Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto : Mugen Kuukan ❯ Chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gaara dashed through the rain soaked streets of Konoha. He was at a disadvantage in the rain, which hindered the use of his sand. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to the point where he would need it. Behind him, Eiko ran, her pace matching his. Kankuro made his way back to his squad to check on them, leaving just he and Eiko on their task to get to the Hokage mansion. He caught many a baffled expression from villagers as they dashed up and down the streets. At first he didn’t know why, but then he remembered he was in his full Kazekage attire. The pesky hat did well to keep the rain out of his eyes at least…

The ground beneath them shook slightly, and a large cloud of smoke rose up from the center of the village. He stopped abruptly, and nearly fell to the ground when Eiko slammed full tilt into him. She grabbed his arm and caught him, steadying him so he wouldn’t fall, and they looked towards the explosion.

“Looks like they made contact.” she said quietly. Gaara looked down to where she still held onto his arm. He then glanced skyward. They kept to the ground to keep from encountering the Akatsuki, Naruto and the others had taken the rooftops, so they probably met one of the Akatsuki members up there. They always worked in groups of two, so another one was around here somewhere…

He glanced to Eiko, feeling a slight pang of, what? Guilt? She was soaked clear through, her clothing clinging to her…and why couldn’t he stop taking note of that fact? He shook his head, and glanced down the dark street to the left.

“Shouldn’t we be helping them?” she asked. He looked over at her, her eyes nearly pleading.

“Naruto will signal us if they need us. We will keep circling, waiting for the signal. If too much time passes, we will go in. For now, catch your breath.” he answered. She nodded slowly, before she stared past him, her gaze affixed on the darkness of the street behind him.

“What?” he asked. Her brow furrowed slightly.

“I thought I saw something,” she murmured. Gaara pulled his hat off, and placed it on her head, blocking the rain from her face. Relief washed over her features.

“Thanks, rain gets annoying,” she murmured. Gaara shrugged lightly, the rain now soaking his head. He didn’t notice it too much. But it was still a bit frustrating. She seemed a bit more relaxed, but still had her guard up. He wondered what her life must have been like for her. She didn’t have the disposition he had growing up, she reminded him more of Naruto. Both Orphaned, both took a different outlook on life, and didn’t let the hardships mold them into something ugly. He was glad he met her now as apposed to a few years ago.

It was strange. He used to regard people in such a way, it felt odd thinking back. He couldn’t place anyone in that frame of mind anymore, no matter how angry he got. After his one battle with Naruto which seemed like so long ago, something within him changed, and once that change occurred, there was no looking back on how thing used to be, all he did was move forward. Sure, he still had his hard times, mainly with Shukaku. He had found inner peace, but it was never constant. People still feared him for what was inside of him.

Now that Shukaku was gone…a whole new world had been opened up to him. He still didn't sleep too often, but he did so without fear now. The more he found he didn’t have to worry about Shukaku, the more he relaxed, sometimes a bit too much, falling asleep during the day when had some paperwork to go over…yet something felt like it was missing. He couldn’t figure out what it was, but it was something important. His village had accepted him, and he slowly began to understand what joy was. And when he was around Eiko, he felt another emotion he had never been aware of before. He lost sleep lately because he didn’t understand what it was.

He flinched as the rain abruptly stopped, the dark clouds clearing away. Puddles lined the streets. He and Eiko both glanced skywards.

“Normally, sunny skies would seem like a good thing…but I have a bad feeling,” she murmured.

“I feel it too,” he agreed quietly. The hairs stood up on the back of his neck as all the puddles began to gather into one another, rising from the ground slowly.

There was no mistaking the form that appeared from the puddles. That familiar cloak with red clouds…an image that brought him bad dreams when he tried to rest after Shukaku was extracted from him. The tall man, or creature rather, with blue skin regarded him with a bewildered expression. His yellow eyes blinked, and Gaara glared, that old familiar feeling of rage washing over him.

“The one tailed Jinchuuriki? I could have sword you died as soon as we extracted Shukaku from you...” he sneered.

“Why are you here?” he asked, trying not to snarl in anger.

“You should know, the last of the Jinchuuriki is here, would be a shame not to complete the whole set after all that trouble.” the Akatsuki said with a laugh.

“Naruto isn’t as weak as you seem to think he is, you’ll never extract Kyuubi.” Gaara spoke up. The Akatsuki shifted the massive sword in his hand, using it like a finger to point at him.

“It’s you I’m curious about, Kazekage, how are you alive? I saw you die.”

“That’s none of your damn business…” he replied.

“If that’s how you want to be then fine, suit yourself. I’ll be sure to finish the job this time.”

“Big words from the buy with the big sword, compensating for something are we?” Eiko spoke up from behind him.

