Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Weather man ❯ I plead the fifth... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok! Here I am with chapter three! I hope you all enjoyed chapter two as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you all will love chapter three just as much!
Disclaimer: See the other chapter.
Warning: This fic contains spoilers, read if you dare. If you ARE reading this, I would like to congratulate you in advance for reading such a crappy fic.
~ Kakashi
One boy behind him, and two girls ahead. The group was walking in a single line, already far from the village. Everything, he knew, was riding on this mission. Everything for Konoha village at least. The two girls in front of him were indeed ninja from other countries, he learned from Tsunande-Hime, they are from the countries that their headband says, but they serve every ninja village. In subtle terms, she was telling him not to trust them entirely. In fact he didn't trust them at all.
The girl Bianca was from Kumo no Kuni: Village hidden in the clouds, they`ve had a difficult with village hidden in the leaves for many years. That much was known on sight.
The girl Taylor what was irked him the most. Her headband said she was from Kiro no Kuni: Village hidden in the mist, which he knew nothing but it's bloody past. Yet this girl seemed familiar. Her stature. Her face set. Her gloves. Her weapon. They all seemed familiar…
Kakashi let go of his thoughts, staring back out ahead at Taylors' back, he'd return to his thoughts later. Right now, he had more important tasks at hand, like wondering if he'd ever be able to finish reading Icha Icha Paridise volume four in peace.
He slowed down his pace. “We'll camp here for tonight, we've made good timing”. Still wrapped up in some of his thoughts, `That last chapter was such a cliff hanger!' his eyes traveled over to Taylor, where she was setting her own things down and chatting madly with Bianca about something. He shrugged his pack off his shoulders and set it on the ground turning to Neji. “We'll gather our things for tonight in pairs.” He was mainly talking towards the group, “Get your things settled down and we'll find our provisions.”
He sighed and ran his hand through his silver locks of hair when the younger ninjas went scampering around, one grey eye settling on Taylor.
He turned his back and busied himself with unpacking his own things. Maybe during the night he'd figure out why he had such a fascination with the tall *shapely*-
He shook his head wildly. Tall girl. That's it. End that thought riiiiiiiiiight there Kakshi!
And with one final discreet glance over his shoulder, he set his things up in about three seconds and pulled out the fourth infamous orange book.
He was ready for some nice reading time to distract his mind…
When Kakashi had given the `Ok' to set up camp for the night, Taylor gladly complied. “This guy's a slave driver!” She whispered to Bianca, once out of Kakashi's ear shot. “But he's kinda hot too, so I guess it balances out!” she squealed, setting her things down.
Bianca just shrugged and sat down. “I agree on the `slave driver' part…”
“Aw, Bi-chan, you just have no taste!”
“I plead the fifth…”
Taylor turned slightly and watched Kakashi speak with Neji, tilting her ear to catch part of the conversation. “Seems like we're gonna be getting our stuff in pairs.”
Bianca shrugged again, and began to re-lace her shoe, “Oh well, I wouldn't trust us to be alone either.”
Taylor grinned, “Sure you would! Can you resist a face like this!?” She asked pointing at herself.
“… I plead the fifth.”
Later on, Bianca went with Neji to get water, leaving Taylor with Kakashi. For a second they both stared at each other, having a sort of unspoken blinking contest.
Four minutes later…
Kakashi promptly turned around and picked up a piece of firewood, causing Taylor to do the unspoken victory dance.
She grinned, and in turn went around picking up decent pieces of wood for their camp fire.
Taylor flipped over one big piece of wood, only to be met with an interesting sight.
A giant cockroach the size of her head surrounded by little eggs she assume were it's babies.
She took in a deep shuddering breathe and dropped the piece of wood on the cockroach resulting in a large SPLAT and greenish brown liquid flying everywhere.
Taylor walked stiffly back to where Kakashi was, “So… Do we have enough wood???”
