Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto......SISTER?!?!?!? ❯ Resengan thwarted ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Two Weeks after Arashia first arrives
Godimane sat behind her mahogany desk fingers laced in front of her face as she listened to Gai's report.
“YOSH,” he screamed, “The spring time of youth prevailed and the bandits dispatched with the fist of love and truth!” The green spandex leotard was truly a horrible sight and made Tsunades headache worse. She grimaced at the man as he continued to rant about youth and truth and all other romantic notions that popped into his head. Just as he was expounding on the virtues of training in the rain “ ` Now where did he come up with that?'” she asked her self, a swirl of smoke and leaves brought Kakashi's masked figure and stopped Gai's ranting.
“Hokage-sama important news.” His cryptic words successfully distracted Konoha's green beast.
“Thank you Gai, your next mission is S-rank. Shinzuni!” the Godamine turned to her assiant.
“Hai, Gai-kun your are going to the Grass country.” Reaching into the folds of her over long selves she handed him a small manila packet with a note attached.
“This is to be delivered to the leader of the Village hidden in the Grass.” Gai saluted smartly spouted another sentiment about youth then left at a run vowing to finish in 1 week or he would run 1000 laps around the village. Tsunade rolled her eyes the focused on the Silver haired Joninnin. She tilted her head every so slightly in an invitation to speak and sat back to listen, her relaxed pose didn't last long how ever. Her feet came down with a bang on the floor and she was standing with her hands braced on the desk in front of her a vein throbbing in her forehead.
“ Tsunade-sama I believe that we have a threat in our mist that has gone unnoticed by Naruto and his friends.” Kakashi finished as the Godimane physically tried to rein her temper in unsuccessfully. Her chair flew out the window to land some 50 feet away thankfully this time it didn't hit anyone. Shinzuni hand flew to her mouth her eyes wide and she clutched Ton-Ton to her chest.
“Kakashi she trusts you the most aside from Naruto, follow her I want to know every where she goes every one she talks Everything!” Tsunade punctuated her order by putting her fist though her desk causing it to break in half and Kakashi and Shiznui to jump back. Hesitating Kakashi voiced the last concern hoping against hope not to have that insane power turned on him self.
“What about Naruto?” Tsunade paused which could be the prelude to another fit or not just in case he cycled though the jutsu for transportation.
“He believes you have an interest in her.” It was more a statement then a question and she didn't bother to look for conformation from him. “ That's how we will keep it Arashia is under the same impression so your following her wont be out of place.” A faint blush was making its way up his neck at the last until it painted his cheeks dusky pink and his visible eye crinkled at the corners.
“Hai!” he answered, formed the last seal and left in a swirl of smoke and leaves. Tsunade sat back down. The news wasn't good Arashia was acting suspiciously she was staying with Naruto on a couch she bought to replace his battered and smelly one. She would be with him all day and then at night after the blonde was asleep she left the apartment was gone all night then returned in the morning before he woke none the wiser for her nocturnal disappearances. So far nothing had gone missing not a scroll or hair on the boys head which made these travels that much more worrisome.
“Shizuni, how many more?” Her assistant hastened to answer, “The reports are almost all in we are only missing Kurnei and Asuma. They are still at their respective posts.” She nodded her head her ponytails swung.
“I need a new desk and some Sake.” The dry tone snapped Shizuni out of her daze as she shook a finger under the Hokage's noise.
“Stop breaking the furniture and maybe we can get though a day with out this.” She gestured at the broken desk then hurried out to order another one.
Training field Forest of death midafternoon
“Dobe you just left your right side wide open, you never learn.” Sasuke taunted the younger ninja. Sweat rolled down his back as her dodged, forced to tuck and roll as said dobe launched several kunai in his direction peppering the ground just a few seconds ahead of them. A smirk graced his lips as he called another taut to the younger boy.
“Tired, dead last?” the taunt hit it's mark and having the desired affect Sasuke allowed himself to enjoy the moment as Naruto charged him swirling his chakra into the familiar Rasegan in the palm of his left hand. Sasukes eyes widened minutely it was the first time the loud mouth had gathered that particular jutsu and to do it with out a clone was even more surprise. Sakura and Kakashi reacted immediately rushing at the charging blonde while at the same time Sasuke readied Chidrio in his right hand hoping it would be enough to stop the attack if he wasn't caught before he reached him.
“RESENGAN!” two voices shouted one Naruto's the other belonging to Arashia the difference being her hand was empty she curved it around the ball of energy in Naruto's hand and pushed against her brothers power curving it with her own tapping his mind at the same time. “” Enough little brother.”” She chided gently a shine of sweat on her upper lip as she grinned at him. The ball dissipated almost instantly and his eyes where wide as he stared at her.
