Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess and the Lazy Bum ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Princess and the Lazy Bum
“Everything is so white” Shikamaru thought to himself. “Gaah! This is very troublesome” Shikamaru thought. He looked at all his cuts, bruises and scars all over his body…All done by Temari- Temari of the Hidden Sand Village.
Shikamaru's cuts were now burning with pain. Instantly, he just started to think about Temari as if he couldn't get her out of his head. Shikamaru thought of her hair, her eyes and even her smile. “Temari” he thought. “I'll remember that”.
Temari was laying on the edge of her bed, just daydreaming- about something… or someone. It was actually Shikamaru. Just like Shikamaru, Temari just couldn't get him out of her head. She thought about his hair, his eyes and even his smile. Temari turned red of blush just by thinking about Shikamaru.
Yet, this was so unlike Temari. She would usually just beat up a guy and forget about him an hour later. But Shikamaru was different. She just couldn't stop thinking about him. Temari wasn't the type of girl that had a crush on someone- especially one on Shikamaru- the lazy bum that says almost everything is too troublesome. “At least I think I have a crush” Temari said to herself. She just didn't really know what to do. Temari was afraid that if she asked him a simple question, he would say it was too troublesome or something. Even though this was unlike Temari, fear was her main problem…