He looked up and nodded, adding a twig to the pile Taylor had in her hands, “Now we do.”
The next moment Taylor would remember for some weeks to come.
A large flare of chakra somewhere in the woods went up some ways around. A second flare went up.
Kakashi looked up at Taylor, “The first one was Neji's.” The unspoken question clear.
“Second one was Bi-chan's…”
Kakashi nodded, creating a shadow clone, nodding to Taylor to do the same. She was one step ahead of him, already creating one. Both Taylors nodded and grinned, giving the Kakashi's a thumb up.
They both darted out into the thicket and towards the chakra signatures.
The familiar rush of adrenaline was flowing, mixed with fear. Neji had his back pressed against hers, probably asking the same question. Where was the enemy?!
A gash above her eye dripped blood; she barely had enough sense to wipe it away before it blinded her. One thing was for sure, the enemy wasn't alone, and it was attacking in pairs.
At this rate we're screwed over. She thought bitterly, her grip tightening on the sendon she had in her hand.
The water they had been gathering was spilt haphazardly on the floor; it was reflecting their bewildered expressions. She was afraid she noticed. Bianca glared at her reflection.
But why shouldn't she be?
A familiar spurt of chakra broke her from her thoughts, Taylor?! She frowned when it disappeared entirely. Then she smirked. Cocky little…
“Hey Neji, Think we can hold out here for a while???” Bianca droned with a smile, pressure relieving from her shoulders.
Pearl eyes slid over to the smaller girl for a moment and flicked back to the front, “Of course.”
Bianca nodded and put her hands together, performing a jutsu.
“Think I've caught my second round: Ready for round two buddy?!” She called out with a smirk, “Nanny Nanny-Boo Boo!”
He skidded to a halt, sending his shadow clone out in front. He himself jumped onto a branch, peering out from the foliage of trees. Taylor was beside him, equally as silent.
(A/n: Surprise Surprise! *gets hit*)
He could tell from his perspective that there were four rock ninjas, two on both sides. He mentally groaned.
Those sneaky…
He trailed off and turned to speak with Taylor.
Only to find she was gone…
He mentally punched himself three or four times. Restraining the urge to slide off the tree and stick himself with a kunai. “Oh. Great.”
His Byukagen was turned on, He knew about the four ninja's surrounding them, they kept changing positions, putting themselves in a rather bothersome situation.
Great, now he was thinking like Shikamaru.
There was no way he could use Jyuuken on an enemy keeping their distance. Kaiten had saved them from the majority of the attacks, allowing him to counterattack. This proved difficult while spinning, and they dodged most of what he threw back at them.
If it was just him fighting, they'd be out before they knew it. He'd simply just capture one of them, take them out and repeat the process.
But Bianca didn't have his eyes. She'd be defenseless from their attacks.
He really was beginning to feel agitated with her uselessness.
He was beginning to feel even MORE agitated when she pressed against his back and darted to the center of the woods.
Before he could yell at her to stop, the enemy attacked again, kunai made out of rock hurling towards both of them.
Bianca was halfway to the wood's edge. Neji cursed, now that she was no longer by his side, he couldn't protect her with Kaiten; and if he used it to protect himself, then the rebounded weapons would hit her.
He jumped up onto a tree branch, evading two kunai and catching the last one in the air. He sprang off it landing next to Bianca, managing to do the Kaiten just as a kunai caught her in the side.
Once the attacks stopped and Neji's Kaiten disappeared, he bent down in a crouch, carefully keeping his eyes on the enemy which once again shifted their attack positioning.
12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 9:00 He mouthed to himself, hoping Bianca could catch his lips move.
He inspected the wound on her side and frowned. It was deep and large. She was loosing blood quickly.
She coughed and grinned, the color draining from her face. “Glad you followed me Neji, now this wasn't a waste…”
Neji couldn't take a chance to be confused at her words before she disappeared in a puff of smoke and a splash of water replaced her. Shuriken went flying over his head into the woods at different angles. 12, 2, 4, and 9. Two thumps were heard and leaves rustling madly, then quieting down.
