Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto : Mugen Kuukan ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

She put the headband on her forehead, like most ninja she saw had theirs. Some wore it in other places, but seeing as it was a forehead protector, it made more sense to wear it the way it was intended. She was also provided with a Hidden Leaf vest, since her own had gotten wrecked from the night before. She kept her hair tied back in a ponytail, bit unruly bangs still hung in her face. She followed Tsunade to her office.

“You walk with confidence,” Tsunade said as they walked. Eiko frowned slightly.
“Just a defense mechanism. I’m not very confident with abilities I have no clue about.”

“Don’t worry, there’s plenty of ninja here, that know of the situation, that volunteered to help out.”

“Why so eager? They don’t know me.”

“But I do, and that’s enough!” Tsunade chirped. Eiko gawked.

Tsunade reached her office, and opened the door. Eiko followed her inside, where a large group of people waited. She almost turned on one heel and made a run for it, but she was too curious about it all to do that. She recognized Kakashi of course, along with Naruto. They had met before. Naruto offered her a cheerful wave. She didn’t know what it was about that guy that just made he even more cheerful. The others she couldn’t place, she greeted them one by one with a nod. She turned slightly, to find the one she had been looking for standing beside her.

“You heal quickly. Glad to see it.” he said in his quiet tone.

“I owe you for that. Thank you, Kazekage-” She began.

“Please call me Gaara.” he said quickly. She blinked in surprise. He then gave her a look that told her she better not argue. Something inside her told her not to even try to.

“Alright, only if you call me Eiko then.” she countered. He nodded, and walked over by the other sand ninja that accompanied him. She remained silent as Tsunade discussed the situation with them. She stayed behind Tsunade’s desk, and met the glances of everyone as they spoke, and asked questions. She answered them the best she could. Naruto kept saying how cool it was to have another gifted ninja around. The jounin, Neji, kept pretty quiet. She caught Gaara’s eyes a few times during the meeting too.

“Well then, we have the arena for this assessment. The candidates are currently about to begin phase two of the exams, so we have plenty of time to utilize it.” Tsunade spoke up after what seemed like forever. Eiko had never been the topic of discussion before. Not in the manner where people wanted to protect her, anyways. Tsunade dismissed the meeting, and most of the people left, save for Naruto, Kakashi, and Gaara.
“I have the Anbu on alert for any activity on the border. If Akatsuki makes a move, we’ll know it.” she spoke up.

“Why would they be after her so bad anyways? She doesn’t have a tailed beast inside of her.” Naruto spoke up. She looked at him, his words grabbing her attention.

If only…

“No, she’s not a Jinchuuriki.” Tsunade answered quickly. A little too quickly. Naruto offered Eiko an arched brow.

“If were going to protect her effectively, we need to know what were up against.” Kakashi spoke up. Eiko closed her eyes.

“That’s my call.” Tsunade nearly growled.

“He’s right..” Eiko agreed.

“You don’t have to tell them a thing.” she reminded her.

“I know, but if you trust them, I can too. I just hope it never comes down to a demonstration.”

“What do you mean?” Kakashi asked.

“I am the sole survivor of the Haruka clan.” she began.

“What doe that have to do with it?” Naruto asked, apparently baffled.

“Our family is the inheritor of the Kekkei Genkai trait known a Mugen Kuukan…” she murmured quietly.

The room grew quiet, as she expected it to. She stared down at her feet.

“You mean…that blood trait…still exists?” Kakashi asked.

“What’s it mean?” Naruto asked.

“Its hard to explain. Depending on the level of ability, and event to which the trait is awakened, lets just say that its powers could be on par to that of the Sharingan and Byakugan combined.”

“THAT powerful? A blood trait.”

“I see, that’s why Akatsuki is so interested in you.” Kakashi went on.

She wondered why Gaara was so quiet. He was the only one that didn’t speak up at all, but he was indeed listening.

“So that’s why you were so determined to be alone all the time when we first met you.” Naruto said quietly.

“I still think being here is a bad idea. It hasn’t happened in a long time, but when it does, I cant control it.” She replied.

“How will we know if its happening?” Naruto asked.

“Just like any blood trait, you’ll know. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.” Kakashi answered quietly.

“If it does come down to that, I want you to kill me before I hurt anybody. If I’m going to stay here, I want to make sure you understand that this blood trait is evil. I’d sooner die than hurt anyone else.” she spoke up.

“It wont come to that.” Gaara spoke up finally.

“Yeah, were here to help ya!” Naruto spoke up.

“Why are you so eager to? Its not like I’ve done much for you…”

“Hey, you gave me that huge bowl of Ramen once, the LAST bowl of the famous stuff! That’s more than enough for me!” he replied.

“Oh yeah, forgot about that.”

“Akatsuki might not even attempt to try anything here, not with all your ninja on alert. The sand Ninja are on alert as well, on the borders.” Gaara added.