Gaara glanced over his shoulder and gawked at her. She took off his hat, her expression one full of confidence. Either she had no idea what she was getting herself into, or she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. He had a feeling she had no clue.

“Ah, the demon brat, we expected you to be with Naruto, cant have you messing up our plans now.” the Akatsuki murmured.

“Messing up your plans?” she asked, baffled. The Akatsuki laughed.

“Looks like you haven’t figured it out yet, just WHAT you really are. I guess it cant be helped, seeing as you’re so many different things.”

“What are you talking about??” she asked, her tone taking on an edge to it.

“You’ve seen the eyes haven’t you? Those glowing red eyes from the black mist,”

“Shut up…” she said, her voice strange to his ears.

“ your victims are devoured body and soul,” he went on. She covered her ears.

“Those eyes look at you each time, wanting to devour you too. You hear their screams at night when you close your eyes don’t you?” he said mockingly. Gaara felt the chill in the air then, and it ran down his spine.

“Don’t you realize those eyes change? A different pair of eyes. I’d say there’s nine total that you’ll see over time. Quite a unique trait. Very useful.” the Akatsuki went on. Nine sets of eyes? Just what was her Kekkei Genkai trait like? It sounds more and more like some horrific curse.
“You’re the key girl, and its time you opened the lock.”

Gaara looked at her. The expression she had a moment ago was replaced with one that made his chest hurt. She was reliving some sort of nightmare in her mind. He grabbed her by the arm, forcing his chakra into her just as the Akatsuki struck. Gaara reacted without thinking, and released the sand from within the gourd, surrounding them both in the shell of hardened sand. Within the shell, he shook her gently, trying to bring her out of whatever hell the Akatsuki drew her into. She inhaled sharply, and slumped forward against him.

“What…where are we?” she asked.

“Safe, for the time being,” he answered quietly.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“What for?”

“For falling into such a stupid trap so blindly.”

“Don’t apologize. His words gave us a few clues as to why they are after you.” he replied. He looked into the darkness, he could see outside, due to his jutsu, and watched as the Akatsuki hit the shell time and time again with his massive sword. Gaara concentrated, and lifted the shell up off the ground.

“Are we in sand?” she asked quietly.

“Its my absolute defense.” he said quietly.

“Naruto told me a little about it, he said nothing can get through this.”

“There have been a few occasions where it has been penetrated by skillful shinobi, but our opponent doesn’t seem to have the skills to do it. I’ve never used it with someone else in here before.”

“Does it make it harder?” she asked.

“To what?”


“Not really,” he answered truthfully. If anything, knowing she was inside it, made him feel a certain ease. He didn’t have to worry about supporting her outside.

“Is it true?” she asked quietly after a long quiet moment. Gaara turned his attention from what was going on outside the shell, and looked down at her.

“What?” he asked, slightly confused.

“What that jerk said,” she replied.

“Yes. I was a Jinchuuriki like Naruto, but I was defeated by an Akatsuki member named Deidara, and my Ichibi, Shukaku was extracted from me, killing me in the process. Chiyo, one of the elders of the village, and subsequently the one whom sealed Shukaku within me in the first place, sacrificed her own life using a forbidden technique that revived me.” he explained as best he could. She grew quiet, and he felt uneasy.

“It must have been hard on you too.” she said finally.

“More than I care to remember, but those times are behind me. I got lucky, unlike the others. I believe Naruto is the last, and if Kyuubi is extracted from him, he’ll die just as I did.”

“Why do they want the beasts so bad?” she asked.

“From what information we have from Jiriya, one of the great three senin, they want to create wars, so they can gain dominance over the five great nations. The Ichibi are masses of chakra they can utilize, and no one would stand a chance.”

“I still don’t see how I come into all of this.” she murmured. Gaara thought about the Akatsuki’s words, and how he seemed to try to taunt her, to get her riled up, so her blood trait would come to the surface. There was something else he could see in his eyes when he first recognized Eiko. It was fear. They were AFRAID of her, and what she can do. He didn’t understand just what they were fearful of, but her abilities were something they feared, and needed.

“They came for both of you.” he thought aloud.
“Well, they’re going to be disappointed then.” she grumbled. Gaara turned his attention back to the outside, as the Akatsuki launched what looked like a wall of water at the shell. He let out a surprised gasp before moving them to the side, narrowly missing the attack. The motion sent him flying against Eiko.

“This is starting to really anger me,” he grumbled. He moved slightly to where they both were a bit more comfortable, but she was practically having to sit on his lap, so he could focus on the outside.

