Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ New Girl in Konoah ❯ all tied up ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6
All Tied Up
“Ow my head……..You! Orochimaru! Grr…” said Belle. “Oh Belle long time no see.” “Well as you can see I have your sister Cassie……..poor girl. Really will be a good holder of the curse mark though…..” “You keep your snaky hands off her you, you, you snake!” “Oh I'm so scared.” “Grr Tegakuran transport!” (Blinding light) (Belle running down road carrying Cassie on her back) As they entered the village, when Sasuke saw Cassie, he was amazed.
(Sasuke's P.O.V.)
I was in awe at the site of this girl. She had extra long black hair and jade green eyes……and the curse mark. “She's perfect, I must have her.”
(Normal P.O.V.)
“Sasuke what did you just say?” asked Sakura. “Uh we need to get her to the hospital…..” “Right.”
(Three hours later)
“Ohhhh my achin' neck…. Huh why do I have a tattoo?” asked Cassie dazed. “Well that's a ling story.” said Belle. “Belle!” “Hey Naruto Sasuke come here!” “Hi I'm Sasuke and this baka is Naruto.” “Hey why do you to have different head bands?” “We were separated when we were seven.” “Well I'm all healed and ready for my first mission.” “Alright let's go visit Hokage-samma.” “Alrighty then.”
Chapter 7 preview
“Wow she can move! Cassie what is the effects of Tegakuran?”
“Well the effects are that it goes past the charka veins and strait to the organs.” “Ow……”
Hope you likey!
Yaiyo! ;)