Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Versions of the color Red ❯ Mother's day ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto; this is a fan fiction that I have written just for fun.
Enjoy!  -Oh, and Happy Mother's Day! This one is for all the mommies out there!  :D
Rated: T bordering on M (for sexual suggestiveness/theme and vocabulary)
Pairing: KakaSaku
Mother's Day
It was Sunday- Mothers day.
She groaned, not wanting to get up no matter how good the food smelled. Sakura heard the door creak open, the light from the hallway illuminating her husbands' silvery mane.
She felt the bed next to her dip with his weight as he sat down next to her prone form on the bed- her 'still trying to play dead to the world' form.
"Wake up, wake up, oh wondrous wife of mine." He cooed at her. She really despised how he could be so cheery in the god awful morning.
"Come come now, I know you're awake. Don't you want your breakfast?"
Sakura groaned and turned her head in his direction; eyes narrowing at his cheerful eye crease and damnable mask.
 'He could have at least left that damn thing OFF for me on Mother's day' she grumbled inwardly.
"The kids and I made breakfast for you today- it's your favorite; chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whipped creeeeaaaammm" he sing-songed at her.
Sakura immediately sat up and eyed the trap in his hands. She eyed the solid green Tupperware cup that gave no inclination to its contents.
"And chocolate milk?" She asked, eyeing him warily, not wanting him to treat her like a kid- like he does their kids (She's his wife, for Gods sakes!)
He chuckled at her apprehensive face.
"Maa, unfortunately it's champagne. If I had known you'd want chocolate milk I would have-" He didn't get to finish his teasing sentence as she practically leaped towards the tray for the glass.
He laughed openly at her antics, and even though she hates it when he laughs at her, she can't help but love the sound of his laugh. The timber of his voice as it rumbles deep in his chest before spilling out of his mouth.
Her 9 year old son (and soon to be 10, he kept reminding them), she realized- for probably the nth time too- was so much like his father with his shock of silver hair (except he has her bright green eyes), and his voice already beginning to go through the embarrassing change of puberty to sound similarly deep like his (of course, their daughter- just turned 7- had silver hair and green eyes too, but her genius took after her father mostly. After all, she graduated from the Academy at 5, a whole year younger than he had).
That's when she realized, their house was quite silent, for being the proud living quarters of the rambunctious Hatake family.
As Kakashi set the tray across her lap her hand automatically went for the fork as she strained to hear any sounds coming from the rest of the house.
She looked at him, with a raised eyebrow, trying to silently ask the question nagging in her mind without having to stop the shoveling motions of her fork towards her mouth.
He smirked at her "I hope your breakfast isn't too sweet for you- I want you to have room for your dessert" His voice become more suggestive with the dangerous dip of his tone.
Sakura blushed, hoping to God the kids were NOT able to hear that- where ever they may be.
"And to answer your unasked question, I sent the kids over to Uncle Naruto's for the afternoon, to help him with the soon-to-be-mommy Hinata's Mother's day brunch idea he had."
Yanking down his mask Kakashi paused in the door way to look over his shoulder at her- his scantily clad kunoichi.
His rogue-ish smile turning her insides to jelly (damn, even after almost 10 years of sex-filled marriage that look still weakens the knees!) before the timber of his voice reached her ear as he continued speaking.
"Also, they're not supposed to be back until two thirty." he finished as he sauntered out towards the stairs and the living room.
Sakura's heart skipped a beat as she frantically slid the tray off her lap and turned towards their alarm clock (although, she was really the only one who uses it).
`How much time does that give'-
The red digital numbers of the clock glared out at her; the numbers 10:23 AM blazingly bright to her eyes.
She squealed and shot straight out of bed in her comfy forest green cotton nightie after her lanky jounin's navy blue form, leaving the half-eaten- and-thoughtful breakfast him and their children made lonely and destined to get cold on their bed.
'Breakfast in bed is nice' she thought as she jumped the steps two at a time, only to be met by a hungry copy nin awaiting to pounce on her at the bottom 'but it's been too damn long since I've gotten to have him in bed'
She giggled at the thought, only to have it bloom into full-out laughter as her loving husband caught her in his arms and swung her around, only to press her back against the wall near the end of the stairs.
`OH yes,' Sakura mused as Kakashi began to trail kisses down her neck 'He is definitely one loving husband' (she couldn't help but giggle outwardly at her last though as his want- his need for her pressed against her inner thigh) 'And definitely a horny one.'
"Happy Mother's day, Sakura" Kakashi whispered in her ear between his nips and love bites.
Oh, it was DEFINITELY a happy Mother's day for her, indeed....