Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To See Again ❯ Who? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: He is announced the Ruler of Hell and all goes well with his initiation and ceremony. Who is Heaven's new ruler and who are those people she has with her? They're all familiar to Sasuke and his council. Who could they be? What happens when they meet each other face to face?
Sasuke/Sakura Inner Self
Chapter 6:Who?
Sasuke was walking threw the crowd, receiving pats on the back from most of the male demons, the females were just looking at him, blushing. He rolled his eyes at them. He was used to this, since he had a fan club in Kohona.
He stopped at the drink stand, getting some water, which they only had because of the angel's presents, or else they would have only had alcoholic drinks and blood. Yes, the demons drank blood, not that, that was a surprise. They only ate meat too, but since the angels were here they had fruits and vegetables also.
He sighed, leaning on the nearby wall and was about to close his eyes when a flash of pink entered his view. His eyes quickly looked at the person with the pink. Her back was turned to him and the pink was her hair. `No, it couldn't be? Could it?' Sasuke thought to himself.
`It could be after all, there are both Demons And Angels here.' His inner self reminded him and before he knew it, he was walking towards her. He tapped lightly on her shoulder to get her attention.
With Naruto
He was by a different drink table on the other side of the room, drinking some sake, a wine glass in his right hand. He was slowly taking sips of it, or at least that's what he thought. He had finished it in a matter of seconds.
It had been his fifth glass and he was still going. He was perfectly fine to the drink attendant's surprise. He was becoming bored, there was nobody here he new other than his friends and they had wondered off like him.
He was about to go and find them until a blue haired girl caught his attention; well he thought it was a girl by the length of her hair. He walked towards her, wine glass still in hand. When the girl sensed a presents behind her, she turned to look at him.
With Neji
He had just walked out of the building, to go into the backyard. He hated social events and didn't like the noise everyone was making. He was sitting on a bone bench, looking up at the red moon.
He was thinking about things in his life and things that weren't. “TenTen.” He thought about and didn't realize he had said it out loud that is until he heard a soft voice, “Neji?” He whirled around, immediately.
With Shikamaru
He was too lazy to walk around so he just sat down in a chair, somewhere by the entrance of the room. He too was bored and since he didn't feel like getting up, he continued to be bored. That is until he heard a familiar voice yell something. “What did you just say?” A female voice yelled, loud but not too loud that the whole crowd would stop and look at her.
Shikamaru got up and walked over to where the yell had come from to see two male demons, on the floor unconscious. “How troublesome.” Shikamaru said as he saw this. A blonde haired girl, who had her back to him, heard it. “WHAT DID YOU SAY?” She yelled as she turned around, quickly.
With Sasuke
The girl whirled around and his eyes widened as he saw her. Jade green eyes, stared into blood red ones. Upon seeing this, the girl's eyes also widened. “S-Sakura?” Sasuke said, shocked as he looked into her eyes. The girl's eyes turned to a silver color, right before Sasuke's eyes as they narrowed at him.
“Who?” She asked, as if she had no idea what he was talking about. “Sakura Haruno, that is your name isn't it?” Sasuke asked her, he was positive it was her at first but upon hearing what she said and seeing her eyes change color he wasn't so sure.
She shook her head, and said, “No, I'm not. I do know who your talking about though. I met her before it Heaven, sweet girl. Many people confuse us with each other.” The girl told him, and for a moment he could have swore her eyes flashed to jade with pure anger in them.
He shook his head, thinking he was just seeing things and asked, “You know her?” The girl nodded her head. “Yes, she and I are very close to each other, she lives in my house with me.” She told him and he nodded as he listened.
“Oh, how…ah is she?” Sasuke asked, curiously. He wanted to know what she was doing in Heaven. He wondered if she missed him like he missed her or if she just forgot all about him. “She's doing good, she usually hangs out with her friends most of the time though since I have to work.” The girl said to him.
“That's good.” “Yeah…Ummm…I know I should have probably asked this first but who are you?” The girl asked him, and he sweat dropped, how weird. “Uchiha, Sasuke.” He told her with a nod of his head.
“Oh, yeah you're the new ruler of Hell. Got it.” The girl said to him, finally recognizing him. “Yeah.” He muttered to her. “So…how do you know her?” The girl asked him and he looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “She doesn't talk about me?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No she never mentioned you to me.” “Umm… we lived in the same village before we died and we were on the same ninja teams…Will you excuse me? I...must go…do something.” Sasuke said to her and she nodded. He quickly left her and went to his room, not wanting to be at the party anymore.