“And I greatly appreciate that.” Tsunade replied. Eiko glanced to Kakashi, who had grown too quiet for her liking. As if reading her mind, he glanced up at her.

“How many times has it occurred?” he asked.


“And it was the murder of your family right in front of you that awoke it.” he added. She nodded slowly.

“Is that why…they were killed?” Naruto asked.

“More or less.”

“And you survived because the murderers died.” Gaara spoke up.

“Because I killed them.” she clarified.

“Alright, that’s enough of this. You three know that this information is top secret on the highest level. I assume full authority for anything that may or may not happen.” Tsunade spoke up.

“I understand.” Kakashi murmured quietly.

“As do I.” Gaara added.

“I don’t see what the big deal is…” Naruto murmured.

“You never were quick on stuff anyways,” Tsunade spoke up.


Despite the serious atmosphere in the air, she couldn’t help but smile inside, yet her apprehension must have shown on the outside. She knew telling them was the right thing to do, but at what cost? She fought so hard to keep it a secret, because she didn’t want people to regard her as the monster she really was…and if something should happen…well, hopefully they would do good on their word.
Kakashi and Naruto left after that. Tsunade left to see to some things, and asked her to remain in her office. Gaara remained as well.

“You didn’t have to tell anyone.” He spoke up as soon as they left. She glanced over at him.

“Its better that they do know, in case something happened, so they know what they’re dealing with.” she tried to explain.

“A courageous move.” he murmured.

“Yeah well, can’t have trust without trust.” she replied. He tiled his head to the side slightly.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re very unusual.” he said.

“Gee, thanks.” she replied, narrowing her eyes slightly. She could have sworn she saw the faintest hint of a smile tugging at one corner of his mouth before he glanced away.

Gaara knew that the demonstration would be grueling, but he never once thought it would be like this. He stood beside Tsunade up above, while Eiko and Neji fought. She met him move for move, blocking each attempt. Neji seemed to get more frustrated the longer they fought. The sun was hot as well, which added to the tenseness in the air. It felt hotter than the desert by noon. Everyone was dressed down to try and keep cool, even him. He couldn’t remember the last time he wore a sleeveless shirt. He couldn’t help but feel a bit nostalgic being in the arena again, even if he wasn’t the one fighting. Neji was relentless, and Eiko held her ground, its was rather extraordinary. They began their fight nearly an hour ago, and someone was about to reach their limit.

Tsunade called a halt to the fight, and neither combatant seemed to mind at all. Gaara still couldn’t see how her ability worked so effectively. It wasn’t like the Byakugan, or Sharingan at all. Eiko remained in the arena, while Neji made his way up to them, peeling his sweat soaked shirt off with a grumble as he reached the podium they were at. The reconstructed arena looked as if it had never been damaged years earlier.

“That was quite a show you put on down there.” Tsunade spoke up.

“Its unbelievable,” Neji began. Gaara looked over at him.

“What?” Kakashi asked. Neji was still trying to catch his breath.

“It looked like you hit plenty of her chakra points.” Naruto began.

“That’s just it, her chakra is erratic, its as If the points shift every time I tried to get near one.” Neji explained.

“What??” Tsunade asked.

“Is that even possible?” Sakura asked.

“It has to be. I watched it with my own eyes. Its as if the chakra moved to protect itself. I don’t know how the erratic movements didn’t hinder her use of chakra, but it was amazing.” Neji replied.

“She seemed to hit a few of yours,” Kakashi pointed out. Neji glanced to the slight bruises on his arms.

“And she had no way of knowing where to hit either, its incredible. But her level of chakra could be stronger. If she worked at it, she could train and get stronger, increasing her level of chakra, and she would be one formidable ninja.” Neji went on.

“Never seen you so cheerful to have been beat by a girl,” Naruto spoke up, laughing.

“Shut up, lets see you laugh after she mops the floor with you!” Neji growled.

“That’s enough, lets see, who’s next?” Tsunade spoke up.

Gaara glanced down at Eiko. She was resting with her hands on her knees, still trying to catch her breath after the last match. She almost looked like she was barely able to stand.

“We should call it a day. She’s been fighting non stop since this morning, and its hotter than normal. She can barely stand. Any more and it will take days for her chakra to recover.” Gaara spoke up. Everyone looked at him.

“What?” he asked, slightly baffled by all the stares.

“He’s got a point.” Kakashi spoke up.

As if on cue, she fell on her rear on the ground, and laid back, exhausted.

“Fine, we’ll begin again tomorrow.” Tsunade agreed. Gaara glanced up when Kankuro appeared at the top of the stairs. Gaara made his way over to him, as the others made their way out of the arena.

“Any news on Matsuri?” he asked. Kankuro shook his head.

“Not yet. Anko said she’d keep me informed. So, how’s the new prodigy doing?” he asked.

“ Her skills are impressive, but they brought her to her limit, not giving her a break. Had they gone on any longer, Neji could have seriously injured her.” Gaara replied quietly.

“Who did she fight before Neji?” Kankuro asked.

