Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto and the Key of Twilight ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kingdom Hearts/Naruto Crossover
-Naruto and the Key of Twilight-
Itachi made his way to the ocean, planning to drown the quads. Two of them looked human enough, but he wasn't about to take any chances. It was too bad he couldn't carry two more. That freakish baby of Riku's was probably even more dangerous than Naruto's two demons.
As he rowed his boat out to sea, he noticed the water beginning to come into the small vessel. Soon, the rim of the boat was below the water. As the water came in, the illusion was lifted from Itachi's eyes.
As the boat sank under the waves, taking him with it, Itachi cried out one word:
Kasumi Tendo sat on the train amongst six car-seats all of which had been carefully strapped in despite the rush with which she and the infants had made their escape.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“Welp,” King Mickey replied. “The first place they'll look will be Destiny Islands, so the best place to go might be Radiant Garden. Unless you think that your father's house might be safer.”
“No, Radiant Garden sounds fine,” Kasumi told them.
“Hang on,” King Mickey suddenly said. “We're making a pit stop. We have a hitchhiker to pick up.”
“Is that wise?” Kasumi asked.
“It's a friend of yours.”
“Ryoga!” Kasumi said as she spotted him.
Ryoga got onto the train and stared. “Kasumi?” he looked around at the babies. “When did you get married?”
“I'm not…”
“Not married?!” He looked around at the babies again. “What would your father say?! Perhaps we should get…”
“Ryoga!” Kasumi laughed. “That's a very honorable offer. But these are not my children. I'm only their protector.”
“Oh,” Ryoga sounded relieved.
~Back in Konoha~
After the whole fake kidnapping incident, Tsunade managed to get an unconscious Naruto off Riku and into bed. She healed the gash on Riku's leg and surveyed the damage done to her hospital.
“Well, I suppose it could've been worse,” she conceded.
Naruto groaned from his spot on the bed and opened his eyes slowly. He blinked at the brightness and looked around. He saw Riku in the other bed and his pulse sped up. As if reading his mind, Riku said a loud,
“It wasn't your fault.”
Naruto gave his signature smile and said,
“I know. I probably saved the day, right?”
He looked away and his smiled dropped. He hated having to do it, but old habits die hard. He's had this mask for as long as he could remember, and giving it up was out of the question. He looked out of the window to see that a light snow had started falling. The silence permeated the room until Naruto looked at Tsunade in a panic.
“The babies? Where's my babies?”
Tsunade looked at Riku and he said,
“They're safe.”
“I know that, but where are they?”
`You had to admire his persistence,' Riku thought to himself.
“I don't know yet. King Mickey took them somewhere where they can be safe.”
`We've arrived safely in Radiant Garden. What do you want to do next?'
Riku listened to the King's voice, then thought back,
`Have Leon and the gang watch them. We'll come for them when it's safe.'
~Time Skip: 10 Years~
“Hey! You haven't finished your homework!” Leon called after Namikaze, who had run out of the house to get some ice cream.
“Shiro ate it!” Namikaze called back.
“Did not!” Shiro said, taking human form to defend himself. “You take that back!”
Namikaze stuck his tongue out at Shiro who resumed his canine form and pounced on his older brother.
“Okay, you two, back inside.”
Namikaze sighed and headed back into the house to do his homework.
He wasn't very tall, taking after Naruto in the height department. He had Naruto's hair, but with dark tipping that made it look almost drawn in. Its length, more reminiscent of Sasuke's than Naruto's, had Cid referring to the boy as Cloud Jr.
His slightly older brother, Satoshi, had dark blue-black hair with matching eyes. Well, one matching eye anyhow. His normal eye was black with a blue undertone while his other eye had the appearance of an atomic Sharingan.
Yoshinori barked in annoyance. In the ten years since his birth, he had never once taken human form. Some said that he couldn't. Others believed he was simply being stubborn.
“He can become human, just like me,” Shiro said, pointedly. “He's just doing it to get out of going to school.”
“Okay, enough,” Leon told them. “Everyone who's in school get on with your homework. That means you, too, Yoshi.”
Yoshinori growled. He hated being called Yoshi.
“Sorry, Nori,” Leon smiled. “But, you still need to practice your obedience training.”
Satoshi and Namikaze both snickered.