With Naruto
Naruto dropped his glass as he looked at the woman before him. His eyes were wide and his mouth was wide open in shock. The woman's white eyes were wide as well but they quickly went back to normal. “Umm…can I help you?” She asked him, politely and he just stared. “Umm…sir?” She asked, waving a hand in front of him. He saw in and snapped out of it, grapping hold of her hand. She was a bit startled at his sudden movement.
“Hinata, I'm so happy to see you again.” He said and pulled her into an embrace, not caring he was stepping on broken glass and not caring it was digging into his shoe and slicing his foot.
The woman looked even more startled but soon blushed when she realized he was hugging her. She pushed him off her and he almost slipped on the spilt wine but regained his balance.
He was startled when she did that, for his Hinata never did that before. “Hey, what was that for?” He asked her, confused by the action. “I don't even know you and you hugged me, of course I'm going to push you off.” She told him, quietly.
“Of course you know me, I'm your boyfriend.” Naruto exclaimed and the woman looked at him like he had grown another head. “I don't even know you.” The woman yelled at him. “How couldn't you? You're my Hinata.” Naruto said with a small pout on his face.
“Who? Who's Hinata and who the hell are you?” “Me? I'm the future Hokage…wait, I can't be I'm dead. Damn….well I'm Naruto Uzumaki and my dream was to be Hokage before I was killed on a mission and ended up here, just to be part of stupid Sasuke-teme's council.” Naruto told her and she gasped at him.
“What?” He asked, looking around to see what she gasped at. “Yo-you called your own King stupid and a well…you know.” She said to him, shocked.
“So? I always call Sasuke-teme a teme. It's a habit and he knows it. I tell him all the time but you should already know this.” Naruto told her and she shook her head. “I don't know what your talking about and my name is not Hinata.” The woman told him and his face saddened when he heard this.
“Oh, my apologize, you just looked so much like her. Excuse me.” He said and quickly walked away before the woman could say anything else. He left the party and into his room on the seventh floor, thinking about how he was stupid to think that, that woman was Hinata.
With Neji
Neji had turned around to see a brown haired woman with light gray eyes. “TenTen?” He asked, confused at how much she looked like TenTen. “Who's that?” The woman asked and he shook his head.
“Nobody important. Who are you and how did you know my name?” Neji asked her, getting up off the bench. He walked over to the other side of it and leaned on it, whole looking at the woman. The woman glared at him for some strange reason and he was startled at first but soon he glared back at him.
“Your name was announced at the ceremony remember, stupid?” The woman asked him and he intensified his glare. “Who I am is none of your business.” She continued. “If you know me than I have a right to know you.” Neji snapped at her, and her eyes narrowed even more at him. “Fuck you.” She spat at him and turned to walk away, breaking eye contact.
She didn't get far before Neji's hand reached out and grabbed her upper arm as he spun her around to face him. His other hand gripped her other upper arm. “What the hell? Let go of me.” The woman yelled.
“I thought angels couldn't hear curse words yet now they can say them?” Neji asked her and she glared at him, trying to break free. “I could care less what words are said, sticks and stones.” She replied to him and he smirked.
“TenTen.” He said to her and she looked at him with confusion in her eyes. “Who?” “Your name is TenTen, don't tell me it isn't. I know it is.”
“Sorry, man but I have absolutely no idea what your talking about.” The woman told him and he immediately let go. She took one look at him before walking away, leaving him standing there.
With Shikamaru
“Ino?” He asked as he looked at her with confusion in his eyes. “Who? My name is not Ino. And who are you calling troublesome, you bastard? I'll show you troublesome.” The girl said as she walked over to him. He was confused and shocked and never noticed the fist heading straight for his face.
It hit him square in the face and he was kinda knocked unconscious. “Oops?” The girl said and quickly left the scene before anyone could well…do something, I guess.
The party ended at about midnight, when everyone had left. Sasuke and Naruto had stayed in their rooms the whole time, Neji had stood in the same spot for an hour before sitting back on the bench and Shikamaru well he had been taken to his room by some servants, he was still unconscious.
(A/N: End of chapter 6. Wow all the guys are pretty much sulking around now, except Shikamaru who got knocked out. Well anyway the next chapter will fast-forward two months. Please review. Thank you to all who have already, I really appreciate it. For those who didn't please do so. I usually update when I get five new reviews, which is usually quick, so in order to make it quicker, review. Thank you.)