Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wake Me Up Inside ❯ Bloody Wings ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wake Me Up Inside - Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but Kit.


Sakura and Kit walked hurriedly along, wanting to reach Konoha as soon as possible as they were both kind of freaked out. Sakura looked over at Kit, and then saw something in Kit's eyes. It was sadness. Sakura frowned. `Why would Kit be sad?' She stopped, and Kit didn't even notice. "Kit!" she called.

Kit snapped out of some sort of daze and walked back to Sakura. `I didn't even notice her stop!' Sakura placed a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong? You know you can tell me."

Kit was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"You're sad." Kit sighed, and didn't say anything. "Want to talk about it? While we walk, that is." Sakura said.

Kit started walking; Sakura followed. "It's Itachi."

"What about him?" Sakura asked. Her look darkened. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, no, no." Kit said frantically. "I - I love him." She bit her lip and stared down at the ground, awaiting Sakura's response.

"You - what?"

"I love him." Kit said, a little quieter that time.

Sakura didn't answer, and Kit feared she disapproved. "Well, you can't really stop love." Sakura said. She frowned. "You do know Sasuke-kun is after him for revenge."

Kit smiled grimly. "Yeah. But I quote, `You can't really stop love'" she said.

Sakura laughed, and Kit even managed a smile, although she was hurting inside. `Sasuke is going to kill him? What did Itachi do? And can Sasuke really kill Itachi?' She shook her head. Sakura suddenly gasped. "Look out, Kit!"

Kit didn't have time to dodge the flying kunai, but she managed to twist away and the silver knife embedded itself in her arm. She bit her lip in an effort not to scream, and then pulled it out, wincing. A haunting, familiar, snakelike voice floated to her ears from the trees. "My dear Kit... So we meet again."

"Who are you?" Kit demanded.

"You should know that.."

Sakura grabbed Kit's uninjured arm. "Let's GO!" she hissed, and took off running, dragging Kit behind her. Kit ran after Sakura, but it was no use. A foot connected right between her shoulder blades, and Kit fell to the ground, her head cracking on a rock. Before she lost consciousness, she saw Sakura lying on the ground, and a pale, smirking face over her.



Sakura woke up on the forest floor, and looked around. `Where am I?' She got up and groaned. All the memories came back to her, and she gasped. `Kit! I need help! Orochimaru's going to kill her! I can just go to Konoha; it shouldn't be far from here. But.. Itachi.. Itachi can help.' Sakura ran off in the direction of Akatsuki headquarters. Well, one of the Akatsuki headquarters.

Soon she arrived there. She slipped in, and stayed in the shadows. Everywhere she looked, men were drinking and gambling. Sakura edged along the shadows, and thought she was home free until - the cold blade of a kunai pressed against her throat and an arm wrapped around her mouth. She struggled, but stopped when she felt the blade cut her skin. She was dragged into a room, and then the hand was removed. "Sakura, was it?"

Sakura smiled. `Itachi!' "Itachi-sama!" Itachi frowned slightly, and the girl ranted on. "Orochimaru kidnapped Kit! You ha-" she was cut off by Itachi pressing the kunai to her neck farther.

"Where is she, woman?" Itachi demanded.

"I don't know! I was knocked out and then when I woke up they were both gone!"

Itachi removed the kunai from Sakura's neck, and as fast as it appeared, it disappeared in his sleeve. He turned to her. "Can you run fast?"


Itachi and Sakura ran through the forest. Sakura knew Itachi could run much faster than he was now, but he needed her to show him where Kit disappeared. Soon they arrived, having wasted no time and Sakura being half-dragged by Itachi. Itachi stopped. `I sense his chakra. And Kit's, too..' He looked at Sakura, and then ran off in the direction the chakra had gone.


Kit woke up to see a small cave and a man - Orochimaru standing at her from the side of the cave. She tried to get up, but sank to her knees, not only from the after-effects of being knocked out, but also from her large wings, which had grown back, obviously when she was out.

"So, my precious angel, are you ready?" Orochimaru asked.

"Ready? What the hell are you babbling about now?" Kit asked, holding her pounding head.

"To be my new body." Orochimaru said.

"Well you're very blunt. And no, I'm not ready." Kit shot back.

Orochimaru smiled and pulled out a kunai. "Oh, but I think you are."


Itachi came to a small cave, where two strong chakras were together. One was angry, and one was cool, calm, and smug. The latter was most definitely Orochimaru. Itachi slipped in, but he stopped when he saw Orchimaru holding a kunai above Kit, who was shaking. A cut was on each of her wings, and they were surprisedly bleeding. `Wings are made of feathers. At least, Kit's were. And feathers don't bleed'


Kit couldn't take the pain anymore. Orochimaru had cut her wings, and for some odd reason they were bleeding. Perhaps they were connected to her, after all, she could feel the pain from her wings. She lifted shaking hands, and then fell on her hands and knees. Kit coughed, and blood flew out, splattering the cool rock. She lifted her head to see Orochimaru reaching a hand towards her. She blacked out before his hand even reached her.


AN: That chapter was longer to make up for the crappy previous chapters. I have about ten or so more chapters to go, and then it's done. It's moving a little slow, and probably will continue to. Thanks to all of you who reviewed, and to those of you who haven't, please review! ^____^