Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Forbidden Love? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!
Unexpected Love
Chapter 5
Forbidden Love?
Sakura was only able to move when Kakashi pulled her hand gently as he started back into the village. She could still feel the gentle touch he used when he said that she was his cherry blossom.
'What does he mean that I'm his!' Inner Sakura said in rage.
'What's wrong with that?' Sakura asked herself with a scowl on her face, wondering what her inner self could be up to.
'He's being possessive!'
'So, I like that about him...I don't see what the problem is.'
'What about Sasuke, have you forgotten about him?' her inner self taunted as a mental image of Sasuke came to mind.
'No. I don't know what I feel for him anymore. I know I still love him but only as a friend...I guess.'
'Well don't blame me for the mess your getting yourself into.'
'Your me so I would be getting myself into a's confusing having a inner self,' she sighed. Sakura's mind came back to the present when she heard Kakashi's deep voice asking her a question.
"Sorry, what did you say?" Sakura asked looking up to Kakashi's eye that looked down at her with amusement making her blush in embarrassment.
"How about I treat you to lunch, but seeing as how you can't concentrate on what I'm saying then you have somewhere to be."
"What? No...I'd love for you to treat me to lunch," she said quickly that deepened the blush on her face. It seemed lately that she was blushing a lot for no apparent reason when he had asked her these questions before. Maybe it was hormones or something like that? Then again she had never been this flustered around Sasuke before so why was she around Kakashi?
"Where would you like to go?" Kakashi interrupted her thinking process with a smile beneath his dark mask.
"Where ever you want to, I guess."
"Ichiraku's it is then."
They continued on in companionable silence while holding each other's hands in a gentle grip. Sakura was disappointed when Kakashi released her hand when they came to the gates of the village. But she had to let her disappointment down because if anyone saw them holding hands then there would be gossip spreading like wildfire through out the village. In Konoha it was a taboo if a teacher and student were to have any kind of relationship and if the need arose then those two could be banished from the village by the Hokage. Sakura had heard of a few cases where that type of incident had happened between a few teacher and a few Genin's. But she just couldn't see how anyone could think about age difference if two people loved each other, even if they were fourteen years apart.
'Wait...when did I start thinking about love between Kakashi and I?' Sakura asked herself as Kakashi came to a stop in front of Ichiraku's ramen stand.
"Shall we?" Kakashi asked gallantly as he held aside the wooden drape that was the door. Smiling at Kakashi's gallantry she walked in with him and made her way to a booth in a far corner away from most of the people already there. They sat across from each other with him nearest the wall in silence until a waitress came up to take their order.
"May I take your order?" the blond waitress asked Kakashi seductively as she leaned her hip up against the table with her back turned on Sakura as if she didn't see her.
"Two bowls of pork ramen and two glasses of water," Kakashi ordered, knowing what Sakura's favorite type of ramen was as he ignored the way the blond waitress was looking at him.
"Is that all?" she asked leaning down, showing a large portion of her cleavage to Kakashi as she scribbled the order on a small notepad.
Sakura was fuming at how close this waitress was to Kakashi that she wanted to throw a kunai knife at her. Her face had turned red in anger when the waitress had leaned down on the table, showing off her cleavage that was completely disgusting in her book. The anger finally getting the best of her she spoke without thinking.
"Yes that's all so we don't need you here anymore," Sakura snapped as the waitress laid seductive eyes on Kakashi.
The waitress hearing the angry voice of a woman behind her finally realized that Kakashi wasn't alone since she had been trying to practically seduce him in a restaurant. The waitress's mouth formed a grimace of anger when she turned around to see the pink haired woman that was glaring heatedly at her.
"Fine," she said as she sharply turned around to get their order with a backward glare at Sakura who was glaring heatedly at her back. Sakura continued glaring at the woman until she heard a deep chuckle from the other side of the table. She turned her head to see Kakashi watching her with an amused eye as he chuckled at her antics.
"What's so funny?" she snapped, then regretted it when he chuckled louder.
"Are you jealous Sakura?" he asked leaning forward with his elbows resting on the flat surface of
the table as he kept her gaze.
"No, why would I be?" she said a little too quickly.
"You looked like you wanted to throw a kunai at that woman."
"And you didn't? She was trying to seduce you!"
He just shrugged in answer as the same waitress came back bearing their order on a tray that she laid on the table with a heated glance at Sakura and a seductive glance at Kakashi before she left again.
Sakura fumed in anger again that this woman would try to seduce her Kakashi while she was right there!
"Whore," she whispered fiercely to the woman's retreating back, but loud enough for her to hear.