“Glade you learned dads technique I can thank that pervert for something if nothing else.” “”Don't ever use this out of anger the Kyuubi's power swirls it stronger and I can not stop that!”” her mental voice was stern underlying anger obvious. “”Don't tell them you can hear me!”” she ordered the whole time she was speaking to his mind her words out loud sounded in the silience that enveloped the field.
“ You two should be more careful that kind of power can kill.” She enphansed it by punching Naruto lightly in the shoulder the glare she shoot Sasuke was brief and if he had not been paying attention he would have missed the rage in her eyes that was quickly concealed as her eyes crinkled in the trademark grin. At the same time Arashia `voiced' one last time in Naruto's mind before going silent. “” Kyuubi! Control your self and not fuel my otouoto's anger Naruto be aware you are megering with the fox his feelings fuel yours and the same is true in reverse be aware and prepared.””
Sakura was slack jawed no one had ever countered the Naruto's resengan that she could remember.
In the 2 weeks since her arrival Arashia had spent ever waking moment with Naruto not ever leaving his side she would throw her arm over his shoulder when they walked any where grinning just as big if not more than him. She would hug him at the most interesting times and throw praise at the boy constintly but with the praise came criticism that pointed some weakness out with gently words that did not hurt. Sakura was amazed at the change it was reaping in her blonde teammate, where before he was loud and annoying shouting all the time for attention now found him with remarkable restraint and thoughtfulness. She could no longer call her friend and teammate a baka off hand because in all honesty he no longer displayed those traits which only served to make Sakura realize that for all those years he had purposefully held that mask up even after making the circle of friends he had. Her heart twisted in her chest unexpectedly at the insight and for the first time she looked at her friend in a new light. What she saw amazed her, he was confident with out being brash and his actions were intelligent.
Similar thoughts flashed through Kakashi's and Sasukes minds along with others and the respect for this new person went up a notch but so did the jealous that had been building towards some one who could so effortless have the blondes respect and affection without even seeming to try. Sasuke shook his head to try and rid himself of the anger that was building towards this woman and look up to find her staring at him again her expression unreadable this time. The interlude was only a few minutes then she was grinning all around flashing her version of Naruto's foxy grin and rubbed the back of her head at the same time as him, they both laughed when they relized they were doing the same thing at the same time.
“Come on nii-chan it's ramen time.” An evil smirk appeared on her lips as she looked at Naruto “Race ya!” she shouted pushing him on his butt at the same taking off at a dead run her laugh fading back at the group as they stared after her Naruto shoved up from the ground and was gone in blink leaving a trail of dusty shouting at the others to hurry up.
“It's funny,” Sakura, said, “ to hear him called otouoto and nii-chan.” Her tone colored with wonderment.
“Hn.” Grunted Sasuke
“Yes our Naruto has a blood relative a family member something he has always wanted.” Kakashi remarked the levity in his tone drew the other two's attention they turned to look at their old sensi questioningly. His visible eye crinkled in a smile and disappeared leaving them to ponder his words.
Naruto's Apartment midnight
Arashia sat up on the couch she was laying on and gazed around Naruto's apartment, she was happy to be with him at peace something she hadn't experienced in a long time the only sound to disturb the quiet was the young mans snoring. A contented smile ghosted her lips she stood and stretched grimacing at the soreness in her right hand from the stopping the resengan earlier that day. She flexed her fingers experimentally she hadn't told him that her hand was blistered from the raw power that had been channeled out of the ball and though her own body dissipating into the ground nor that most of it had been the Kyuubi's power and the rest that had swirled in hers and his palms was his own which had been considerable in and of itself!
She arched her back again then bent over keeping her legs straight to stretch her thigh and calf muscles touching the floor with her palms. She signed “ ` I haven't done that since dad showed me how.'” Standing up again she raised her arms above her head exposing her stomach and back fully aware that a certain silver haired joninnin was getting an eye full of her tattoos on her stomach and back. The Dragon on her stomach was her own creation she had designed it herself, it was the one that stretched her back that came from another time. She shrugged her shoulders the last of the mental seals formed she opened the window and waited several seconds passed before the man in the tree toke off after the illusion she had created, it would lead him into the surrounding woods and perform its assigned movements buying her 4 hours tops before she had to be back before the sun rose. “'Off to work'” she thought to her self and cloaking her self invisible she headed out.
This took a life of its own it will get progressively darker I don't know how far I will go with this but hopefully I wont get writers block I don't own Naruto I just supply the plot for this as it comes Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto. Hope you enjoyed it I did writing it!