Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ Prologue- Part 4 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. This is the last part of the prologue. Oh, great. Now I get to change the entire story line to have Naruto as a genius acting like an idiot. Damn it all to Hell! When I was writing this I had to remind myself that Naruto was only six, almost seven, but still six.
Kyuubi Talking
The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Prologue-Part 4
Itachi stared, just stared. “You're joking.” The Sandaime had better be joking or he was going to ring the little blonde's neck. Saratobi chuckled lightly and shook his head. “I'm afraid not. I had him doing a few D-ranks on his own but it was obvious to everyone that he was over-qualified for them. I guess that one of the Anbu got sick of it and accidentally gave him the written part while accidentally telling him that I was being over-worked with paperwork and could he fill this out please?
The Hokage sighed and picked up a piece of paper. He chuckled lightly, “You know, most of my Chunin this they wouldn't be able to fill out even half of it.” Itachi arched an eyebrow. “I guess that's what happens when you memorize the entire Hokage library.” He winced. “Damn it. I was trying to forget about his photographic memory.” Saratobi chuckled then sighed. “But because he passed the written I had to give him the physical. Unfortunately he passed that to. Thankfully he was just over the low range score point. That means that he has the mindset and knowledge for a lot higher a position but skill wise he's where he should be now.”
Itachi sighed and shook his head. “What is this? I've never even heard of it.” The Sandaime shook his head. “It's used as an alterative for during wars. Most people don't even know it exists. The only difference is that compared to the normal one it's harder. A lot harder. People just don't tend to die during this one. However because he passed I am, by law, required to make the necessary change.”
Itachi nodded then ground his teeth, “So you're telling me that Naruto, who's only been a Genin for about eight months now, made Chunin, completely on accident?” Saratobi nodded sagely, “Yes, I believe that's what I was saying.”
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Itachi sighed as he finally found Naruto. The boy had found a wide clearing next to a stream that ran up the backside of the Hokage monument. It was a perfect place for training, closed-off and faraway. He leaned against a tree and folded his arms across his chest, watching as the boy ran through the complicated katas for a taijutsu technique with all the precision of a machine.
The Chunin had changed drastically from the young, barely six-year-old boy he had to save on his birthday. He wore a dark red shirt with the black stitching of a Konoha leaf symbol on the front of it. Over that was a thin black jacket, the long sleeves hiding the two small fans strapped to each wrist. The assemble was completed by the black cargo pants and a black version of the normally blue shinobi sandals.
The most obvious change was the number of weapons he now carried, the most visual sign that Naruto was over-qualified as a Genin. A shuriken holder was strapped to his left thigh while his right was decorated with a senbon holder and slightly below that a small bag of powder poison. The black and white weapon's pouch still hung from his hip but three more had joined it. One he knew for a fact held those precious seals Naruto had made, no bigger than an explosive tag and very easy to use, just like he'd said. Another held a liquid poison, fast, deadly, and dangerous. The last held bandages and drugs and what ever else a medic-nin would need, just not as much.
That's why it was hard to remember that this boy in front of him was only six.
Naruto slowly slid out of the stance he'd finished in and turned to stare at the Anbu, a smile on his face. “Ohayo, Itachi-san.” Itachi nodded, slowly walking forward. His eyes swept over the clearing and found the light green Chunin vest lying folded next to the Tessen he'd given the blonde. Naruto slowly followed his gaze and chuckled lightly. “It was weird. One of the Anbu had asked me to fill out this paper for Hokage-jiji and once I turned it in he asked me to do all this weird stuff and the next thing I know I'm a Chunin.”
Itachi stared at him then shook his head. “It figures.” He whispered. He looked up at the boy with coal black eyes and sighed. “Most shinobi have already chosen their area of expertise by the time they become Chunin. Figured out yours yet?” The answer came without hesitation. “Seals.” Naruto whispered. “Seals and my family techniques. I'm also learning the taijutsu style for the tessen and some Fuuton jutsu. Maybe a few medic jutsu and another weapon. I'm really wide spread.” Naruto shrugged. “I figure it'll surprise people.”
Itachi shook his head again, “Just don't overwork yourself.” Naruto nodded. “I'll be careful.”
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Saratobi smiled at the Anbu in front of him. “Have you heard?” Itachi stared at him for a minute before he sighed. “What has Naruto done now? Please tell me he didn't make Jonin on accident.” The Sandaime chuckled and shook his head. “No, thankfully. I don't think our sanity could handle it. But, apparently, some hunters and Anbu have taken an interest in him. The boy's got everyone staring at him. It's nice.” Itachi stared at the Hokage in surprise. “No, it's not nice! This is bad. Very bad! How can having Konoha's elite take an interest in you be a good thing?”
Sandaime shook his head in amusement. “I think you're over-reacting.” Itachi growled before he frowned and leaned back in his chair, staring at the Hokage with a frown. “Okay, what's the real reason you called me here?” Saratobi winced before he sighed and stared at the paperwork that littered his desk. “How's the plan coming?”
Itachi looked down. “It's coming.” Saratobi frowned. Itachi took a deep breath and straightened. “I don't want anyone to know the truth. Not even Naruto.” Saratobi's eyes widened, “Itachi…” The Uchiha looked down again. “It's better if he hated me.”
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Naruto stared at his friend, biting his lip. “Gomen, Itachi-san.” Itachi looked up at him, black eyes hiding a number of emotions. “It's okay.” He whispered. Blue eyes narrowed in anger. “No! No, it's not okay! Your best friend just committed suicide. Things are not okay.” Itachi winced. Naruto's eyes softened and he sat down in front of the Uchiha, resting his head on Itachi's knee. Itachi let out a slow breath and smiled down at Naruto.
