Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Sealing The Gap ( Chapter 24 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Yeah … it doesn't look good you two … you really messed with the future, By almost killing Sasuke … or so it seems …” The Akatsuki leader let out a sigh “
Her pulse is low and he breathing is very shallow, she also lost a lot of blood, and on top of that she looks to be in a great deal of pain.”
“She's always getting herself into trouble …” Itachi murmured to himself, too soft for any on else to hear.
“Will she be ok though … in the end” Eva asked Please don't say this is the end for her … please Haoku … just … just pull through …
“From the looks of it, in order for her to survive, Sasuke needs to remain alive also … or at least until he does what he's meant to do.” Ha said looking away to Itachi “Let's hope that she's in good hands.”
Itachi was baffled by this, he wanted to hold onto every little piece of Yaku he could find, especially this one, Haoku, but he also wanted more than anything to kill his little brother.
“Itachi …” The leader said suddenly “I want to speak to you … in private …”
Itachi nodded and followed him out of the room and down the twisting halls.
“C'mon Eva … lets go.” Hidan commanded turning and begging to walk out of the room.
“No, she's my cousin, I have to stay here and make sure that she's ok.”
Hidan sighed, rolled his eyes and walked out of the room leaving only Eva, Kisame, and Haoku.
“So you really care that much about her to risk your own life?” Kisame asked randomly
“What do you mean?”
“Hidan would be the type of guy to kill the first person who opposes to him,. Although, it seems as if he's taken a likening to you.” He said grinning slyly.
“Oh … thanks???” She said in a whisper not knowing what else to say
“Itachi, I know you live to kill your little brother,” The leader said “But not you can't. I can see great potential in Haoku's future, if we give her a chance and time, plenty of time. We can't risk losing her, she can do things we can't because she's not in the bingo book yet … things like … getting into the villages.”
“I understand …” He said with a noble bow of his head
“Good, now you better hope that runt of a brother of your lives or it'll be your head.” He said in an unbelievably calm voice.
“Yes sir …” He said bowing once more then leaving.
When Itachi finally returned to Haoku's room nearly an hour later Eva was the only one that remained. She sat on the edge of the bed with a white wolf pup wrapped in her arms half asleep.
“Any changes?” He asked dully waking her from her sleep
“Um … no … nothing …” She said sadly
“She'll come around some time.” Itachi said reassuringly, something he wasn't used to doing so he wasn't that well at.
“Yeah” Eva smiled “She'd promise to come to my wedding.” Eva said twirling a beautiful gold and silver ring with a blue crystal on it.
Itachi just stared at her. He nodded then walked out and to his room where he sat on his bed slouched over and he picked up the cracked picture of his family on it staring at the little Sasuke. You're not even worth killing … He looked at the picture one last time before throwing it against the wall; all the shards sent flying, one cutting him against the cheek.
Haoku drowsily opened her eyes from the crash, Eva who fell back asleep, still was dead asleep. Haoku being worried something was wrong walked over to Itachi's room and walked in with out even knocking. She was surprised to find him kneeling on the ground, his eyes seeming to look beyond all that was there. The blood on his cheek trickled down and onto his cloak staining it with crimson embers.
“Itachi?” She asked walking over to him and kneeling next to him and resting her hand on his shoulder “Hey, are … are you ok?”
Her voice and touch were enough to awake him from the trance that seemed to control him. “What the!?!”
“Itachi you're … you're bleeding!” Haoku whispered
He let his hand reach up and touch that scar that ran down most of his cheek. “I guess I am.”
“What happened?” She asked
“I was … renovating …” He said looking at the broken picture frame
She caught his glance and looked over “Quite a way to put it for a guy who just got hit with a shard of glass, move your hand!”
“What, why?” He asked reluctantly.
“Just trust me.” She said gently moving his hand away and kissing the scar gently
Itachi's face turned a light shade of red as he turned away deeply embarrassed “What was that for?” He yelled trying to sound as much like he would normally
“Come one, didn't you're mother ever kiss a scar, `just to make it all better'?” She asked smiling
“That's stupid …” He said
“I know but it's comforting, isn't it, when ever you were little and some thing happened and your mother would always take you in her arms and say `it's all going to be ok'.” She smiled at the memories she had with her mom.
“My mother and I weren't very close …” He mumbled
“Oh so you're more close with your father?” She asked looking at him
“No … I … I was … I am like an island to my family, far off the coast, too far to reach out and touch but close enough to see.” He said
Haoku smiled next to him “Why … when you think about it, you're quite the poet Itachi.”
Itachi chucked. “Yeah, roses are red, violets are blue, Sasuke, little brother, I will kill you.”
“Not bad.” Haoku laughed as she smiled brightly
Itachi smiled to him self She looks beautiful when she smiles …
It would seem a
quick kiss on the
cheek won Itachi's heart
over, but trust me, this
is far from over.
(grins evily)
Find out what
Happenes next in
The next thrilling
Chapter of