Bianca herself stepped out of the woods at this point, grinned widely, “Damn, I didn't get all of `em.”
Neji didn't show his amazement, He was a little put off that he didn't notice her switch, but he WAS busy trying to watching 4 moving targets.
Two of the four were still standing, that improved their odds a bit. But the enemies left were uninjured.
He stood up and resumed the position he and Bianca were in earlier, Back to Back.
“What would have had happened if I didn't follow you.” He muttered flatly.
The younger girl took time to consider this possibility, and then shrugged. “We probably would have gotten anally raped.”
“…where did you come up with that…?”
“I plead the fifth…”
“Like she always does!” A voice chirped, rising from the puddle of water that was left. A blur headed out to the woods. Two strangled yells were heard, before a dead silence followed.
Taylor emerged from the woods, blood dripping off the tip of her sword and hands. A cheerful smile was spread on her face like always, only difference was that she was dragging four bodies as if they were nothing more then a very light sack of potatoes.
“What's up guys?”
Kakashi appeared behind Taylor, looking like he was ready to kill someone. Bianca and Neji inwardly gulped.
“Oh, Nothing!” He whispered in a dangerous tone.
Taylor visibly paled and turned around, rubbing the back of her head, “Oh, he-hey Kakashi!”
His steely eye glinted, murder written all over his masked face.
“Campsite. All three of you. Now.”
They nodded in unison and ran like hell.
The campsite was eerily quiet, No one was speaking, and Kakashi was giving them all a scrutinizing look.
Finally as minutes began to stretch, he muttered one word. “Explain.”
Neji nodded and recapped what had happened.
He and Bianca were coming back from the river; it was a large bank he believed was called `Broad River' for obvious reasons. When they had left the river bank, something was shining on the ground. They examined it, not knowing what it was.
At this, Neji fished through his weapon's pouch and drew out a large flat silver coin. He handed it to Kakashi who in turn looked it over.
“Where did you find this?”
Bianca shifted in her seat and looked at Kakashi, “Er… I think it was by the left-
“Right.” Neji interrupted.
Bianca glared “ok, RIGHT bank, almost in the forest towards the center.”
“It WAS in the center.”
Taylor laughed, “Bi-chan's horrible with directions”
Bianca only glared and muttered her favorite saying `I plead the fifth…'
Kakashi silenced their dispute with a look, “Continue Neji.”
The Azure eyed teenager nodded and continued to speak; telling Kakashi how when they were halfway back towards camp they sensed they were being followed. So they had backtracked and led them somewhere else away from camp.
“And that's when they attacked!” Bianca finished, exasperated.
Kakashi stood, walking towards a tent. “I see, that's enough.”
With a backwards look he looked at Neji and Bianca, “You two rest, we're heading out tomorrow at dawn, make sure you're ready for a long hike.”
Neji and Bianca both nodded, heading for their tents, Bianca already beginning to heal her wounds.
“Taylor, Come with me” Kakashi ordered, turning a steel eye towards the girl.
She gulped, and nodded, already apologizing to god for all the bad things she's done.
Taylor was led to a small clearing by a tiny waterfall, there were lush plants growing by the edges.
She would have thought the place was beautiful if not for the evil look being fed to her by Kakashi.
With that one word, Taylor was ready to sit, Roll over, play dead, and Beg if needed.
Kakashi got close to Taylor's face, and growled, She averted her eyes and was about to say something, but it died in her throat. Instead she tried to look away from the blue-tinged eye that kept drawing her back.
Kakashi's nose brushed against Taylor's, “That was very stupid.” He muttered, still growling.
Taylor accidentally looked back up into Kakashi's eye, for a second she caught something there that made her heart thump against her chest.
