Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Song of the Mist ❯ Hoshigaki Kisame ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

So you've finally woken up huh?” A man said as the girl's eyes fluttered open softly.
“Here, this is all I had left for you,” he said as he tossed a cooked fish on a stick towards her. The girl then caught it in her hands and stared at it for a few moments before the man chuckled.
Is this man trying to poison me? The girl thought to herself as she inspected the brown catfish. She then looked around her, seeing that it was night once again. Could this be the same night when she was handed over to him, or is this another?
“It's not poisoned if that's what you're thinking. That was supposed to be my partner's share, but he isn't back yet. Well, are you going to eat it or not?” He said roughly when she looked up at him as the fire wood popped. The girl then noticed something she hadn't noticed the night before, or whenever it was that she was handed to him. The only thing she was able to capture in her mind before, were those cloaks. She knew them from somewhere, Tsunade-Sama, the Hokage, told her and the other shinobi about these people. But the one thing out of all that she didn't noticed, but should have, was his features.
What strange features this man has, as if he was half fish himself. Even in this lighting I can tell that his skin is blue,and he has gills on his cheeks. Whenhe opens his mouth I can see he alsohas very sharp-looking teeth,andhishair is a stand-out blue color. He's reallytall, and his eyes are so small… All these unusual features...What is he?”
“W-what is, I mean why…,” she said looking up, then pausing in her thought. She then noticed the danger she could get herself into by asking, and she was in no position to ask such a question. He's only a few feet away from me on the other side of the fire; he could kill me at any second. I need to be careful of what I say…
“Why you're here,” he asked her. The girl shook her head no as he went on.
Though that was my question, I don't think it would be wise to say it was,” the girl thought.
“Oh, my name,” he said as she slowly nodded her head.
I guess that could be a good excuse from my true question...”
“Hoshigaki Kisame,” he said as he looked into the forest behind his hostage.
“R-right, you're one of those Akatsuki members,” she replied as she took a small bit out of the fish. She had heard that the people in black cloaks with red clouds on them were enemies. She had also heard that these people were going after the people with the tailed demons in them. The Kazakage of Suna, Gaara of the Desert, had one. It turns out that in the process of removing these creatures, the host or hostess was killed. The sad truth was that, the boy she had a crush on had the nine-tailed fox sealed inside of him; said to be the strongest out of the nine. Being the strongest of them, the nine-tailed fox was wanted the most out of them.
“Oh, so a load of crap like you knows my name?” He snickered as she lowered her head. Kisame's expression changed to a mocking one when she did this, and he asked, “What, is that name not agreeable to you? Fine, who are you then?”
“H-Hyuga, Hinata, chunin of team 8,” she said very softly as her cheeks turned a light pink. “Why must a stagger so much when I speak? Why am I so shy around people? It makes me look so weak and vulnerable… she thought to herself. “Iguess I can't blame myself; I only know him as an enemy.”
“Oh, so you're the famous Hyuga clan's main branch heiress of the Leaf village eh?” He smirked as he saw her shocked face. “Your clan was compared right up against the famous Uchiha clan until Itachi killed them all. You can see people's chakra points with those eyes of yours, how helpful.”
So the Akatsuki knows this much information about the village?”
Kisame then looked up at the star-lit sky as he stood up. He then picked up is gigantic, legendary sword and hit the lavender-haired girl's stomach hard. “You're too much of a pain to carry around when you're awake,” he said picking her up with his mummified blade, then swinging it over his shoulder.
So this sword is the thing that made me loose my chakra before… This is going to be a big problem. How am I ever going to escape from him? She thought as she fell fast asleep as she clung onto the wrappings.
IT HAD BEEN a few days since Hinata was taken, and she had no idea where they were now. It wasn't even as if they took her from the village, she was out on a mission. If she was taken from the village, the Hokage would have had shinobi going after them right away… but that wasn't going to happen. Lately the eerie, but dead truth was revealed in Hinata's mind: She would probably never see home again.
“Itachi, are you done with your business yet? I'm tired of carrying this load of crap along with me.” The blue man stated as he blew the girl's long hair out of his face. Hinata's body slid down the sword at some point, and was practically on Kisame's shoulder now. Why he didn't just carry her to make life easier beats all odds, though she felt almost more protected from him at the same time when she wasn't being held directly by him.
“Not quite, just head to our destination and I'll meet you there,” he replied as his long black bangs blew into his eyes. Kisame almost felt like forcing him to deal with her, but something in Itachi's eyes changed his mind; that look that could scare any man out of his wits.
“So what do I do with her when you're gone?” Kisame said looking at his partner who walked a few steps away. Itachi, then turning to face his partner, seemed to have no emotions at all as he answered.
“I told you I don't care, just don't kill her.” Itachi replied as he flashed his sharingon.
“Whatever Itachi,” Kisame said looking at the knocked-out girl. “Looks like I'll have to carry you around a bit longer you load of crap,” he continued on as Itachi left in a poof of smoke. He had always cared for the well being of his partner, if only a little, since his eyes were going blind. Perhaps this business of Itachi's was to take his brother's eyes as a replacement? Being how secretive Itachi was, he doubt he'd ever find out any time soon. “Right, the place is about a hundred miles from here, a few days journey at a good speed.” Kisame said to himself as he walked down the path, surrounded by colorful trees.
SOON NIGHT CAME, and Kisame stopped for the first time he had in weeks. He then tied a short rope around Hinata's wrist and his so he would know the moment she moved. He could probably easily take her if she tried anything, but he wasn't foolish enough to test this hypothesis.
Soon later, his hostage did wake from her long sleep. Glancing from side to side, she found that there was no movement besides the rustling sound of the trees blowing in the cool wind. The girl was about to take a run for it when she felt his huge hand in hers as she slightly lifted her arm to get into a different position. Looking at her wrist she gently sighed as she soon gave up on escaping.
Looks like this one does sleep,” Hinata thought looking down at Kisame. “I'm not going to get away so easily, am I?”
Kisame was leaned up against a semi-large tree trunk, while Hinata now lay flat on the ground beside him. It was getting cold, which made Hinata glad that she was wearing a warm, over-sized jacket. Fall was getting nearer and nearer, considering how the weather was changing lately. The leaves were turning bright colors, and fell lightly from their branches which blew into Hinata's face. A few of them had bits of twig still attached, which scratched her, but she didn't mind much. All Hinata could think about was getting home somehow, and some time soon.
I wonder how long I've been asleep. How long have I been a hostage? Why would they choose to take me as a hostage in the first place?It's not like I'm anyone important to the Akatsuki… Maybe to get to Naruto-Kun, but they don't know that I like him, do they?Oh,I wish Naruto-Kun would come and rescue melike he usually does for his friends. she wished as silent tears crept down her face.