Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Uchiha Mononoke ❯ New clssmates ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hehehehehehe…ANOTHER CHAPPIE WOOOOOTTT. Oh and this STORY GOES MY WAY!!!! I DON'T CARE IF NONE OF THE STATEMENTED CHUNNINS ARE TRUE!!! THIS GOES MY WAY!!!! Deal. Oh and Sasuke hasn't gone for his brother yet, nope nada, zip. READ AHHEAD MY YOUNG READERS *stupid Gai pose
New classmates
The class of chunnins in Kohana was chattering excitedly about how they all made it into their new levels. Many, including Naruto showed of his new green jacket and laughed loudly, that is, until a pink kunochi knocked him flat down and declared Sasuke the `best'. All the hysteria cleared as all of the group's senseis and Iruka walked in. Settling in they're seats, all the fellow students brimmed with happiness that they had achieved chunnin levels.
“First off, I know what a lot of you have been achieving towards, and that you have reached that goal. SO CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!” Iruka manage to yell before the screams and cheers of the fellow chunnins burst forth. Kakashi smiled at his team, very proud of all his students. Mato Gai struck a `good guys pose' and laughed while Lee screamed with tears in his eyes. (Bit dramatic but hey, you know how those green Speedo dudes are).
“Alright guys, calm down, I have some other great news for you.” At this all the students calmed and looked eagerly at Iruka, “We have an exchanged group 5 students from the Inuyoaki clan. Remember all those history lessons I gave you? The ones about Taiyotus domination and the era of ruling?” Iruka gave a stern look at the confused blond and added.
“Well, at least some should remember, the ones AWAKE to learn…”
Naruto gave a sheepish smile and chuckled…”oops”
“Anyway, not the point,” Iruka gave a stress mark, “but this team has completed the chunnin levels at the same time you have, they are exchanged here therefore must prove their jutsu to us, to except their reputation of chunnin. Although it won't be as brutal as your chunnin exams. Their exchanged here to symbolize our alliance with the Inuyokai clan, which is quite significant to. If you listened to my history lessons, they have some of the finest ninja's around. Some have infiltrated Orochimaru's lair and succeeded.” Iruka paused and let everyone soak up the information. Whispers followed but everyone looked at Iruka for more info.
“It's a great honor for them to have seen potential and ally with us; it just means we have gained more power in alliance over Orochimaru. Now, I want to give you some background info on our exchanged students. They contain the wolf yoaki, exceptional of Kira though. We'll start with her. Kira Sumochi is 14, specializes in the art of wind and ties. Whips are her main weapon; she has a tendency to hate sharp objects like kunai's. She tends to be innocent, but when it comes to fighting, she is tough and cunning. Next is Alex Rigorince. He's 14 too, specializes in earth and power. He reminds me of Naruto personally, you'll see why in a second. He's headstrong, prankster, but very straight forward in battle. He is the youngest in his clan to master sword use out of elemental force. Our last student in Mika Mononoke.”
Murmurs flew around the classroom and gasps came here and there. Although Naruto was VERY confused.
“HEY WHAT SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER HUH????” Naruto managed to burst out.
Iruka just added another stressed mark, but luckily Kakashi took over.
“Because Naruto, she is one of the last remaining Mononoke of her clan. Unlike Uchiha, she doesn't have siblings; she is the ONE and ONLY left Mononoke Wolf. They're clan intertwined with the Uchiha at some point, but were killed off because they wanted revenge on the snakes who killed the Uchiha clan. The succeeded but were ambushed two days later. Everyone was slaughtered except a little girl, and that is Mika. She specializes in fire and shadows, as well as sharp senbons and sword rose. When Iruka said that many successful ninjas infiltrated Orochimaru's liar, he means Mika is one of them. She endured with Orochimaru for training for two whole years, it's no wonder she's so strong. But that's not relevant, she was put into the mission because many jounins thought that she had talent and Orochimaru would never expect a child. She of course definitely succeeded into getting into his plans and saved many villages from destruction. When things got to suspicious, the Inukage couldn't take it anymore. He pulled her out and yelled at the people whom tried to refuse and said that she was a `miracle'. The Inukage was furious that they would use a child for this mission for that long without updating him. As a result, they took her back but she had changed, Naruto. Changed very much. That young innocent happy child has been buried, and in came a drastic stern mannered chunnin.”
When he had ended, the room was silent and they looked up at Kakashi with wide eyes.
“I can't start to imagine that girl's poor torture.” He added softly.
Naruto looked down and sighed, he hated situations like this. He desperately wished maybe for 2 hours that this chaotic world would live in peace. Suddenly, a jounin came out of nowhere and told Iruka that the three exchanged student were here.
“Right,” Iruka nodded, dismissing the ninja, “let them in.”
The ninja disappeared and the door to the classroom opened, in came a blond, a blue haired, and a black haired chunnin. The first glance told you Alex was a blond hottie, blond hair tied up a bit (THINK ED FROM FULL METAL ALCHEMIST!!!!!) and chocolate eyes. He wore an unbuttoned white shirt and baggy tan shorts. He was tall but built. The next was a smiling girl with blue curly hair in a ponytail she had pretty golden eyes to match, and she stood up till Alex's chin. Kira was definitely the description for her; she wore a blue tank with lacy straps and a longer white one underneath. She had on some tan caprice and her blue ninja sandals. Last, the quite and menacing looking you. Mika Mononoke. You're black hair and crimson streaks were spun up and held by two senbons, leaving your two long neck-length bangs out. Your eyes blazed crimson…. You haven't changed from the corset or black cargos, but unlike the other two, you left your tail and ears out.
For a second, there was no sound but thoughts, for sure every girl was drooling over Alex, but every guy was drooling over you and Kira.