Was that...longing? She asked herself in disbelief
Her face began to flush, suddenly aware of the close proximity of their faces. The gentle brush of his hands on her knees, the deep tremor of his voice, the way she could make out the way his lips moved under the thin cloth of his mask… She was very tempted to pull the mask down so she could trace over his sculpted features with her fingertips.
She gulped and flushed more, almost squirming and passing out when Kakashi slid his hand up on her thigh, his long fingers brushing against places that should not be touched by mortal men.
“Do you know what could have happened to you?” He asked dangerously, his eye glinting.
“Uhm…. N-no…!” Taylor squeaked, trying to slide away. Unfortunately for her, Kakashi had picked this spot out specifically for interrogation reasons, so instead of escaping, her back hit a tree trunk.
When she hand tried to move, Kakashi moved with her. Now he was sitting on the same log as her, legs spread out. He moved his hands up to her shoulders and slid them up her arms to her hands, pulling them both above her head.
“Don't do something as rash as that again. Understand.” He whispered lowly.
Taylor nodded, the blush seemingly permanently stained on her cheeks. Kakashi stood up, letting her arms fall by her sides. “Good.”
He then helped her up and grabbed her chin gently, ignoring the blush on her face, “I am responsible for your welfare, and you are also my comrade. I don't want anyone to die on this mission…”
Letting her chin drop to her chest, he turned on his heel and made his way back to camp, leaving Taylor behind to wallow in the great Nile.
“Too bad I almost died right now…” She whispered, putting a hand on her forehead.
When Taylor came back she was extremely red in the face. One must wonder why. That's the basis Bianca had for Taylor's next interrogation.
“Hey, did he say something to get you mad?” Bianca asked the instant Taylor got within glomping range. (a/n: No, no one got glomped, that was just an estimate…), “Want me to beat him up?”
Taylor laughed a little and rubbed her neck, “Ah, no… that's ok!”
Bianca blinked in confusion when Taylor turned around and went in her tent, Uh, if that wasn't grounds for being suspicious… then I don't know what is…
~NEXT DAY!!!!!!~ Taylor
The group was trending down a long, shabby road. It wasn't really a road; it was more like a rugged path animals had worn through during the years.
The group was hunched down, silently making their way across the border to land of rock, soon there would been barely any tree coverage and they'd be forced out into the open; so they were taking full advantage of what they had now.
When the ground turned from soft grass to hard dirt and stone, they knew they were in the right place. Kakashi was bent down over a large bolder, Taylor was next to him, Bianca was next to her, and Neji was next to HER. (a/n: whew…).
Looking out above the boulder, they could tell there was a large canyon that they had to cross before they could truly get into the land. Kakashi mentioned that it was probably riddled with ninja from rock.
“Oh, sounds like fun…” Taylor said, grinning ear to ear.
Kakashi bopped her on the head, “This is a stealth mission, that's why our group is a four-man cell.”
Although Taylor responded and nodded to it, she wasn't really listening, she was just focusing on how the moonlight was reflecting from silver locks of hair, how slender fingers were tracing the dirt, making formations for them to follow.
Her fingers twitched, longing to run her fingers through his thick hair.
“Taylor are you listening?”
“Huh? Oh! Yes! We'll divide up individually and meet back at the checkpoint!” Taylor recited seamlessly.
Bianca was giving her a look, green eyes not blinking.
Kakashi nodded, then paused before smiling and handing each of them a kunai, “Take this”
Taylor weighed it in her hand, it was heavier then normal kunai, therefore it would cut easier and deal more blows.
Kakashi went on, “It's a one time use kunai; use it only if you're in a bind.”
All three ninjas nodded in turn then parted in different ways.
Though far away from him, Taylor kept thinking about silver hair and grey eyes. She kept thing about the owner with the slender fingers and the muscular build. She kept thinking about their squad leader. Kakashi.
She blushed, and looked ahead. There was NO way she was falling for him.
Was there?
Taylor had her back pressed against the rough wall, she had no idea how she had gotten into this predicament, but it was a bit too late now. She slid against the stone, hugging the shadows.