"Now now Sakura don't get jealous," Kakashi taunted, taking her food and placing it in front of her while he placed his own in front of himself.
"I'm not jealous." Sakura snatched up her chop sticks and set to devouring her bowl angrily as she slurped up the noodles in pork sauce. After a while as her temper cooled down she stopped eating to look over to see what Kakashi was doing since she hadn't seen him touch his food. He was leaning back in his chair watching as she ate, but when she brought her head up he was staring intently into her eyes, unblinkingly.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Sakura said, pointing to the untouched ramen across from her.
"Not hungry," was his curt reply as he continued watching her.
"Suit yourself," she shrugged then returned to her bowl of ramen that was half empty. Another minute later and she still hadn't felt his gaze lift from her. She glanced a look back up at him to find him still watching her intently.
"Do you mind not watching me eat, it's rude you know?" she emphasized by raising her eyebrows.
His only response was to shrug and divert his attention elsewhere around the small restaurant. After a few seconds she heard the rustling of the unmistakable turning of a page in a book from across the table. She looked up once again to find Kakashi reading one of his many Icha Icha Paradise books. Sakura felt her anger rise that he would start reading that thing while she was eating.
"What do you find so interesting in those books?" she asked with slight anger to her voice and...jealousy?
"You'll have to read to find out," he smirked as he dog eared the page he was on and brought the book in front of Sakura's face, offering it to her.
"I'm too young to read that kind of stuff!" she said pushing the book back towards his chest with an embarrassed flush to her cheeks.
"Your nineteen which makes you a year over the restriction to read this book," he said, holding the book back out to her as he enjoyed seeing how flustered he could get her.
"No way, I'm not a pervert.” She took the book from his hands, but laid it in the middle of the table.
"It's doesn't make you a pervert to read a romance novel."
"'ve got to be kidding me?"
"Nope, or are you just jealous of the book too since I read it instead of paying attention to you?"
Kakashi suddenly wanted to take back those words thinking that he could of over done it a little with teasing her since it looked like she would scream in any second.
"No, no and no!" she whispered loudly. She stood up quickly, which resulted in the chair falling back on the floor before quickly made her way out of the restaurant at a jog, hoping Kakashi didn't follow.
"How dare he think that I'm jealous! Of a book no less!" she ranted as she made her way to the hospital where she was supposed to have been an hour ago. Everyone side stepped the angry pink haired ninja as she stomped angrily through the village to the hospital. Sakura looked over her shoulder a couple of times as she sensed a familiar chakra following her but she just shrugged it off, thinking it was another Jounin she was acquainted with. She finally, after taking many routes came to the Konoha hospital and walked up the few front steps to the door. As she laid her hand on the handle of the door and began turning it a pair of hands grabbed her by the shoulders and gently turned her around. She couldn't even gasp at how fast the person holding her had turned her around to face them. She was surprised that Kakashi was the one who had turned her around by her shoulders.
"What do you want?" she asked with her head turned down, afraid to look him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry," he faintly said, but loud enough to reach her ears. She looked up in surprise to find his own eye downcast to the ground with a sad expression shining in its black depths.
"No, I'm sorry...I should of known you were just teasing." Without really knowing what she was doing she brought her hands up from her sides and placed them on Kakashi's arms that were still holding her shoulders.
"Don't apologize, do you forgive me?" he asked sincerely looking up into Sakura's emerald eyes that were shining with unshed tears.
"Yes, I couldn't stay mad at you," she said as two lone tears escaped her eyes and slowly made their way down her flushed cheeks. She slightly jumped when Kakashi took his hands from her shoulders and placed them on her cheeks, wiping away both tears with his thumbs. The roughened pads of his thumbs touching her soft skin sent tingles of pleasure spiraling through out her body as her grip tightened on his arms. They stayed that way for what seemed like hours with their irregular breathing and each gazing into the other's eyes.
'Why do I feel this way, what's happening to me?' Sakura asked herself as her heartbeat sped up to an unimaginable speed as if it would beat right out of her chest.
'I shouldn't be this close but...I can't leave her,' Kakashi thought as his thumbs ran down her cheeks and back up to her lips where they rested. Before he could comprehend what he was doing he closed the small distance between them until his lips were only a few centimeters apart from Sakura's as her eyes closed. He took a hand off of her cheek to tug his mask down to rest around his neck and started closing the few centimeters to her rosy red lips.
"Sakura your late!" a very angry Tsunade yelled as she opened the hospital door to berate her apprentice.
