Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Of Love and Betrayal ❯ Old Friends, New Feelings ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto!
Warning: Sexual content, I changed the rating to M. Some angst
Side note: there will be a lot of sexual content in this chapter and sorry kak/saku fans but it will not be between those two. Also the offer is still out there for a beta. Thanks and hope you like the chapter.
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- VII -
Old Friends, New Feelings(Revised)
When morning came there was a silent agreement between the two shinobi to not mention the events of the previous night. The day went by basically uneventful. By noon they had reached the edge of the desert and soon after sunset they reached the entrance to Sunagakure. Sakura glanced up at the large multi-layered rock wall before her. She could see many sand shinobi posted on the wall. She had only been to the sand village once before when her, Kakashi, and Naruto had gone to rescue the current Kazekage, Gaara.
Sakura and Kakashi continued through the narrow passage and once they reached the other side they were intercepted by two sand shinobi.
“What are your names and business here?” the tallest one ordered his eyes glancing at the Konoha crest on their Hitai-ate.
“I am Haruna Sakura and this is Hatake Kakashi. We are here to see the Kazekage, we were sent here from Konoha by the Hokage,” Sakura said.
The sand shinobi nodded and motioned for them to follow him. The sand Nin led them to the main building and down a hall to a set of double doors. He knocked twice.
“Come In.” Sakura heard a familiar voice say from behind the door.
The sand Nin opened the door and walked in.
“Haruno Sakura and Hatake Kakashi from Konoha are here to see you Kazekage-sama.”
Gaara inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment and waved the two ninja in.
“Thank you Satai, your dismissed.”
Once the sand Nin left the red head lifted his pale eyes to the two familiar faces before him.
“Sakura, Kakashi it's been a while.”
“Yes it has, here this is a scroll Tsunade-sama wanted us to give to you,” Kakashi said stepping up and giving the scroll to Gaara.
Gaara unrolled the scroll and scanned it.
“Gaara… Tsunade also sent us to help you with the treaty dealings with Konoha, apparently our treaty needs to be renewed and she wants us to be the representatives for Konoha,” Sakura said stepping forward.
Gaara looked up from the scroll and studied the woman in front of him. It has been about 7 years since he had last seen Haruna Sakura. The woman before him did appear to be the same person from seven years prior but there were subtle changes, like the sparkle in her emerald eyes was gone and in its place were shadows that hinted to a lot of past pain. From the bags under her eyes he could tell that she had not slept regularly for a while now and even though she held her self ramrod straight he could feel the tense and tired energy practically rolling off of her in waves. Gaara's eyes jumped to the silver haired shinobi behind Sakura and then back to Sakura.
“Yes it is about time we updated our treaty of peace. By the way how is Naruto doing?”
The last time he had seen Naruto was about three years ago when he had gone to Konoha to meet with Tsunade. Back then Naruto didn't look so happy.
“Naruto is doing well, he is married to Hinata now and expecting a baby in nine months.”
Gaara widened his eyes in surprise at the good news. He also noticed the way Sakura's eyes had softened at the mention of the blonde haired shinobi.
`So I guess they are still close.'
“Well I'm glad he has finally found happiness,” he said genuinely happy for Naruto.
“Yea me too,” Sakura said smiling a little.
“About the treaty, we will start discussing it tomorrow morning, for tonight rest. I will have two rooms prepared for you right away.”
Sakura silently sighed in relief at hearing that she wouldn't have to share a room with Kakashi.
Suddenly Sakura brightened up. “Gaara do you know where Kankurou and Ino live?”
Gaara's eyes widened slightly.
“Yes they live about two minutes from here. If you'd like I can walk you there, I was actually heading that way myself,” Gaara offered to Sakura's surprise.
“Okay thank you,” She turned to Kakashi, her smile disappearing.
“I guess I'll meet up with you tomorrow, I actually have some personal business to take care of here.”
Kakashi raised an eyebrow slightly but otherwise said nothing. Gaara called in a sand Nin and told him to escort Kakashi to his room and then he left the office with Sakura in tow.
“So how did you know that Ino and Kankurou were together?” Gaara asked slightly curious.
“Ino was one of my best friends and I was told that she had left Konoha to be with Kankurou. I never got to say goodbye…”
Gaara glanced at the woman walking beside him and he saw the fleeting emotion pass through her eyes.
“I never thought you would end up the hurt one and Naruto would be the one that had moved on.”