She had about ten rock ninja's looking for her.
She sighed; THIS was why she didn't like stealth missions! They always kicked her in the butt!
Quickly creating a Bushin, she directed it to the ninja's. It was a pretty good actor, Taylor noted, grinning to herself. Takes after me!
She headed off in the opposite direction, sliding across the shadows.
Finally, after evading many traps, having to kill a few genin here and there, dismember their bodies and get rid of the evidence she finally made it to the check point.
Kakashi was already there by the time she got there.
“Yo, took you long enough” He greeted, raising a hand, flashing Taylor a grin.
Her jaw dropped, “How long have you been here!?”
“Oh about thirty minutes…”
“And it's the only time you're early for anything isn't it...?” Neji asked, coming out from behind a corner.
“…I plead the fifth…”
“Bi-chan's rubbing off on ya.”
Neji looked around, “Speaking of the little devil, where is the runt?”
A large cracking sound coming from their left interrupted their thoughts. Bianca emerged from the pile of rubble that was the wall. “Erm… hey guys! What's up!?”
Neji slapped his hand on his forehead, “Obviously you don't know the STEALTH part of the mission.”
“I got lost!!!!”
Kakashi shook his head and walked down a different hallway, hoping to leave his followers behind. He wasn't so lucky, since they were following him with a steady pace.
The group was standing besides a flat building; it was where Rock held their important documents. The entire place was built thicker then a fort and guards stood at every possible entrance.
“Great? How're we going to get in?” Bianca asked, lightly rapping on the walls with her knuckles.
Taylor was thinking the same thing. The walls were about 8ft thick, reinforced with steel lining which itself was about 2 inches thick. One of her hands sliding over the rough exterior, while walking along the perimeter.
She walked, trying to find a weak spot until her foot caught something and she tripped, landing face first in the dirt.
She felt a hand wrap around her upper-arm, pulling her up. Expecting to see Bianca there, she was surprised to be met with a masked face.
Kakashi's visible eye was curled upwards in a crinkly smile, “My, My, look who's Miss. Clumsy…”
He pulled her up, pushing her against him so she wouldn't topple over again. From this angle, Taylor could see the strong curve of Kakashi's jaw trailing down to his black-clothed neck, down to his broad shoulders where his jounin vest rested loosely and over the grooves of his abs (Where Taylor's hand was resting in an oh-so-coincidental manner)
She wondered why she was using such intimate sounding adjectives to describe her squad leader…
The older man removed his gloved hands from Taylor's waist, fingertips getting a weird tingly feeling. He was feeling a bit weird, his face was flushed under the mask, and his stomach was doing flip-flops. He must have caught a bug from sleeping on the ground last night.
He nodded to himself then turned and walked swiftly towards a tree stump, sitting down with a loud thump.
He directed a look at the hole Taylor almost fell in, judging how small it was before a smile no one could see spread over his face.
He opened his clothed mouth and stated a command so plain, yet so direct it startled everyone. “Bianca, go down the hole.”
“…er… Excuse me?”
“Go down the hole.”
She shook her head, black hair flopping angrily, “Are you kidding me?! Hell no!” She glared.
“C'mon Bi-chan! Why not?!” Taylor asked, getting into the conversation. Bianca directed her glare towards the much taller girl. “Because it's humiliating THAT'S why!”
Neji sighed and turned to Kakashi, giving him a look that clearly said `please do something'
Kakashi sighed and stood up, walking over towards the two bickering girls. He promptly picked Bianca up by the scruff of her neck and stuffed her down the hole.
Once done, he brushed his hands off on his pant legs.
“There. That's done.”
CHAPTER DONE!!!! *cheers* YYYYYYYYYES!!!!!!! Alright, it may not have turned out EXACTLY how I wanted it to! But it STILL is pleasing! Alrighty! Well, SEE YOU GUYS LATER! PEACE!