Sasuke eyes as if teleporting to a different place instead of using speed but that was the Forest Village for you. He turns around, looks up at the trees and admires the forest one last time. He smiles but notice there is somebody coming near him and by that ruined his time with Tori as she new.
“Better go make my entries known.”
I wanted to keep out what Sasuke looks like until the manga reveals it and then I will incorporate it in the story in my later chapters.