Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Color of Evil ❯ Comic Relief Comes in Many Forms ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 17 Comic Relief Comes in Many Forms
I had been sitting by Lee's bedside for so long I guess I fell asleep because I jolted up to the sound of the door opening. Looking up to my surprise I saw Kagami-chan followed closely by Naruto. For a second I didn't know what to say, Lee was unconscious and in critical condition while Kagami-chan, who suffered the same if not worse, injuries as Lee was up and walking as if nothing had happened to her. "Well, as you can plainly see he's apparently worse off than you are, because he's still out cold. But of course it's Lee we're talking about here so I know he'll be fine by the end of the month," I joked trying to lighten the mood; not only for myself but Kagami-chan too she looked devastated, as if it were her fault Lee was here. She came over and sat down on the end of the bed while Naruto stood in the doorway, then to my surprise she started crying; the tears dripping from her face and silently onto the blanket. I asked Naruto to leave and he did, I gave Kagami-chan time to calm down and then I asked what happened, because once again I was left out of everything. It took her a while to decide if she should tell me but in the end she did, everything, from Orochimaru forcing her to steal and plant evidence for him right up to what happened after I'd walked off a few days ago leaving her and Lee to talk. When she was finished speaking we sat in silence for a little while then I got up to leave so she could be alone with the unconscious crazy I call my brother.
"Alright now hang on you can't go running off you have to get used to the crutches they're going to help you. You need to take it easy for a while and remember to take your medicine," the nurse said to Lee holding him back so she could give him the crutches. Then she turned to me and said, "Make sure he takes one pill every morning until they are gone, please. And make sure he comes back when he's finished them or if he has any side affects or pain or-"
"I will I promise now can we go now before he tries to do laps around the village?" I interrupted. The nurse nodded and handed me the pills he's supposed to take and made sure he was able to use the crutches. Then we slowly made our way out of the hospital.
"Looks like I'm in charge of you for a while huh, nii-san?" I teased once we were outside. He just ignored me and continued walking, when we finally got home I went first and opened the door and Lee followed me in, he asked why the lights were off and then I flicked them on and Kagami-chan, Naruto, Tenten-chan, and Gai-sensei, jumped out and yelled surprise. Lee was so startled he fell backwards and I barely managed to catch him.
"Guys you said you wanted to throw him a surprise party for getting OUT of the hospital, not make him end up right back in it," I grunted as I helped Lee get the crutches resituated. He hobbled over to the table and Naruto said, "See, what'd I tell ya? Bushy Brows is out of the hospital and he's fine."
"Never doubted you for a minute, Naruto," I replied sarcastically. "Now who wants cake?" I asked heading into the kitchen to serve it.
"Believe it! Serve me up the biggest piece Pepper Head!" Naruto called behind me.
"Oh, I'll serve you up the biggest piece Naruto; you can count on it," I thought grinning in a conniving manner. After serving everyone else a piece of cake Naruto was demanding his slice, so I went into the kitchen cut a big slice of cake and took it out to Naruto. He was distracted talking to the other party guests so I walked up behind him and said, "Here's your cake, Naruto," and as he turned around to take it I slammed it into his face and started laughing so hard I nearly fell over, a few seconds later everyone else started laughing with me. Naruto was mad for a second then he started laughing too.