Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ World Collision ❯ Savior ( Chapter 37 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay, here's the last one for the night! Marathon has ended! (Aww man!) Ya, like its 11PM now so… I need to go nighty night now before I regret it in the morning!
Jessica dozed off for what felt like seconds before finding the man was now cutting her from her bondage. How long had she been sitting there? What time was it? It was still raining just as hard as it was before if not harder, but it was even darker than it was before as well. “Go,” he commanded as he pointed downhill to Jessica's right. After pausing for a moment, she then scrambled to her feet.
“You're an angel, aren't you?” She asked meekly as she bowed her head slightly. Looking back up, the man just gave a slight smile before looking in the direction he wanted her to go in. After a moment of standing in silence, she then quickly walked off in the direction the man had pointed in. Jessica's heart then filled with bubbling excitement. Was this really happening to her of all people? Had God just freed her from that situation she felt so hopeless in? As she laughed a bit out of joy, she then suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs as she slid down the wet hill on the back of her heels. It only took seconds before she heard the men rouse in their tent at the sound of it.
“Hey, where's the girl?” She heard one shout. Panicking, she then tried standing to her feet but found that her legs were all beaten up. Both of her legs, somewhere on each, were oozing a hot, sticky liquid that ran off of her legs with the trails of water that were constantly forming on them. She guessed as much that a loose tree root must have done the deed. Feeling a bit hazy, she shook her head and tried pushing the wound towards the back of her mind. She then slapped herself mentally for being so careless. There she was, given the ticket of freedom, and she messed up within a minute! She had gotten a good start from falling a good forty feet from the level she was at before, but it wouldn't be long before the men would find her. Standing to her feet, she then wobbled as fast as she could on her wooden sandals.
Lights were then seen amongst the darkness from near by. It was clear to her that they were settled on getting her, no matter what. Would they ever give up? Were they that desperate to have her? It didn't make much sense in her mind, but what did make sense was that she couldn't just continue walking around in the shoes she was wearing. For each step she took, the shoes would sink entirely in the muddy earth beneath her, making it all the harder to move at a fast pace. She then groaned out of agony at the realization that her bag was still at the men's campsite. She then resulted in believing that they must have taken it from her after making her pass out. What was she to do then? Without any other pairs of shoes, her feet would only hurt even more than they did with the other shoes on.
“There she is!” One shouted as he pointed at the girl. Turning to look behind her, Jessica found that four men, only two in whom she recognized, were now making their way down the hill slowly but surely. Quickly, she then picked up her sandals, and ran down the narrow pathway-like area to her left. “Lord, get me out of this; please get me out of this!” She prayed desperately as she rolled up her water-heavy skirt as much as she could. Turning back to look again, she yet again regretted it. As her foot dug into the face of a sharp rock, she cried out in pain as she twisted around and began to tumble down the hill even farther than before. Looking her grip on her shoes, they flew up into the air and tumbled for a short way for a bit before resting in an unknown place to her. As her body continued to roll down the descending hill, she gagged as her body was forced to almost completely fold in half when she came to a stop. She felt as if her stomach had been jammed up her throat now, as she found it harder to breath. She felt blood now trickling down her face and arms, along with her legs. Besides that, she dreaded all of the bruises even more. As she tried sitting up, she found herself only falling back again. Everything had happened so fast, that she couldn't tell whether she was awake or dreaming it all up. Could this be the end for her? Would she die out in the cold forest from starvation or infected wounds, or would the men find her and decide her fate? As she coughed a bit, she then turned her head as she closed her eyes softly. “Lord, this is really not how I pictured my death… But I guess you preferred to take me home then to let those cruel men have their way with me. I know this mortal body is only a stepping stone in my existence… But now that it has come down to it, I don't want to die. I'm not ready to die Lord, I'm afraid to die!” She prayed silently as she slowly took in a breath of air.
She let out a weak cry of agony as she heard the sound of footsteps near by. As tears then trailed her face that felt as if it had its own heart beating under its skin, she tried opening her eyes that blurred a great deal. She tried readying herself for the pain that was to come, but found that she was met with something entirely different.
“What have you done to yourself, hnm?” She heard a concerned voice ask as Jessica found herself, instead of being mocked or kicked, being gently being picked up by warm, strong arms. As she fought on keeping her eyes open, she started to make out the familiar face the cradled over her.
“Deidara-sama,” she said sobbed as tears started to pour down her face about just as hard as the rain was. The man then rapped her in the extra material of his sleeves and held her close to himself before quickly carrying her off in another direction. As warmth slowly returned to her bitter body, she rested her head against his chest as she slid her eyes close again with the feeling of security rushing over all of her features. “Thank you Lord… Thank you,” she prayed happily as she lightly gripped the soft black and red material in her hands.