"Tsunade-sama, I'm so sorry but..." Sakura hurriedly tried explaining as she removed her hands from around Kakashi's arms and took a step back so Tsunade wouldn't suspect anything.
"You're an hour late so what's your excuse?" she said placing her hands on her hips without even noticing Kakashi as her gaze was solely on Sakura.
"It was my fault Tsunade-sama," Kakashi spoke up as he took a step forward for his presence to be seen. When Tsunade had come bursting out of the hospital he had quickly jumped back from Sakura while pulling his mask back up over his face. Since he didn't want Sakura getting in trouble with the Hokage he tried to blame it on himself.
"And why is that Copy Ninja?" Tsunade asked turning her attention to Kakashi as she finally recognized that Sakura wasn't alone.
"Well you see, I was training her and then I took her out to lunch," he explained sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.
"Really?" Tsunade said raising an eyebrow, not truly believing his story.
"It's true Sensei," Sakura said, backing up what Kakashi said.
"Very well, but don't start picking up his habits of being late, now come...I think I might just work you later tonight since you showed up late." Tsunade motioned for Sakura to follow her as she took one last glance at Kakashi and walked back through the door she had just come out of while shaking her head and mumbling to herself.
"I better go," Sakura said softly as she turned the rest of the way around to follow Tsunade, but didn't take a step before Kakashi's hands rested around her waist.
"We'll finish this later," he whispered as he nuzzled her neck with his masked face and then was gone in a puff of smoke.
Sakura stood frozen until she heard Tsunade calling her name angrily, making her unfreeze and follow the Hokage. 'What just happened?' she asked herself as she brought a hand up to touch her neck where Kakashi had been nuzzling. Just thinking about it left her knees weak as a shiver ran through her body and warmth pooled in her abdomen.
'What does he mean that we'll finish this later?' she thought as she caught up with an angry Tsunade. Her thoughts on Kakashi came to a halt when Tsunade started lecturing Sakura on tardiness and what a bad influence Kakashi was on her.
"Hey Sasuke," Naruto yelled as he followed behind Sasuke who was jumping from tree to tree.
"What?" Sasuke asked annoyed that Naruto wanted to ask him something most likely unimportant.
"Have you noticed that Sakura and Kakashi have been acting weird lately?
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked, suddenly interested as he stopped on the next tree branch so Naruto could catch up.
"Well the last time I saw them Kakashi was at Sakura's house and Kakashi answered the door," he said coming to a stop on the tree branch with Sasuke.
"There's nothing weird about that," he said disinterested as he raised an eyebrow in impatience.
"Well, when Kakashi answered the door Sakura was up against a counter breathing really hard with a blush on her face."
"So Sakura never looks that way, she hasn't looked that way since we were Chunin and she used to fawn over you all the time."
"So you're saying that Sakura and Kakashi have something going on between them?"
"Yeah, what else could it be?"
"I don't know, it was probably just your over active imagination." Sasuke pushed off with his feet to land on the next branch as he continued on with the mission. When he heard Naruto's light footfalls behind him he started thinking about what Naruto had told him. He had never seen anything going on between his former teammate and sensei. But since he hadn't seen them around so often then perhaps there was something going on between the two. An alien feeling rose inside his chest that he couldn't place since he hadn't felt that kind of emotion before. He pushed aside those thoughts until he got back to Konoha. He continued on with the mission Naruto and him were assigned.
Sakura tiredly stepped from the hospital with her shoulders hunched and her eyes drooping in exhaustion.
"And I thought she worked me hard from morning till evening," she said to herself as she walked down the few steps and onto the gravel path leading into the village.
"Hard day?" a voice seemingly echoed all around Sakura as she turned to see who it was. She sighed in relief when her gaze fell on Kakashi who was leaning against a nearby building with his one visible eye closed and his arms crossed over his chest.
"Yeah, Tsunade is a harder teacher than you are," she said as she walked up to Kakashi as she crossed her arms over her stomach.
"Me, a hard teacher?" he asked innocently as he opened his eye and pointed a finger to his chest.
"Yep. Team 7 was the only team you passed wasn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess so." He pushed himself up off the wall and started walking the way Sakura was heading. After taking a few steps and not hearing anyone following him he looked over his shoulder to see Sakura leaning where he was just recently with her eyes closed. He smiled underneath his mask and walked back and picked Sakura up bridal style, making her gasp in surprise and grasp his vest in her hands.
"What are you doing?" she asked incredulously as trying to scramble out of his arms with no success since he had her pressed up against his chest.
"Taking you home instead of letting you fall asleep standing up in the middle of the village."
