Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Umbrella ❯ Cinnamon ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(3rd person POV until I say so!^^)
"Ryuuka! Oi, wake up!" Whined a voice.
"Whadda ya want?" Ryuuka asked through half closed eyes.
"Get up! It's midnight and we're gonna play a game!" Sakura said, dragging Ryuuka into a sitting position.
"What game?" Ryuuka asked, snapping awake.
"7 Minutes in heaven, of course!" Cried one person.
"No, Truth or Dare!" Someone else whined.
"7 Minutes in Heaven, then Truth or Dare." Sakura said firmly.
"Are you kidding me!?" Ryuuka exclaimed.
"They've got to be." Temari, who was never one for games, agreed.
"That is the most cliché, pitiful-" Ryuuka was cut off when Sakura handed her a bottle and dragged her to the circle that everybody, and I mean everybody, was sitting in.
Ryuuka rolled her eyes. "Fine."
She set the bottle down and spun it lazily. When it stopped, she looked up at who it was.
Her breath caught in her throat. Staring at her was...
Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha.
"Um." Was all Ryuuka managed to say before Sakura, almost angrily (After all, it was her Sasuke), pushed her in the closet, Sasuke walked in, looking bored, shortly after.
"Uh, hi." Ryuuka said shyly, leaning against the wall for support.
"Well, I'm-" Ryuuka started.
"You're back." Sasuke said, finally acknowledging her existence.
"Yeah. So...How've you been?" Ryuuka asked.
"Fine. You?" Said Sasuke.
"I've been okay. I managed to beat that guy. But he got away before I could turn him in." Ryuuka said, looking away from what she could see of the Uchiha in the sparse light.
"Look, Sasuke, I'm sorry that I couldn't meet you before I left, but-" Ryuuka started, turning towards Sasuke quickly. When she saw his face, she felt her organs expand and squeeze her heart. He looked upset. Really upset.
"I don't want to hear it." He said before punching the door down and walking strait out of Ryuuka's room.
"Uh-..." She managed before she half-ran to her bed and collapsed.
"Okay, boys, that's it for the night. Go on, the guest room is down the hall on the left." Ino said, shooing the boys out of the room, leaving all the girls - TenTen, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Temari and Ryuuka - all alone.
The moment the boys were out of the room, Ryuuka sniffed and whipped one tear from her cheek.
"Sorry, girls. I guess I said something dumb." Ryuuka said.
"Ooooh, Ryuuka-Chan!" Sakura crooned. "Don't cry! Sasuke is always like that now! Me and Ino have cried loads of times thanks to that...that..."
"Damn, stupid, chicken-butt-headed, bastard." Ryuuka said, clutching a pillow.
"Um...I'll go make some hot chocolate..." Hinata muttered, slipping off the bed.
"No, I'll do it. Maybe some cooking will calm me down." Ryuuka said, rushing past Hinata and quickly opening the door. Everyone heard her hurried footsteps as she went down the stairs.
"Is she going to be okay?" TenTen asked, pity written all over her face.
"Kami, I hope so." Sakura replied.
"If she isn't, may I kill Sasuke?" Temari asked innocently.
~Boys room~
"What was that about, Sasuke?" Naruto demanded the moment the door slammed shut.
"Yeah, what's your problem? Ryuuka has been here for a few hours, and you're already getting her upset!" Kiba snarled. Ryuuka liked dogs a lot, so she was just about perfect in his book.
"He said something dumb." Neji said flatly from his sleeping bag.
"I'll bet." Choji agreed through mouthfuls of chips.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sasuke said, glaring at everyone over his crossed arms.
"I can't believe you're such an idiot." Naruto said before her left the room, heading downstairs.
"I completely agree." Gaara agreed, not moving an inch.
"Um, aren't you going to go with him?" Shikamaru asked.
*Collective sweat drops*
~In the kitchen~
"Ugh...dumb Sasuke..." Amaya said, stirring some brown batter with unnecessary force, getting little spots on her cooking apron. She took a bag of chocolate chips and dumped a little more than half into the bowl. She stirred a bit more and took a taste from the spoon. Ah, chocolate, the only plausible reason for girls to stick around on earth. She thought, almost smiling slightly.
She set the spoon she'd been using on a rag and dumped the mixture into a pan before stuffing it into the pre-heated oven.
She huffed over to the half-wall between her kitchen and living room, grabbing a book from the shelves that resided on the wall.
She glanced at the title. "A Girl in the Akatsuki?" She asked herself, glancing at the cover. A pretty girl was wearing an Akatsuki cloak. Weird, but it was not Konan.
She flipped to a page a few chapters in:
"She felt something prickle behind her eyes and was momentarily surprised that she had started to cry. That double crossing, snake apprenticed, adorable, kind, BASTARD! I can't believe I actually fell for the "I'm angsty and hot" tactic!