Sakura looked up in surprise, her emerald eyes studying his features.
“What did you say?”
“You haven't moved on have you? I can see the pain in your eyes. It's a shame; I used to enjoy seeing your smile.”
Sakura looked back down at the ground. “I have changed, Gaara. I couldn't stay that sweet innocent girl forever. I had to grow up sometime.”
“Not smiling doesn't signify maturity.” Gaara sighed and turned towards her. She felt as if his pale eyes could see straight through her, which made her just a little more then uncomfortable.
“I've had a hard life Gaara, I'm a shinobi and as such my emotions don't matter.”
Gaara stared at her still and she could have sworn she saw sadness in those pale eyes.
“You are not that Chuunin that fought to bring my brother from death all those years ago. It saddens me to see that you turned out this way. Yes it is true that in theory shinobi are weapons and nothing more but we are also humans and no matter how much you try to hide your feelings you will never achieve being just a tool. You have too much spirit, I can see it in your eyes, even though it has diminished a great deal since I last saw you.”
Sakura lowered her eyes hearing the truth in his words.
`He is right I do try to be emotionless, but it's so hard for me.'
Gaara started walking again and Sakura fell into step beside him.
“Gaara… Do you sometimes wonder what the purpose of all of this is?”
“What do you mean?”
“Our lives, shinobi, what's the point of everything?”
Gaara didn't answer; making her wonder if he had understood her question.
“You don't believe in yourself do you?”
Sakura looked up at him startled.
“Sometimes the reasons for things happening is not clear but the one thing that should be apparent to you is the people that hold a place in your heart, those are the people you should fight for.”
“What if a person's heart is so broken that it doesn't have a place to be held,” Sakura asked hesitantly.
“A heart can be mended,” he said simply and then stopped before a small building. He went up to the door and knocked. A second later Kankurou answered the door, his eyes widening at seeing Gaara.
“Gaara, what are you doing here?” he asked confused, his gaze flicking to Sakura.
“Is Ino home? She has a visitor.”
“Uh yea come in and I'll go get her,” he said and left the door open as he went to find his wife.
Sakura followed Gaara into the house, looking around curiously. He led her to a living room and she sat next to him on a couch. A second later she heard Kankurou return and she looked up to see Ino beside him, her blue eyes wide in surprise.
Sakura smiled and stood. “Hello Ino long time no see.”
“Oh my god Sakura what are you doing here? Wow look at you!” Ino exclaimed and went over to hug her old friend.
Sakura returned her hug happily, but something felt off with her friend and she pulled back. Her eye's traveled down her friend's body and was surprised to find the big swell of her stomach.
“Ino…you're pregnant?”
Ino pulled back, her face flushed slightly pink.
“Yea I'm seven months pregnant.” She said holding her husbands hand and looking at him lovingly.
Sakura watched the exchange between the two and she smiled happily, seeing her friend's obvious happiness.
“I'm glad you're happy Ino… well I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I'm going to be here the next two days so we'll have some time to talk and catch up later,” Sakura said and turned to Gaara who still sat on the couch.
“Gaara if you don't mind can you show me where my room is?”
Gaara stood up and wished his bother goodbye and then left with Sakura, walking back towards the middle of the village. After a while they stopped in front of a small hotel.
Gaara turned to face her. “Your room is number 112; I placed you on the second floor and next to Kakashi. Please meet me at my office tomorrow morning at 9. Good night Sakura.” Gaara bowed respectfully and then disappeared with a gust of sand.
Sakura made her way through the hotel until she was in front of her room. She pushed the door open and stepped into the spacious room. It was a comfortable room with a small bathroom in the corner. Sakura took off her sandals and dropped her pack on top of the small bed. Her eyes wandered to the right wall.
`I wonder if Kakashi is in his room…'
She shook her head feeling silly thinking about her ex-sensei's whereabouts.
“It's not like it matters anyways,” She said out loud.
She stripped off her dirty clothes and put on a clean pair of pants and a tang top and got into the small bed. It wasn't the most comfortable but she didn't mind at least she didn't have to sleep on the hard ground for a bit. She pulled the blankets close around her and snuggled into the pillow.
- 0o0 -
She heard a faint dripping sound and she opened her eyes to find herself in a cave of sorts. She sat up and looked around confused.
`Where am I? What am I doing here?'