“I need you to hold still, and hang on,” he murmured in her ear. She nodded, and Gaara closed his eyes, focusing on the sand around them. He let the sand before them loosen up, and move from the shell, creating an opening. He then focused his chakra into it, and sent the sand flying down at the Akatsuki like a spear. The man below dodged it, but Gaara was relentless, sending the sand after him with each counter the man did. Eiko remained motionless on him, no doubt watching as the man below jumped, dodged, and fled from the sand. Gaara then got a hold of the massive sword, catching him off guard, and with a simple clench of his fist, he crushed the massive weapon into pieces.

He never thought he would be in the position to where he would have to fight another one of these Akatsuki goons again, not after what happened the last time. His heart hammered the entire time, and no doubt Eiko could feel it against her back, as he fought. He wasn’t just fighting to protect himself, but her as well, and the people of Konoha. He was sure the women and children were in the shelters by now, and the Anbu squads were on their way to intercept these Akatsuki. There was no way of knowing if only two were here, or if more were laying in wait. Naruto was the last, they would more than likely pull out all the stops in order to get their hands on him.

Gaara had no intention of letting Naruto go through the nightmare that is was to have the Ichibi extracted from him. He glanced down to see one of the Anbu squads appear below, taking on the Akatsuki. Neji was among them, and signaled him from below. Gaara nodded, recalling the sand back to the shell. He let it slowly fall back towards the ground before letting the rock hard sand loosen up, and sift all around them, back into the gourd. The Anbu chased the Akatsuki through the streets.

“There’s four of them total that we know of. Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura have engaged Itachi at the center of town. And this one seems to be after Eiko. The other two are circling the town as well, so keep your eyes open.” Neji said, before taking off after the Anbu. Gaara glanced to Eiko, whom looked more annoyed than he felt.

“I knew I shouldn’t have come,” she murmured.

“Don’t blame yourself. I was the one that brought you here.” he replied quietly. He did feel a bit of responsibility there. But he had no other choice. Had she not come, she would have been alone and outnumbered when Akatsuki finally caught up to her.

“Lets go help Naruto and the others,” she suggested. Gaara had to agree now. Naruto was their objective, and the more help they got the better. He nodded, and glanced skyward, towards where most of the commotion was coming from. He was glad this was happening while he was here to help at least. If he had been back home, it would have taken days to get word, then days to get to Konoha to help…and in this situation, time was critical. He leapt up after Eiko as she took to the rooftops, on her way to help Naruto.

They weren’t but a few rooftops away when every sand village ninja met them up there, Kankuro in the lead.

“I saw the absolute defense, what happened?” Kankuro asked.

“We ran into one of them,” he answered quietly.

“I knew I shouldn’t have left you…” Kankuro murmured.

“Everything is fine,” he murmured back. Ever since his defeat and capture, Kankuro has acted over protective. Sometimes it annoyed him a bit. He still wasn’t used to people worrying so much about him.

“Lord Gaara are you alright??” Matsuri’s concerned voice spoke up from behind him. Gaara glanced over his shoulder at her.

“Keep your guard up, there are four of them reported so far.”

“Four? I thought they worked in two man teams.” Kankuro spoke up.

“Naruto is the last, its all or nothing for them now.” he spoke quietly. He didn’t mention that he was worried though, something didn’t feel right about all of this, and Naruto was in real danger…

All he could think was why them? Why was it always them? They could never lead an ordinary life, not even now, without Shukaku. The information that Shukaku was extracted from him was top secret among his village. Many still believed the beast was still within him.

When they reached the area the others were battling the Akatsuki member, Itachi Uchiha, it was a sight to behold. Naruto and Sakura were fighting off Itachi, and Kakashi looked like he had been defeated, and laid unconscious on a rooftop nearby. Eiko was already making her way over to him, and Gaara followed. Kankuro and the others moved to assist Naruto and Sakura. Seeing Kakashi, the copy ninja out like this didn’t feel right, and the closer he got to him, the more the chill crept down his spine. Out of reflex, he used his sand to wrap around Eiko’s waist, and yanked her back towards him. She let out a yelp as she was flung through the air.

He set her down behind him, just as the form of Kakashi vanished, releasing the shadow clone jutsu. Eiko stared in disbelief, and Gaara glanced around. It was possible that the Naruto and Sakura fighting below on the ground were shadow clones too, bait intended to lure them in. Just when they thought they had escaped the enemy, they fell into yet another trap. The Anbu and Neji could have been clones too, used by the Akatsuki they fought. Kankuro and the others formed a circle around he and Eiko.

“Now I know what Naruto meant when he said it was easier said than done…” she murmured. She stood back to back with him, a Kunai drawn in each hand. Gaara stared ahead as the rooftops became enshrouded in a thick mist.

“Whatever you do, stay close, “He murmured back. She leaned back, her back brushing against the gourd on his back.