The blonde smiled softly, his eyes distant. “Did Hokage-jiji tell you about Anbu?” Itachi nodded, even though Naruto couldn't see it. The blonde continued talking any ways. “I'm going to try to get in. I think I can do it.” Itachi tensed. “Naruto…” The blonde continued in a sing-song tone. “I turned seven last month. I think I can handle it.” Itachi leaned down, wrapping his arms around the boy. “I'm sure you can.” (I just wish I would be here to see it.)
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Saratobi stared hard at the young blonde in front of him, (He's too young for this!) “You sure about this?” Naruto winced, “Not really. But I want to do this.” Saratobi stared a little more before sighing. “Alright. Just be careful.” Naruto nodded, sitting a little straighter.
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Naruto ran through the streets, adrenalin coursing through his reins. Despite this, and the bloodbath he'd just left behind, an unnatural calm was blanketing his mind, keeping out the panic and disorder that should be there. (It's the mask.) He thought dimly, bringing one hand up to brush over the white Anbu mask hiding his features.
It had been a bloodbath, of that he was sure. The entire clan lay dead in the streets. Everyone except a boy, no older than he. His body was fine, but Naruto couldn't say the same for his mind. There was only one person missing, the one to have done this. (I should have seen this coming. He was getting distant.) He thought.
He slid to a stop in front of the Konoha gates and stared at the retreating figure. “Uchiha Itachi.” He called. The murderer turned to him, an eyebrow arched. Naruto's lips twisted behind his mask, knowing that Itachi wouldn't recognize him behind the mask. He'd only gotten it earlier this morning and had been running to tell his friend when he'd come across the Uchiha massacre. Naruto's hand twitched, inching towards the seal that held his Anbu sword. “I must ask you to stand down and return to the Hokage Tower with me. If you do not cooperate I have to take you by force.”
Itachi's lips twitched in sardonic amusement. “You'll be dead on the ground before you can try.” Naruto's eyes narrowed and somewhere in the back of his mind he knew this was a very bad idea. “Let's test that theory.” He whispered, channeling charka into the seal and feeling the sword appear. He moved it into the basic guard position.
He immediately realized just why this was a bad idea. Itachi was stronger and faster, along with him having more experience. Plus Naruto's size was working against him. And… he couldn't find it in himself to hurt the older Anbu. Naruto growled, (He is not my friend.)
Somehow, in a movement Naruto couldn't follow, Itachi slid through his defenses and had the blade aimed for his neck. Naruto managed to save his head by leaning back but the blade still caught the mask and tore it off, the force of it sending him spinning backwards. Itachi brought the blade he was holding up with the intention to kill him but froze when angry blue eyes met his own sharigan red. “Naruto?” he whispered, stepping back in surprise.
Naruto looked across at his sword but frowned when he realized it was too far. He turned his attention back up to the surprised Uchiha and gave him a feral grin, shoving his weight up and back. The move had his feet flying over his head and he just managed to slam one foot into Itachi's chin. That would probably be the only hit he got in in this fight. He reached behind him and grabbed another seal. He channeled charka into it and watched as it crackled around his hand like blue lightning before the seal disappeared completely and the tessen appeared in his hand. He snapped it open, the wind whipping around him at the move.
Itachi stared at his old charge in horror. (Damn it Naruto! Why did you have to be the one to find me?) His eyes widened when he found himself on the receiving end of the kamaitachi no jutsu. He jumped out of the way and flipped over the young blonde. (Gomen, Naruto. It's better if you hated me.)
Naruto gasped as he felt Itachi's sword bury itself in his back, right beside his spine. He moved to get out of the way but the sword hilt descended and hit the pressure point in his neck. Blue eyes widened before they fluttered shut. (Itachi…)
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Naruto stared dully at the wall in front of him. The Sandaime stared at him in worry. (I should never have let Itachi talk me into that promise.) He sighed. “Naruto, I think I have a mission for you. Very high rank but you're the only one who can do it.” Life seemed to return a little to Naruto's eyes a bit and his eyes flickered to the Hokage. “I need you to protect Uchiha Sasuke. Both from others and from himself. You need to do this cause your age will get you close. You'll masquerade as an academy student and again as Genin on his team when the time comes. During this you'll be placed on an Anbu team and assigned normal missions for your rank. Your mission will end when the council and I deem that Uchiha-kun is no longer a flight risk and can protect himself. You're aloud to act however you want. And, like most of your life, your status as an Anbu will be hidden from all but who must know. Only you and I will be able to pass out the information.”
Saratobi stared at the boy for a minute before he sighed. “Please Naruto; don't transfer the sins of the brother onto Uchiha-kun. You are the last person I would think to do that.” Naruto nodded; eyes still vague and distant. “Of course, Hokage-sama.” Saratobi winced.
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Naruto stared at his reflection in the mirror. The shock was slowly fading and was being replaced by anger and a hollow emptiness. It would take time, just like before. Just like all the other times.
Everything had been put away; the tessen and sword locked away in their seals. The small apartment had been packed away in boxes and then put in other seals which were tucked away for the moment. He was moving into the Kazama clan house. He'd be fully moved in by tomorrow. This place just held too many memories. He'd be fully moved in by tomorrow.
Naruto's hand tightened around the handle of the kunai and he slowly brought it up. With his free hand he moved his hair up and away from his collar bone. He pressed the kunai against the soft skin of his neck. The blade caught skin and a small drip of blood ran down his neck. His eyes squeezed shut and he tightened his grip. There was brief resistance before the blade jerked free.
Long strands of bright blonde hair fell quietly to the floor.
Naruto smiled grimly at his reflection and short cut hair which was slowly pulling up into spikes without the weight. He looked down at his dark clothes and grinned. He was going to need something bright, very bright.