He's almost as hot as Sasuke!!!! Sakura internally squealed
Alex….is mine… Ino thought menacingly as she and Sakura had another glare contest.
“Well, would you guys introduce yourselves please?” Iruka happily asked.
Alex went first, “I'm good hearted in all but all you guys drooling over MY Kira, I would be careful…” he gave a smiling innocent look and rubbed his hand in the back of his head, looking all childish.
Kira interrupted and shook her head, “He's just kidding, and Alex's more like an older brother to both of us.” Kira nodded her head in your direction. “But yep, I'm nice and all the way through but watch out, I'm not that weak in battle” she gave a wink.
You went afterwards; your voice stilled the crowd as smooth silk feminine rang clear. “If you're looking to test my power or looking for a fight, get in line.” You said nonchalantly.
Alex snickered, Kira giggle, and you gave a small smirk. Although you did scan over your classmates, landing on Lee, Hyuuga, and Sasuke.
“Although there are few of you I would be willing to fight.” You added, “And some more then others.” You're last glance rested on the blond, Naruto. Cerulean clashed Crimson and you gave a sincere smile.
The room quieted as they watched Naruto return one of his popular fox grins and gave thumbs up to you.
“Long times no see Mika” he said grinning.
You smirked, “last time I remember was this morning, when I left you in the streets `cause you wouldn't shut it about ramen.”
That gave Naruto a brilliant idea, “Hey! Wanna come with me to Ichuraki? THE BEST RAMEN STAND EVER?????” Naruto didn't mind you being a strong ninja with a horrid past, and that's what you liked about him. It was a mutual friendship blooming right there and them.
You gave him an `I don't know look' but then decided against it and nodded your head. “Sure why not, I haven't had ramen since 5 years ago anyways.”
“WHAT!!!! 5 YEARS???? man you need to come taste it again, it's defiantly heaven.” Naruto nodded his head professionally. You smiled at his innocence. Everyone in the room was surprised at your conversation. Especially Kira and Alex; that was your third time smiling that day, AND talking for at least 2 minutes conversation. Pretty interesting to them of course.
“Alright, now that all introductions are over, I want to tell you three that there is an apartment ready for you guys, it originally is attached to Hyuuga property, but you'll be using it for now. The test for you're levels will be tomorrow. All you have to do is fight the fallowing, use flashy jutsu to prove yourself, and that's all.” Iruka informed you of your opponents.
Kira was paired with Lee, Alex was to fight Sakura, and you were to fight Tenten. You scanned the crowd for the girl they called Tenten; she was sitting with a guy presumably Lee and the Hyuuga. You read everyone's description and knew that she had perfect aim and specialized in weapons. You smiled, no one was better with weapons then you.
This is going to be interesting you thought. You managed to catch Tenten's eye and stared, no not glared, but stared deeply into hers. You saw her shiver in fear, and you smirked in triumph. You were really going to enjoy yourself.
After class, you walked with Naruto down the streets to Ichuraki. He was chattering happily with you, but you couldn't help notice all those angry glares he received from the Villagers. Of course, you glared 10 x forces back at them. Scarring the hell out of them.
“You've noticed huh?” Naruto sighed sadly as he caught you glaring back at one particular villager.
“Yeah, so what?” you answered as if it was a minor nothing.
Naruto sighed, “I guess you should know that I'm the nine tailed fox then…Kyuubi.” He said softly, with all remorse in his voice. You two had stopped walking by now and you turned to stare at him sternly.
“Then you should know that I don't give a SHIT and that you're practically worshipped in my clan.” You stated without stuttering.
Naruto's eyes widened and repeated your words. “You're not scared of me? You're not serious about the worshipping right?”
You laughed and Naruto smiled relaxed. “I'm serious” you said after a few seconds.
Naruto practically fell forward, face first into the dirt and gapped at you. And shook his head after a second and caught up to you. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he smiled contently and you did too. Again sharing that weird mutual demonic content with each other. When you two neared the Ichuraki stand, Naruto pulled you along and ran towards the ramen `heaven'. You entered the stand and strong tasty smells filled your nose.
“Smells good...” you commented.
“YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!” Naruto yelled, he led you to the stools and explained the `art' of ramen. You just looked blankly at him and said one line before ordering your ramen.
“Screw that `art' im hungry.”
Naruto and you shared a laugh and began slurping you're ramen. In the end, it looked like you could rival Naruto's amount of ramen, because in the end, you guys had finished 10 bowls each.
“Man I'm full…” you sighed contently while Naruto just belched loudly with a soft `excuse me' afterwards. That got you and Naruto laughing again. Hysteria was cut short when the bill came. You looked at it nonchalantly but Naruto gulped. You smiled and said the two magical words.
“I'll pay”
Naruto actually got on the floor and bowed to you as if you were a goddess of some sort. You giggled at this and reached into one of the pockets for your purse. Instead you came out with a couple of bits of rubies.
“Is this enough?” you asked
“ENOUGH!!! THIS IS GREAT!!!!! RUBIES OF ALL THINGS!!! YOU GUYS ARE WELCOMED HERE ANYTIME!!!!” screamed the old man that owned the shop. You just raised your eyebrows and shook your head before leaving with Naruto.
“Looks like there won't be a next time to pay.” Naruto chuckled at the thought and you smirked.
“So smart Naruto, so smart…” you mocked before ducking Naruto's light punch.
You just laughed and said bye before entering your house. Naruto waved and you watched until he left your sight distance….
DANG DANG DANG>>> NEXTTIME!!! MAKE A FOOL OUT OF TENTEN AND A LOT MORE INTERSTING JUNK REVIEW or really, im not going to be happy. This is the 4thchappie and no one has reviewed. Thisis very sad *pouts.PLZZZZZZ REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!