“Not a problem,” she replied, the determination back in her voice. The enemy lashed out from within the mist, and Gaara blocked the spinning shuriken with his sand. Eiko tossed one of her kunai into the mist, and rolled off to the side when another volley of them came at her. Gaara cursed under his breath. The enemy was trying to separate him from Eiko. Gaara dashed off after her, but the mist was too thick.

“Eiko!” he shouted into the mist. He felt something graze his upper left arm, and he ducked. This mist was already pissing him off.

“I don’t know what I hate more, rain or mist,” her voice murmured from behind him. He glanced to his arm, the odd warm feeling running down it wasn’t very reassuring. She knelt down beside him.

“They’re trying to separate you from us.” he said lowly.

“Well, I’m used to this type of weather, mist isn’t something that deters me much, trust me.” she said. Gaara glanced over his shoulder at her. Her expression was unreadable in the haze the mist created.

“They take us lightly if they think we can’t fight just as good in the mist,” Kankuro’s voice spoke up from close by. Gaara could finally make out Eiko’s face as the mist thinned out a bit. Her hands were in that of a jutsu sign, and her expression was one of deep concentration, fixed on the mist itself. Gaara looked on as it began to clear slowly.

“Is she doing that?” Matsuri asked. Gaara stood slowly as he made out the shadowy form just ahead of them, the one Akatsuki they had been fighting before.

“Clever girl, that’s the mimic jutsu no doubt.” the Akatsuki spoke to Eiko. She seemed to ignore the Akatsuki completely, and glanced up at him as he glanced down at her.

“I think he’s simply trying to stall you Gaara, if he was that determined to capture me, he wouldn’t use such tactics. I think Naruto is in trouble…” she said. Gaara glanced to the Akatsuki, and he flashed a grin full of razor sharp teeth.

“If you’re referring to the Jinchuuriki, Itachi already left with him.”

“What?!” Gaara exclaimed a bit louder than he intended to.

“All too easy, Itachi is unbeatable. The Jinchuuriki wasn’t prepared this time around, and Itachi took care of it.” he went on. Gaara felt his hands clench into fists. There was no way that Naruto had been captured. Out of all of them, he was the one that was untouchable. Naruto would overcome anything that came his way. It couldn’t be true.

“He’s lying.” Eiko said simply.

“How do you know that?” Kankuro asked.

As if on cue, Naruto appeared above them all, and fell down upon the Akatsuki, his Rasengan attack pummeling into him. Gaara felt as if gravity itself was twisted from the sheer force of the impact, and the rooftop under his feet buckled a bit. He sunk back down onto one knee beside Eiko, and watched the sheer power that Naruto unleashed, his eyes blazing crimson. As would be expected of the coward Akatsuki, a replacement jutsu was all the attack made contact with, and Naruto came to rest on the rooftop nearby, gasping.

He then turned his head, having caught his breath. Gaara could see the power of the Kyuubi in his eyes.

“We saw the sand sphere, are you guys okay?” Naruto asked.

“We had our share of trouble,” Gaara admitted as Kakashi and Sakura arrived beside Naruto. Each one of them looked a little roughed up.

“What about Itachi?” Kankuro spoke up.

“He always underestimates Naruto’s abilities. Each time they meet, Naruto’s strength increases from their last encounter. They won’t try anything else here.” Kakashi spoke up.

“Had to love the shocked expression on Itachi’s face,” Sakura added.

“So what happens now?” Eiko asked.

“They’ll wait until we leave Konoha’s walls. I hate to admit it Kazekage, but your trip back to the sand village wont be an easy going one.” Kakashi murmured.

“Understood,” he replied quietly.

“Maybe we should head out as soon as possible, Akatsuki might not expect it.” Sakura added.


“Either way, we’ll get Gaara and the sand ninja home safe.”

“I’m not the one in danger Naruto.” Gaara spoke up. Naruto met his gaze, and Gaara noted the irises returned to their normal blue hue.

“He’s right. You’re the one they’ll be targeting.” Kankuro pointed out.

“So we’ll be the ones to watch out for you this time around.” Gaara added. Naruto blinked.

“That’s right! Naruto helped save the Kazekage! We owe him more than we could ever repay!” Matsuri chimed in.

“I don’t want to cause a big fuss,” Naruto murmured sheepishly.

“A little late for that,” Eiko said, laughing slightly. Naruto nudged her with his elbow.

“You’re one to talk there,” he retorted. She elbowed him back.

“We’ll assemble the team, team ten, and team Gai. The trip back from the sand village shouldn’t be a problem.” Kakashi went on. Gaara watched as Eiko and Naruto continued to elbow each other while Kakashi spoke, like a pair of siblings irritated with each other.

“Cut it out you two!” Sakura interjected. Eiko nearly had Naruto in a headlock, but let go when Sakura offered her a glare.

“She started it…” Naruto grumbled. Gaara shook his head slightly. There were some things he still couldn’t understand.


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