“Has anyone seen Masamune-Raiden?” Leon asked, looking around.
“He snuck out to get some ice cream,” Namikaze sulked.
“Cloud,” Leon turned to his friend.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm going,” Cloud trudged off, wondering why he always seemed to be the one who had to deal with angels.
Masamune-Raiden was nowhere near the ice cream shop. Something had drawn his attention. Something he could not describe. It was a sensation of evil. No, not evil. Confusion. Pain. Something mistaken for evil by so many, including the one it was emanating from.
Making his way into the desert between Merlin's house and Maleficent's castle, he was soon facing a silver-haired man with a single black wing.
`Another angel,' he thought. `I wonder what happened to his other wing?'
The one-winged angel turned to face the boy, sensing the child's presence.
“Brave little boy, aren't you?” he sneered. “What's your name?”
“How come you're so sad?” the boy asked, not answering, in the refreshing rudeness that children manage to pull off
“I'm not sad,” Sephiroth told him, in no uncertain terms. “Now, go. And be grateful I'm letting you live.”
“Leave the boy alone, Sephiroth,” Cloud said as he arrived. He turned to the child. “Masamune-Raiden. Get your backside home right this minute. You had the lot of us worried sick. And with good reason, it seems.”
“Masamune?” Sephiroth asked. “The boy's name is Masamune?”
“Not that it's any of your concern, but yes. Masamune-Raiden.”
“He'll make a fine son,” Sephiroth decided.
“He'll never be yours,” Cloud drew his buster sword and rushed forward.
Masamune-Raiden stood there until Cloud admonished him, once more, to get back to the house.
Masamune-Raiden didn't waste any time in following Cloud's orders. He didn't know who this Sephiroth was. But he had the feeling he didn't want to be the man's son.
~Back in Konoha~
Naruto sighed heavily as he and Riku sat in front of the Hokage's desk. He was stretched out in his chair, leaning his head far over the back and balancing the chair on its back legs. Naruto and Riku's little Konoha-nin redhead was sitting on the floor in front of Tsunade's desk, idly playing with a lock of fire-red hair.
With a bang, the door flew open and bounced off the back wall. Naruto `eeped' and fell backwards out of his chair. He rubbed his head and asked,
“In a bad mood today, baa-chan?”
Tsunade glared as he stood and righted the chair. She felt the vein twitch in her forehead as she sat down behind the desk and pulled out a bottle of sake. She downed the bottle as Kyuubi no Youko, Naruto's son, came around the desk and snatched the bottle away. She growled and tried to take it back, but the little genius ran and hid behind his father.
“So, what got your hair in a knot?” Naruto asked.
Tsunade closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. When she opened them, she looked up at Naruto and replied,
“Konohamaru causing trouble again. I swear, he's 21 and he's still causing tons of mischief. That would explain why he's still a chuunin.”
Naruto smiled knowingly. He knew Konohamaru well, having once been the Honorable Grandson's `sensei' of sorts.
“Anyway, I called you both here for a very good reason.”
At this, she smiled a bit and Youko came out from behind his father's chair. Riku stood, sensing something big was about to happen. Tsunade went to a drawer that Naruto had rarely seen her use in her desk and pull out a box. She set it on her desk and looked up at the two adults with a trace of a smile.
“For the first time in Konoha's history, I am making you both Hokage of Konohagakure.”
Naruto very nearly fell again and looked at his husband who, for the most part, looked calm still. Youko was beside himself. He was running around the office, his nine tails swirling in circles, looking like he was dancing.
“I knew you could do it, Kit! I knew it!”
Naruto grabbed Youko by one of his many red tails and plopped him into a chair.
“I'm not the Kit anymore! I'm your papa, damn it all!”
For the language he used, Naruto received a whack upside the head.
“Don't swear in front of him, he's still a baby.”
Naruto stuck out his tongue when Riku looked away and looked back at Tsunade.
“Dual Hokage then?”
“That's right. The ceremony is tomorrow at noon.”
~Time Skip: During the Ceremony~
Tsunade looked over her little brother and said,
“I hereby pronounce you…Rokudaime Hokage.”
As Naruto was pulling on the ceremonial robe, a loud bang issued from behind Tsunade and a train appeared on a magical track. King Mickey stepped out and looked at Riku.
“There's a problem.”