She got to her feet and looked around feeling as though she should know this place. She spun around when she heard a shuffling sound from behind her. Her eyes widened when she saw Sasuke step from the shadows.
“Sasuke? No… you're dead!” She whispered hoarsely.
Sasuke didn't say anything but his cold eyes filled with lust as they traveled down her body. Sakura shivered, a cold dread spreading through her. She stepped back hesitantly to find herself cornered against a wall. Sasuke smirked smugly and advanced on her like a predator stalking its prey. He pressed his body against hers so that she was pinned against the wall, hardly able to breath. Instead of feeling body heat, she felt a bitter cold chill her to the bone. He brought his hand up and slid a cold finger down her cheek. She sharply turned her face away from his touch. Sasuke withdrew his hand and forced her hands above her head, keeping them covered with one hand. He leaned into her even more, pressing his cold lips to her neck, roughly kissing his way up her jaw before he covered her mouth with his. She couldn't help but feel a warm feeling spread through her. Sasuke pulled away from her and slipped a knee between her legs, slipping his cold hand up her thigh.
“You want this don't you… no matter how much you deny it you still want me.” Sasuke whispered into her ear, his cold breath whispering over her ear.
She shuddered and fidgeted under his touch. He ground his hips against hers and she could feel him hard and big against her stomach. He slid his hand further up her thigh to the juncture of her legs and ripped her panties off leaving her exposed to him. Sakura gasped and watched in disbelief as her body responded to his touch.
`What's wrong with me!? I can't let him do this, not again!'
Her thoughts were cut short when he lifted her and pressed even closer to him. His cold hand slipped under her skirt again and started to stroke her expertly.
She closed her eyes and unwillingly let out a moan, feeling waves of pleasure rip through her body. Sasuke released himself and plunged into her causing her to cry out in both pain and pleasure. He ruthlessly pounded against her groaning in her ear and causing her to feel wave after wave of sensations rush through her. She felt him stiffen up before he collapsed against her, breathing hard.
Sakura felt him slip out of her and lower her to the ground. Her eyes stared into the face she had both hated and loved for the last 10 years of her life. His lifeless eyes stared into her own and his mouth curved upward into a cold smile.
“You can't hide it from me Sakura. Your body yearns for my touch.” Sasuke laughed at her then and she closed her eyes trying to block out his evil laugh that had haunted her in her dreams.
“I hate you!” she yelled pounding her fists against his unyielding chest. “I hate you, bastard how can you do this to me!”
Her eyes snapped open and she stared into the mismatched eyes of Kakashi.
“Kakashi? What are you doing here? Where is Sasuke?” she asked looking around, bewildered.
Kakashi didn't answer he just stared at her sadly, his eyes holding an emotion that she was scared to see.
“Kakashi don't look at me like that…please.”
Sakura you liked it didn't you…” he said his voice laced with a harsh accusation. “You liked when he pounded into you… you…”
- 0o0 -
Sakura lunged into a sitting position, waking up instantly. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and she looked over to her side to see Kakashi staring at her worriedly.
Sakura lunged into Kakashi's chest and wrapped her arms around him tightly. She needed this, she needed the comfort she found in his arms, and she needed to feel again. She couldn't help the flood of tears that started to stream down her face for the first time in years. Kakashi silently wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly, letting her cry into his chest.
An hour later Sakura had fallen asleep, tear streaks staining her face and dark bags under her eyes. Kakashi laid her down gently and got up from the bed, but was stopped by Sakura's hand. He looked back down at her panicked expression and sat down on the bed.
“Please Kakashi… don't leave,” she pleaded, her hand tugging on his clothes.
Kakashi sighed and lay down next to her, his body tense. Sakura lay back down next to him and curled against him burying her nose into his warm chest.
`I don't know why but I feel warm and protected when I'm with him…'
She knew tomorrow they both would go back to being companions, but for tonight she needed the comfort he afforded, she needed him here.
Authors Note:
Okay so now we are going somewhere… well this chapter is mostly about Sakura and Kakashi getting closer. Also the dream she had was kind of a result of memories and guilt but you'll find out exactly what is eating her up so much later on. Well please review and thanks for reading hope everyone likes it. Ja Ne!
Next chapter:
The next two days go by in a blur and during that time Kakashi and Sakura train and help write up the new treaty between Sunagakure and Konohagakure. The night before they leave Sakura has a disturbing dream about a certain silver-haired shinobi which changes her thinking drastically…