Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Hunt for the White Eyed Snow Fox ❯ Prologue: Open Season ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Hunt for the White Eyed Snow Fox

By Kruffien

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I'm just a fan. And this fic is my tribute to the anime.

Good Evening.

I'm Yamanaka Ino and now here is today's headline;

The Hyuuga clan, one of Konoha's prestigious and well-known families, were massacred early this evening by assailants of unknown origin.

Among the dead were the Lord Hyuuga Hiashi, the current head of the Hyuuga family, Lady Hyuuga Hanabi, the heir apparent of the clan, the jounin Hyuuga Neji, the entire senior members of the Hyuuga council, as well as all of the family's servants and the Anbu who were stationed at the Hyuuga manor at the time of the attack.

Sources say that the attack occurred somewhere between 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. during which, the entire council body of the Hyuuga clan were having an emergency meeting, due to reports of numerous brutal attacks against the clan for the past few days.

It is still unknown whether these attacks are connected with today's massacre.

And on to other ne…


Prologue: Open season

Long ago…

A lifetime ago…

On a cold winter's day…

A little girl lost her family, for the sake of an honor not worth fighting,

To people, who are not worth honoring.

Her father tried his best to protect her mother,

Her mother tried her best to her brother,

Her brother tried his best to protect her.

All of them died,

But did not fail.

For the blood spilt for the sake of a beloved,

Deceived the butchers' thirst as well as their blade.

And as the hunters left, their blades sleek and wet,

The little girl stood up, pledging vengeance that day.

Once was the peaceful pup,

Now turned a blood stained fox.

Many years have past,

Much blood have been freed.

And then came the day,

To compensate lost blood, long unpaid,

Billed the hunter's for their past slay.

Blood they owed,

Blood they paid.

And so the little girl fulfilled her vow of that day,

Knowing not that the hunt still stay.

To be continued…

Coming soon: The Huntfor the White Eyed Snow Fox: Chapter 1: Why Fox Houndshunt Foxes