Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ nothing can keep us apart ❯ new home and new people ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4 New home, New friends and the meeting
“Here it is…” Ino said. They were in front of a mansion and at the top of gate the Haruno crest was carved.
“Are sure this is the place?” Hinata ask.
“Hai… and besides the Haruno crest is embedded at the gate.” Ino said.
“Yup, this is definitely the place; it's the same mansion that we live in at the states right Ino-chan?” Sakura assure them.
“Yup, so lets go in..”
“Ino-chan matte…” Sakura try to stop her but its too late, she already push the door bell.
“What? Why?”
“Oh, it's nothing…” Sakura said followed by a heavy sigh.
They wait at the gate until a maid saw them.
“May I help you?”
“Hai… you see my kaasan told me to stay here from nowon. My name is Sakura Haruno.”
“Oh... So you are Lady Sakura, come in. Where are your things?” the maid asks her.
“Its in our house, it's in the Yamanaka residence.”
“We will just send some maids to get your things young lady…”
The maid guides them to the living room.
“Lady Sakura, please wait here for a moment, we will just finish your suite.”
“Hai… so guys what are we going to do?”
“What do you mean Sakura-chan?” Tenten asks.
“We will be bored if we just wait here, right?”
“Sakura-chan, since you will stay here from now on, where are you going to study?” Hinata asks.
“I don't know, do you know any good school here?”
“You bet we do!” Tenten and Ino exclaimed.
“So what school it is?”
“The one and only Konoha High of course.” Ino said head held up high.
“How can you say that it was a good school?” Sakura asks them both.
“Because we study there…” Tenten said to her and the same as Ino head held up high.
“Hinata-chan, now I can see why these two become friends…” Sakura said to Hinata and they both sweat dropped.
“Sakura-chan one day you will be like us…” Ino told her
“There's no way I will be influence by you…”
“If you say so, I won't force you to be like us. The best way to make friends is to be yourself.” Ino said.
They were talking about the school when they heard someone knock at the door.
“Come in…” Sakura answers.
“Sakura…” said the voice. When the door is open, it reveals a man; it was Seiji, Sakura's brother.
“Seiji-niisan…. What are you doing here?” Sakura asks.
“Don't worry, mom already told me every thing, I just check if you arrive here already.” Seiji told her.
“Is that so? Niisan, you see I want to um…..” Sakura is trying to say something to her brother.
“You want to study at Konoha High and you to enroll there now, right?” Seiji finish the sentence for her.
“Hai…. Can you…”
“Don't worry I already call the school and I already enroll you there. You'll just need to wait for the uniform. It will be delivered here.”
“Hai, arigato Seiji-niisan!” Sakura exclaimed and hug her brother.
“You're welcome, I need to go now. I still have to study.”
“Hai, sayonara…”
“Sayonara, you take care of yourself…” Seiji said with concern.
After several hours, Tenten, Hinata, and Ino went home. They will meet at Ino's house in the next day to tour Sakura at Konoha. Sakura was excited so she couldn't go to sleep so she decided to right to her diary.
Dear Diary,
You know, Im back at Konoha. I really miss this place; it's already been 7 years since I went to state. Do you remember Ino? My friend at the state, I already see her here and she help me to talk to kaasan. II really can't believe it, many things happened in just a day. I hope that it will be a nice day tomorrow, Ino and my new friends will tour me around Konoha.
About my new friends, there is Hinata Hyuga, she is a shy girl, but she is kind and I can see that she is very gentle. She is the heiress at the Hyuga Company. Even though she's shy she is friendly person and I can trust her with my secrets. The next is Tenten Matsumoto, I can tell that she is very energetic and friendly, Ino teas her tomboy because she acts like a boy sometimes, I can see that she is loyal friend and protective to her friends also.
You know, I hope that I will see Sasuke tomorrow; I already miss him so much. And I hope that he still remembers me….Well, I need to go to bed now, and there will be a big day tomorrow.
Sakura went to bed as soon as she locks her diary; she went to her peaceful slumber with one thing on her mind, Sasuke.
………………..Next day…………..
Sakura went to Ino's house when she saw someone out of their gate. There were 3 people out. One of them was blonde and has blue eyes, he was kind of loud. The other one has long brown hair and pair of white-eyes like Hinata's. And the last one has a brown hair like a pineapple and brown eyes.
“Ano… can I help you?” Sakura asks them.
“Huh? Iei, we were just looking for his friend…” the blonde boy said.
“Who might that be?”
“Ino…” answer the white eyed boy.
“Ohh, is that so. Let me call her.” Sakura said.
“Miss, dont bother it, its not important. We will just go now.” The boy with pineapple hair stops her with blush on his cheeks.
I think this boy has a crush on Ino…” Sakura thought.
How did you know?” asks the Inner Sakura.
I can say it on his face.”
Ohh yeah, that is one of your special talent, you know you could be a matchmaker with that…”
Yeah, yeah, whatever…”
“Don't worry it's not a big deal. Ino!” Sakura shouted.
After a second Ino came out, the boy with pineapple hair panic.
“Sakura-chan, so you're here….” Ino said cheerfully. “And how about you guys, what are you doing here?” Ino eyed the boys.
“Ino-chan that boy is looking for you…”Sakura said as she points the boy with pineapple hair.
“Huh? Shikamaru? What do you want?” Ino asks him.
“Umm… Nothing we will just go… Sayonara.” The 3 of them said goodbye and run at the house next to Ino's.