She stumbled over to her bed. Well, until she realized that she couldn't possibly climb that ladder in her state of weakness. One option left. Tobi. She shakily walked over to his bed.
"Tobi, hey, Tobi!" She said, shaking his shoulder. He snorted a little and sat up.
"Huh? Amaya...What's wrong?" He asked. His orange mask wasn't on when he slept, so his one eye and raven hair were shiny in the sparse light. That shiny eye was trained on Amaya's. He and Amaya had become fast friends, almost like he had adopted her as the daughter he had wanted, as she did for the father she lost. "Hey, where's Sasuke?" "
Ryuuka's eyes widened slightly. Sasuke? What the-?
"At that point, Amaya was nearly sobbing. Tobi, smart as he was, figured that if Sasuke was gone and Amaya was upset, that meant he had made her that way."
"Typical." Ryuuka muttered.
"He made a point to injure the boy later,-"- "I'm beginning to like this book."-"-but right then he was a bit preoccupied. He gently pulled the crying girl up on the bed, letting her cry into his shoulder until she was able to speak.
As soon as she had calmed down a little, she took a breath and said, "Damn, double-crossing, evil, stupid, chicken-butt-headed, bastard!""
-Now that's weird.-
"Tobi would have laughed, had he not figured out what had happened. Still, though, he let Amaya tell him herself. After all, he had a reputation to uphold.
"Amaya, I suggest you leave the cursing until after you tell me what happened." He said calmly, letting her out of his fatherly embrace enough so that he could wipe the tears off her face and look at her when she finished. At least she was nearly done crying.
"To Hell with consequences. Tobi, he told me why he was here! Why he joined the Akatsuki. He's Orochimaru's apprentice!" She said in a hurried whisper. He was right then. Sasuke had in fact been what Leader meant when he said "property". Three Uchiha's were better than two.
"And he played the 'angsty' card and you fell for it. You're completely in love with him." Tobi finished for her. Amaya looked up at him, abandoning her prior position of glaring at the bed sheets.
"It's that obvious?" She asked. He nodded, but before he could comfort her further she started to whimper, crying again. "Then I really am a horrible ninja. He was right. Maybe I should just ask Deidara to explode my forehead protector..." She said, letting her voice fade a little at the end.
"You know what?" Tobi asked, placing one hand under her chin to life her eyes to meet his. "I don't want you to speak to him anymore, alright? If he made you think you two were smitten then crushed you, he's no companion. Now, how about you get some sleep?" He asked. Amaya frowned.
"Actually, that's why I woke you up. I...kinda....used my Kekkei Genkai on him and used too much chakra. Now I can't get up to my bed." She admitted. Tobi somehow chuckled and sighed at the same time.
"Alright." He said simply. He got up from his bed, carrying Amaya to hers bridal style and gently placing her under the covers. He ruffled up her hair a little, and she smiled. Tobi went back to lay down and was almost asleep again when he heard her speak.
"Hey, Tobi?"
"Yeah, kid?"
"Thanks for being such a good friend. I don't know what I'd do without you.""
Ryuuka snapped the book shut. Useless. If this Amaya person doesn't like Sasuke, why did she fall in love with him? And more importantly, what the freaking heck on a cracker is Sasuke doing in a book?
The timer went off on the stove and Ryuuka took it out and put it on a mesh tray to cool.
She started with the hot chocolate, getting out the cups. "Lets see, one for all the girls, that's five, and one for me, six, and Naruto, Kiba, Gaara, Choji, Shikamaru, and...Dare I say it, Uchiha.
"That's weird; I thought for sure you wouldn't give him any. Or are you going to poison it?" Someone snickered from behind her.
"As much as I'd like to, Naruto, I have morals." Ryuuka explained, not even jumping.
"Ah, well, that stinks." Naruto said, coming up behind her and lightly hopping up to sit on the part of the counter Ryuuka wasn't using. "But I don't have morals."
Ryuuka smiled wryly, and upon looking up she saw that Naruto was smiling the exact same way.
Knock, knock.
"Boys?" Ryuuka said, peeking into the room. "I made some hot chocolate. Cinnamon's in it too."
All the boys smiled, they could see a challenge in each other's eyes. They all dived for the biggest cup. Ryuuka shouted "stop!" and they all froze.
"Before you all try to get the hugest cup, let me give Sasuke the one that won't cause him to blow up like a balloon." Ryuuka said. She proceeded to give Sasuke a medium sized mug. "No cinnamon." She said.
She tossed the tray, drinks and all, in the air and left. The boys, ninja's obviously, caught them, not spilling a drop.
Behind the door, Ryuuka grinned, looking every bit as much like a fox as Naruto did.