“ She and Sakura sparred a bit.” He answered. Kankuro walked over towards where she laid in the arena. Gaara followed quietly.

“I’d say she passed out from exhaustion more than anything. She’s out cold.” Kankuro spoke up.

“Meaning she has great abilities, but her stamina isn’t what it could be. She is good in tight situations, but prolonged fighting, she would quickly succumb to an enemies attack.” He murmured quietly. He glanced up just as the sun was blocked out by some dark clouds. Where had those come from? The air had cooled so rapidly, he shivered.

“Isn’t that why she’s here? Isn’t this her first day at training? Going up against Hyuga, I’d say she did pretty damn good.” Kankuro said. He knelt down beside her, and poked her gently in the arm.

“Yep, out cold. I‘d say she’s a tough one though, despite being so small. If she held her own against that Sakura girl. Shed make one hell of a ninja if she chose to stay here.”

“Each match was a draw, because she matched them move for move.” he said quietly.

“Wow, must have been interesting to see.” Kankuro mused.

“She matches any jutsu. Makes me wonder if she could match mine too.” Gaara added. It was true, he had yet to meet anyone on his level to control sand. He was curious about her other side too, but not enough to want to see it firsthand. He glanced down at her. Her golden hair clung to her cheeks in sweaty chunks. They worked her pretty hard, but she seemed up to the task. Was Tsunade aware of what her limits were?

“You actually considering finding out?” Kankuro asked. Gaara glanced over at him.

“Perhaps some other time.” he replied.

Then again, she had been seriously wounded very recently. What would she have been able to accomplish at full strength? She’s no where near as strong as Naruto, but she was up there with Neji, and other jounin, skill wise. He shifted slightly, and slid out of the straps that kept his gourd on his back, and handed it to Kankuro. His older brother took it, with a questioning expression. Gaara ignored it, and knelt down beside her. She was breathing even, her body trying to recuperate after such an intense workout. Neji’s words still baffled him, about her erratic chakra, and shifting chakra points. Was she aware she was doing that during the battle? Or was it a constant state of shifting. It was almost as if the chakra itself moved of its own will, protecting itself. He blinked, making note of that.

He picked her up carefully, just as the rain began to fall, and he leapt up to where Tsunade and Kakashi spoke. Kankuro followed him.

“You don’t have to trouble yourself Kazekage sama.” Kakashi spoke up quietly.

“If it was a bother, I wouldn’t do it.” he replied evenly. He laid her down on one of the benches used for viewing the third exams in the arena below, as the rain came down in sheets.

“Such bizarre weather,” Tsunade murmured. Gaara glanced up at the blackened sky. There was something foreboding about it. He accepted his gourd back from Kankuro, and glanced to Tsunade. She offered him a nod, and he turned, leaving the arena.

“What was that all about?” Kankuro asked.

“Something’s going on, that’s not a normal storm, its infused with chakra.” he replied.

“You think its those Akatsuki guys, do you?” his brother asked.

“She said the more she used her ability, the easier it would be to find her.” Gaara answered quietly.

“Isn’t it their problem? You don’t have to take it upon yourself to take care of everything.” Kankuro spoke up.

“It is my problem. I’m the one that brought her here.” he replied.

“Is that all?”

Gaara turned and looked at his brother. Kankuro’s expression was unreadable. He wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about. Yes, he did feel responsible for bringing her here, despite the fact she was coming anyways, she knew coming would bring trouble, and he was the one that brought her…and he didn’t want Akatsuki to get their hands on her. The very thought made his blood boil.

“What do you mean?” he asked. Kankuro fidgeted slightly.

“Well, you’ve never shown so much interest in a girl before, and since you became the Kazekage, they swarm around you and its like you don’t even notice, but you meet this girl, and suddenly you cant stop thinking about her. And you‘ve only known her a few days. Don’t get me wrong, she’s really cute, but I‘ve never seen you take interest before. And well, you‘ve got it bad.”

Gaara gawked at his brother. He was aware of the young women that tried to get his attention. He chose to simply ignore them. If he wasn’t the Kazekage they never would have acknowledged his existence.

“I’ve got what bad?” he asked. Kankuro hung his head with an exasperated sigh.

“Guess you still have a lot to learn when it comes to that stuff. I think you like this girl, yet you’re not aware of it. That’s twice now that you’ve carried her off to safety.” Kankuro added. Gaara scratched his head, his mind whirling. Why did he feel strange? Its as if he wanted to deny every word, and call his brother insane, and he wanted to punch him at the same time…

But it also sounded like it made sense, which confused him even more, if that were even possible. Trying to think about it gave him a headache. He shook his head, and offered his brother a glare.

“Just shut up.” he grumbled. Kankuro blinked in surprise before smirking slightly. Why did people act so weird?

“I rest my case.” he replied. Gaara turned and walked off, not caring about the rain that was pouring down heavily on the streets of Konaha. He didn’t see the smiling face of his brother behind him.