Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Hunt for the White Eyed Snow Fox ❯ Why Fox Hounds hunt Foxes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Hunt for the White Eyed Snow Fox

By Kruffien

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I'm just a fan. And this fic is my tribute to the anime.

Days ago…

Our Hokage, Kurenai-sama, entrusted me a mission of utmost importance.

I was to hunt down a band of murderers who are currently traveling north at an impressive speed.

The reason for this chase was due to the events that transpired a day before my orders came to be.

A great tragedy struck my village of Konoha.

The Hyuuga clan, one of our villages' most prestigious and well-respected families, was brutally wiped out.

Among the dead were its head, his heir and a fellow jounin.

According to reports - rumors actually - days before the incident, a group of foreigner, led by a teenage girl, came to our village. Although our village has been accustomed seeing `unique' individuals from afar, this particular group seemed different somehow.

For one thing, the foreigners were very much interested with everything regarding the Hyuuga clan, may it be mere gossip or actual fact. Individuals of the group were also said to be seen loitering either around or near the compound at the time of the massacre and were also seen leaving the area, a few minutes later, with an aura of death upon them.

Reports regarding the massacre were nothing short of a mass murderer's dream…or even better; almost every part of the mansion was covered either with blood, viscera or both. The strange thing about the entire massacre was most of the really gruesome deaths were self-inflicted and some of the victims were seen smiling.

As I tell you the events of days ago, one might expect that I'm on some mission for justice or revenge, especially since a fellow jounin was one of the dead.

But quite personally, I could care less about this mission.

In fact, if this wasn't a direct order from the Hokage, I rather congratulate them than take their heads back to Konoha.

For you see,

A long time ago,

The Hyuugas have stolen and killed someone very dear to me.

A friend and lover, named Uzumaki Naruto.

Chapter 1:Why Fox Houndshunt Foxes

We were teammates back then, Naruto and I.

I knew very well, that he was very much in love with me and tried his very best for me to like him, even though I always ridiculed him for even trying.

But be it as it may, he never stopped trying.

And I, never stopped ridiculing his advances.

That all changed, however, when a tragedy struck our village.

An evil man named Orochimaru assassinated the 3rd Hokage and took - joined actually - with him Uchiha Sasuke, the boy I was in love…no, deeply infatuated, with.

We were all devastated at the death of the Hokage and Sasuke's betrayal.

It was then, that Naruto said something that I will never forget.

`I'll bring back Sasuke to you, Sakura-chan. So please, don't cry anymore.'

It was then that I finally realized how much Naruto loved me.

He was willing to bring Sasuke back just make me happy, even though it means bringing his 1# "rival" back.

Few days later, he brought Sasuke back, thus fulfilling his promise to me.

But Sasuke was no longer the same.

No longer was the he cool and composed guy that I once knew, only grim and sullen shell of his former self, the product of Orochimaru's evil.

I tried my best to change him back, but all was in vain. The hatred in his heart was stronger than my love and in the end, it destroyed him.

I was so depressed, so devastated with my failure that I tried to drown myself.

But then he, Naruto, appeared and stopped me.

He comforted me, healing my deeply wounded heart, relieving my every heartache with his kind words.

And it was at that moment, that small precious moment, that I, Haruno Sakura, fell in love with Uzumaki Naruto.

Few days have pass since the incident, Naruto and I became best friends. He taught me every technique he knew and trained me as well. Needless to say, we became very close.

But my joy was soon replaced by heartache once more.

For as I was about to confess my feeling for him, I discovered that he had already found someone else.

There upon a small clearing in the forest, I witnessed how Naruto's lips met another.

Lips that belonged to the shy girl, Hyuuga Hinata.

I felt confused, jealous and even betrayed.

But then it was replaced by anger.

Not at Naruto or to Hinata.

But to myself, for wasting so much time and energy to gain Sasuke's love, all the while I spurned Naruto's.

So I left the scene so depressed that I didn't notice another pair of eyes watching.

Eyes that belonged to Hinata's cousin, Hyuuga Neji.

It is a well known fact, that even though Neji was far stronger than Hinata, he could not accept the fact that he was only a `mere servant' to his `weakling' cousin. To top it all up, he was defeated during the Chuunin Exam finals by the `pathetic' village `loser', Naruto.

He seeks revenge for his disgrace.

And he saw a perfect chance.

To snitch on Hinata's relationship with the outcast would not only destroy her reputation in the clan but to the entire village as well.

And without delay, the bastard reported what he saw to Lord Hiashi, Hinata's father and current head of the Hyuuga clan.

And as expected, Lord Hiashi wasn't very pleased.

Lord Hiashi not only forcibly stripped his eldest daughter of her rank, but also confined - imprisoned - her to the Hyuuga manor, heavily guarded, thereafter.

Needless to say, Naruto was incensed by the news by Hinata's fate.

I tried to stop him, reason with him that there's nothing we could do about it.

But Naruto was insistent and, driven with anger, he recklessly stormed the Hyuuga manor all by himself.

There he was captured and then was tortured to an inch of his life.

I pleaded to the 5th Hokage to issue an order to release Naruto, but it was all for naught.

For the Hyuuga clan and most of non-shinobi members of the community threatens to revolt if she does.

A threat that cannot be taken likely, for should a revolt occurs, it is most likely that Orochimaru will take advantage of the situation.

Even still, I continued pleading for Naruto's release to the Hokage.

Days went.

Weeks came.

Months past.

And then, almost four months later, the Hokage finally gave in.

She assembled a team (Lee, Ino, Kiba, Shino, Choji, Shikamaru, Kurenai-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, Jiraiya-sensei and, of course, me ) in an attempt to rescue both Naruto and - upon Kurenai-sensei's request - Hinata from the Hyuuga manor.

It was to be a Class `A' mission.

For should we fail, Konoha would be wreaked with a civil war.

The mission went well enough, despite desperately trying to control ourselves from killing the entire household instead of just the torturers and a few guards.

We then hid the two in a "safe house" somewhere in the Leaf Central Headquarters to recover.

I noticed then, that compared to Naruto, Hinata was virtually unhurt, only dazed.

This roused my suspicion a bit but decided not to press the matter since we did rescue Naruto.

It took a while for Naruto to recover from all his wounds, both mentally and physically.

I was at his bedside everyday, nursing him back to health.

Unfortunately though, so was Hinata.

I still find it hard to believe that she didn't even have a single scratch on her.

I privately told Naruto of my suspicions about Hinata, but he told me that it was she who suffered more than he. I tried to press the matter, but a stern look in his face told me otherwise.

As expected, the Hyuuga issued a bounty of $1,000,000 for Naruto's head for the `kidnapping' of its `heir', Hinata.

It was at this time that the Hokage decided to smuggle them out of the village, for should they be discovered hiding in the Leaf Central Headquarter, the Hokage will have a rebellion in her hands.

And so, with the help of a passing merchant caravan, we smuggled them out of the village.

This was to be the last time that I ever see him alive.

For years later, I saw him again as the Hyuuga clan publicly displayed his severed head.

It was rumored, that it was Hinata who killed him and that she died shortly afterwards when Naruto stabbed her with the last of his strength.

On that day, I swore to avenge Naruto's death.

On that day, I swore the Hyuuga clan will fall.

To be continued…

Coming soon: The Hunt for the White Eyed Snow Fox: Chapter 2: Old Sins Revisited