“Ino-chan who are they?” Sakura asks.
“Some friends…”
“Really, Ino-chan can I be friends with them?” Sakura asks like a child.
“Why not? If you promise to be a good girl maybe I can introduce you to them…”
“Just kidding, don't worry if I saw the 4 of them I introduce you…”
“4? But there are only 3 of them…”
“Ohh, you see one of them is not that sociable, he's inside the Shika's house, maybe watching us awhile ago…”
“I see... He's like Sasuke…”Sakura thought as she remembers Sasuke.
“Let's wait for Tenten and Hinata, they said that they are on their way here.”
They didn't wait too long after 5 minutes Tenten and Hinata arrive.
“Gomene, did you wait for too long?” Tenten apologize.
“Iei, lets go now?” Sakura asks.
“Hai… lets go…” Hinata said.
“Ino-chan I forgot to ask you, one of the boys awhile ago has white eyes like Hinata, does he have a relation to her?” Sakura asks Ino.
“Huh?” Hinata's been curious.
“Ohh……. The one with brown hair, Tenten why don't you tell her about him?” Ino said and look to Tenten.
“Who?” Tenten asks. Hinata and Inogiggled. Sakura just wait.
“Neji who else?” Ino said.
“Why me?” she asks.
“Fine, I will tell her.” Ino said.
“You see, his name is Neji Hyuga, he is Hinata's cousin and here is the best part so listen carefully. Ok Sakura?” Ino asks, Sakura just nod.
“He is Tenten's crush since she was 5!” Ino shouted.
“Ino yamero!” Tenten shout and Ino laugh. Hinata and Sakura giggled.
Since they were busy enjoying the company of each other they didn't notice that there were people following them.
“Did you hear it? She said Tenten has a crush on someone since she was 5…” a blonde boy said and smirk at sight of his friend that was very angry.
“Hey relax there's no need for you to be angry…” a boy with pineapple hair said.
“Hn…” respond a boy with onyx eyes and dark blue chicken hair. (Isn't it obvious? It's Sasuke). “I wonder who that girl with pink hair is?” Sasuke thought.
Maybe it's her…” said inner Sasuke.
Have you forgotten already, she's not here…”
Maybe she came back….”
Maybe, but I won't hope that much…..”
“Sasuke hurry up…” said the blonde boy.
They were hiding in an alley. They went out already to follow the girls. But when they went out many girls look at their way and one by one they surrounded the boys and shout their names.
The girls shouted non-stop, this get the attention of the girls.
“Who are they?” Sakura asks.
“It's them…” Ino said.
“The boys earlier.”
“Ohh… so can you tell their names?”
“Ok, you already know Shikamaru Nara the one with pineapple hair. The one with white eyes is Neji Hyuga you already know him. The blonde boy is Naruto Uzumaki. He is a loud mouth trust me…” Ino said.
“Yea I can see it….”
“And the one with onyx eyes and dark blue hair, he is Uchiha Sasuke. He is the one that I told you not so sociable person. Since you know them already, let's go now….” Ino said but she was surprise when Sakura was not behind her.
Sakura walk near the boys and the crazy fan girls. She was starring at Sasuke. “Sasuke-kun… I am very happy to see you………” Sakura thought.
“Sakura-chan, lets go now, if we get caught here by their fan girls we will be dead.” Tenten said.
“Why?” Sakura asks.
“You see, we were close to them, since they were heartthrobs many of the girls like them…” Tenten explain.
“Many of the girls also get angry at us because of our friendship with them.” Hinata explain.
“That means that I can't talk to Sasuke?” Sakura asks enough for the 3 of them to hear. She didn't mean to say it out loud.
“Don't tell us that you like Sasuke?” ask the 3 of them.
“Well you he is a childhood friend of mine…” Sakura said and tell her story when she was young.
“I have a plan…” Ino said.
“What is it?” Tenten asks.
“You two stay here, Tenten and I will pick the boys, and then you and Sasuke will be reunited again.” Ino said.
“What are you going to do?” Sakura asks, worried about Ino's plan.
“Just wait here, Tenten and I can take care of it.” Ino said confidently.
“Hey, you haven't told me the plan yet.” Tenten complain
“Ill tell it to you on the way, let's go now.” Ino said and the two of the go where the boys were being harass by their fan girls with their screaming. Hinata and Sakura wait patiently for Ino and Tenten to return at the playground when she and Sasuke used to play.
She is sitting in the swing waiting for Ino.
“Sakura-chan Ill go and check if Ino-chan and Tenten-chan is here.” Hinata said.
Hinata was at the entrance when she saw Ino and Tenten followed by the boys at their back complaining.
“We have no time to play with you so tell us now!” Naruto said.
“Naruto we don't need you, we just need Sasuke.” Ino said.
“Huh? What do you want with Sasuke? And where is Hinata?” ask Neji.
“About Sasuke, it's a secret and Hinata she there.” Ino said and point to Hinata.
“Hinata-chan!” Naruto shouted.
“Does he really be that loud?” Tenten asks. The others just shrug.
“Where is she?” Ino asks.
“There…” Hinata point at the swing.
“Sasuke there she is…” Ino said and point at theswing.
“Huh?” Sasuke look at the swing and his eyes widen when he saw a girl sitting there. He walk there and call Sakura's name.
Sakura raise her head and saw Sasuke.
That's the end of chapter 4; please wait for the next chapter. Ill update soon. Please Review…………….