"Oh...thanks," she mumbled as she turned her head into Kakashi's vest so he couldn't see the blush that had arisen to her cheeks.
"No problem." He smiled down at her for he had seen her blush and then chuckled when she tried to hide her face from him. Instead of saying anything he continued walking on with Sakura's light form in his arms as her hands grasped his vest for fear of falling from his arms. Yet he would never let her fall for there was no way he would let this beautiful angel in his arms get hurt if he could help it.
'I shouldn't be this intimate with my former student, it's taboo if a teacher becomes this close to a student but I just can't stay away from her,' Kakashi thought to himself as he came to a stop in front of Sakura's house. He looked down to see Sakura asleep in his arms, but he needed to get the key so he could open the door. Being as quick as possible without waking Sakura he searched her pants pockets until he came up with her door key. He then inserted the key into the lock and opened the door wide enough so he could walk through. Once he was inside he closed the door with his foot and took Sakura into her room where he laid her on her bed.
Being silent and gentle once again he took off her sandals then seeing as how warm it was that night he pulled down her covers and placed her into the bed and pulled a thin white sheet up to her chin. As he was pulling his hand back it was suddenly enclosed in Sakura's smaller hand.
"Don't leave," she whispered as her eyes opened to mere slits as her hands squeezed his slightly.
"Are you sure?" he whispered just a softly as she was still in between asleep and awake.
"Yes, don't leave," she repeated as she tugged on his hand.
"Okay. I won't." He removed her hand from his and laid it next to her on the bed, then turned around intending on sleeping on the couch.
"Where are you going?" Sakura sleepily asked, seeing him reach her bedroom door as she sat up in bed.
"The couch, if that's alright with you?"
"Um...okay," she yawned tiredly though she was disappointed that he was going to be sleeping so far from her.
Kakashi heard the disappointment in her voice and sighing in spite of himself he walked back to the bed and after taking his sandals off, slid in next to her under the thin sheet.
"I thought you were sleeping on the couch," Sakura's tired voice asked after a few minutes of silence.
"It seemed like you didn't want me to leave you, so I didn't," Kakashi said as he put his hands behind his head and closed his eye.
"Goodnight Sakura." Kakashi lay in silence on her bed wondering why he had come back to sleep in the same bed with her. He wasn't quite sure if he trusted himself enough to share the same bed with his little cherry blossom.
' cherry blossom,' he thought, speechless to his conscious as the phrase ran over and over through his mind. He was abruptly brought out of his thoughts when he heard Sakura shift on the bed until she was facing him. He was shocked and almost speechless when she draped her arm over his waist and nuzzled against his chest.
"Um...Sakura?" he said with uncertainness as he tried moving her hand from around his waist, but to no success when she just moved the appendage up on his chest.
"Hold me?"
The faintly whispered words reached his ears and his one visible eye opened wider in surprise that she had asked such a request. It was an innocent request but he couldn't but help think some lecherous thoughts of what holding her could turn into. Being sure to put a restraint on his thoughts, he hesitantly removed his hands from behind his head and turning on his side, laid one arm over her waist and the other he folded beneath his head.
After a while of holding Sakura in complete silence, except for the occasional creak of floorboards he started to notice things he hadn't before when she was a Genin. As he moved his hand from under his head to her cheek he noticed how soft her skin was and how full and rosy her lips were. Her long lashes curved down over a brilliant background of cream colored skin that contrasted with her emerald eyes. He noticed that she had grown her hair back out to her waist from when she cut it during the Chunin exams and running his fingers through it just how soft it was.
'Why haven't I noticed before that she had grown into such a beautiful woman?' He asked himself as his hand on her waist traveled up her stomach and then her shoulder that brought a shiver from Sakura. Even from beneath her medic clothes he could feel how soft her skin was and he wondered how it would taste. Sweet? Like Cherries? Now that he thought about these feelings that was evoked in his heart at the mere sight of her it would seem that he was in love with Sakura.
Love? Yes he had thought he had been in love with Rin, his old teammate before the tragedy that ended her life. Yet he had never felt this kind of feeling before when he looked at or felt this sweet cherry blossom that he was currently sharing a bed with.
He shook his head at where his thoughts were headed before he decided that he might as well get some sleep for it was now nearing midnight. Before closing his eye he pulled down his mask and kissed Sakura on the forehead before replacing his mask and pulling Sakura closer to his body. A smile was brought forth to his covered lips as he thought of what he had said to her earlier that day.
'We will finish this later.' Yes tomorrow he would start where he left off for he couldn't wait to feel her lips against his again and the feeling of love that came with it.