Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto and the Key of Twilight ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kingdom Hearts/Naruto Crossover
-Naruto and the Key of Twilight-
By Axel Ingleson and Darcy Black-Valentine
Disclaimer: The characters in Naruto and Kingdom Hearts belong to their respective owners. Not to us.
Riku pushed Sora off himself.
“I said `no', Sora,” he complained. “I don't want to wrestle; I don't want you tickling me. I don't want you to touch me at all.”
“What is wrong with you, Riku?” Sora demanded. “One day you're practically begging me to hold you and kiss you and who knows what. The next you're acting like you're a blushing virgin!”
“I just don't want you to touch me,” Riku griped. “Is that asking too much? Oh, I'm sorry,” he added, sarcastically. “I forgot, as keyblade master you've pretty much acquired a sense of entitlement.”
“You're a keyblade master, too, Riku.” Sora pointed out.
“Well, this keyblade master officially hates you.” Riku growled as he slapped Sora. “And he wants you off of his island.
“If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were a girl,” Sora pointed out as he left. “Because you're acting like you've got your damned period.”
He stormed away, and would have slammed the door if there had been one.
“Get off, Sasuke,” Naruto whined.
Said raven backed off a little, looking incredulous. He crossed his arms over his chest and said,
“I just don't get you, dobe. First you're begging for me to screw you, and then you want nothing to do with me.”
Naruto looked up and said,
“Well, I'm still sore from last night. So sue me if I'd like to relax a little.”
“That's what we're together for, so I shouldn't have to ask.”
Naruto felt as if a knife had stabbed him in the heart. He truly loved Sasuke with all his heart, but the raven just didn't feel the same way. The only reason that Naruto had agreed to this ridiculous idea of just being `friends with benefits' was so that he'd be close to his raven-haired companion…but it seemed that even this was too good to be true.
“Well, if that's all we are, then why do you stay with me every night?” Naruto asked.
Sasuke fidgeted uncomfortably and looks away muttering,
“Common courtesy.”
Naruto snorts and says,
“Maybe we should end it then.”
Sasuke looks away with a slight sneer and says,
“Fine then…not like I need you for a good lay.”
Naruto stood and delivered a hard punch to Sasuke's jaw, knocking the raven back into the wall. Sasuke wiped the blood off his mouth and walked out without a word or retaliatory strike…leaving Naruto bemused and hurt in his wake.
~Time Skip: 2 Days~
Riku landed his gummi ship on the roof of a smallish building, if it could be called that, and hopped out, doing a double somersault before landing gracefully on the street beside it.
“Mind telling me how you managed to fit in that?” Naruto asked, looking up at the gummi ship.
Riku shrugged.
“How about some ramen,” Naruto offered. “You looked starved.”
“You look like you've already had too much ramen,” Riku pointed out.
“That's not ramen,” Naruto said, pointedly. “That's the reason my friend and I aren't talking anymore.”
“I'm sorry,” Riku said. “My friend and I aren't talking anymore either.”
“Is that why you ran away from home?” Naruto asked.
Riku nodded. “That and I just couldn't tell him.”
“Tell him what?” Naruto asked.
“How I really felt about him.”
“It is hard sometimes,” Naruto agreed.
Riku suddenly held his hand over his mouth and hurried over to a trashcan which he threw up in. Then, he wiped his mouth and rejoined Naruto.
~Time Skip: 3 days~
When Riku had finished throwing up for the third time in as many days, Naruto took him to see Tsunade.
Tsunade examined Riku, then looked up at Naruto. “It seems your new friend has the same problem that you do.”
Naruto stared at Tsunade in disbelief.
“S-Seriously, Tsunade-baachan?”
She nodded. Naruto looked at Riku and said,
“Well, guess we're in the same boat then.”
Riku laid a hand over his abdomen and looked down at the floor. He knew immediately that this was the reason he had been so cross with Sora a few days ago. Not only that, but hell will freeze over before Riku went crawling back to Sora like a lost puppy. He shook his head and formulated a plan to get Sora to want him.
He looked up at Naruto and said,
“So it seems.”
Kasumi Tendo looked up at the stars, wondering for the first time about all the worlds that might exist beyond her own.
“Kasumi?” her father asked. “Is something the matter?”
“I've always been happy here, father,” Kasumi told him. “But lately I've felt as if something were calling me from elsewhere. It's like I'm needed somewhere out there.”
“You've always done the right thing, Kasumi,” Soun Tendo told his daughter. “If the right thing in this case means going to somewhere new, then you have my blessings and my best wishes.”
Kasumi packed a bag the next morning, said goodbye to her family, and made her way to wherever fate might lead her.
She wasn't far from her house when she began to wonder how to get to where she was going. She knew, somehow, that her destiny lay on one of the worlds far above her.
She was in the middle of wondering if she should follow Ryoga and hope for the best when a train appeared on a track that seemed to come from the stars.
“Oh, hello,” she told the mouse-king who stepped from the train, bowing politely.
“Kasumi Tendo?” the mouse-king bowed in return.
“Why, yes!” Kasumi nodded. “So, it was your voice I was hearing in my dreams.”
Mickey nodded. “King Mickey Mouse, at your service. A friend of mine has just learnt that he is pregnant.”
“A pregnant boy?” Kasumi asked.
King Mickey led Kasumi onto the train. “Riku's a very special young man. He's the greatest keyblade master in the universe. But even he cannot raise five children alone.”
“Five?” Kasumi asked.
“Riku himself is having one. But the one he is slowly but most certainly falling in love with is having four. Three boys and a male pup.”
She thought it over for a moment then replied,
“That sounds…unique, but not unheard of. I suppose that when I get to know these boys I'll understand better.”
Mickey thought that she had taken things better than she could have. He nodded and said,
“Both boys are friendly enough when they're not subjected to their hormones. I take it you accept this invitation to help with the babies?”
Kasumi nodded and said,
“Yes. Just let me say my goodbyes and I'll be right with you.”
Mickey nodded and went back to the ship, thinking to himself, `Such a sweet girl.'
Kasumi went off into town to say goodbye to her friends.
The first person she met on the way was Tatewaki Kuno. He was walking along with a handsome man who she recognized as Mikado Sanzenine.
“Kuno,” she said, politely. “I just wanted to say goodbye.”
“I was about to say the same thing,” Kuno told her. “Just recently I've discovered that it was not the touch of a maiden's hand I craved most, but that of a handsome man.”
“And I discovered the perfect kiss I've sought for so long,” Mikado smiled.
“I'm happy for you,” Kasumi smiled. “By the way, you haven't seen Ryoga, have you?”
Mikado shook his head. “Nope.”
“Miki!” a too-sweet voice wailed as Azusa joined them. “Miki!”
“I told you, I'm not interested in girls like you any more,” Mikado said, as he snuggled up to Kuno.
“Azusa,” Kasumi said. “You'll find someone who loves you one day.”
Almost on cue, Ryoga showed up.
Azusa's eyes lit up at one of her happiest memories.
“Charlotte!” she exclaimed, glomping Ryoga.
“I'm leaving town for a bit,” Kasumi told Azusa. “Look after Ryoga. He gets lost so easily.”
Ryoga blushed.
“I'm just off to say goodbye to Dr. Tofu.” Kasumi added, making her way to see her old friend. “Oh, wait. I forgot. He's out of town. Well, tell him I said goodbye when you see him.”
She gave a wave and returned to the train, tears of mixed happiness and sadness streaming down her face as she boarded the celestial locomotive and made her way to Naruto's world.